Any kinos about somebody stepping into the professional world when they were not prepared to?

Any kinos about somebody stepping into the professional world when they were not prepared to?

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Fuck Shapiro, Fuck Neil, and fuck the jannies.

>Squeaky merchant gets OWNED and RAPED by BBC.

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>Bring up tweets that are dated, out of context, and ones that Ben himself has brought forward as bad
>LOL Ben got DESTROYED for walking out of a dishonest discussion

Someone explain to me how anyone but redditors can see it this way.

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CHAD Tory vs the Virgin Republican.

Ben is a war hungry faggot jewtard who only wins against college kids most of/b/ could win against

Also there is no such thing as "judeo-chriatian " or whatever jew term he uses to make it seem like Israel is our friend

Remember Jews hate Christians more than Muslims. . .

When will Benjy stop embarrassing himself?

Yea Ben threw a complete hissyfit here.
He was lost the moment he converted to Judaism.
It's like his critical thinking capacity just shuts down when it goes against Jewish doctrine.

>listening to a slimy jew

Wtf Chris Evans is a Nazi?

If he actually thought he was wrong he'd acknowledge it and maybe apologize but he didn't because he doesn't and is mad he can't just pretend he never said it

he was triggered and run away crying like a bitch

Jewpiro said he got owned and broke his own faggy debate rules in a tweet.

He has already acknowledge and apologized for those tweets, if the interviewer was honest he would have brought that up when bringing up those tweets. If someone brought up bad tweets from my past, ones I have openly acknowledge as bad a apologized for, and that someone didn't feel it necessary it mention that, I'd be justified in assuming they were acting in bad faith.

>cries about Israel when backed into a corner

>get interviewed by the biggest neo-con boomer in bongland
>asked pointed questions
>accuses him of being a leftist and runs away to his safe space

is this the power of american conservatism?

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I meant in the interview. Good on him for owning up to it, I guess. I imagine it would've been smarter to never apologize like Trump does but then he couldn't shill his dumb book and complain about how hateful everyone else is.

You don't get to apologize once and then get mad if someone brings it up again. That just shows you never actually were sorry.

Ironic that he got owned considering the meme of him owning other people.

Also, fuck Ben Shapiro.

British conservatives are the most moderate and spineless in the entire fucking world. They are essentially centre-left by American standards, and people wonder why UKIP and other garbage tier parties are on the rise

Shapiro makes himself look like a fucking fool in that video.

How come every interview Ben does he's always got that yarmulke on? It's like either he has to remind everyone that he's a jew, or he wears it as a sort of comfort blanket like Linus carries around

Is Neil a conservative?

Not an argument, just an over simplification of your own interpretation of what happened.

Was he mad that someone brought it up, or was he mad that someone brought it up to make an argument without also bringing up the fact that Ben himself has acknowledge these tweets as bad? Again, I don't see how Ben isn't 100% justified in assuming the interviewer was acting in bad faith.

>Niigel Farage won't literally be PM within 10 years

I am fucking LMAOing at your life.


Oh sweetie, facts don't care about your feelings

Not even applicable, just a very sad attempt at reddit "owning".

It's funny because asking Ben about past tweets was probably meant to be a softball question because he assumed that this would be the first thing that anyone like Ben Shapiro would expect to be asked about on the book tour.

Ben Shapiro is a dumbass with a boomer mentality. All of his "arguments" fall flat once you give them an ounce of thought.


His tweets weren’t out of context and were relevant to the topic of his book. Whether or not he’s apologised for them is irrelevant. It seems that you’re just as clueless as Shapiro.

>BBC journalist
Pick one.

lmao cope

Your god just got exposed

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How is it irrelevant that he himself has acknowledge the tweets were bad?

Imagine thinking Sir Andrew Neil is some kind of leftist lmao. He's rigjht-leaning.

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>Ben is a war hungry faggot jewtard who only wins against college kids most of/b/ could win against
So you're saying he's at my level of debate. Suh-weet.

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>ben shapiro gets raped and tortured by BBC

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reminder that "anglos" are actually Dutch Jews