What is some stoner kino?
What is some stoner kino?
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Big Lebowski (for you)
Pineapple Express is fun but dumb
Gaspar Noe is the only stoner kino
pure stoner horror kino
Super Troopers.
Up In Smoke (obvious choice)
Idle Hands
Dazed & Confused
seems like a reasonable amount of shit
very rare
Linklater's Slacker
Schondler’s List
Camberwell Carrot FTW
Not typically stoner but the most you will laugh whenever you're fucked up
This is the best one.
Malibu’s Most Wanted
John dies at the end
This is a genuinely great parody movie.
“Puff Puff Pass” is an awful movie but captures the feeling of being really really stoned throughout the day like no other. I recommend watching at least some of it in order to experience that. Or just smoke a bowl.
>tfw I can't smoke weed anymore without getting ludicrously hungry and dry mouthed that overrides any enjoyment I used to have
what the fuck lads
Just hydrate before and during your high.
I very much relate to "you have smoked yourself retarded"
Just get drunk at the same time. The drunker, the stonededer. That's science.
imagine being to stupid to smoke weed
shut the fuck up reddit nigger
To stupid or not too stupid? That is the the question...
>smoking weed one day just started giving me massive anxiety and panic to the point where i literally cant handle smoking at ALL
>cant stop thinking about my heart and chest, i sometimes fall to the floor like an animal if i smoke too much
>currently smoking because even that is better than reality
Go let your Daddy have his wicked way, Yea Forums desperado
I just read the synopsis of this movie and the entirety of the plot sounds like a weird stream of consciousness that would be wholly unentertaining sober or high.
reddit spacing niggers were a mistake
My Momma talkin to me try to tell me how to liiive
Sorry for not being a fellow mongoloid. Hope you can cope, buddyfriend
just sit in a chair when you smoke dumb fuck
Star Wars (1977)
>tfw weed stopped making me hungry or dry mouthed or any normal high feeling
>just existential crisis, paranoia, and discomfort
Feels bad man. What went so wrong I used to love weed.
You got Jedi mind tricked into being stoned and 'open' by Alec Guinness?
does it have to be about stoners?
only one i can think of like that that isnt already listed is harold and kumar go to white castle
maybe bill and ted movies
if its just movies that are good while high ive got a couple hidden gems
>detention (2012) with josh hutcherson. really hard to find but some streaming sites have it
its this pretend horror movie that is very offkilter humor and weird in universe wackiness, its in the same vein as scott pilgrim
>the death of stalin
>tucker and dale verse evil
doesnt matter if im sitting standing or laying down, i can feel everything inside my chet and cant stop focusing on it i get into full panic mode. i feel better when im balled up on the floor
that used to be my move but I had to quit drinking and now smoking weed FUCKING SUCKS
Stops being fun and starts being debilitating about a decade in. If you found your way out of regular use then never look back
Hold on to that sentiment. It will always be hard to pass up a toke
this is a rare thing but not unheard of, weed affects different people different ways. some people legit cant handle it necause it fucks with them like that
only thing i can suggest is trying edibles or just cannabis oil. for some reason a friend of mine has this same type of problem but not as severe and it doesnt hit him nearly as hard using oil or edibles
Enter the Void is really great for about an hour, then you're just waiting around for it to end
Imagine unironically falling for the SWED meme and ruining your recreational high by being a retarded junkie incapable of going any significant amount of time without smoking. Pathetic.
It's beautiful to watch every half hour or so and then the fucking car crash keeps coming out of nowhere and wrecks your head completely...
Rather than enjoy yourself all night long, you'd rather make a GOTCHA thread. Fucking loser
I didn't make a thread, I'm simply responding to your faggy blog posts.
I can enjoy getting high without your cornucopia of retarded, effete side effects whenever I want to because I have self control. You're such a fuck up that you even ruined weed for yourself. Seriously pathetic.
'because I have self control'
No, you're not getting angry at all friend. Take your deluded self confidence and shove it up your mother's yawning hole.
The Big Lebowski
Half Baked
Up In Smoke
Nice Dreams
Reefer Madness
Cabin In The Woods
The Wall or Yellow Submarine if you’re in high school smoking weed for the first time
Anything you personally enjoy
The first half of Pineapple Express before the Asian gang bullshit with Rosie Perez
Season 1 of Workaholics
Various YouTube kinosseurs
The Good Guys
Bill and Ted
The Breakfast Club
The Stoned Age (objectively sucks but I have a soft spot for it)
Trailer Park Boys
Peep Show has great semi-realistic drug use bits
I’m sure there’s more but I can’t be arsed to think of more
Absolutely seething. Just toke up bro, that'll calm you down...
im not addicted to weed i just really really hate my life. I will do anything that provides the slightest bit of escapism, i sleep as much as possible because i hate being awake
kek, might as well just nut up and kill yourself then.
Good list. Shrooms was a weird choice.
I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson has been fun as fuck all day though
Rather than be a joyless plebian, you say?
user, I honestly do this shit too. We need to see someone desu
It's funny because you can't smoke without freaking out like a bitch.
On the contrary, the smoke stops me caring about you. Go be mad about your parents somewhere else
>the smoke stops me caring about you
The absolute state of you coping. Embarrassing.
>don't enjoy watch movies stoned anymore
>only like listening to music but I've been running out of recommendations since Yea Forums has been buttfucked by doomer threads
Still smoke but when I'm completely out of options I rewatch Whitest Kids You Know just so I did something other than shitpost
Jessica Alba is perfect
The anger at your broken home won't help you cope any better. We'll make this family disaster into an inspirational Hollywood movie if you're actually willing to take that step?
best ass in the business
You're seething and projecting very hard. I'm sorry that your home life was so shit that you get PTSD when you smoke weed. You should probably stop smoking weed, who knows maybe you'll even get promoted at McDonalds since you finally came in on time.
*inhale* Dude,...like...what if there were wars IN THE STARS
...and like, there were these space monks who were like Uri Geller on steroids!? *exhales...*
...and like, the nazis were future nazis and were still called Stormtroopers! And then like, *inhale* ....their leader could be basically the Grim Reaper, but also a robot, but not, y'know? *exhales*
if you smoke to control your anger it's not working desu
try some breathing exercises or mindfulness exercises instead
Can you two just kiss already?
Oh, you mean like you're doing right now faggot?
Wrong user, user.
*inhale* and like, I'm just gonna rip-off Dune wholesale and make a desert planet the center of the universe in my star wars monk, thing, dude. *exhales*
Sorry buddy, misclicked. Carry on.
>Sorry buddy, misclicked. Carry on.
Did you honestly "misclick"? Seems to me that you added my post to attention whore for more (You)s, user.
Will do, polite user.
*inhales* So like, then later on the main bad guy-becomes a good guy! Because his son is good and cries. *exhales*
I don't want any
>What is some stoner kino?
Still the #1 stoner movie after all these years.
That's not "Next Movie" , though.