I'm gonna go ahead and say this is Yea Forums approved

I'm gonna go ahead and say this is Yea Forums approved.

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can't be, Yea Forums has shit taste

Bill Hader is probably the best writer in Hollywood, and has heen for years. His talents were wasted at SNL.

I like this show. It's good to see Bill Hader branch out to dramatic acting, but retains his comic timing. This show is basically Dexter 2.0.

Yeah this show is fucking wonderful. They know how to ramp the tension in a way I may have never seen before, while still keeping the style fresh and interesting. Really nice to have a show to look forward to every week, it's been years since I've felt that way.

-deep grumbly inhale, puts on southern accent-
located off 14th and main, this hot confetti bowl of a salad mixer is THE hottest place to be right now if you ARE anyone or KNOW anyone.

for 2 more weeks lol

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first season was great. Second season is trash. It's Rick and Morty 2

Don't remind me. I'm glad the seasons are short though, makes it really dense and impactful.

I predict that Sally's agent will try to produce her abuse scene into a show or something, which will cause the abusive ex to show up again, and Barry will kill him. I also think Barry will have to decide between killing Fuches and Cousineau, possibly both if Cousineau finds out about Moss's death. As far as Hank, I have no idea what the fuck is gonna happen with that.

It's crap.
Everything on hobo is crap.
>bruh...military...lmafo...I'm a super killer hero.

Each episode gets worse. It will get more popular because of that, since a lot of retards eat up the pandering, fan service, instead of following the original premises. I gets stuck on its own hype like 90% of series nowadays. They started shilling NoHo Hank harder because of an original hype (I liked the character too) but it's already too much, soon to be unbearable.
A shame really because I like Bill Hader in this a lot. But the quiptards that pick a character as their phone wallpaper will ruin it for the rest of us. I don't blame them for going in that direction.

I dropped this show pretty early in season 2. I was watching one of the episodes and it just suddenly hit me that I was allowing myself to be a victim of psychological warfare. Between this, Punisher on Netflix, and many other shows like it, hollywood seems to have a very strong desire to push the message that fighting in a war breaks you as a human being. Your mind, soul, conscience, whatever, will just never be okay because you fought for your country and killed people in the process.

It's a message specifically designed to make people more docile. Killing a person, even for a good reason, will destroy you forever, so don't do it. Don't be a hero. If you see a monster, just run and hide but definitely don't shoot him or you'll never be able to love your family again.

It's as political and dishonest of a message as any POC or feminist propaganda bullshit that you get in all the other movies.

So I turned it off.

Good post unironically

peak yikes

You should keep watching. Spoiler: Barry is shown to be kind of fucked up regardless. He wasn’t a model soldier.

You don't think this show and others like it have an agenda in the way they portray veterans?


you didn't serve you fat faggot

i dunno man, my grandfather fought for the allies in ww2 and he had some really fucked up ptsd. used to beat my uncles a fair bit and was prone to alcohol fueled fits of rage. he said beating them was a way of toughening them up, otherwise how could they survive the shit that he saw in the war?

i remember when i was super young he told me a story of how he saw a platoon of fellow soldiers playing soccer with a german soldiers head. that kind of shit i can imagine stays with you till the day you die

I may pick it back up again based on that recommendation. Still, this particular (((message))) is now one that I will continue to see in shows and films about vets, and it's one I'm particularly sensitive to, so I won't hesitate to simply turn it off in the future.

This. I find it very hard to believe that any millitary man would have remorse killing some mudshit terrorist

Lol your grandfather was a faggot pussy. My grandpa fought in the eastern front and he never sperged out over muh ptsd. Western "men" are fucking pathetic

I did though you retard

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This hurt my brain trying to figure out what you meant.

How many mudshits you kill?

Faggot yikes poster

my platoon was @ 183 by the end of deployment

About 1 in 5 American vets from Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from PTSD, depression, etc. That's not the majority. And even the ones who do suffer from it may not suffer so severely that it becomes their definition characteristic the way it is for a fictional vet in most tv shows and films.

It is dishonest in that it makes the exception the rule. Like how every group of tv friends has to have a black one and a gay one despite the very real fact that people tend to self-segregate in their social lives. It tries to make the irregular regular. It is misleading you.

I'm not saying war is good or that it makes you a hero. I am saying their representation of it is skewed in order to send a very specific message to you about violence. A message that is not true.

Can you even consider Afghanis to be alive?

Veep is Yea Forums the Show and yet we get no threads about it

Literally everyone that worked a shitty job has ptsd from it. You volunteered for attention and gibs. Get over yourself faggot.

These are me. I didn't serve. That's not the point. It's dishonest television, just as much as when some sci fi show makes a black guy the Elon Musk billionaire type, or any other trope that is so commonplace now it's easy to miss, but is actually a completely fabrication and not representative of the majority of people.

And what do you want them to make it about? A guy who came back ok ordering a turkey sub from a deli after he's done for servicing cell phone towers or some other shit he learned from a GI bill? The entire point of any show or movie is for entertainment and 20% isn't a majority but it's still a significant amount. the show isn't even about politics or PTSD, he's clearly fucked up regardless of being a Marine. Ignoring all that and skewing it to get mad over it's non-existent stance on military service makes you the disingenuous one with an agenda to push.

>implying if the main character of a show is a veteran and not a violent psychopath then it can't possibly have any drama

If the messaging doesn't bother you then that's fine. But for me this is an agenda I've recently noticed them pushing in shows and movies, and in this show it was obvious enough to effect my enjoyment of the show.

So I turned it off. But I honestly don't care if others want to watch it. I don't hate the show. I just stopped enjoying it.

However, like I said above, I will watch another episode or two to see if indeed it lets off the "broken vet" gas pedal as one user above said.

>in this show it was obvious enough to effect my enjoyment of the show
I don't know what to tell you. You literally admit you are projecting but somehow don't realize you're projecting.

Alright guys. I just walked season 2 episode 4 and I'm back in.

wow i didnt know about this tv series. and why is season 2 shit???? is it because s2 have slower pace or just bad screen writing??

>muh broken vets
>it's just like a scifi show making a black person a successful billionaire type

fuck you and fuck the troops. as if the notion that killing someone might damage your mental state is so insulting, but you'll turn around and say WTF THAT NIGGER ISN'T FOAMING AT THE MOUTH, WHY IS THE NIGGER WEARING A SUIT

go die for Israel you subhuman faggot, wanna be soldier cuck nigger

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number of genius black tech billionaires irl < number of genius black tech billionaires on tv

number of perfectly fine vets > number of perfectly find vets on tv



i thought that was michael c hall at first

should I watch this or Happy!?


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this episode was great

Same here. It's funny, I told almost word for word the same fucking thing to a friend two days ago.

I bet you don't serve. Those are the words of a genuine, smug fat cunt.

Dumbass PC Burgers decided to show Chechens as quirky (you’d be considered a faggot if you acted like that) tattooed (you’d be considered a faggot) generic slavs. It’s distracting to the point of being unwatchable.

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Skinny, not fat. But yes. If you've read the thread then you know I didn't.

You're fat in the inside, civilian.


All those things you listed, but you never said I was wrong.

>They started shilling NoHo Hank harder because of an original hype (I liked the character too) but it's already too much, soon to be unbearable.
yeah this. he's a meme now. better in small doses but they're going to fan service the shit out of him in season 3.

I hope he dies next season. He really is too much of a cartoon at this point.

this. my dad doesn't believe in PTSD, (Korea and Nam, Recon Marine), but says the military just sucks at screening people and really doesn't even give a shit. they manipulate a lot of pussies who can't handle war by offering to pay for college, earning respect when they spent their highschool years being shit on, etc.

It's quite likely your grandpa was brain damaged. Not even saying this in a mean way, dude was persumably shelled at and had shit exploding near him for months, and that's a good way to get your brain physically injured without any faggy freudian "muh pent up emotions" explanation.

If you're willing to dig thorugh old episodes Joe Rogan had a dude talking about it like a year go. Resolved or radically improved multiple "PTSD" cases by just ingoring the psych mamobjambo and treating for chronic brain inflammation.

Interesting take. Maybe PTSD is like peanut allergies or autism but for violence. For 300,000 years humans were raised to hunt and kill animals to live and, when necessary, to fight and kill rival tribes. Generations of men who were not properly acclimated to violent death at a young age could react poorly to it when faced with overwhelming amounts of it as a young adult.

Of course, losing a limb or something would fuck anyone up.

True, your brain is just another organ in your body. Damaging it can make it not work right anymore.

The "hero" narrative has been deconstructed long ago and all you are really saying is that you miss ACTUAL 80s Reagan propaganda.

there is a certain mindset that is capable of killing strangers (the enemy), calmly navigating your way through the chaos of war, and coming out mentally unscathed even if you lost a limb. the problem is the military is a business and profits off of young impressionable, sheltered kids who think they're going to become a hero.
they don't screen for that sort of mentality and/or that weak shortcoming. i went through the process and was so goddamn surprised by how little they cared about my state of mind - they cared more about my two tattoos and (light) criminal record because it was about me representing the face of the military as opposed to successfully serving without coming back a suicidal, violent drunk.

What videogame is this?

Fable 2

oh shit, he cracked the code, SHUT IT DOWN

This is a straw man. I never said "war is heroic" or anything like that. I only said that the trope of the PTSD psycho veteran is dishonest and is done with a malicious intent by the writers, or at least with a specific political intent.

How about some vets who are neither cheesy one-liner spouting action heroes nor rageaholic serial killers?

fuches will look into hank for the heroin money and then events will unfold so that barry has to kill a bunch of people

>How about some vets who are neither cheesy one-liner spouting action heroes nor rageaholic serial killers?
So the guy Barry had to kill in season 1?

>This is a straw man.

it's not, it's a pretty fucking accurate assesment

you reek fascism from miles

lol imagine having to do multiple takes of this scene with a girl biting your face haha

thats a good message tho

>the problem is the military is a business and profits off of young impressionable, sheltered kids

I agree, although I do think this is off topic from the PTSD vet trope in cinema. I think most aspects of our government stopped acting in the best interest of the people (and starting acting in their own interest) a long time ago. If they ever even did so in the first place, that is.


Shitty graphics


here's your you, you pathetic dipshit

>waaah reagan propaganda
>waaaah faaascism
Go back to your shithole, tranny

I love the opening title.