the eagles would have been corrupted by the ring before they made it to mordor
The eagles would have been corrupted by the ring before they made it to mordor
Legitimately the first time hearing this argument and it's pretty sound. Thanks user.
>eagles wearing the ring
>eagles wanting to rule the... earth?
Fucking kek
What was the eagles tax policy?
Why not have Frodo carry the ring while on the back of an eagle?
This is factually correct.
Inb4 dumb niggers and faggots and nigger faggots shitting bitch shit about nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger. God I hate everyone one of you dumb ass niggers. Fuck my ass with your big black cock please.
>Why not have Frodo carry the ring while with a party of easily corruptible folk?
1) Flying the ring to Mordor would have done nothing but save time. Time didn't matter. It wasn't an issue until Aragorn goaded Sauron into launching his attack on Minas Tirith ahead of schedule. Frodo had the ring for decades until Gandalf uncovered its origin. The Fellowship took a month's vacation in Lothlorien halfway through their journey. They took two months to leave Rivendell. It had been about 2,000 years since the wizards arrived in Middle-earth to deal with Sauron to begin with. There was no rush.
2) The ring couldn't simply be dropped into the caldera of Mt. Doom. There's a reason why Frodo didn't just throw it into the first lava flow he came across. The ring couldn't be destroyed by lava outside of the (subterranean) forge. It could only be unmade where it was made. Why? Because magic. But that's how it worked.
3) Sauron had an entire army stationed around Mt. Doom. Until it was sent towards the black gates the entire mountain was protected.
4) The only chance the fellowship had of success rested on the fact that Sauron didn't think that his enemies would attempt to destroy his ring. He believed that no one could overcome the ring's corruption (and was completely correct in thinking so, too). Aragorn tricked Sauron into believing that he had the ring. If Sauron knew that the ring was approaching Mordor, or was not with Aragorn, he could have surmised what Gandalf was planning. A suicidal air raid on his HQ would have been a fairly obvious tipoff that something was going on.
5) The ringbearer would still be susceptable to the ring's influence, as would the eagles themselves since they are sapient.
Eagles would get shutdown
This was always a dumb meme.
As long as the eye was active Sauron would see them and they’d be shot out of the sky. It’s why Frodo and Sam had to be stealthy.
Dumb meme
if the eagles were so corruptible why didn't sauron make a ring of power for the eagles? surely dominating the only intelligent sky-faring species on the planet would be powerful
Because he was racist
>be an eagle
>get shot at by men for eating their sheep
>get shot at by orcs because they’re cunts
>people wonder why you don’t give a fuck.
Is Sauron dare I say /ourguy/?
All valid, plus
6) Thou Shall Not Rub the One Ring on Some Maia's Face. And the eagles are maias. You don;t keep the ring that close for a long flight.
Why didn't the Fellowship just get some dirt bikes to make the journey much easier?
They're not carrying it though. Frodo is. You only get corrupted if you carry it. Sam would have been corrupted if that was the case.
Why didn't Sauron reload a previous save when he saw they'd reached the mountain?
he couldn't tax them
They weren't. Maiar could become eagles, or wolves, or Elves, or literally anything. But the giant eagles were eagles. If they were Maiar they could shapeshift as they'd have no real bodies by default. The Istari are the only exception.
sauron is not now low enough to savescum
>eagles are maiar
I thought they were just intelligent animal servants of Manwe. Either way though helping Middle Earth at all is skirting the line on interfering too much.
>You only get corrupted if you carry it
Boromir you stupid cunt
Hobbits have a strong resistance to it because of their way of life and values
Not to mention the Nazgul/WK would have been able to fuck them up and they would be pretty obvious to Sauron
Tolkien mentioned that there were Maiar that preferred eagleshape so some people assume that's all of them. It's not.
We can be glad a jew didn't find it first
>if the eagles were so corruptible why didn't sauron make a ring of power for the eagles? surely dominating the only intelligent sky-faring species on the planet would be powerful
For the same reason he didn't make rings for the wizards, who are also servants of Iluvatar. The eagles are almost equal to the wizards.
No, the eagles are birds. Giant, sapient birds.
eagles can't wear rings
>eagles flying over Mt. Doom
>suddenly ring falls off the eagle and drops at Sauron's lap
Initially, Tolkien considered the possibility that Eagles, Huan and other beings were Maia as well. But he dropped it later on.
So yeah. Has a basis, but is wrong.
Eagles have too big of talons to wear rings
and there were fucking 9 nasguls and a witch king who couldn't be killed.
yea fuck those fucking shitty niggers niggers fuck niggers damn niggers shit covered niggers
Why didn’t Gandalf warg into the eagles then?
It's a plot hole. Just admit it, faggots.
no fuck you
the eagles would have been shot down = hitler wins WWII
See Plot hole that, asshole.
That's called mental gymnastics.
the eagles only came after
>the witch king and his mount was killed by mary and the princess of rohan
>when the full force of modor was engaged and distracted
>which allowed for the ring to be destroyed in the end
everything had to happen exactly as it happened in LOTR for the ring to be destroyed. the story had true continuity throughout each moment. down to frodo loosing his chain mail shirt given to him from bilbo in movie/book one, which caused a mini rebellion between orcs and goblins in mordor. at this point, sam had the ring. so the ring was near enough to cause the greed and murder effect, but not near enough to be discovered. brilliant fucking story.
nah it's called plot as tight as your wife's boyfriends asshole
Are the novelizations worth reading?
So the eagles would've thrown Frodo off and eviscerated him if he'd had the Ring on their backs? That's retarded. How would they even put the Ring on? Would they eat it and keep shitting it out and re-eating it?
i always took it that the eagles were divine creatures literally from the heavens and thus won't do all the work for you.
its been an age since I've read the books. i remember them being dreadfully long and boring in spots. there's a whole chapter on tree beard singing tree ent songs about nothing.
but there's worse things to read these days.
My wife’s been working late every night so I’m looking for something to read instead of binging agents of shield every night
As if this the only point raised by that post.
reading anything Tolkien will enrich your life.
nigga just admit it, the plot works. le quirky ribbit plothole isn't actually that and Tolkien addressed as much, it's just a stupid meme
Which eagle roots through birdshit for the Ring, though? Is it the eagle that originally shat out the Ring, or does the lowest-ranking eagle in the flock have to do it?
If we can meme trump into office we can meme a plot hole into kid of the rings, shadilay fellow pedes
>Implying you have to meme something into being when everyone already thinks the same thing immediately after seeing the films
What if the eagles accidentally shit out the Ring while flying over a large body of water? Do they all drown trying to get it back?
yes pretty obviously
that's literally the best chapter you fucking faggot
as i was watching the hobbit, i noticed frodo. i also noticed frodo gathering mail from billbo's mailbox, at the beginning of the kino. why didn't frodo send the ring to ribbendale via the mail system, or mail it to gangdolph's P.O. box?
kek good post
they are more intelligent than you in the lore
Boromir literally held it in his hands.
its like holding boiling lead, if it spends a few seconds in contact with you it wont burn you
>Real reason for the eagles not being used
Because they would have made the story over really quick. Tolkien was aware of how they could easily become a deus ex machina, literally referring to them as a "dangerous machine," and was careful to use them sparingly.
>Canonical reasoning
The maiar were trying to distance themselves from the affairs of the peoples of middle earth. They had to learn to fight their own battles some time with the age of men approaching and magic fading from the world. It's why Gandalf and Saruman never used much actual magic in the events of the story; they were literally unable to use their full power. The eagles, autonomous beings that are also an extension of the valar Manwe, also couldn't help much due to the same reason. Presumably, even if their intent is good, involving Gods in the politics and conflicts of mortal beings would always end up doing more harm than good in the end. They were probably all apprehensive considering the last time they challenged a world-threatening evil on behalf of the free peoples half the continent fell into the ocean.