"it doesn't have the funnies like marvel wtf!!!" This is BORING

>"it doesn't have the funnies like marvel wtf!!!" This is BORING
Reality is often disappointing. This was the most authentic and realistic super hero movie of the modern era. The fact that fans and critics rate JUSTice League, a frankenstein of a movie with clashing visions higher is proof that capeshitters don't even understand their own medium. BvS deserved better.

Attached: Batman-V-Superman.jpg (1920x1080, 667K)

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Turned it off halfway through. It deserved to be better made. It was shit.

A living legend like Snyder should never have gotten involved with superhero movies. If anyone could give the material any justice, it's him. But the audiences would never be (and were never) able to understand his vision

It's a beautiful film

You see, this is a Yea Forums user with shit taste in his natural habitat. This is the usual display of aggression and a want of attention usually meaning "please reply to my post." Oh, but the OP seems to be having none of it.

I've seen two movies in the DC film franchise: Superman and Wonder Woman. They got Superman wrong. I gave up on them.

Then they got WW right. I'll watch a sequel if they ever make one.

The DC animated universe was superior in every way.

WW sequel comes out next year

WW was fantastic. Nolan’s Batman films were great. They cannot do Superman well, casting Affleck as Wayne was a horrendous decision.

>This was the most authentic and realistic super hero movie of the modern era. The fact that fans and critics rate JUSTice League, a frankenstein of a movie with clashing visions higher is proof that capeshitters don't even understand their own medium

The movie where Batman flings superman around like a yoyo.
The movie where Superman must persuade Batman to help him so instead of vocally communicating his need, he flies him through a building like a retard.

BvS is pure pretentiousness: a movie that spends more time recreating better artists' work than it does figuring out why its own plot is happening.

>9AM in India
>Ranjesh, well-rested and fed on his weekend, immediately starts shitposting about children's superhero movies

it felt rushed, why not make a Batman movie that merged with MoS ending and THEN Batman vs. Superman? I mean, these are superproductions so they need money not only from the fans but from the regular audience. That's why Justice League failed, people didn't gave a shit about the characters and story, Snyder had good plans for the DCEU but because of "muh gotta go fast" it failed

They can do superman, he is literally perfect for this era of witty quippy ""fun"" capeshit that zoomers just absolutely devour. The problem is DC decided since TDK trilogy was so successful they needed joyless superman as well. And it was a big mistake

Batman stuff is good but Affleck and Irons cant carry the rest of them so it ends up being meh

They “could” make Superman well. But they have not done so. I will believe it when I see it.

ADHD low t ꜱoyboy

It's funny to me that they had to make Batman retarded for Superman to have a chance.

Fpbp and dubs of truth


I don't like it, but I do feel shame that Justice League grossed more than any other DCEU film in my country


Cope you pathetic DCel

I had absolutely nothing to do with not having 500 million quips. The movie was shit plain and simple.

There are TWO good things about this movie. The first is the cinematography is just stunning. Visually it is an extremely pleasant film to watch. Second is hans zimmer's music. In my opinion some of his best work as it carries scenes and absolutely meshes so beautifully into the film. Everything else was disappointing

Not an argument.

>authentic and realistic
>super hero movie

It was to smart for its own good. People still don’t even understand the Martha scene.

so there brothers