movies about incurable diseases which cause the afflicted to slowly waste away
Movies about incurable diseases which cause the afflicted to slowly waste away
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I miss her, user.
Holy shit. I thought Roy Scheider was still alive.
>37 years old
Be honest: Would you let Britney Spears take a dumb on your face?
its not just the years, its also the mileage
Time is a cruel mistress.
that scene from the movie where the woman wakes up suddenly looking really horrifically old and the man kills her
How many more years?
baby hit me one last time
It's not about who she is but cherishing who she was OP
In my last year of high school she was gorgeous
Time comes for us all so it's best not to be too hard on the ones whose time has run out.
time for your Geritol, gramps
Fuck. How the hell does she look so different? I know aging obviously but she looks like a completely different person in the pictures ITT and in the OP. Like something about her features are off, it's not just wrinkles.
Age makes you look like a bad caricature of your younger self
The features are there, but they are distorted. The man who looks back at you in the mirror is the same but different.
Yea well laugh it up asshole. Like you're going to be young forever.
She had plastic surgery on her lips and nose around 2014 that make her look more like Jessica Simpson.
cocaine and opioids don't make you age gracefully
its called aids fagg
age makes JUSTS of us all user. Some day it will happen to YOU
Thanks user your post made me remember the name of a song I was having trouble remembering all day
A challenger appears!
what exactly happened to her? whats #freebritney about