*defeats Thanos*

*defeats Thanos*

Attached: henry-cavill-superman-justice-league.jpg (1062x1062, 131K)

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If superman can beat Darkseid he can be knock off Darkseid

Is he the guy who quit playing Superman a long time ago?

Yes. Sad to have wasted such a gorgeous superman

Attached: superman-dawn-of-justice-set.jpg (1333x2000, 493K)

This was never confirmed.

We'll never know the true kino

Attached: nicolas-cage-superman-main.jpg (894x1200, 171K)

Pretty sure Superman beats anyone at some point

not with the infinity stones

Is there anyone Superman can't defeat? He even defeated an evil version of himself

The flash

this. i think flash is stronger than superman. idk how the authors explain it but being able to go faster than the speed of light makes him able to generate infinite energy.

Superman uses IMPs too at some point

Captain marvel would body superman

Superman III was bad, but that whole sequence is kino. Richard Lester is an underrated director

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*defeated by hair loss*

Attached: Fugin lolz.jpg (327x324, 25K)

comics in a nutshell.
It's like when Galactus got beaten by avengers.
Sometimes powerscallings are bullshit

irrevelant, everyone with infinity stones could oneshot Superman

Ironically apparently he directed Superman 3 because he also got screwed by the producers like donner was with Superman 2.

Top kek

Attached: henry cavill-333.webm (640x640, 1.29M)

Holy crap really? Because I heard he only did Superman II because he got screwed by the same producers when he made The Three Musketeers. That’s kind of funny

What a good lad.

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Attached: henry cavill ded and tabs.jpg (2000x2000, 249K)

>no one even notices he's there or wants to take a picture with him

poor Henry

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Captain marvel destroys Superman

Captain marvel vs Superman (public enemies)
Thanos vs darkseid(fanmade)
(towards the end)