Yea Forums is dead because mods refuse to make /tvg/ or cull GoT threads

>Yea Forums is dead because mods refuse to make /tvg/ or cull GoT threads
>Yea Forums is dead because mods restrict discussion of video game culture
>"śóÿ" was banned after 2 fucking days but "sneed" and "incel" are welcomed by the mods despite killing this site
>on-topic threads that mods don't like are deleted every time they're made until they can use the "lol u were spamming" excuse (we wouldn't keep remaking the threads if you didn't delete them, retards)

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Other urls found in this thread:

cry about it

Have sex

You have to understand that Yea Forums is a commercial product

I hope the ending of game of shits is like the ending of lost and the 3ish great reddit and pleb free years we got after

Faggot and tranny spam is the worst thing you newfag cock sucker

Sneed incel have sex

Yea Forums isn't going to change no matter how many containment boards you create or how many words you ban.
Yea Forums is what it is because of the mentality of it's users.
If you don't like it, you can go to r/movies and stop crying about it you putz.

>Yea Forums is what it is because of the mentality of it's users.
This is something someone who only started posting on Yea Forums AFTER swaglord lied to moot about the state of Yea Forums and reddits cries on /q/ to change the board into what it is today

delet /pol/ forever

reddit nigger go back

Mods are salty soibois.


Yikes! It smells like incel itt

Are you kidding me LOST threads were kino

Fuck this post

Instead let's talk about: what did he mean by this?

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get sneeded fag

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Mods are literally faggots and trannies

There are other threads but no one cares about them.

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The real thing killing this site is Discord. Whether it's tranny posters, pol posters, or lefty posters, they raid from servers there. The mods also agree with this and cooperate their own agendas to align with their own political ones (aka tranny posting).

The reality is that the mods themselves need to be replaced.

/pol/ is the singular problem on every board.

Except it's true, but whatever, it's up to you. You can cry to the mods to resurrect /film/ OR you can make a fucking thread and discuss your movies in peace.

gen z only want to fuck other mens assholes and post sneed, there is no hope for them

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I mean after

Have sex incel

make Yea Forums a 25 and older site

Nigger im /pol/ as fuck and I post here now because tranny discord spam popped our containment zit. You have nobody to blame but yourself.

>Except it's true
Except it isn't

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It has nothing to do with /pol/ fucking retarded newfag

Yea Forums is just where twitter and reddit users go to dump their favorite maymays after Hiro bought the site

Everyday of my lifie my nigga.
Keep fightin bro.

Zoomers are based. Millenials are the soi faggots who created the sjw culture

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>The real thing killing this site is Discord
>t. underage
You act like teamspeak, mumble, IRC channels, and skype never existed. Fuck off retard.

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Yea Forums is fucked. You can't even make a thread about VIDEO GAME WEB COMICS OR REVIEWERS without getting banned

That's like if Yea Forums wasn't allowed to make threads about celebrities or film reviewers.

Have sex

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>That's like if Yea Forums wasn't allowed to make threads about celebrities or film reviewers
this board would be a better place

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>25 and older site
anyone born after 1989 isn't a real person

you can't fix Yea Forums but you can make /rtv/ - retro television and film and ban everything made after 2000
hire some mods that will actually enforce that rule and you got a comfy slow board
Yea Forums will always be a pleb board because a) Yea Forums just gets too much traffic now and b) television and film are so widely accessible and viewed that it leads to an enormous amount of plebs and the board doesn't have a snob culture that Yea Forums or Yea Forums does to keep some people out (even though again due to the sheer traffic the site gets now those snob cultures don't really exist any more)

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Yea Forums has been constantly shilled on facebook meme groups like IMOGENsfavoritepage since bane cancer got big

You see? These are the kind of zoomers who browse Yea Forums now. All they give a fuck about are e-celeb bullshit,

Problem with Yea Forums is dubs aren't taken as seriously as they should be

discord trannies are the problem newfag

>the Alita general is still up and actively being participated in by hotpockets-kun
This really shouldn't be allowed


I miss JUST threads desu senpai

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have buttsex

>being participated in by hotpockets-kun
Is this true?

>it's YOUR fault i'm an asshole!

Okay, drooling retard.

>calling people newfag while saying discord tranny

>Zoomers are based

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90s born queers aren't affiliated with gen y


If you're not into GoT or the Avengers, the board's been basically unusable for weeks now

>That's like if Yea Forums wasn't allowed to make threads about celebrities or film reviewers.
I hope a nigger kills you and your worthless cock sucking cunt of a mother.

After 96 your opinion about anything literally doesn't matter.
>tfw no bf

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Talking about film reviewers should be banned here, it's not like they contribute anything.



>It's a discord tranny tries to deny their existence episode

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That's a lie, everyone check my integers.

>Have sex

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Who's this handsome fellow?

But they aren't and never were. I have never once seen a Redlettermedia thread get deleted


in a general earlier today i posted "Sneedlita" as the first post best post
It got deleted literal seconds seconds later
im almost certain a mod was the op because literally no one wouldve seen it to report it

I was perfectly content to be a drooling retard in my drooling retard playpen. At some point (November 2016) some mentally ill self mutilating weirdos decided they wanted the retard playpen, and I politely left.

>That's like if Yea Forums wasn't allowed to make threads about celebrities
You weren't at one point
It's one of the main reasons why cancer like you is even posting here freely now

>implying poltards don't gang up on discord to spread their cancer

onions was spammed for WEEKS


Are you suggesting the mods drink Onions?

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Yea Forums has been nothing but soundcloud rappers and kpop spam for years now, not the best example to follow. The truth is media attracts plebs, Yea Forums only gets away with it because people have no attention span and therefore don't read, just like they need overstimulating capeshit.

i agree with everything OP


I'd put a bullet into the heads of every one of those fuckers, and I wouldn't lose an hour of sleep

>198 KB
>Anonymous 05/10/19(Fri)23:26:48 No.11448
n word


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They should all be executed but 90s born queer s and gen z will defend this filth and they have mod protection. at least Yea Forums reported them to the cops

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That's merely butthurt from your prolapsed asshole, it is much rarer to see /pol / posters than got, sneed and capeshit.

>There was a time when it was possible to have a discussion on Yea Forums without some bigoted fucko making shitty jokes in every thread
uhh when was this exactly


I'm a zoomer and if there were a button I could press, I would sacrifice myself without hesitating if it meant millions of people would die.

I miss when everyone wasn't a racist abrasive shithead and there was no captcha bullshit to deal with

Friendly reminder to sage, hide and report all "sneed" threads and posts. Friendly reminder to report all "have sex" posts as spam.

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I hope you get your head sawn off discord tranny piece of shit



why do retards think this image gives them immunity? these threads always get deleted


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keep making frenly posts while posting anime girls

>They're probably doing it too. We're in a war folks.
So that's your justification huh?
How absolutely cringe

What a retarded, pathetic newfag

Me too, and I'm a tranny.

>faggot children cry because Yea Forums isn't reddit

/got/ will be dead in two weeks.
The fact you think it's a major problem outs you as a fucking newfag

You've been here what, a year? Two years? Kys

It's pretty fucking obvious they don't newfag