Do you like the Rachel Maddow Show?
I like her a lot, I'm watching it right now.
Do you like the Rachel Maddow Show?
I like her a lot, I'm watching it right now.
all talking heads are propaganda. i don't care what side you're on. read a fucking book and form your own opinions instead of letting someone else form them for you
I prefer Tucker Carlson.
cool story faggot
uhhh have sex incel
Aren't books also wrote by people with ideology?
Wasting money on forum socks is not smart, i guess that’s why they’re failing.
It was funny seeing her ratings plummet after that, I can just imagine all the salty tears of her fans finding out that she lead them astray.
She is a Rhodes scholar so she is probably CIA.
everything has bias but at least the written word decouples you from the ways that verbal speech and body language can subtly influence you
I hate her fucking guts and I'm a democrat
Im extremely liberal and think she's a fucking joke. Please please recast her
shilling on an eskimo basket weaving board won't save you cnn
Honestly she needs to be gassed first
stay in your containment thread incel
>intentionally wore a bowtie for years
>stopped because people were making fun of him and hurting his feefees
Bad taste AND no spine. I hope his testicles descend someday.
She's a literal CIA plant. A so-called left winger pushing intervention overseas.
>stay in your containment thread incel
Do you think that permanently overreacting Americans actually end up believing their act?
I still like him.
ratings tanked hard since mueller report turned out to be nothing
She's smarter and more factual than 99% of Fox News
She's also histrionic and annoying and can't help disappearing down SJW rabbit holes
I unironically want her to peg me. You just know she can throw a mean strapon.
She's 99% stringing together "if this is true" and "then that means". There's nothing factual about her. She's just a left wing Bongino.
She'll never beat King Tucker.
He wore a bowtie when he was in his 20s. He's almost 50 now, get over it faggot.
She's okay and brings on a diverse range of guests with different opinions. She's not afraid to express her own opinions in response but she gives all her guests equal air time. She's not my favorite liberal talk show host, but she's good at what she does, and she's definitely not the intolerant foaming at the mouth social justice hippy people who hate her make her sound like.
>stringing together "if this is true" and "then that means"
Doesn't make her non-factual, especially since she's usually citing credible news reporting
Spending weeks on white genocide, the "Seth Rich "assassination", and the invasion of Texas are non-factual
No, she literally fabricates scenarios in her head and extrapolates from there.
Name a non-SJW scenario she "fabricated" from whole cloth.
I just named three that Fox ran with
The written word can still be propaganda
Those things you mentioned happened/are happening though.
i'm not disputing this. i just think a well-written piece of text can be accused of less bias than a audio and/or visual presentation that might subtly sway you with a tone of voice or body language. i wish i could find the screencap, but i agree with a poster whose tl;dr was
>comedy news shows are insidious because they use the psychology of humor to ridicule and deride targets without a real argument
lol, and this is how the Fox crowd have simply moved into an alternate fact universe
(to clarify, invasion of Texas means Jade Helm, not the immigration "invasion")
Mueller report
Oh, okay. The jade helm thing didn't happen, but the immigration invasion (no quotation marks) is happening. Whites are experiencing a soft genocide by the UN's own definition and Julien Assange indicated that Seth Rich might have been assassinated. It's not that complicated. And I'm a sort of leftist. Cucker Tarlson is the only thing I watch on fox.
Here is what you are missing vis-a-vis Maddow and MSNBC:
>hate crimes/laws against blacks or muslims
>hate crimes/laws against whites or asians
>political person on my side dies in a fishy scenario
>political person on my side dies in a fishy scenario
Stop making up conspiracy theories
If you don't notice the crisis happening because of asylum seeker laws I don't know what else to say. Defending political pundits is for idiots like you
Can't cuck the Tuck!
lol, and again, exactly what did she "fabricate"? You guys seem to be confusing "not charging a crime because he's president" with "not factually correct"
It's now universally agreed by prosecutors across the country, including guys like Judge Napolitano, that Trump would be charged with obstruction right now based on the Mueller report if he was anyone else other than the president. The report also confirms the stories about Manafort meeting with Russian intelligence assets and Don Jr. meeting with Russian operatives in Trump Tower, the stuff Maddow has been harping on for a year.
So, exactly, what was "fabricated"?
I haven't watched tv in twelve years. I don't know who this man is.
>Julian Assange indicated
lol, that's a solid source
Putting all that aside, do you really think it's so far-fetched?
Tucker Carlson needs to be murdered. He's a faggot-ass trust fund baby who spouts propoganda weekly and wears cuck-ass clothes.
Go do it with your bare hands if your such a badass.
Never heard this reported or seriously discussed as a mainstream theory on MSNBC. Granted I don't watch it that much
I must have missed the last time Maddow spent two weeks on national TV accusing Mitch McConnell of assassinating someone
It's a "crisis" the same way mass shootings are a "crisis". Numbers are up, but the idea that the country is under existential threat is pure invention
>simply moved into an alternate fact universe
reminder: what is fact and what is not is part of the discussion. you won't get away with trying to pass off your personal opinion as fact. and by implication with passing off anybody who doesn't share your take as having "alternative facts".
>It's now universally agreed by prosecutors
>Numbers are up, but the idea that the country is under existential threat is pure invention
wrongo. im not an american but i am fairly sure that with every percentage point that the white majority drops, the country is inching closer towards civil war II, as the competition for who is really in charge here becomes more intense.
Even Obama admin officials are admitting there is too many migrants pouring in, Democrats just want the votes so they are allowing it to happen
>personal opinion
This is the "facts are impossible to know and truth is what you choose to believe" position. Sorry, you're not the first to argue that it's my "personal opinion" that there is no tiny china teapot orbiting the moons of Saturn.
The irony here is that for people who supposedly abhor "moral relativism", the right has become almost fanatical epistemological relativists.
You're absolutely right man there is absolutely no content in left-wing media about black people being under attack by police (which is ironic reading your last snippet, it applies to the so-called cops killing innocent black people crisis). There is also nothing in left-wing media about blacks being held down by the system and deserving handouts.
I haven't read up on the whole shooting, but let's level here because you're clearly bullshitting for partisan reasons. I think what we saw with Trump warranted a fair investigation because the events just seemed odd. Now, when I see a politician who knows sensitive information gunned down in DC right around a sensitive time, I also think something is up, I don't think that warrants blaming but it should be talked about and investigated.
The immigration at the border right now is a crisis, so much so that the system is overwhelmed and people are not being housed/fed/cared for properly. That's a crisis, a crisis doesn't warrant the country falling apart in a week or ever, but it does mean that there is a bad situation going on that effects the border states quite a bit right now
1) Dershowitz isn't a prosecutor
2) Dershowitz is a loophole artist for wealthy crooks
3) Dershowitz... really?
The left really has no room to talk about facts when they claim men can get periods
Point is he blew him the fuck out
If he's a loophole artist then he probably knows more about the law than anyone else
Oh, you just blew in from reddit
Talk about racism on specific police forces, while often highly SJW-ified and twisted, is still a far cry from an overarching theory that there is a conspiracy across every branch and level of government and your political opposition to commit "genocide" against your entire race. yes, I'm sure there are radical black and sjw groups that talk shit like that, but it ain't considered mainstream news, even on the left. At worst, what you're saying is "hey, we can be just as batshit racist and nuts as the most extreme SJW's"
The Seth Rich stuff isn't worth discussing because there is literally nothing there. "Odd" is a subjective feeling, and besides, odd shit happens all the time by the law of averages. The only reason the right even cares about it is because it is politically useful to them to "ask questions" about it.
You're being disingenuous when you describe the border crisis as essentially a humanitarian crisis because the system is overwhelmed and we don't have room for these people. That's not the "crisis" white genocide believers are referring to. They are referring to what they think is the racial "demographic invasion".
why are dykes so snobby and insufferable
Jeb is a mess
who will be the new boogyman when he dies?
>oh seth rich? the right just thinks it's politically useful is all to ask questions
The FBI got caught today. The Hill, which is not a right wing paper, has them lying on paper to the FISA judge.
I wanna fuck her straight. I want to see how tight her asshole feels around my cock. anyone have feet pics of her?
>If he's a loophole artist then he probably knows more about the law than anyone else
lol, another winner from the "Trump is rich, therefore he must be a more brilliant businessman than anyone else" school of reasoning
Do you really honestly think that law enforcement would establish a Kim Philby situation and do nothing about it? Yeah, I said Kim Philby. There's a kind of precedent for this. The Soviets totally penetrated the UK government almost all the way to the top, they almost took it over. Philby's buddy and co-spy was nearly made Prime Minister. At the last minute they got cold feet and defected to Moscow. Do you really think if something like that happened today cops would be like, "gosh, there's this rule"? If so then what good are they?
>giving value to the opinion of dykes and faggots in our society
you're still trying to pass off your personal opinion as fact, dude. while some facts are easy to build consensus upon (the sky is blue, the grass is green), other facts are not and thus remain in contention (did the russians shoot down that airliner over the ukraine?) and are part of the debate.
sorry but you're not getting a pass on this.
so fuck off trying to argue against a strawman (facts are impoissible to know) you yourself erected.
That greasy Jew Leibowitz started this shit and gave the most dishonest excuse of "it's just comedy bro" if ever confronted about it. He knew exactly what he was doing.
>I just think a piece of text is not capable of as much subconscious influence as an audio and/or visual presentation.
>some facts are easy to build consensus upon
Only facts that aren't seen as politically inconvenient, especially by the right (although tbf the left can occasionally do it as well). There is literally no piece of empirical information that the right will not challenge as "liberally biased" when it conflicts with their goals. Forget about things like global warming, you can't even get "consensus" on the right about whether or not the Newtown shooting actually happened.