Why is she so smug?

Why is she so smug?

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The mountain and the hound will fight, the hound will be defeated, cersei will order the mountain to kill his brother, then the mountain turns on cersei and kills her.

Plot armor

guess you forgot all the shit she went through the last 7 seasons, she's just embraced that might makes right and there is no justice in the world.

i tried to explain to my idiot normie friend that the night king was a horrible idea and that plot thread was resolved too easily. I told him that it doesn't matter who rules king's landing now and he said, "who cares, the show is called Game of Thrones anyway, that's the important part"
well, i guess somebody is enjoying this shitshow

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The issue with this is that realistically she would've been deposed a while ago. Rulers, even in an absolute monarchy, rarely get to stick around after they've completely pissed off literally every constituency in their kingdom. In the case of Cersei, literally everyone hates her, but we have some saturday morning cartoon villains shit going on where everyone just sits back and goes with it.

Went through what? She grew up a privileged woman with a comfortable life. What hardships did she go through?

>waahhhh i got married to some fat retard
>waah my daddy doesnt like me

Wow. Such hardships.

Also, her walk of atonement was fair. She got what she deserved. She's a dumbfuck roastie who had it coming.

I wish show Cersei was more like book Cersei
drunk, incompetent, and paranoid

I had literally this exact same conversation as well. Who sat on the throne only ever mattered in the context of who would be the most willing and capable to defend against existential threats to the realm, such as the literal zombie apocalypse. With that gone, which bong lady with the blonde wig gets to sit on the throne is irrelevant.

She has everything she wants and she's winning. Dany's dragons BTFO'd

have sex, incel

she's still incompetent and stupid, it's just that everyone else is too now

How can we delete reddit guys? BTW yeah i’m an incel no need for havesexposting

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What else did you expect? You wanted 6 episodes of white walker battles? Fuck off retard.

>wah arya shouldn't have killer him

Who the fuck cares. If it was Jon Snow, everyone would've complained it was too predictable. And your friend is right about the show being about who rules and not the white walkers. It's right there in the title you dumbass.

i appreciate the effort but i don't think anyone was fooled, user
still, it would have been interesting to see a westeros engulfed in darkness and the undead. maybe in another ten years after george has died and someone else finishes the 6th and 7th books

>she's still incompetent and stupid, it's just that everyone else is too now

She played Dany and Tyrion. That was a masterstroke.

That's how she was initially presented. Her characterization only truly went off the deep end after she blew up the high septon. Until that point, even in the show, all of her retarded actions wound up biting her in the ass and causing more issues. But then magically she gets crowned queen, and despite having zero confidants left alive except for Zombie Mountain and Yesman Frankenstein, the entirety of King's Landing, the military, most of the seven kingdoms, etc still bend to her whim? If this were anything like how the rest of the story is about actions and consequences, she would've been stabbed in the back after pissing off every interest group and having all people who were allied already dead and unable to protect her.

but the female demographic says they love her and want to be her, so...

Bend over

he like tall girls not fat one lol

because she thinks she is better than everyone else, but knows deep down inside she isn't the smartetest, most clever, fucks her brother and was handed her life on a golden spoon and can't be grateful for her privilege because she is a stuck up cunt and bitter and because she is a female has to always have a chip on her shoulder or something to prove, no matter the cost.

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I don't understand how you kill the pope in the middle of Catholic Europe and don't get lynched?

>"big woman"
Guarantee you the womyn who typed this cringefest was a hamplanet

you remember how the sparrows were thousands and thousands of peasants, enough to easily overwhelm all the gold cloaks? enough to make demands in king's landing and force the rulers to obey? well they forgot about that part and it became just the nuns and priests, so like 10 people

And even without that, this was after admitting to the world that she was having incest with her twin brother and that all the rumors of her children being inbred bastards were true. How the fuck did TPTB even decide to crown her Queen? She wasn't in line of succession, period, due to being a Lannister and not even nominally a Baratheon. Literally zero claim. Then adding in the incest shit, confirmation that Joff and Tommen were not legitimate, and declaring war against the priestly class, oh and Tyrion leaving and Tywin dead meaning that she no longer had their political connections to help her out... how the fuck did she pull that off?

The show is shit but if you want to cope I imagine she's a ruthless ruler and Qyburn is completely terrorizing the whole city with his magic and dark arts. Say the wrong thing and you get arrested and become toy for Qyburn to conduct experiments.

But even still, King's Landing must be a hell of city to control, the city must be a complete den of debauchery and crime and a curfew is probably enforced. However now that the people are convinced that Dany has come to burn them maybe they won't make any trouble as Cercei appears as their savior and protector no matter how shitty she is.

>The show is shit but if you want to cope I imagine she's a ruthless ruler and Qyburn is completely terrorizing the whole city with his magic and dark arts. Say the wrong thing and you get arrested and become toy for Qyburn to conduct experiments.

Even granting that much leeway and such a ridiculous premise doesn't solve the issue though, because it just begs the question of if Qyburn is able to singularly hold the entire city/realm effectively hostage with an iron fist with wizard magic or whatever, then he would've been able to prevent the entire High Sparrow shit from happening at all in the first place, and certainly would've been able to suppress it before it got out of control

>guess you forgot all the shit she went through the last 7 seasons
You also forgot all the sufferring she has inflicted, and that attack on the sept killing tens of people.

The issue is that she cannot be "queen" in the first place because like France, the Seven Kingdoms follow the rule of male primogeniture, and it has been established from the very beginning. There is no "queen", the queen is the wife of whoever happens to be king and she just serves as a first lady, and she does not inherit from him.

>Even granting that much leeway and such a ridiculous premise
The books were going towards that direction

And he wasn't that good while the Sparrow thing started. He's always learning and the creation of Zombie Clegane is probably the point where he mastered his craft to a degree that makes a difference.

That's what I was getting at. It was the baratheon line that was royal blood. Even if we just ignore the whole incest issue that kickstarted the civil war, all the baratheon kids being dead means she would have zero justification, not as a regent and certainly not as an outright ruler.

>how the fuck did she pull that off?
The answer is the same as always:

Have sex, incel

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>Blows up the pope and all her political enemies and somehow still becomes Queen despite having no claim and being terrorist, hated and shamed mad woman.
>Kills all the Tyrells and steals their gold to pay off debt and buy a new army.
>When faced with an army of zombies bent on destroying the world decides to do nothing.
>It works.
>Tricks pirate king into thinking her incest baby is his.
>Has mad scientist bro build her an invincible zombie giant and dragon killing super weapons
>Captures and Kills Dany's best friend and one of her dragons.

Why wouldn't she be smug? She been inexplicably winning constantly for the last few seasons.

another example of ugly fatminist landwhales who have never been asked on a date creating a boogeyman
who the fuck insults women in their face or creates a scene after being rejected? like 1 in 1000 guys (who has some serious mental problems)?
look here’s Paul he likes to play video games but he never shot up a school and he never, not once in his life, raped a child #BeLikePaul

Because she's winning

Because literally everyone who wronged her is killed.

Literally the entire country hates her, but apparently undead clegane and qbert alone are able to quell all revolts.

Knight Ning plot was bad. It did kind of cover up the fact that there were almost no characters left though.

You have to imagine that Qburn takes care of a lot of things offscreen otherwise it's just gonna look dumb. Which it does in the show, S1 had all those little details that help you feel like the show takes place in a living world, they dropped that along the lines though.

Also Clegane would be more useful than he appears, the guy would never disobey or question any order no matter how immoral. And seeing how he's pretty effective as a fighter and can't die he's probably a very valuable asset for Cersei that I don't think anyone can matct that except maybe Arya.

Reading this makes it obvious Cersei literally only has Qyburn and Clegane. Those are the only characters she can even talk to or support here. The three of them together are the only people in Kings Landing. This show is fucked.

>Bitch, you had ten years of proof. plus 5ish books.

That's really what's rubbed me the wrong way about the Cersei/KL plotline throughout S7-8. King's Landing has always been an obviously pivotal location in GoT, full of interesting plotlines and characters and events. But now it feels like a 2D cardboard cutout because all we ever see is Cersei from an interior shot of the red keep talking to either Qyburn and/or Mountain. That's it.

Remember the feeling in Season 1 of traveling with Ned to KL and getting introduced to the colorful cast of characters who reside there? all the knights and kings guard and peasantfolk like genry and all the people who made up the king's council, etc? Now there's none of that.

Shit, they don't even bother getting the KL location right anymore. What used to be a port city nestled in the hills is now a flat straight wall overlooking a fast barren wasteland, like they decided to reuse the props from Qarth or some shit instead of bothering to head back to Croatia for filming.

>rejected by Ned Stark (in the books)
>cucked by dead Lyanna
>never had sex with her sons Joffrey and Tommen, only with her brother who has only one hand
>her other brother the dwarf never stuck his whole head into her vajayjay
>her dad was killed while shitting
>had to stick a finger in some smelly pirate’s bum
>is a soccer mom drunkard
>lives in a universe where The Simpsons don’t exist therefore she doesn’t know what sneedposting is
>wanted to marry Rhaegar T. but got cucked by a sandniggress then again by Lyanna
>now her main rivals are Rhaegar’s sister and his son whom he had with said Lyanna
>got cucked by ugly security guard of Lyanna’s niece who looks like a man
>drove her last child to suicide
>got kidnapped by a pedo homeless christcuck then peasants threw feces at her
>comes from the wealthiest family in the 7 kingdoms but can’t buy a Gucci sweater (nor a dragon)
no reason for being smug

Even as far back as season 1 they tried to make her much more sympathetic than the book version which didn't really make for a more interesting character imo.

But yes, her becoming ruling queen was supremely retarded; without the "baratheon" heirs to rule behind or her father's strength she would never have the legitimacy and support to take the crown. What little authority she had independent of her family was shattered by her walk of shame.

But whatever, I guess its more progressive to have two queens vying for the throne.

I wouldn't say Cersei was ever presented as being sympathetic. In a show full of morally ambiguous characters, she was one of the few who everyone unquestionably hated. It's just that before, her characterization made sense, and her foolish actions had consequences that actually made sense. Now she's just a moustache-twirling cartoon villain because they decided to make le incest wine aunt the final boss of GoT rather than the living fucking dead.

What does your friend think of Littlefinger's death? The only real ones playing the game were Tywin, Littlefinger, Varys(and book Illyrio), Doran Martell and show-Tyrells

>34 thousand upboats

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They literally have to shoot around Lena's Botox injections. She cant hardly move her face, and this is the one constant expression she is able to make.
This is not a joke even though it sounds like one.