It's Friday night, why are you here?

It's Friday night, why are you here?

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No friends, no life, and almost 30. Hopefully death is near.

Someone needs to watch the kids (wife works nights on weekends at a hospital)

I'm gay

Because fuck you.

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he's gay

Because I want dubz


Studying for finals and shitposting

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>not browsing Yea Forums while having sex
Have sex.

Waiting for these fucking obnoxious ads to end before the movie

Same except I turned 37 today.

I work in a couple hours

because nobody likes me and ive got booze

I'm bored at work.
Cushy jobs are great but I'd kill myself out of boredom if it weren't for shitposting here.

He's fucking SNEED

But why be u here?


I'm with my gf about to watch Endgame, how about you OP

I took your dubz

i'm here every friday

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I like going where I dont belong

To talk about how pickachu was kind of a letdown

Just got off work. Have work romorrow as well. Such is wagie life. At least i have a goth gf. No big tiddies tho

I just like sucking dicks I guess

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Pic plz

GET OFF MY BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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42 here. It doesn't get better

But user she is five feet tall you dont want a pic. Also pretty much flat I feel kinda sorry for her cause I know it gets to her

But I'm already 30
Unfortunately I haven't become a wizard

26yo kissles virgin, no friends, why shouldn't I be here?
But I watched kino today so all is good

I'm stilling clinging onto hope that I won't see 30. I shut myself off and pissed away my youth. Now, everyone around me is married/has a circle of friends and I have no one.

happy bday user

Summer students showed up at work and get to do all the easy work leaving me with all the difficult work.

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Im watching Riverdale with my mommy gf and her teenage daughter and this show sucks

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somebody's gotta reply "god i wish that were me" to all the threads that have cute girls as the op pics

Kill yourself faggot scum

I hope you and your disgusting cunt of a mother both get cancer

aids kike apu posters need to get their throats cut

>i have a pig fuck ugly girlfriend with no tits

Kill yourself discord tranny

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Im here because there is no where else, and ive gotta stay up

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To post Ezra

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Kill yourself faggot scum

Not until you have sex!

The same reason I'm here every Friday, Pinky...

Getting high and drinking beer