Who is powerful enough to defeat him?

who is powerful enough to defeat him?

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Any Varsity athlete.


Heart disease

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Considering a half nig half jew knocked his lights out, anyone.

His Ma

Italian salami. Lots of Italian salami.

How would Tony react to dabbing?


Some guy walking out of a shitter while he listens to fucking Journey and blows his forehead right into his wife's lap.

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*blocks your left anterior descending artery*

>Four shots of rum, two pina coladas and two beers accompanied his double round of fried king prawns and a “large portion” of foie gras

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you dont want the real answer.

The son will be famous, his father a sacrifice, the toll is paid.

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Furio could have killed him and fucked his wife but he showed restraint.

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>breathing heavily through nostrils
>christufuh I don't feel to good

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in all seriousness though? Walter White hands down

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Thats Heisenberg, shows how much you know basedboy.

The Vipers

fuck this place

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Then who's walter?

>so powerful he retired because of jigglypuff


railaboo detected

Very based thread



dubya dubya

Did Tony like it with SOME pulp because of this side effect?

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Dr. Manhattan

Ducks flying away from him

friendly reminder that pussy lived and was the one who killed tony in the end

He was a faa aag, couldnt even leave new jersey


*blocks his path*
*Punches his fucking lights outs*

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I don't wanna take nothin away from em, but sucka punch is a sucka punch

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No, he beat Tony fair and square.

Billy Leotardo

Took his cofvefe with half and half too...

Rube from Dead Like Me using 78% of his power


hows he gonna grip his cigar without it getting wet? both his hands are submerged. it doesn't even look lit yet