Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
Previous Thread:

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Bless this thread with Holy GETs, free /healings/, and free /repairs/.

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Ready for those special features

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>Mind if I do a jay?

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>that OP picture

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I fucking love that you post this every time.
I'm happy to adopt stoner Ido as a thread mascot too.

rosa aproves

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Lol, love how it's retard proof and literally says "Also includes the 3D version of the film", because that's what everyone would be asking about.

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>tfw we start talking about Halloween

Attached: halloween.webm (290x290, 1.39M)

But we're the perfect match. I have an interest in this franchise and a strong dislike for tourists, newfags and stupid assholes who only watch movie adaptions, there are newfags and tourists here who only watch movie adaptions of things here so it's only natural that we interact.

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If there's anything I know for sure about Rosa it's that she's not shy about being a stoner

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>oh, so it's fine when YOU do it?

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Everything you post is off-topic because you never talk about the movie because you've never seen the movie. You should not be here.

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Don't flatter yourself I have multiple monitors so I can contribute to the thread and all the other threads I have open and watch youtube no worries.


It has been a while since we've had a manga purist it is one of the slots we need filling. Really though you should watch the movie.

>I hope everyone's done arguing so we can have a nice comfy thread

Attached: alitaposting1.png (973x602, 678K)

Man assuming that cyborg have general pain sensors having your neck grabbed like that would hurt so fucking bad

I'm totally fine with talking about the manga and how the movie deviates from it as long as it's a discussion and not just a bunch of ranting.

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Me too, Alita. Me too.

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Finally settled on a title for your autobiography?

Even though I'm probably going to have to do a real halloween story down the line I feel like this is close enough.
We're always back to comfy as baseline.

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Oh but that's your problem you don't argue. Whenever the movie and the manga are inconsistent it's automatically movie good manga bad. I have no sympathy for you.

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that sounds depressing

>talking about the manga

wrong board

>Here you have to LEAD with the movie discussion, not have it be secondary to something else.

Does anyone have that fucking old pasta from the /abag/ days of the INTERLINKED scene but relating to Alita instead?

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I want to comfy post but I'm so tired..

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R a R E K

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Uhm guys, turns out the chance of a sequel is slim to none. Now that Disney is in charge there isn't a point to having a sequel because the numbers won't be high enough to bring a profit large enough to justify the investment in a sequel for a company as large as Disney. Its also risky for Disney to do a sequel as it would be in direct competition with its other movie franchises. Pic related is a more recent article covering this. Link here econotimes.com/Alita-Battle-Angel-2-Latest-News-Update-Should-Disney-Greenlight-the-Sequel-1526493
This really sucks. Is there anything we can do? Is it really over before it even started? What is gonna happen to these threads?

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Oh no someone who spends all their free time maintaining a psuedo chatroom on a board where they're not wanted is trying to depress me that's cute.

>Interrogator: Officer A-N-O-N, let’s begin. Ready?
>user: Yes, sir.
>I: Recite your baseline.
>A: “I do not stand by in the presence of evil… I’d do whatever I had to for you. I’d give you whatever I have. I’d give you my heart… Does it bother you that I’m not completely human?... I don’t belong anywhere except with you.”
>I: Cells.
>A: Cells.
>I: Have you ever been to an Alita movie? Cells.
>A: Cells.
>I: Did you buy more than one ticket? Cells.
>A: Cells.
>I: When you’re not watching the Alita movie do you post about it on Yea Forums? Cells.
>A: Cells.
>I: Interlinked.
>A: Interlinked.
>I: What’s it like to hold Alita’s hand? Interlinked.
>A: Interlinked.
>I: Did she teach you how to eat an orange? Interlinked.
>A: Interlinked.
>I: Do you long to look into her eyes? Interlinked.
>A: Interlinked.
>I: Do you dream about being interlinked with Alita? Interlinked.
>A: Interlinked.
>I: What’s it like to hug Alita? Interlinked.
>A: Interlinked.
>I: When you’re not watching the movie do you feel like there’s a part of you that is missing? Interlinked.
>A: Interlinked.
>I: Why don’t you say that three times: Within cells interlinked.
>A: Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked. Within Alita interlinked.
>I: ...You’re obsessed with Alita. You’re not even close to baseline.

Attached: noonewhosawthemoviewouldsaythat.png (624x3356, 2.55M)


Thank you kindly

It's obvious you're baiting, but Disney doesn't own Alita, so Jim can just go to someone else if they won't play ball.

>throwing stones while living in glass houses
you sound miserable. you need to argue so constantly you need multiple monitors to fight simultaneously.
miserable existence.

This is literal pure conjecture with minimal new analysis. Don't worry too much user.

The only people I'd believe if they said the sequel isn't happening are Jim, Rob, and Jon. Anything else is just speculation.

This is all based on Variety's report of what RIVAL studios guessed the movie needed to justify a sequel.


This has been contradicted by everything James Cameron, Jon Landau, Robert Rodriguez, Fox Studios, and an insider leak about a $400million "sexual (sequel) mark" have said about the movie.

We're fine. In fact, based on how crazy the Blu-Ray is going to sell, I'm sure we're on good footing for sequel status.

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Are you retarded? Who said I'm arguing in any other thread?

I couldn't give a fuck about whether the board likes us or not just as long as these threads can hold together

I give up.
Goodnight thread.

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"You have the strength of a warrior. You don't know when to quit."

Good night user sleep well

You sleep well now. We'll be here when you get back.

You did you dumb fucking baiting nigger tier troll faggot retard fuckhead.

I had a dream with someone loosely Alita-like earlier or the ending of it perhaps only a few minutes when you're already on your way to waking up. It's weird because nothing identified her as 'Alita', nothing about senses like sight or smell or touch, dream me just somehow knew it was a teenage girl and it was her. Weird. Dream me is a teenager too. Anyway she sits next to me during Mass and I don't know if she's a friend or family or anything, I know I know her and it annoys me because church is boring and I don't want to be seen as the bad person so I have to pretend but already dream me starts to drift off and dream in my dream about what my next DnD character should be. The setting changes to the back of some family restaurant and dream me never questions the transition because now I have a test in front of me and it's not a subject I'm good at. The teacher starts to go around the classroom-family-restaurant to collect the tests and I know I'm going to have a bad grade but at the last minute she shows me her paper and I copy all her responses in a hurry which doesn't make sense because it's not a math test or anything but whatever. 'Alita' is nice like that and knew I was struggling and she wanted to help. I remember thinking "It's not my fault if you get in trouble for that" and then I wake up.

Don't drink.

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This is kinda silly but one of my absolute favourite things about these threads is that people say goodnight. No one needs to- it's not like it actually makes a huge difference either way but it helps build the /cozy/ vibes in a small way that makes me really happy.

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You should. One of the reasons I dislike this shit-hole is that everyone hates you guys so much it's not possible to discuss this movie in any other thread because everyone thinks I'm one of you. You people are so repulsive and turbo cringey you've damned and blasted the reputation of the alita fanbase for the forseeable future.

Why are there so many mean spirited jerks hanging out in /ALITA/ these days?

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That's a shame user I feel really bad for you user.

you need psychological help


>risking post deletion and warning to blow off on Jerome

Bold, user.

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Goddamn, I liked the movie too, but this is an obsession. There's other shit to talk about for fucks sake. There's nothing about this movie to warrant 500 fucking threads. By that logic, every popular movie should have that many, so cut the bullshit already. It's literally just shitty cropped memes and waifuposting at this point


thats just your average Yea Forums user

It's literally only this one guy and he arrived in the past day or two

you need reading comprehension lessons

>By that logic, every popular movie should have that many, so cut the bullshit already.

Go make them, user. See how long they last. Nothing is stopping you. I believe in you!

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why are you fighting with people on a friday night?

Fuckn' A Jerome. Don't you have any better material?


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Come join the community if you want user. We're hanging out for the BD and when we get it nothing will stop us.

If other movies had the fanbase we do, they would be just as strong as us. Luckily enough we have a strong heart.

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Not Jerome. Fellow Alitan unironically giving you props on blowing up on Jerome when the language of your post might get it deleted and you a warning, for the same has happened to me before.

UPDATED picture thanks as always for your work

They're mentally ill and don't get that making 500 threads for an average movie is unprecedented and pathetic

>what are time zones

>tries to discuss the movie in an unrelated thread for some reason
>says we're all repulsive and turbo cringey and this is a shit-hole and everyone hates us
>accuses us of destroying the reputation of Alita fans
The irony, it hurts

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>general for a flop

The jannies will stop you soon enough. #500 is soon. Enjoy these final threads.

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Why does she look so much like a frog here?

Shut the fuck up Jerome.

It's the green triforce shirt.

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My point is that every time that they've been made, they pathetically die off. These keep hitting bump limit every fucking time. There is NOTHING about this movie that warrants 500 fucking threads. It was an entertaining sci-fi film, nothing more. Enough of this shit.

Good luck Asuka I believe in you.

And yet here we are, 500 threads later. What do you think keeps the threads alive? Magic?

It's one of those little things that warms me right up whether I'm saying it or having it said to me.

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Mental illness mainly

Something more powerful actually.

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No, a disturbing obsession is what keeps them alive

I'm going to ignore the trolls now, what does everyone want to talk about

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fucking Australians


>Something stronger, love

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>they pathetically die off. These keep hitting bump limit every fucking time.

Not our fault they're not as passionate fanbases as we are. Also, their movies are probably old classics with lots of mainstream fandom around them or new movies with assured sequels. This movie is in an interesting spot where it has neither a confirmed sequel nor breakthrough mainstream appreciation, but a rabid cult fanbase. The only hope of these threads slowing down is, ironically, a sequel announcement. So, you can join in and hope a sequel is announced so that these threads slowly go away.

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meet ups

autism and loser weebs

That is a good movie and I don't care what anybody says.

What happens when a cyborg smokes weed? Do they get like high?

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Oh my god, racism dude. Not cool


They are going to go away because the mods are going to purge them at #500


Brie thread? Brie thread!!

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Have you guys ever had an Alita related dream? I described mine earlier but it wasn't very interesting, maybe someone had one that was much more about the movie.

cool it with the n word friend you're starting to upset me

I think that depends on how their lungs work but I imagine there are various ways for cyborgs to get high

Maybe it may depend on the cyberbody. Maybe a simple one doesn't get high but a complex one can and an URM body could go either way with the nanotech?

I want to tie Brie up and spank her until she stops being a bitch.
>And then HAVE SEX.

Attached: keeanjohnn,366897_n.jpg (1000x1000, 68K)

What's wrong with you?

wat was yours?

Fuck off, Brie is love, Brie is life


Yeah I've decided to always be more polite and calm than the trolls, and if I need to insult someone I'll put a little effort into being creative instead of just parroting random things

he just realized he wasted his life

I enjoy 4chanX

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brie is as likable as shrek alright

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It was more of a 3-minute sequence than a proper dream but that's all I remember.

10/10 back would jizz all over

Hi Brie, how does it feel being the worst part of Endgame?

In fairness to Shrek, he had friends and a wife and some people enjoyed his movies

It's already available for pre-order user


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Brie poster is growing on me desu

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Nah it's kind of pathetic how little effort they're putting in, reminds me of a certain actress I forgot the name of

If alita looked like this I would have actually watched the movie

Was Friday night always like this for /ALITA/?

the fuck?

Attached: fukthewm.jpg (1280x720, 318K)

Just like foot fungus.

Fucking newfag.

It's from a Chinese camrip site. No official release is out yet, so there's no high quality rip to make memes out of.

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rosa needs turned inside out in this pic

>If Alita looked like this I would have watched the movie
If only you knew

Attached: ALITA+BATTLE+ANGEL.jpg (778x720, 131K)

That's a middle aged beaner in an innaccurate outfit not a hot young girl in a faithful outfit fuck off.

Yesterday I said I was gonna color this Zapan image, but I fell asleep. Here it is now though...

Attached: zapanclapclap.jpg (1141x1583, 2.59M)

Why is Rosa so trashy sexy hot? I'm not complaining. Damn though. She is always so trashy in with the social media posts. Is it her marketing strategy or is she just a trashy qt3.14 naturally?

What does that even mean?

You can take your low iq racist ass back to /pol/ whenever incel. You won't be missed.

Nice job. I think I still prefer my manga reaction pictures to remain uncolored.

>complains endlessly about the movie being inaccurate
>didn't even watch it

Fuck off contrarian art nigger. We know its you btw. You aren't fooling anyone. How many threads have you been running this bait again? Seems like several in a row at least now.

>fapping to a hot asian in skin tight latex
Ha ha ok.

That's fine. I just like doing them.

This is my version, just cropped it square
Some people just like the panels uncolored you don't have to throw a fit about it

Attached: zapanlaugh.jpg (1141x1141, 820K)

>is sure to point out race
Shut the fuck up race baiter.

Where was this moralfag when someone dropped 3 n-bombs?

Attached: really.png (938x781, 669K)

Say it to my face you fucking cunt.

I'd be upset too. That shit's like summoning beetlejuice.

That nigger was probably sleeping.

>hot young girl

Careful. They're gonna start calling you a pedo 50 times a thread.

Attached: 1527640620634.jpg (400x400, 22K)

From 0 to 100 real quick huh? Take a chill pill buddy.

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Woah settle down, man! If he doesn't like the colors that's fine. Don't get upset over it.


THIS IS Yea Forums



i'll just put it in laymans terms and say she needs a hardened member of male genitalia thrust deeply inside of her repeatedly until reaching sexual climax

I hope not, a black beetlejuice would be awful. that's like a double whammy of shit you don't want around

I would if I could but it's hard to do with my eyes watering

Attached: heh3.jpg (508x336, 98K)

I'll beat your ass twice for being a samefag fucking cunt. Show up at the ALITA meetup. I dare you.

oh my god, the facebook 'banter' it burns

Maybe you should stop shooting cum into your eyes when you jerk off.


Attached: Any Minute Now.png (1252x664, 832K)

*smacks lips*
*steals model car*
*possesses wife*
*hits ghostblunt*

>tfw literally every post in this thread is me except your posts

Attached: image.jpg (502x488, 167K)

This has been an unusually terrible stretch, going back to when the weed melee broke out. It's not that the shitposters are any more numerous or deft, but people have really been taking the bait lately for whatever reason.
Fantastic work as always. Love your color choice for the letters.
Have a comfy poncholita in exchange.

Attached: comf poncholita.png (780x767, 557K)

Jesus... I just wanted to share a color I did. I didn't want to cause a war...

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There should be an Alita version of this with every face a character from the movie.

Some people are so on edge they think geniune posts are bait, and bait posts are genuine.

You alright buddy. OC even as small as coloring a panel is always welcome.

I can't help it you remind me of your mother

This movie was terrible

Pay no attention to the Jeromes. Realise, this is 4chin. Nothing is what it seems. Just go with the flow.
Shut the fuck up you stupid nigger.


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I like your color work user but I think Zapan's metal parts could be a little lighter maybe

Your mom was terrible. Worst lay I ever. Wtf?

Yeah I'm ok. I just wasn't expecting people to be so on edge tonight.
Here's some zapan fan art I found on newgrounds...

Attached: 618279_denxvii_zapan.jpg (1920x1080, 848K)

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>linking a pajeet website with non qualified counselors giving life advice

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Boss in thread.

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Great thread tonight.

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How will jimbo respond?

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What is there to say?

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Well they've got $450M to go and people have already stopped talking about it so I imagine he won't have to say anything

It's a bit of a shit show but I'm still entertained for now

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I can't believe Endgame has made more than Infinity War.

I wonder if any ALITA will break out of this fight!

Yeah it's surprising given that by all accounts it's not as good


I know people who saw Endgame but haven't seen IW, or most MCU movies. They see it because it's popular.

Wow. This is so, so sad. What a shitfest of a list. Only maybe three of those movies are quality worth over a billion dollars.

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Guess I'm not getting my wish tonight.

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The more I hang out in these threads the more I suspect the trolls are actually Alita regulars fucking with each other. Does that seem plausible or am I high as fuck out of my mind?

>all from 2011 or later
>except for two
>both by James Cameron


Inflation; sham list

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I wish I had that comfy couch.

batman zapan would be badass

>Almost the entire list is shit except Alita
Wtf is even going on in cinema these days?

He already responded like a faggy defeatist cuck.
If he were an actual chad he'd say Disney still had some catching up to do and posted this.

Attached: adjusted.jpg (1067x700, 270K)

It's possible.

Because I LARP'd as Jerome myself once.
>pic related

Attached: Stale Jerome Playbook.png (1247x181, 116K)

What was it

I've done it a few times in the past. It's pretty fun and you fags take the bait so easily.

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Fucking this!

I love Jimbo, but this. Seriously.

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I think the best thing about the sequel announcement will be the thermonuclear bootyblast inflicted on the haters.

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Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.

>Titanic is so high level that even Avatar couldn't beat Titanic and everybody thought it had

Seriously, Jeromes and naysayera gonna be on SUICIDE WATCH

>Well done Disney, well done Disney...
Would've been tweetkino.

Yeah, I think it's second of real inflation-adjusted gross only to fucking Gone with the Wind.

He was being classy and confident. Making that card for Titanic showed he doesn't think he'll need to make one for Avatar.


Imagine how pissed Jerome will be when the sequel is announced and /ALITA/ blows the fuck up and won't leave page 1 of Yea Forums for a month straight again.

I WILL get the first 'flopped, sequel never' post when that happens or so help me god

Pretty close. Titanic's also behind Sound of Music, Star Wars ANH, and ET domestically. I'll calculate WW gross.

We won't be stopped. /comfyposting/ is just getting started.

It'll be better than what I'm told sex is like.

Never forget through these dark times that come BD and torrent release we're going to have a lot of new people here. There will be shitposts still, but it will be an age of rebirth.

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1344 more posts till #500
1344 more posts till #500
1344 more posts till #500

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What happened to the guy who played Jake Sully? He was in four or five other movies after Avatar and then just vanished

How can 1 man be so based?

Not even here can I escape dick-size comparing contests about which film grossed 2 or 3 billions and did it deserve it or not and does it take into account inflation and and and and who CARES


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Maybe you should like, I dunno, fuck off or something.

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excellent vid here fren

>original source
I am disappointed.

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They didn't add Gone with the Wind's foreign total. I went ahead and took the top five adjusted movies according to box office mojo, and adjusted their worldwide total by their years of release:
5. Sound of Music (only had domestic recorded):
4. ET, WW adjusted:
3. Star Wars, WW adjusted:
2. Titanic, WW adjusted:
1. Gone with the Wind, WW adjusted:

>Alita: Sympathy for the Devil?
>Alita: He'll NEED IT!

He didn't vanish but his fame just adjusted itself to match the amount of personality he has

Elder God tier

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Ok guys, 20-year manga fan here to give my honest opinion on this movie.

It was one of the best film adaptations I've ever seen of any source material, taking all the genius of the original and expressing it on the screen in a manner as close to perfection as you can get. There are things you can nitpick in this movie, and a few creative choices I think should have been different, but it exceeds any action or blockbuster movie made in this century by a colossal margin.

I don't watch many blockbuster-type films anymore, preferring mostly more "mature" dramas that focus on quality acting and storytelling, but Alita can contend with any of them as well as being an absolutely thrilling spectacle. The motorball tryout scene and the climax of the underground fight are literally drug-like. And the story, with its build-ups, payoffs and recurring themes is masterfully constructed. Every shot and scene is a joy to watch.

My favorite review of the movie is Kishiro's. He is one of the luckiest comics creators of all time in that his work was adapted by true fans who understood the vision and themes of Alita and had the talent to transform his material into a film. Anyone who appreciates his art should understand why the movie is a masterpiece and a worthy part of his legacy.

I would love to see a Peaches re-edit of this with Alita clips and maybe a motorball song from Alita. That's a lot of shit to toss in in their lap of course. They seem genius though so they could whip it out probably. Maybe we could help out with suggestions or something. If we pushed it out across the internetz around around the time of bluray release or sequel announcement it could go huge.

Attached: alita general.webm (960x402, 2.62M)

>no Avatar

Attached: image.jpg (555x555, 159K)

He's currently busy working on Avatar 2 and 3.

>Ok guys, 20-year manga fan
Stopped reading right there.

based reasonable manga fun boomer

Why does that disqualify anybody

>re-edit of this
to clarify
*re-edit of this vid
not their webm I posted

That was the top five domestic. It was enough work adding the foreign totals for the actual adjusted lifetime gross. Obviously Avatar would be ahead of Star Wars and behind Titanic.

Shut the fuck up Jerome and shove this tl:dr bait up your ass

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Why do all the top grossing movies suck ass?

was this inspired by this? that would be funny if alita found the Praetor suit and ido put her into it because demonic zalem was attacking iron city

Attached: Berserker_Slayer_Big_Zalem.png (1920x1080, 2.36M)

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I didn't post the first thing, I was just wondering why you had an issue with it

this isn't even close to the final pic

Why do you like reiterating extremely banal and boring opinions?

it's the only one i have saved, i made this one and cutanon went to town on it

Have some flan friends, it's good for your karma

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Can't you come up with better bait Jerome?Fuckin' A. Its been almost 500 threads now. We expect more from you.

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I'm not Jerome you wet pillow.
The first user made a post about liking the movie and the second user didn't even bother reading it because the first user said they liked the manga.
I just want to know wtf is going on around here. People are so fucking hostile right now, everyone just needs to take a chill pill and go for a walk.

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>seven fucking billion dollars of 2019 money
Absolute fucking unit.

Has the movie ever actually been discussed in any of these or is it just waifu posting

Oh fuck Nova would absolutely LOVE the giga puddi

How easy to bait are you

Cheers, mate.

Sorry if we seem a bit nutter right now, Everyone's a little on edge because the thread is infiltrated with false-flaggers and trolls.

Glad you enjoy the movie.

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The new trolling tactic is to spam trolling accusations.

Wow it only took them almost 500 threads but they're actually starting to evolve some primitive intelligence

Manga user here. You're among friends. Stay /comfy/ and don't take the bait.

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Goodnight frens

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Glad I stayed up long enough to get some comfyposting in after all the bullshit lately. Keep it up, frens.
Good night!

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fuck, I spat out my Special Edition Arizona Green Tea with Honey and Ginseng Ice Tea.

The thought of Jerome evolving in a Spore engine is too much.

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Good night frens sleep well

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Classy isn't James Cameron's game.

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>fighting back that instinctual Canadian reserved politeness

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Night frens

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So much hostility tonight, no comfy to be found

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>thunderstorm outside
>just kindled a love of Gundam 0079
>wrapped the fuck up gearing up to watch episode 5

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Shitposters have been gone for a while, fren. Go ahead and settle in.

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digitalbits confirmed june 25th is the BR release date.

Were did the lewd posters go?

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I've been trying, I wanted to ignore the trolls and get comfy and start discussion but I didn't do it very well

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I came about an hour ago.

You can't get it out of your system. The more you fight the more you want to fight.

So did I.

Y'all got any of them blu ray rips.

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I've been away for abit, was there a civil war or just more jerome shit?

You're right he would

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Doesn't matter. All is comfy now.

Sleep well consecutive cozyposters

Both kind of
Glad to have you back though

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We just hide in the shadows until our time comes once more.

>It's part of your training
>It's why you're drawn to conflict without hesitation

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My semi-chub is always ready to lewd best girl of all time, friend.

>tfw listening to horrorsynth
Who needs comfy?

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Im slowly reading the manga while listening to the soundtrack. Maximum comfy.

Darkwave or bust friend.
How far through are you?

NOT good enough, user. You should've read the WHOLE thing by now.

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The sequels are NOT happening. Terminator Genisys made the same amount as Alita, but on a slightly lower budget, and the sequels were scrapped. It's over.

>Ok guys, 20-year manga fan here to give my honest opinion on this movie.
Being a fan of the manga for over 20 years is not really relevant here because the movie only covers about the first 2.5 volumes. You could power through those in 2 hours and know mostly everything you need to know for comparison.
Knowing what happens in Last Order or later is not relevant and might even be detrimental due to how vastly different it is to the original series in tone and narrative. It's hard to accept it was written by the same author at times. It's also important to note much of the movie was lifted from the OVA, especially characters like Grewishka and Chiren, making manga knowledge even less relevant.

>It was one of the best film adaptations I've ever seen of any source material [...]
Agreed. It is not perfect though and it's irritating to see how much of the praise sometimes boils down to "It's not capeshit" or "It's not a shit adaptation like Ghost in the Shell (2017)" It's so self-indulgent and hollow; of course it is better than capeshit but if that's bar you set then it's so low it doesn't matter. It doesn't have to be an us vs them angle, and being better than shit doesn't mean you're great. It's impossible to say anything negative about the movie here without being bombarded with "okay but watch the movie though" automatic responses.

>My favorite review of the movie is Kishiro's. He is one of the luckiest comics creators of all time in that his work was adapted by true fans who understood the vision and themes of Alita [...]
It may be the best live-action adaption ever but again that's because the competition is non-existent. You have to be critical of it a stand-alone work and demand more of it and its possible sequels, otherwise you can't justify the near cult fandom it generates on this board, especially when anime like Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995) treat the theme of coming-of-age and have equally superb animation despite being 20+ years old.

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>how far through are you?
Chapter 1 lol im taking my sweet time

There's a petition for a sequel on Change.org

I've always thought petitions were dumb, but I'll show support for Alita wherever I can


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user first of all I want to say that I appreciate you making reasonable criticism rather than just
that being said though:

">My favorite review of the movie is Kishiro's. He is one of the luckiest comics creators of all time in that his work was adapted by true fans who understood the vision and themes of Alita"
>It may be the best live-action adaption ever but again that's because the competition is non-existent.
You quoted this point and then didn't actually answer Kishiro's point. He didn't compare it to GitS in this quote but rather noted that the vision and themes are true to the source material. I don't know if that's a mistake or if you just didn't understand the point made. Regardless, there's three ways in which you can criticize this movie I think:

>1. As a film in a vacuum with no reference to source material.
>2. As a direct interpretation of the source material in to a different medium.
>3. As an interpretation of the essence of the source with regard to the limitations and evolution of the story over the last 25 years.

I think the film succeeds more on fronts 1 and 3 than number 2.

Enjoy it- I think chapters 2-4 are my favourtie ones in the series!

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Not your personal alitarmy

Holy Order of Alita when?

>change.org petitions

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Rosa confirmed for being on the side of smoker alitans.

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>and have equally superb animation despite being 20+ years old.
isn't Evangelion traditional animation anyway? I don't think it matters how old it is
and Alita is something else entirely

I want to lick that leaf.

For all that we joke about it I actually don't think Alita would necessarily be affected by drugs since it makes sense that the URM would make their combat bodies toxin-proof

Get comfy with me.

I agree with what Miyazaki actually said here. What he hated about modern anime was that it was run by people who had no desire to observe or study real people and real movements. A lot of what made Ghibli work was in little details that were only gained by observing how people act in real life.

>that pit

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Well no alita is beyond pure herself. But she’s an avatar of righteousness, a living saint, a battle angel to inspire us all.

You know what? Even if they didn't observe people, and over stylized or chose to be that way, if they put any ACTUAL EFFORT INTO IT it could still be good. Like nearly all modern art, just a hollow husk being soldout on before it's even got substance. I think that's what he means.

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Good night, frens

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Oh definitely. He was embittered by the lack of care. He found observation of others and a genuine love of other people to be his personal source of that care.

Well sure, it did something that had never been done before. It looks amazing and the CGI is breathtaking. But if that's all it did with a $170M budget then it's a disappointment. Some nips did it better 20 or 10 years ago on a shoestring budget.

Now these are the comfy hours that I come here for

Night fren sleep well

comparing anime to live-action is oranges to apples friend. the process behind creation is so different.

night nigs

sleep well we'll keep things cozy

Doesn't take much research to confirm it really

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Somebody bake the bread I need to do a few things

rosa on their sides, alita on ours

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Anyone baking?

I fucking wish that we could get an HQ model of the Bersker body Alita

I got it

I'm not comparing medium to medium.

It's a manga/anime to live-action adaptation and praised as such. I'm saying, look at the original medium and it might give you some perspective. Cameron bought the rights to adapt it in any way pleases him and so with the decision to turn it into a live-action movie also comes the scrutiny of what was adapted out, what was changed and how.

It's not enough for Alita to have 20 million polygons and look good.


There's no smoker vs. non-smoker fight. It's Jeromes who jump on any topic that could be used to D&C.

Remember when as soon as people posted pics of their guns Jerome started talking about shooting up Hollywood and then shooting people at the meetup? And then there was a slow morning when a troll posted about being suicidal and then with 5 minutes there were like 12 replies saying "yeah, I'm ready to die too man."

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