Were any of the kids fucking at hogwarts?

were any of the kids fucking at hogwarts?

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is this a boy?
it's a boy isn't it

obviously, where do you think you are?

everyone except the nerds

if you're attracted to it you're attracted to it

no, just like you

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>reading comprehension

can't tell if she's trolling

did she really tweet that last one? jesus

i want to join hufflepuff now

I'm very sure they were getting laid in some hidden passage, i mean Hogwarts is gigantic based on the lore

Funny shoop

>ywn have a group wank with your bros in a castle dorm room

She's not trolling, she's constantly retconning her beloved series of children's novels to contain deviant sexual acts now that she's cashed in on them.

I would still fuck it, boy or not it still looks girly

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yeah, where do you think they were in that huge castle? they were obviously at Hogwarts

>particularly hufflepuff

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does the pope shit in the woods?

Of course they were fucking, everyone at hogwarts is gay

Bullshit, the nerds knew what they were doing. Engorgio!

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>wizards are faggots
at least she did her research

wtf I love this fetish now

>particularly hufflepuff


why the fuck did the mods delete the OP pic but leave the thread up?