Yea Forums says women don't actually like movies

>Yea Forums says women don't actually like movies
>however there are women directors have literally directed kino
explain this phenomenon bros

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have sex

Why is she so dark skinned for an anglo?

>however there are women directors have literally directed kino
only 2 instances of that happening. Lost in translation, and pic related

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because she's not anglo

on your question i have no idea but there is something i can tell you

i'd like to sit beneath her when she works out so my mouth could be her sweat receptacle

Hurt Locker too. How could a woman with no disposition towards violence and war make Psycho and Locker?



that girl is so hot

Zero Dark Thirty > Hurt Locker

Zero dark thirty is a massive piece of shit. I've never seen hurtlocker, but you must think it's truly horrendous


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someone please who is that gorl

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girls are cute and I want to hug them and protect them. unfortunately once they hit puberty they think this is creepy.

I don't like my gf but I still make her cum.

Sup, bros? Just being the best movie of 2019.

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what is her ethnicity? Spanish? north italian?

Taylor Hill

Most likely med phenotype

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based and semenpilled

in other words she's part italian and trying to hide it

i mean welsh and irish sometimes have that coloration. seen it in my own family.

no cornish and welsh can be somewhat dark


Iberian admixture.

Yeah she doesn't have jewish (med) facial features and very few have this exact skin tone.


Due to Arianna Grande, all white chicks are obsessed with the stuff.

>Due to Arianna Grande
Bronzer has been popular before Arianna. Ever hear of the Kardashians, jabroni? And before that, Jersey shore

kards aren't white, arianna was.

their natural skin isnt that fucking dark. Same with the italians in jersey shore. Quit coping. Bronzing has been popular for over a decade, kid

That's the exception, not the rule.

>Due to Arianna Grande
You mean due to (((current culture))) that makes white people want to look, act and behave like niggers?

United Kingdom is probably one of the very few places in the world where the upper class is swarthier than the lower class. That's why all the actors and actresses are swarthy, while the general Brit down the street looks Nordic.

>their natural skin isnt that fucking dark
I didn't say they didn't "bronze" just that they weren't white so it didn't influence whites to do it. It was an ethnic thing, like only blacks did skin bleaching.

>however there are women directors have literally directed kino
Name one.

btw I know OP's girl isn't from UK, she's an American with predominantly Anglo ancestry. Swarthy Anglo-Americans are either mutts or come from upperclass stock in UK.

lana and lauren wachowski

>just that they weren't white so it didn't influence whites to do it
yea, you're retarded, or really young

2 mentally ill men

Due to the fact that a sun tan has been considered attractive since the invention of the bathingsuit, you weirdos

>chad gets to put his thumb in her ass
>you pay for a Yea Forums pass

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god i want to watch her get FINN’D

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Hahahahahahahaha. Such a stupid movie. Stupid people think boring and senseless and pretentious makes a movie meaningful.

Americans are not white.

I'm just not a redditor

good advisors

Varda, Denis, Reichardt, Coppola, who are the other female kinographers?

that doesn't mean they like movies
here's the rule of thumb: everything women do is done for the effect they think it will have on other women

>Hurt Locker
I don't say this to disprove your point about female directors but this movie was a mess of nonsensical story bits and woeful cinematography. How it got any sort of praise is beyond me.

Me on the right.

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>however there are women directors have literally directed kino
>provides zero examples

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What she looks like without makeup
oh my god bros

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She looks like she only ____ ____ ____

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I was sweating because i was afraid that it might say "part kike" on moms side or something... you can never be sure these days

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eyebrows too hairy. what the fuck

holy FUCK

five dollar footlongs

Leftists kicking up shit so they can get yous by saying have sex over and over and baiting the core demographic of this website every fucking post in every fucking thread.
T. Virgin 28 year old incel autist underachiever

jeez, calm down, incel

It's decent but doesn't really pull off what it clearly wanted too
The editing/chronological order of shit was really annoying as well
I liked the lowfi aesthetics acting and writing but idk it felt like it needed to back off of the smarty pants over done elements a tad.
Neat movie but definitely deserved the hate

But I am calm here have a boobie

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she looks like she fucks black men

t. uncultured masturbators

male writers
male editors
male actors
male producers
all salvaging the damage

No you my fap taste is cultured as fuck I only fap to Thicc milkers

wanna be friends?

Post Ur discord
I barely go on mine


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Women make great amateur solo porn lmao this board I swear
Your both sexist idorts
You and the feminist retards

I don't even have one

It's called makeup and lighting

how is this allowed

Jane Campuon as well

You were never really here

We need to talk about Kevin

Bright star

The piano

Women don't need escapism. Why would you bother with that when the real world is more and more manufactured to your needs above all else? There's no reason for a woman to bother with this bullshit at all. She can have all those experiences in the real world.

>no makeup
>still looks good as fuck


Na womens escapism is likes on Instagram and beta orbiters giving them gibs.


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Trying to impress their daddy. Literally every single one, prove me wrong

>never interact with women
>or men either
>don't know how people actually are

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looks paleo-atlantid, maybe some slight brunn admixture


Shills immediately arrive to #ShutItDown.

>t. seething uggo