
Talk to Transformer Edition


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The grieving continues

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I wish you faggots would shut the fuck up about leaks and arguing whose are real and whose aren't. Just watch the show you fucking brainlets. Is it really that difficult to wait a few hours until Sunday night? Are you that autistic? Do you have nothing better to do??

She seems like a real nice lady.

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Holy shit I thought the dos word processor was a meme

There is literally nothing evil about R'hllors' breath of life. Are you not happy to see your loved ones brought back from a premature death in battle?

There he goes, typing away with one finger.

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Wow I never realized how many real ones we've lost so far. Anyone got this pic without the caption and night king?

Promise my sister 20 children Ned

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Melly /ll/ing shireen when


I don't look for leaks, but my guess would be no, they genuinely have nothing better to do, neither do I.

momy momy babby hungy

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>Old Gods
Spawned things that made the Night King.
>Drowned Gods
Works for retarded freeloaders.
>Great Other
Works for dick ass assassins and ice zombies.
Literal blood magic and devil worship. Requires and encourages evil sacrifices. Uses people like pawns.

Meanwhile, name one bad thing the Seven have done. They've done NOTHING wrong.
>N-name a miracle.
If you do everything right, it'll be like you did nothing at all.

N + A = J

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Does no one else realize Wildlings will go right back to kidnapping, raping and murdering Northerners?

Alys Karstark is the greatest rack in Westeros.

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god i wish that were me

no because immigrants are brave, gentle Dreamers searching for a better life

Is he writing using Vim? Mega based.

Rate it

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did that fapfic ever get finished, I'm horny and these cersie/ned fics aren't cutting it.

What impact would that really have on the story? It would change nothing about Jon's character

did you just call those peaceful peoples muslims? that's offensive you know

>requires evil sacrifices
Literally none of R'hllor's real miracles require a sacrifice. Don't conflate run of the mill blood magic like shadowbinding with actual acts of God.

But they contributed to northern society doing the jobs northers won't do like killing the Bolton's.

It means hes the true sword of mourning and a rightful claimant of Dawn
Where is Edric Dayne even at this point?

Can they fix it in 2 episodes?

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Kiss of life


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would you like to share them with the class?


Man 2018 can get fucked. what a shit year.

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>that subtle pantsu peak
This is lewd kino


No, but being in dat ass for 2 episodes could fix my life.


i don't get it neither, they say the show sucks balls and shit on it all day, but they're hyped about it.

mauler and wolf's tier list was garbage as was their reasoning

Khaleesi...come closer
>The horseniggers...the dothraki...I tried to make sure that all of those subhumans died in the charge...
>But *coughs up blood*
>But I think a few may have survived...I'm so sorry Khaleesi...please make sure they are all dead for me
>Please...and the castrated niggers too, please check that none of them are alive...this is my last wish, my Khaleesi...
>The Westerosi Man's burden Khaleesi....
>The natural hierarchy...
*looks at camera*
>the darkies from the summer isles, the shitskins of essos, the chinks from yi ti, it's our duty to send them back across the narrow sea
>And if we can't then they shall dangle from the weirwood tree......
>my queen, we will have every coon in this continent dead or deported by the end of this war and may the old gods decapitate that sheboon Missandei if I'm right
>goodbye Khaleesi.... and may the seven bless the Andals and the first men

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no, we got 3 good, 1 okay, 2 bad and 2 irredeemable trash seasons, two episodes can't change this

No just get drunk and watch the dumpsters fire.

>implying their going to even try

get hype for full shipwreck bros

>Your Grace...

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All we know about him is that he's not part of Lady Stoneheart's group. He basically ceases to exist after his role as Beric's squire disappears.

In the end, Tywin Lannister did shit gold. Tyrion's murder of Tywin ultimately backfired on him.

Consider for a moment you are Tywin. Your bowels are horribly backed up, on account of Oberyn's noxious poisoning. Your guts stink with rancid shit. You are constipated, and you simply cannot release. Your freak imp son shoots you in the gut with a quarrel. With your last breaths, situated on the privy as you are, you feel your bowels loosen as far as they can in the sweet release of death. Like a flood, your innards empty themselves of a week's worth of poisonous, reeking shit. It is the ultimate expungement to never be rivaled.

His last moments were a bliss.

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This needs a "You are Banned ;_;" shoop

Better Quality.

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Why does Cersei insist that nobody takes her seriously just because she's a woman when Olenna and her Genna Lannister are right fucking there?

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Just like the dothraki , they should fight and wipe each other out.

hey, cast her

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No. Word Star for DOS. He hunt and pecks with two fingers, too. But i'm sure he's a wizard with macros.

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Heard the theory that Oberyn poisoned Twyin before. Is there any meat to it other than Tywin using the shitter?

Would you fuck your entire kingdom up for this?

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1st for Bessie

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I want Melly to rape me

Thoros didn't need to sacrifice people to bring back Beric

Are all Dutch women perfect?

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Dayne > Targaryen

Bran and Gendry and Rickon and Joffrey and Tommen and Jojen and Dickon and Lancel and Loras are so handsome.

>posting on World Star
No wonder he never gets any work done.

have sex

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That's a nice tummy.

When you see it

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there's a special circle in hell for whoever keeps making these end right before the reveal

His corpse putrefies suspiciously rapidly after his death, like it was already rotting from within

They reference a poison called widow's blood that shuts down a man's bowels so he "drowns in his own poisons." Oberyn makes a cryptic threat about Tywin not living forever. Lastly, Tyrion notes how rancid Tywin's shit smells when he dies, plus Tywin's body rots and stinks far faster than most, noticed during his funeral.

>posting on World Star
>No wonder he never gets any work done.
Why isn't his monitor in portrait mode?

dayum who's that bih

God she really let herself go

>If you do everything right, it'll be like you did nothing at all.
unbased and fag-pilled futurama poster

It's a blue board. Ask for the sauce instead

look at the sword in the hbo mothers day cards wtf and she is holding her belly. pregnant and has dark sister? spanish leaks confirmed real

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I looked for you on the catalog.

You heard me right, Khaleesi. Put all of the Dothraki at the front of the army, every single one we have. It might seem like suicide, but I assure you. their arakhs are good enough weapons. I'll lead their charge into the undead horde myself. They shall stop the dead, or die trying.
>Jorah looks directly at the camera
There is a danger to Westeros far greater than the White Walkers or the dead men, and we have a responsibility to protect our lands from those that would ruin them. The knights of old called it "The Andal's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the Westerosi to protect their people. After the battle is over, we cannot allow foreign savages to sow disorder and fear. The Dothraki have always been rapists, thieves, pillagers, murderers... It's our responsibility to civilize them. Alas, we cannot, and so they shall fall in battle or dangle from the weirwood tree. I will see every single Dothraki in this army dead by sunrise, and may the wights tear me to pieces this very night if I'm wrong.

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But being a true born targ would give jon a legit claim to the throne and impact Dany's story. If Ned banged ashara dayne, Jon would still be just a bastard. His mother might as well be a father's daughter. It means nothing to Jon's story

Look closer

Is this his house? Where's his collection of wiener statues?

Actually I am pretty Chad-ish, lots of girls tell me I look like Jake Gyllenhaal. I am even about to start dating the mommy gf of my dreams, she is fucking perfect. Despite all this though, I still want Melly to rape me

Her cheeks? Redder than usual.

wew, took me a moment

>But being a true born targ would give jon a legit claim to the throne and impact Dany's story
Who gives a fuck about Jon's story impacting Dany's story? She already has a rival claimant to the throne in fAegon.

oh man is it that time again

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>when you know they adjusted the entire schedule so this episode would coincide with Mother's Day just like they made sure The Children back in season 4 (tyrion kils tywin) premiered on Father's Day.

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>that filename
>he's clearly wearing boiled leather armor

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If I was a 16 year old boy yes. 100% Especially after looking at the Freys and not knowing that a hot one existed. If I had just won two landslide battles and had Jamie lannister captive 200% yes.

probably not "all" but many are quite beautiful and demure

nth for Stannis

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That blackfire fucking shit is just a side show

What am I looking at?

>You heard me right, Khaleesi. Put all of the Dothraki at the front of the army, every single one we have. It might seem like suicide, but I assure you. their arakhs are good enough weapons.
Seriously what the fuck was with this. The sword has some reach I guess but it hardly seems like an ideal weapon. The ideal weapon for a cavalry change has already been invented; it's called a lance, and we saw a bunch of them at the KL tourney and I think the Knights of the Vale carried them.

I read too much historical fiction; my autism was seriously triggered by this shitshow of a charge. The cavalry charge is one of the baddest motherfucking moves ever and they botched it hard.

That image came out may 1st, which is before the spanish "leak". Leaker obviously found it, incorporated it into their "leak"

thats not her bad pussy is it?

That's a big dragon she's hiding.

ring a ding ding baby

well damn you’re no fun

yes the thing that the masters of whispers Varys has been plotting with the most powerful man in Essos for five books is just a sideshow, brilliant take

did GRRM sabotage the show by giving D&D some dumb ideas about the ending or did they come up with them al on their own?

I've skimmed past this so many times.
Is it actually any good?

Because fAegon is a blackfye and Jon being a Targ means that literally his entire life, including the reason he took the black, was built on a lie

This is last generation of actual dutch women. Too bad about that migrant crisis

If he did that’d be pretty hilarious

i just finished a storm of swords, i don't get it, why do people hate the books?

Is Emilia trying to go for full fridge mode?

Honestly not too bad. Now if I squint she looks like season 1 again in the face

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Why is Roose rated so low?

Walton, remove one of this man's fingers, skin first. I will not permit such insolence on my board.

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I was not there. Woe to OP if I had been, or this thread would lay beneath the archive.

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she's old, but her cunt isn't sagging that low yet. It's just her mid-thigh and a crease in the fabric.

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Move Euron down to E.
Move Lysa up to C.
Either move Greyworm to F or Missandei to E, they're equally boring.
Move Davos up to A.
Move Roose up to C, on par with Dilane Stannis, at the least.
Put Salladhor Saan on the list and in Hodor Tier.
Move Mother of Bad Pussy down to E or D.
All of F is basically wasted potential or boring, rather than actively bad characters, besides the witch, no idea why she's on here.
Move Sparrow down to C just because the church plot was fucking retarded and it never seemed like he was orchestrating everything, even though the show tried to tell you he was.

>spanish leaks confirmed real
Fuck off you annoying cunt. Are you by a chance that spanish fangirl upset because your Danny is going to be triggered by bells?

Whats the criteria?
Intelligence, performance, how much you like that particular character?

Whats the fucking context

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sauce cunt, sauce

would laugh if GRRM changed it to this because everyone thought that R+L=J was obvious, even back when the first book came out and then the show revealed it just to be a dick

>and Jon being a Targ means that literally his entire life, including the reason he took the black, was built on a lie
why would that be a good thing?

>For a man on horseback, a curved blade is a good thing, a good weapon for a dothrakahn. But a man in full plate.....the arakh won't get through the steel.

>That is where the broadsword has the advantage, designed for piercing plate....

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please. provide me with your fangirl fic proof


Rating was akin to
>Character Interest + Actor Skill + Plot Relevance - Wasted Potential - Character Ruining in Later Seasons

>Greyworm to F
He just got shafted due to the Missandei romance. His character is actually pretty interesting if he were allowed to speak to anyone other than miss sunday.

because they're showfags and sunk cost fallacy so the books must such so they show sucks less hard

Because it makes for compelling drama and adds further intersectionality to several other plotlines?
Trying graduating 8th grade Dabid, you might get it then

>designed for piercing plate

>Actor Skill
This is a fucking meme, stop rating acting performances in high budget productions based on individual skill, it's a balancing act of 50 other things.

>"The Seven Kingdoms"
>There are actually 9
What did they mean by this??

designed to have the capacity, not designed primarily for that purpose

Showfag here, should I read the books? I don't want to be left with unfinished shit because le fat man dies before they're done though

I seriously don't get these fanfictions
a "modern adaption" type shit they're no longer the same characters in the same world what the fuck is the point?


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sweet robin will win sansabowl

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>i just finished a storm of swords, i don't get it, why do people hate the books?
because he stopped writing them, apparently. But it's not until the next book that it really starts to go off the rails. Brienne is boring and I personally find Dorne to be uninteresting, but a lot of bookfags disagree. You might like it. But regardless, it's Feast and Dance where he splits the narrative into two separate books and there's just a shit load of filler that should have been trimmed. He fired his previous editor, which is why.

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Whichever person(s) approved the Quentyn storyline should be shot. Total waste of fucking time, in a series that is trying to wrap itself up in 2 books

There were seven when Aegon I conquered them. The Riverlands had surrendered to the Ironborn. The Crownlands counted as riverlands or stormlands until they got added to Aegon's personal domain, which prior to that was just Dragonstone and the surrounding islands, hardly a kingdom.

Feast has the Kingsmoot dunnit?

Dabid in the back always makes me laugh

>Because it makes for compelling drama
it really doesn't. the books aren't in a place like the show where there would be tension and intrigue if Jon was suddenly revealed to be a Targ. he's bleeding out in the North about a thousand miles from anyone who would care that his parents are different than anyone expected. who's going to champion Jon's cause as heir to the Iron Throne? how does Jon being a Targ help him combat the White Walkers or make peace between the wildlings and the northerners? how long would it take in-book time for that nugget of info to be revealed to him anyway? who's going to tell him?

Oberyn was a real one

Book Dorne is so much more fun.

>swords as primary weapons

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raimi directed a scene in got? thats pretty cool

Are you saying that an actor's skill is dictated 100% by every other facet of production?

Leaks are real but missing a key scene
Dany will "die"
Drogon flies off with her
Jon will "take the black" / live North of the wall
Council for a king
As episode 6 goes off Dany and Jon will be revealed living together, with their baby. Everyone will be shocked as they wanted. Drogon and Ghost will be there too.

Screen cap this

Fine, here

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yes. based Damphair


the fangirl deleted her reddit account after those "leaks" contradicts almost the other leakers

Many other facets of production have a huge effect on what we see on screen, compared to what you would see if you asked the actor to audition.

you stole this from TDKR

What's worse:
Naming your daughter Khaleesi, meaning, "whore of the horse warlord"
or naming your daughter Aerith, a Japanese-ism of the word "Earth"?

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>Book Dorne is so much more fun.
sure, if you like starting new stories in the middle of the not-likely-to-be-finished story you're already reading.

Absolutely not since I know nobles can fuck hot bitches at any time of day wherever they are

dovahkiin is still the worst

>be faced with invasion of ice demons with ice magic
>keep them out with a giant wall made out of ice
what did Bran the Builder mean by this

Having a daughter at all.

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>Tfw those pointless Tyrion and Bran scenes were just lampshading for when Tyrion suggests Bran as king

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My Queen!

>why do people hate the books?
Keep reading and you'll understand. Not saying you'll hate it too, but you'll understand why some people consider the later books to be "boring".

And I do. It's a fantasy epic and I thought splitting the books was a great idea and looked forward to seeing something similar for the show.

unironically based

>or naming your daughter Aerith, a Japanese-ism of the word "Earth"?
are you retarded?

I never wanted Dany to win, but what D&D have done to her is just shameful

>Local Bully Not So Tough Since Being Molested

Maybe the wall wasn't to keep them out but to keep us in?

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>why do people hate the books?
Do many people hold this opinion?

Only plebs with IQs too low to understand Feast

He's right though, Aerith is named that because they wanted her name to sound like Earth.

no. he's confusing people hating GRRM for not finishing them / readers regretting being committed / and general bullying of bookfags for hatred towards the books themselves, which doesn't really exist (unless you just dont like fantasy)

>your Danny is going to be triggered by bells?

Can anyone who's seen the episode 5 leak explain why it's bell that make Dany kill people?

If I shouldn't like the fourth book because the series isn't finished, should I also dislike the first book because the series isn't finished?

you fucking brainlet

>implying Jon wont use some secret wight magic Bran teaches him to bring back his waifu
Dany will the frozen throne instead of the iron throne

way to miss the point

I liked Brienne's chapters the most, besides maybe Cersei's and Jaime's, learning about the common people of Westeros was fun.

no, they wanted her named to be a near-anagram of Earth when romanized. in what fucking universe does "Aerisu" sound like "Earth"?

The general consensus is that Dany isn't triggered by bells, but the bells are going off when Dany looses it.

If the gods really gave a fuck, he would be the heir to the throne

>son of an actual alpha male
>puts his life in the line of duty
>strong sense of righteousness
>doesn't believe in petty revenge or "getting back at people" with mindgames and torture

>"buh-but he pushed a kid off a window"
He was doing the boy a favor, fuck living in westeros

>"bu-but he fucked his sister"
You would to.

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Jamie fucking his sister is actually his number one qualification for the throne, that's some true Targ shit

when was the last time that Tyrion did something that wasn't retarded?

>You would to

I don't think I would

I personally don't think Feast and Dance are bad. Don't misunderstand. They're just flawed in ways that the first three aren't, and those parts stick out to me the most, but reasonable people disagree. The latter books suffered from poor editing, though. Of people that had problems with them, that seems to be the common complaint.

Eeaartooooo there is hammmburgueruu for dinneruu

It does in nip. They can't into dental fricative.

Battle of the Braapwater.

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If you sound like a nip then ea-ri-su kinda does.

official power ranking
> Night Queen Dany
> Mad Queen Dany
> Dany
> Stannis
> Sweetrobin
>everyone else

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when he killed shoe

I don't like Night Queen Dany because it means Dany will have to get hurt first and I don't ever want that.

a lot of people dislike Martin's atrocious prose. They're not wrong for doing so - ASOIAF is honestly lowbrow.


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>Jon can't marry Dany because people in the north wouldn't like it

Who the fuck cares? Between the Night King and the civil war, most northern are dead

no, it really doesn't. if you were going to write "Earth" in kana, it would come out something like アース, which would be romanized as "A~su". "エアリス" translates to Aerisu, which is a very different first syllable than how they would write the Ea in Earth.



how do you write, "have sex" in kana? idiot

I see, user, thank you for the correction, but also

they were hiding
behind a rock




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Sunset found her...

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What's the dog from?

Who, wouldn't like it, Sansa?

Marrying Jon is literally the only way Dany could ever rule the entire kingdom, even if he wasn't a Targaryen, they should have been married a long time ago

During the Usurper's Rebellion, Dany had sought to prove herself.

The Usurper himself had been gravely injured in the Battle of Ashford against Randyll Tarly. He took refuge in the town of Stoney Sept while his wounds were tended to, planning to meet with his friend and ally Eddard Stark.

Dany occupied Stoney Sept and commanded her soldiers to seek out and capture the Usurper. The townspeople hid the Usurper while his forces fought Dany's in the streets.

At the beginning of the battle, the Sept began ringing its bells to warn the townspeople of the imminent danger. Dany pursued the Usurper while the bells tolled. House after house, toll after toll, Dany pursued only for the Usurper to escape her.

Lords Stark and Tully marched on Stoney Sept and defeated Dany's forces. Dany left defeated and disgraced, paving the way for the Usurper to murder her beloved Rhaegar. She carries her regret with her each day, while in her mind the bells still toll.

oh wait nvm wrong character

Bells are very loud and provide too much stimulation for Dany. She's on the spectrum.

I was in that thread too, user

Pre-season 5


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Apparently Dany's whole character revolves around being a special Targaryen snowflake, and the existence of another Targ is not cause for celebration.

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Why was Dany even in a rush? She could have just fucked off in Essos for years building an army and letting her Dragons grow. Imagine if she came to Westeros with 3 dragons the size of Aegon the conquers dragons. Literally nothing could have stopped her expect for many the Dragons rejecting her for Aegon reborn aka Jon Snow

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That's not my king.

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>Negative, I have the gun. Good luck, Your Grace.

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>can't aim down

Only the males

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It would've taken those dragons at least 50 years to get to the size of the smallest of the dragons Aegon and his sisters had.

>Dragons rejecting her for Aegon reborn aka Jon Snow
That's not how dragons work. One dragon to one rider. at most if jon ever got a chance to get close to one and climb on top he could tame it but now he's just be one rider against Dany who I would hope by then would be a better rider and would kill Jon easy enough.



>just wait for her dragons to be the size of Aegon the conqueror's dragons
so just wait 70-80 years? balerion was 126 lmfao.

Also she would have to feed her fucking armies and lose more and more to the attrition of Slaver's Bay attacking her.

Based retard

I have a hard time believing Jon would kill Dany unless she was frothing at the mouth BUrN tHeM aLL nuts, like Aerys.

>why was dany even in a rush?

Maybe she wanted to invade before they could recover from the enormous civil war? Just a thought

Is Qyburn with unlimited budget and prep-time unironically the most powerful threat in Westeros?

I have a hard time the white walkers where comic relief villain, but here we are.

>In a rush

Christ I wish she had been in a rush, FUCK MEEREEN


There are three ways you can kill Cersei:

* Jaimie goes in and kills her
* Arya goes in and kills her
* dany goes in with her dragon and burns the red keep to the ground

None of these options are being considered.

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since he finally came to terms with having to kill his sister, but he doesnt have the balls (lol)

okay m8. why don't you fuck off back to twitch and watch some KINO thots you dumb pay piggy

>Rhaegal gets BTFO by Euron with scorpion bolts
>The next episode Dany will BTFO King's Landing, probably ignoring hundreds of scorpion bolts.

I don't understand why they had Rhaegal go down like such a jobber, it makes the dragons look weak and now it'll feel weird when Dany flies around fucking shit up because we just established that these things can be taken out pretty easily.

>the universe where Dany goes to pentos instead of slavers bay, marries fAegon and gives him a dragon and they take the iron throne halfway through ASoS
thank god for ck2got mod

>completely loyal
>creates super science
>knows necromancy
>capable of negotiating for you anywhere
>comes from season 2 after being tortured by mountain
Why do they torture us with trash characters on screen when they have such interesting people standing right over there on the side lines? I bet most people don't even remember he was introduced in season 2.

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She doesn't have to wait 70 years, but her dragons are what? 3 or 4? Even a 10 year old dragon would be enough to decimate most of westerosi forces. All she has to do is wait until spears and ballista rounds can't hurt her dragons.

What if Jon adopted Drogon after killing Dany?

Why didn't Connington find Viserys and set Daenerys up with fAegon, and skip the Dothraki and Slaver's Bay nonsense?

>I bet most people don't even remember he was introduced in season 2.
can you blame them? he was a non entity until the s6 finale

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I know Yea Forums loves to meme about Stannis, but imagine how much better the show would be if Stannis survived.
>Stannis is the one known person with a claim to the throne, still places Jon as "king of the north"
>Daenerys has to marry Stannis but falls in love with Jon
>Daeneyrs tries to hide her love for Jon from Stannis and Melisandre
>Jon finds out who he is
>Jon doesn't want the throne and tries to prevent Stannis from knowing, Daenerys wants to kill Stannis so she can marry Jon and use his claim instead of Stannis's
>Tyrion, Varys, an alive Lititlefinger, Davos, and Sansa all scrambling tyring to figure out what the fuck to do
>Stannis eventually finds out
>has Melisandre kill Jon either to use magic on the ice dragon, the Night King, or Cersei
>remaining Starks BTFO, Sansa is forced to bend the knee to survive
>Daenerys stuck with marrying Stannis or dying, has to deal with Stannis using Melisandre as his fuck buddy
>she finally fucks Jorah in revenge, but they don't care because they know it's a loveless marriage
GoT always thrived when there were lots of different factions competing with each other. By the end of S7, there were only two factions left, which made the show go into retarded forced drama about "but she's my aunt!"

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The ceiling collapses on her and Jaime as they hold each other. Consider your expectation subverted

CGI for two dragons is expensive and they wanted to make Dany get more emotional and "mad" all while making Cersei seem like a threat. And now that you're expecting the ballistas to be a threat, they've subverted your expectations by having Drogon evade and burn all of them

Was he left there with fake wounds to spy on the northerners or did he low-level poison himself to slow his heart so he didn't bleed out

don't forget he worked for the boltons
absolutely based

Because george only came up with fAegon after he'd published Clash of Kings

>comes from season 2 after being tortured by mountain
>made the mountain into a mute Frankenstein's monster

>the universe where Darkstar fucks and child murders his way through the royalty of dorne until he sets it (and the stepstones) up as his own independent kingdom
truly based mod

I mostly started actually noticing him when he introduced zombie mountain and when he had the kids kill pycelle. Before that he just looked like a background extra

>tries to tame Drogon
>drogon eats him
It would definitely be entertaining

I wouldn't mind my expectations being subverted that way, honestly.

There's about a 130% chance that drogon is dying before the end of the series.

Because they needed the Dothraki army, Golden Company can't conquer alone and Viserys woudn't immediately try to support fAegon

Where the fuck is ellaria sand?

>mfw this bot will provide a better conclusion for asoiaf than gurm or d&d

>Joffrey playthrough
>Margaery gets pregnant after you marry her
>She has a son
>It's black
Onions mod

>Golden Company can't conquer alone

>jon kinda forgot that dragons have to eat

Same place as Edmure Tully, in a quantum superposition. Both there and not there. Completely forgotten even by Daenerys even though she could've asked for her at the dragonpit so they could march the Dornish army, but we can't assume death

rotting in a dungeon

wait... pussies dont look like that

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margaery is blacked irl though

Dany doesn't get dragons without killing Drogo and cremating him alongside Mirri

>not a trap
well I'm out

We took them for granted user. Pay your respects

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How did the writing on this show become such garbage?

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>putting pussy on such a pedestal he worships it as a god
what a simp

We are dead and this is Hell, also known as Home Alone

Jaime is an add dyslexic retard not king material

Salladhor Saan ends up on the iron throne.

>better yet a queen's legs
Clout, money, power and pussy.

D&D realized they had to rush to finish and that the ending George came up with back in the early 90s doesn't quite fit where his gardener style of writing led the characters.

>women being better than a man at anything

he cute

If she looked just like you but female and hot you would, don't lie bro, you'd fuck your sister XDD FUCK YOUR FAMILY, WHITE MAN, DON'T SPREAD YOUR SEED TO VIABLE WHITE WOMEN WHO AREN'T RELATED TO YOU


>Word Star for DOS
What a super autist, bless him.

having sex

they didn't "have" to finish. They chose for it to be this short. HBO gave them a blank check and infinite time. This is all by D&D's design.

crabclaw isle was kino

Wait so if the spoilers are true, how exactly does dany destroy kings landing in a one sided battle?
It really looks like she is completely out matched unless the golden company betrays cersei or something

Did they really rush it for the Star Wars bucks?

George used to write for them but didn't have time because he was "finishing" the "books"

With GoT being a culteral sensation D&D have dozens of high paying offers and they want to do those instead, but they're to insecure to hand it over to someone else because they might do it better which would hurt their rep. So instead they're rushing it.

Also, they're shitty writers.

Only way they could stretch it out some more is if they add even more OC filler between each plot point George told them since George isn't anywhere close to being done with the books or elaborating on how to get to the end. George himself doesn't know and doesn't plan the steps to get to the end. either way leads to shit. But yeah, it is weird that they pretend they always knew the show would be 70 to 73 hours even though they didn't know how long the later books would be or how complex they'd all be when they were developing the show and talking to George

Half her force somehow survival at winterfell. We see that D&D script and director view of that episode doest match.

We're back to dragon wins lol
And apparently Dany=night queen confirmed because she rezd half her army.

dwagon yass

Cast him

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Hmm should I write today?

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>just getting rock hard imagining a black baby in there

Reminder that processed sugar causes brain damage.


damn what a shit show

If he dies someone more competent will buy the rights to finish it. It's a good thing

It's his grand plan. A dream, you see... Only a dream. A Dream of Release.

>tfw GoT will never be this good


heh I'm ready

>read about stannis’ march north
>gets loyalty from the northern clans, Davis goes to find rickon
>captures deep wood motte using cunning tactics, liberated from Greyjoy’s to get loyalty of the north

Stannis’ book story is far superior than “HURRR DURR WE MARCH STRAIGHT TO WINTERFELL!”

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>The cavalry charge was the end of the Dothraki
>8 seasons for one of the main things associated with Danaerys to just vanish 10 minutes in to an episode
Maybe Jorahposters were right, maybe it was all part of his plan.


Half of them came back to life

>next episode
>half the Dothraki army survived
Were your expectations subverted user

>"100,000 Dothraki horsemen"
>at most 2000 in the battle
>half of them come back anyways

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Preston seems legitimately devoid of at least 33% of normal human emotions.

>Their Arakhs weren't even Valerian steel

Apparently she brought over 100k riders and 80k Unsullied (minus the low amount that got killed in some of the battles before hand), and somehow 50k dothraki and 40k unsullied were on that field and/or in that castle? No way, I guess it make sense that most of them are still at Dragonstone or something.

>When even the extras you're trying to cast know how much of a shitshow this is.

Wait, 8k unsullied, not 80k.

Jorah's not an Andal, the Dothraki just assume he is. Egg is Moon.

All the men south of the wall are Andal mutts now

There's no way that was close to 2000.. was it? Looked like 2 units of cavalry at most.

>bran helps with perfect intel and insta-owns all of cersei's plans

I couldn’t get into Feast because Jon, Dany, and other characters weren’t in it. The whole time I was like where the fuck is everyone else at.

>That is where the broadsword has the advantage, designed for piercing plate....

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and that's a good thing

it's designed for looking /fa/ and hewing disobedient peasants in twain REEEE

Not really if you're a writer, unless you're writing research papers on dynamic motion or something.

>Oh, didn't see you there. Was just finishing up my next chapter in the beloved hit series, Game of Thrones. You know, you never really know how many synonyms and euphemisms can be used to describe someone taking a massive shit until you sit down and write twelve pages about it. I should know, after all, my characters have been busy in their recent adventures. Well, I should get back to it. Thanks for dropping by, Yea Forums.

This meme is great.