White Men And Pedophilia

Why are white men so obsessed and paranoid about pedophilia? Almost every white men is super obsessed with pedophilia and sees pedophilia around every corner and every pizza shop.

Also, left-wing and right-wing white men always accuse each other of being not strong enough against pedophilia. For the left, it's all part of "toxic masculinity rape culture sexualization of underaged girls" etc, while the right sees it all as some sort of Jewish Hollywood conspiracy to normalize pedophilia.

It has reached a point with white men where being attracted to anyone who looks younger than 30 makes you suspicious.

What the fuck is wrong with you people? Is it because white women age like milk and look like 25 once they're 16, and like 35 once they're 25? And you're confused or what? Or is it because white men tend to be pedophiles just like they tend to be school shooters more often?

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Fuck off nigger, you wish you were white.

Just fucking laugh at this shit.

i'm a jew though

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“white” men. How many of them are part of the tribe? Or Hispanic or Arab since they’re “white” in America

Been with my girl for 6 years. Shes 27 but looks younger and people think shes 13. Im 35 and look 40s. Literally everyone probably thinks im a pedo.

Because it gives people a sense of moral superiority.

How do you know OP is a retard? Don't worry, he'll tell you.

>looks 13

uhhhhh is this image true

Well thats objectively false, just look at the Age of Consent laws in white countries vs non-white. Mexico's is 12.

>1995 study by a bunch of jews
Probably not

if she's old enough to bleed, it's not pedophilia

Pooloo copy pasta

I only date 18 year olds that have not graduated high school

>pizza shop

Midwest/Canada pleb detected

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because normal men who are actually involved in their children's lives and care about their kids find pedo's to be disgusting, incurable, predatory scum that deserve painful deaths?

Seems pretty simple, except for you subhumans and pedo apologists.

nothing wrong with being a pedosexual

The left actually has a long tradition of supporting the pedophile movements like NAMBLA.
Also a huge part of their voters in Europe are Muslim pedos.
Only the right wing is antipedo.

White men are simply more evolved.

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Mostly in the face and she's short.

Living the dream


>all that projection
The chart doesn’t even specify race. So blacks, spics, and mudslimes are included

The fact that we shouldn't fuck 5 year olds is the only thing we can get everyone to agree on.

girls objectively peak in aesthetics between 11-14

>muh predators
Most pedos don't do shit with actual kids. They're forced to live their lives hiding their desires in shame.

i agree. make the aoc 10 to clear up confusion

based neoteny poster

Someone just slap that source attribution onto a graph which they made up? The description of that paper is:

>Self-reported and physiological sexual arousal to adult and pedophilic stimuli were examined among 80 men drawn from a community sample of volunteers. Over ¼ of the current subjects self-reported pedophilic interest or exhibited penile arousal to pedophilic stimuli that equalled or exceeded arousal to adult stimuli. The hypothesis that arousal to pedophilic stimuli is a function of general sexual arousability factors was supported in that pedophilic and adult heterosexual arousal were positively correlated, particularly in the physiological data. Subjects who were highly arousable, insofar as they were unable to voluntarily and completely inhibit their sexual arousal, were more sexually aroused by all stimuli than were subjects who were able to inhibit their sexual arousal. Thus, arousal to pedophilic stimuli does not necessarily correspond with pedophilic behavior.

Don't think you'd get a graph like that if only a quarter of their tiny sample of 80 subjects reported sexual feelings for kiddies so I seriously doubt it came from that study. That last sentence alone also pretty much slams whatever point you're trying to make, OP.

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Glad to see only a margunal percentage of men are attracted to girls whose bodies haven't been biologically prepared for sex

reminder to all /pol/ spergs that the bible says nothing about loving little girls.and God since everything was made in God's eye he intentionally made little girls super sexy

No, it just means that some people get horny from looking at young and mature girls as opposed to only one or the other. If anything that suggests that the number of people who have some attraction to prepubescent or pubescent girls is higher than expected.

im attracted to all girls 11 and up

there's nothing remotely attractive about girls pre puberty

>The pink boi actually thinks people wish they were pink and afraid of the sun

The keks


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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

What I was saying is that the paper named on OPs graph has nothing to do with the data presented on it - and that the graph depicted is probably just made up from his own fertile imagination.

daughter/ sp posters are themost enlightened

reminder that god isn't real

i thought that too until i witnessed cunny perfection

Cause it's just part of a bigger growing issue of society's schizophrenic attitude towards sex in general

Are there actual pedos here

first day kid?

i think so, but that picture doesn't say anything about it

I mean actual ones not the dude instgram lmao ones

maybe a few. by most people's definition I'm a pedophile but I'm not actually a pedophile as I have zero interest in prepubescent girls

>Why are white men so obsessed and paranoid about pedophilia? Almost every white men is super obsessed with pedophilia and sees pedophilia around every corner and every pizza shop.
white men actually care about the safety of their children.

white men
most likely to be pedos
most likely to be cucks
most likely to be trannys

it's race issue.

That's all i needed to know

What a chad.

also white suicide / dog fucking must be investigated

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>by most people's definition
there's only one criteria accepted by the scientific community, common people or retarded journos don't have a saying on who is or isn't a pedo

what does it mean AI/AN, and why are they so prone to killing themselves?

Alaska's indigenous people, who are jointly called Alaska Natives. Not sure about why

Blacks are literally worse in every single of this statistics.
And the burger males who have similar tendencies very probably have black ancestors.

white men are the only people capable of abstracting how bad the future will be. everyone else is just along for the ride

regarding being pedos, that's impossible to know, since there aren't any modern studies on the subject. it's basically forbidden investigating the truth about that subject

Rightists actually are all child molesters, though


>fail attempt to meme

people are absolutely terrified of the idea that girls are extremely horny at 10-12

most of those male "suicides" are actually accidents caused by retarded male habits like driving-fast/getting-drunk/owning-firearms

That's hebe actually u dumb gay tranny pedo


this. rapid growth, aka teenage, in females usually goes from 9 to 13 years old, and stops completely at 17

this. it's perfectly normal to want to gyrate your penis back and forth in the soft mouth of an 11 year old

this would be higher for women if only they could get the cap off

The other studies I saw with much bigger samples said it was a gradient:
>20% of men are attracted to 12 year olds
>40% of men are attracted to 14 year olds
>70% of men are attracted to 16 year olds
>100% of men are attracted to 18 year olds
Then after age 21 it starts decreasing again

I prefer older mummies anyway younger women are under matured
>he doesn't know it keeps going
Hence my juvenile/marco/gigantomastia mummy fetish
If she's not at least a teen she's not getting the peen
Silly pedo enjoy your unripe fruit

blowjobs and rubbing are fine just no penetration

ridiculous. 11 yo girls are clearly the cutest
ridiculous. what's your bullshit source?

gerontophilia is a serious mental disorder. please seek help before you hurt someone's grandma

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Me on the left

Lmao I like oppai lolis oppai mommies oppai whatever stop being gay

that's funny. when I was a kid I was obsessed with milfs now I love cunny. still have love for mommies though

>that Christmas cake cut off

>i'll fuck anything that moves, the post

yeah but there's a spectrum

same. seems to be pretty common
are you a cute little girl? :3

I meant the boy, because I love milfs

Literally me

>reading comprehension
Reminder these are the people you share with in this board.