Friday night

>friday night
why are you here?

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Fear over pride, lil boy

because im a loser drinking at home unable to change the course of my meaningless life

Because I'm a failure

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I like sneedposting more than talking to real people outside

because I've lost all will to live and holding onto my enjoyment being here 8 years ago and having someone to talk to?

friday again already?

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Had this thing of "if in 10 years I'm still where I am today I'll kill myself". Now I'm not sure I'll have to wait that long
Today was pretty terrible. Always knew my parents began resenting my existence recently because I didn't become a success right out of high school. But they always pretended like they didn't. Not anymore
Am pretty much stuck with them too because I can't afford my own place. And I can't concentrate on getting my degree full time so that maybe I'll get to make something out of myself, because my parents would rather I focus on making money at shitty dead end jobs so I can make their payments. At least they're not afraid to say they hate me anymore
Blogpost over

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Seriously thought that was /r9k/ for a sec

Honestly if I am still here in the next 3 years I will probably just end it.
I am actually going to talk to a (((therapist))) next week because I hope that I will can improve myself and get better for my ex that moved on in a week to be with someone else and now I realize that I am the problem.
Before I actually do it that is, I know it will hurt my brother and my parents and I never wanted them to experience pain like I feel everyday.

You already took the step I haven't, that's good user. Truly hope a therapist ends up being your way out of this mess

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>I am actually going to talk to a (((therapist)))
Did anyone here actually tried this with success? I'm a social reject and I became badly socially avoidant in the last few years despite becoming fit. Sometimes, it leads to embarassing erotomania when I could actually fuck the girl. Could a shrink help with that without calling the cops?

Just to suffer

hope things get better for you, user

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have sex

Yeah mate, I am realizing I need help as I'm 27, living with my parents and all my friends have dissolved around me because of me.
I have a deadend job, I had a GF but I hated myself too much to live with her or move forward with my life.
I wake up everyday and feel like shit and I always feel worthless. I don't want anything and I want everything.
I hope this will pay off since my insurance doesn't cover all of it.
I hope we're all gonna make it dude, I really do.
If you really feel like ending it I suggest you find someone to talk to, if you are beyond saving then I wish you good luck in the cosmosphiere, but I hope you are doing well mate.

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As someone who is on SSRI and beta blocker medication I would always recommend the meme ways of fixing yourself like exercising and nofap before you take the medication option, that shit sucks.

Because it's the only thing that I have to distract my self and not thinking about suicide.

Gotta work tomorrow
Living the wagie dream bros

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It worked for me for a bit because I had no one to talk to about my problems and no one to get advice from. I went once every week and then once a week and now I haven't seen her in about half a year.

My couple friends I made plans with had an emergency and canceled drinking and caursosing plans with me.

So I’m here shitposting and reading berserk now

still have 1 more year of job training. the schedule is really sparse. i only have to show up twice a week. plus i was born into money (massively Jewish). i'm just sitting around waiting for my life to happen.
one year from now, i'm moving to another city and starting my apprenticeship. till then, i got a handle of vodka, a keyboard and an internet connection.

I used to commute by bike to work and yet I ended up feeling about the same with myself before I had a GF
I haven't masterbait since she broke up with me the second time (inmarch). I can't stop thinking about her even though she has moved on and I just have no motivation to do anything.
Probably why I am going to talk to someone about my problems.
I don't want to hurt my family.

Every user ITT will meet his waifu IRL and live together forever in happiness before next Monday and THESE prove it

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Why do people like this have kids?

to remind all my friends on Yea Forums that there are
>only 21 days until Godzilla: King of the Monsters

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i disagree

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I'm fantasizing about the smell of a woman's ass. I'm so horny and lonely.

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Why not try a combat sport or weight lifting to take your frustration out on and get a sense of comradery? Also you could try dating apps and such. I'm not trying to dissuade you from therapy or medication but just not they will make you feel tired and dead inside.

no, the digits say everyone itt dies a virgin

where else should I be?

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>tfw 29yo kissless touchless virgin NEET

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I tried to save my relationship but because we want different things unless I changed she doesn't want me I guess.
My issues with myself doesn't help so I think I won't have much luck but thanks CIA.

>I had no one to talk to about my problems and no one to get advice from
It seems easy for me get good advices on the internet, even here but it's almost impossible to force myself to follow them. I need someone to actually push me through life, to fight my phobia. I'm not sure a shrink would be good enough for that, maybe it's all about finding the strenght by myself.

You dropped these digits user

Spend nearly everyday reading the most technical and dry shit for school (grad school before you all collectively lose it).

Drunkposting at night here is a decent way to wind-down, even if this board is a sad excuse for what it should be. 95% of the anons here don't even like Yea Forums.

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to get good advices*

FUCK! I got you bro! Yea Forums powers activate!

>we want different things unless I changed she doesn't want me I guess
How different, can you be more specific?

>good advices on the internet

because if I'm drinking alone in the dark, it's not friday

>Why not try a combat sport or weight lifting
I plan on starting to lift some weights soon, I used to when I lived in an apartment with my parents that had a nice gym attached but soon there will just be a basic one but I guess it's better than nothing.
I get the deterant to using ssris or drugs but I just want to wake up and not hate myself, if I can have a chemical to give that to me then so be it, I have been using tobacco and alcohol to make me feel 'okay' for so long that I don't even know if I would care.

Tell me what's worse, Yea Forums:

a. Being a 29yo kissless touchless virgin NEET
b. Being a 28yo NEET who had sex with a 6/10 girl one time when he was 15 and still faps to that blurred memory occasionally

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geme gusic


No my friend, I have you and these digits for everyone getting a gf

Well, I asked many anons on how they made friends and stuff, their advices sounded reasonable but I was too fucked up to act the way they told me, unfortunately.

I’m literally crying right now because I hate my pathetic life I moved to a new town this year and it’s so small it has one single bar and all the pictures of it have boomers in them. I’ve called them to ask what’s going on tonight but no one will answer I’m debating if I even want to venture out and see what’s going on. I just want to talk to girls :(

Should I go out tonight guys? Do I risk it?

You should maybe not let anonymous strangers dictate your life and do what you want to.

Based. I sniffed woman ass just last sathurday.

I'm just saying they aren't a miracle cure.

>She has 2 kids.
>I love her but haven't really felt that for them.
>She wants a family that does everything together.
>parks, vacations, everything
>I just want to hang at home after working 50+ hours a week.
I think if I can get better I can give that to her and maybe be a better person for them but I don't even know.
I know that years ago talking about my GF's children is just laughtrack shit but I really can't get over this woman.

>Should I go out tonight guys? Do I risk it?
You'll probably go for a drink, talk to nobody except an old boomer couple briefly and go home.
You don't risk much. I live in a small european town, I know what I'm talking about.