Just found out a woman directed this movie

>just found out a woman directed this movie
I feel stupid

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Have sex

Exceptions are not the norm.

Literally me halfway through this garbage
>Jesus why is this so lame?.... Well shit that explains it

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mommy i hate women am i fitting in yet, women are s-stupid right guys haha epic own

Let's go!

Dubs and all males can get pregnant

dubs and u uglay haaahaha

Have sex

it becomes less impressive when you remind yourself that all of the kino dialogue we spout is literally lifted verbatim from the book and her screenplay credit is a lie, all she does is just change Paul's surname from Owen to Allen
It's not an expertly god tier directed movie its just quotable and has based Bale.
Mary Harron did nothing to make it kino

upvoted good sir

Literally seething.

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>women trying to make art
women cant make art because they don't have souls

haha get in the kitchen make me a sammich xD

t.b.h. I never really liked it, everything feels corny and forced and I get that it's supposed to be le style because that's how bateman perceives the world but it doesn't work for me. now I know why ;^)

You think shouting incels gives you power here?

>Have sex


This movie needs a remake.

To be fair, Paul Allen sounds a whole lot better than Paul Owen.

women can't make good fi-

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i have the same size and shape chin as her


This bitch looks like a picasso+a cleft straight up

Climax made me think she was sliiiightly hotter but not by much