zoomer repellent
Zoomer repellent
Other urls found in this thread:
>Yea Forums - Television & Film
work ethic is pointless because there no LTV
>grows up in a time of unprecedent wealth, opportunity and social cohesion in the modern era
>"lol dude just go give the manage a handshake heh stupid lazy kids"
Good Goy
Yes white men are zoomer repellent
based neets
the absolute ineptitude of X'ers
>lmao just work hard little bitch, it’s not too difficult
>t. Boomer who let the future get Jewed out from their kids.
I genuinely can't stand liberals that think they should get free money because someone else is rich. I do however think minimum wage should be higher.
Lazy nigger repellent
S.L.A.V.E. Pledge from a boomer faggot.
It should be indexed to the inflation rate at a bare minimum
> rents next week
its all so tiresome
I need a job. I'm an NEET.
>being a wagecuck
>in current year+4
Break the cycle bros. Your free time is the most valuable thing in your life. Don't let mr shekelstein take it from you.
Use it to better yourself and live independently.
Do you think he is a based hard worker Yea Forums?
Millennials are worse than Zoomers could ever be.
>live independently
>*leeches neetbux off the state*
If you are a capitalist cuck you are a liberal. I hate liberals who don't even know the words they use.
How many times do we need to go through this user.
>the rich conned boomers out of a bunch of wealth and now hoard it so much it causes nationwide issues
>milennials want to devour them and take back what's theirs
hOw EnTitLEd
Stupid boomer wagie
>tfw wagecuck for 5+ years and my dreams broken
>tfw unexpected succes on Youtube and making 200$ a month from it, not enough to live from but there is potential
Please let me make it, it's like getting NEETbux but better
No, not posting links I dont want you faggots watching me
He’s not wrong, but his generation didn’t sweat for any of that shit they got high paying blue collar jobs on a silver platter and then sent em to China, no wars either boomers are worse then zoomers
>excels in high school in theater and singing
>graduates from community college with a communications degree
>hosts TV including fucking QVC
>"hurr durr I'm working class and rubbed my nose in grit"
boomers really are cancer and I can't wait for the retirement crisis when all those fuckers living on borrowed time have to pay their dues
t. Zoomer
you're right, i'm thinking of socialists.
> minimum wage
fuck that i want all my surplus value
>minimum wage should be higher
Why do you want to eliminate low skill jobs and encourage automation?
this is happening anyways and minimum wage won't help/hurt it at all
You're thinking of neoliberals.
because some companies can afford to raise their starting pay rate ie big corporations.
It’s not even about free money user. It’s about society has been fundamentally Jewed since boomers.
>Productivity at record highs and wages have barely outpaced inflation for decades.
>paying for boomer SS when I won’t see a dime after politicians they elect mismanage the shit out of it
>banker and rich kikes get away with literal murder and destroying livelihoods and get paid for it with my tax dollars
>record wealth inequality after boomers let rich kikes ship out jobs to save their bottom dollar.
Fuck the government, fuck boomers, and fuck rich kikes
>he blames boomers but 3+ generations have been in varying levels of power since and not a single one has changed anything
Boomer hate is an IQ filter
educate me.
Why do you want to give big companies an advantage against potential competition? Bigger companies can afford to pay higher wages and automate their jobs, smaller companies can't. This is why you see some big companies support idea of raising the minimum wage
All of his episodes consist of him whining like a bitch. He has no work ethic whatsoever.
Social Democrats (bernie) are the high taxes on the rich people, where as socalists (marx) are beleve in the labor theory of value and suplus value.
Only retards want "free money." What I'm assuming you really mean is that people want their taxes to actually pay for something that isn't tax cuts for billionaire assholes and bombs (that go to pay billionaire asshole war criminals) for brown people but instead want better infrastructure, healthcare (like civilised countries), and education (once again, like civilised countries) which are important. America has that, but it's through a middleman and you have to pay out the ass for it where it goes to benefit some rich asshole.
Neoliberals want money redistributed. Communists want money abolished because it isn't necessary.
>NEETs say they don't need to work
>later complain when they don't have enough money for gender reassignment surgery.
Its like pottery
>Boomer then Gen X then Millennial then Zoomers
Who was in power that was Gen X/Millennial before 2016? Only the earliest Milennial can even meet the age requirement to be president now, so I don't think anyone but boomers have been in power until like maybe 2010 and then its Gen Xers in low level positions?
The fuck are you on about?
because you can't live on minimum wage
*Digs a hole in my yard*
Hey! Where's my money? I put all this work into this damn hole and I ain't got no money!
You should do your best not to work a minimum wage job, but you'll quickly see your new money go down the drain on the supply side when all stores increase their product price in response to the rising wage of their staff and increased demand
Your example would be more like:
>Digs a hole in someone who has lobbied and cajoled for 100,000 acres of nice land
>Paid minimum wage to dig a hole
>Aforementioned someone puts in a APARTMENT HERE RENT HERE sign
>Charges 3/4 of someone's monthly income for them to live in a hole
>Said someone says they're a self-made person and you can do it too
>be boomer
>ship all the good American jobs overseas so they can buy a 2nd boat
>dude what's wrong you're disenfranchised now oh dude that sucks just pull yourself up by your bootstraps bucko
The US does not have a labor shortage or a skills gap, since we do not have a labor shortage or skills gap we should deport all illegals and visa workers and indefinitely halt all future immigration. It would raise wages and lower the cost of housing, especially in places that need it the most like big cities.
The labor shortage or skills gap myth is propaganda that is pushed so companies can keep importing workers who work for less and have lower work standards. Something that I never see mentioned about immigrant workers is that they have lower work standards, an actual citizen can tell their employer to fuck off, visa worker has to work 16 hours a day if they are told.
AI and automation is supposed to remove tens of millions of jobs from the market in a few years, self driving cars alone are supposed to remove millions from the US market. Every extra person you bring in is going to make the damage done by automation that much worse than it has to be.
I voted for Trump on the off chance he was actually America first and actually playing 5d chess, if he were then he would be for deporting all illegals and visa workers and indefinitely halting all future immigration, but he isn't America first.
He says we need "merit based immigration", but we don't since the US does not have a labor shortage or skills gap and AI/automation improves every day. It is a race to the bottom. A lot of cities would have a $15+ minimum wage without the government enforcing it if all illegals and visa workers were deported and all future immigration were indefinitely halted.
Legals are just as harmful to American workers as illegals, arguably more since they are legal and therefore endorsed by the government.
>get skills *sucks corporate cock*
Wages are low across the board for unskilled AND skilled
Fuck GDP, higher GDP has not resulted in higher wages nor a more powerful US. Recent simulations show Russia and China would obliterate the US
>record wealth for the common man
>could raise kids off of one wage.
>record parity with wealthy entities like corps
>squander it all away with military dickwaving, mismanagement, and slowly weakening any bargaining power with corporations
They had it all and blew it user. Their wealth and rights were clawed from the elite with blood, sweat and tears and they squandered it.
>labor theory of value
That is why paid digital distribution is communist
>we made something so we deserve to eat
>give us money for this download which is infinite and has no scarcity
>don't you dare pirate!
>just shake hands with the manager and you’ll get a job, son
God I wish boomers had to deal with a fraction of what we do. If you’ve never heard of temporary agencies, do yourself a favor and look them up. They’re fucking middle men parasites between the employer and employee. All the factories in my rural bumfuck town hire exclusively temp workers. You sign up with a temp agency and they send you on “assignment” to work for the actual employer.
Basically, the employers get to try you before they buy, and in my experience, they try you for as long as 3+ years. During the meantime, you get no days off, no benefits, and can be fired at any time for any reason. This shit made me a communist, I don’t give a fuck about the ethnostate.
The boomer pledge is complete bullshit, but being an adult and still entirely financially dependent on your parents or the government is shameful as fuck.
>The labor shortage or skills gap myth is propaganda that is pushed so companies can keep importing workers who work for less and have lower work standards.
Based and redpilled. No borders isn’t a kikes wet dream because muh racemixing. It’s a kikes wet dream because labor competition is watered down extremely and they can pay pennys for shit conditions
Nice strawman. Was he wearing a top hat and a monocle too?
The labour theory of value is incorrect as labour has no value beyond what someone is willing to pay for it
Reminder that this Boomer never worked in the trades and is a TV star. Just like Bill Nye the science guy is an improve comic with a Bachelors in engineering and never worked in STEM.
Factually wrong, zoomie. I know uncle /pol/told you you're the "b-b-based and redpilled generation!" but playing fortnite and popping tranny pills is neither based or redpilled.
based and econ pilled.
I will now have thread deleted by Jannies because of pic.
I see you don't understand supply side economics
I forgot to add, the employer will pay the temp agency an above minimum wage hourly rate for you to work. But the temp agency will pay you minimum wage and no benefits. It’s fucking insane. I cannot believe how /pol/ can be such bootlickers I am convinced none of them have ever had to work.
Everyone talks about how Boomers ruined the economy.
Nobody talks about how they ruined America by paving over millions of acres with asphalt and polluting rivers and lakes until they can no longer harbor life.
Labour existed long before currency.
Blatantly false. He worked as s carpenter
Wrong. Boomers whined about a war enough that they were placated with pensions and health insurance. Millenials and zoomers think that if they whine enough they'll get free shit too - it's what daddy did - but now we have pajeets and chinks to do the work so they're shit outta luck
>I see you don't understand supply side economics
Force Communist labor = Supply (((Capitalism)))
The main ideology of America is corporatism. If you werent such a trumptard you’d have known that for years by now.
>Currency is the only thing you can pay someone with
Holy shit lol
Reminder that Mike Rowe is a millionaire and uses shit like this to goad on the wagies that do the worst jobs in the world for much less then what he makes.
Sure you can't always "pull yourself up by the bootstraps* but I see a lot of pathetic defeatist posts being typed by soft hands
i am 25 and never had a job
Ok I won’t be complacent. I’ll be a twitch streamer and make thousands via self employment. Oh wait that’s not a real job is it?
I’m 24yo and only had one job for 3 months.
Is it because you still talk like an 8 year old?
>Blatantly false. He worked as s carpenter
Oh no no no no
>Starting in the mid-1980s, Rowe hosted Your New Home for WJZ-TV in Baltimore for 15 years
>born 1962
= early 20s and already a tv actor
How's that 6yrs of low-wage trade apprenticeship coming, user?
You are not making the point that you think you are making
Very based
Entertainers is one of the oldest occupations
>i believe i am the product of my choices - not my circumstances
that isn't always true though
>i believe the best way to distinguish myself at work is to show up early, stay late, and cheerfully volunteer for every crappy task there is
is this guy fucking for real? is he advocating you to be a slave? working hard is one thing and its definitely a good trait to have but that's just being exploited
Self starting businesses were always the main economic ideology. Not much of those anymore unless you count get rich quick start-ups. Rockefeller and the other corporatists were all just as controversial back then.
How do I trick my doctor into signing a waver that i’m actually mentally disabled so I can get free money.
based NEET
I'm gonna be honest with you guys
It's capitalism's fault that I'm a virgin
i'm 28 and had a job for a month then quit it because i hated it
>How's that 6yrs of low-wage trade apprenticeship coming, user?
Not that user but I'm a 1st year apprentice and I make more than a 1st year new-hire cop in my area. Pretty comfy tbqh.
>Boomers whined about a war enough that they were placated with pensions and health insurance. Millenials and zoomers think that if they whine enough they'll get free shit too - it's what daddy did - but now we have pajeets and chinks to do the work so they're shit outta luck
Yeah, Vietnam war protests totally lead to better wages, user. Just skip Gen X, an entire generation that never happened
Fucking boomers, man.
Tell him you are a socialist
Reminder that it's against the law to leave any dubs unchecked
just be yourself
>in my area I dig holes and make more than 50K a year
How fortunate you live in the middle of nowhere.
>tfw my father and grandfather weren't complete retards and made a substancial fortune
>i won't have to do any real work in my life
feels good
this bitch has a communications major.
*accidentally pisses self and soaks the floor of wagecage, just as comfy NEET Pepe walks into warehouse to spectate all the wagies*
No one is saying it's not a catch 22 but in general what is lacking is any element of public responsibility. In ancient Rome, the only reason to get rich (beyond personal luxuries) was the betterment of Rome (thus personal glory). Henry Ford for example enforced military tier discipline but also gave decent wages, lots of jobs, and a standard work week. He is still glorified in some circles today. At the end of the day he made sure he got rich but he also took care of his people. Modern day Amazon won't even allow bathroom breaks to their hotbunking Pajeet slaves and in this respect they're more similar to the later Rinans who forced tenant farmers off their land and literally employed foreign slaves instead.
>Feels good
I can't imagine being this lazy. I'd work even if I was a billionaire just because I love doing it
So, work for yourself?
If you're making under 15$ an hour running your hotdog stand who's exploiting you?
I don’t blame NEETS for not wanting to put money into this immoral corrupt system, once you realize that purchasing random shut doesn't answer the ontological questions of human fulfillment. Working just becomes slavery.
>record wealth for the common man
The reason for that is proof that Mercantilists were right. What allowed for baby boomers in the US to have the work life that they did and what allowed US to become number 1 was the fact that Europe was destroyed from WW2 which allowed US to gain which is a perfect example of Mercantilism being right. Scum bags' criticisms of Mercantilism such as those by Adam Smith have proven themselves to be false. Notice something very important, they NEVER criticized the two aspects of classical Mercantilism that deserve to be criticized and done away with if Mercantilism ever comes back in a modern form which it should - subsidies and an attempt to limit wages which didn't work that well anyways.
If something can be made in the US it should be made in the US even if it means having to import materials. Fuck profit maximization. A modern form of Mercantilism (no subsidies and no attempt to limit wages) would give American workers the highest wages possible and make the US the most powerful country on Earth by far once again.
And less people would encourage employers to train workers them self instead of relying on the college and trade school system and would raise work standards. Wages would rise at least 10% across the board for skilled AND unskilled labor if all illegals and visa workers were deported and all future immigration halted. The cost of housing would go down too. Companies love immigrants more than anyone else. More immigrants = lower wages, higher cost of housing, lower working standards, and more people to sell to
I like to ask open border cucks and idiots who want "skilled" legal immigrants
>"Do you not care about the negative effects of illegal and legal immigration on black and Native Americans?"
>"Blacks and native Americans would benefit from deportation of illegals and visa workers and indefinitely halting all future immigration more than any other groups, you must hate blacks and natives"
i said real work, i'm thinking about becoming a investor or just taking over one of my familys business but none of both are real work
I agree that workers should be treated with dignity. But you don't get Amazon tier big without serving your fellow man. That is literally what got them rich, they provide services to millions of people for a price that they both agree upon
??? Gen X are degenerate drug users who have racked up massive debt to support their lifestyles. They are irrelevant beyond this, not even a major voting demographic
Why can’t the whole country just stop working and tell the corporations and the lobbyist that help them to quit inviting slaves here to garnish our wages by working for peanuts.
>he doesn't use temp work to get hired on to a comfy union job in 2 mos.
56k/yr for occasionally working a digging machine and mostly bending pipe + pulling wire is pretty comfy. You can keep your transgender kids storytime at the local trendy coastal coffee house; I can live and work wherever I want with my credentials.
If you're an American in the midwest, what is there even to complain about when it comes to landlords?
The Homestead Acts were several United States federal laws that gave an applicant ownership of land, typically called a "homestead," at no cost. In all, more than 270 million acres of public land, or nearly 10% of the total area of the U.S., was given away free to 1.6 million homesteaders; most of the homesteads were west of the Mississippi River. An extension of the Homestead Principle in law, the Homestead Acts were an expression of the "Free Soil" policy of Northerners who wanted individual farmers to own and operate their own farms, as opposed to Southern slave-owners who wanted to buy up large tracts of land and use slave labor, thereby shutting out free white men. The first of the acts, the Homestead Act of 1862, opened up millions of acres. Any adult who had never taken up arms against the U.S. government could apply.
The land was unoccupied. The natives passed through it occasionally as hunting ground, but that's like saying driving down the 407 every week for a decade means you own it.
Why didn't you learn to code?
About to buy $200 of random shit on Amazon with my neetbux
Every single Amazon package would be $1.46 more expensive to ship if it weren't for government intervention[1] and its relatively tiny profit margin (4.2 Billion out of 136 Billion in sales(3.16%)) [2] would not be nearly enough for Amazon to stay afloat if it where not for state intervention [3] (I understand this one is a bit opinionated, but it expands on what im trying to say) but somehow America pumping money into a MegaCorporation to encourage artificial growth is capitalism despite this going against the whole "Free Market" principle of capitalism.
[1] fortune.com
[2] revenuesandprofits.com
[3] cepr.net
Amazon also greatly benefited when they needed it the most from the unfair rule that they did not have to collect sales tax while their competitors, brick and mortar book stores, had to collect sales tax at time of purchase for every transaction. If 1 book cost $10 at Amazon and a brick and mortar store, it ended up being cheaper at Amazon despite having the exact same price because the customer would have had to pay sales tax at the store but not at Amazon. Of course Amazon customers were supposed to pay the sales tax themselves but that never happened. That surely won them some customers in their early days when they needed it the most. I think Amazon collects sales tax now, but the damage has been done and the advantage has already been gained
I suppose my point is that the cutthroat attitude of these companies will only hurt them in the end. An example is Apple, which had unrivalled brand recognition and was thought of (wrongly) as a blend of quality and responsible, but now that it's (widely) known they are not they are losing market share to fucking Huawei
This really makes me conflicted.
On the one hand. I don't want people working at jobs that can be easily automated.
People working at McDonalds when their job can be replaced by a kiosk, or self checkout lane at a grocery store is a problem.
On the other hand. The minimum wage prices people out of the labour market, and has a negative effect on the community.
>56k/yr for occasionally working a digging machine and mostly bending pipe + pulling wire is pretty comfy.
I hope you die of work related injuries you daddy's boy. You're a beta male forever, because you'll inherit wealth like the boomers through pure circumstances and dumb luck.
US union participation rate is like
Where does the money come from?
Paying people 15$ an hour at mcdonalds, or 1500$ an hour at mcdonalds, does not actually make their labour more valuable.
I wonder what poor bastard is gonna get his head chopped off when Social Security and Medicare finally collapse
underrated, and checked
Not him but why're you so mad at him? He's just living his life.
Caeser Chavez said that illegal immigration is the largest block in the fight for workers rights back in the 1970s. "Liberals" will claim I'm deviously twisting his words with out making a follow up.
>tfw I live with my parents and get paid 45$ hour because I live in New york.
>Keep 90% of the profits.
Why does skilled trade work make you zoomers seethe so impotently? I earned my apprenticeship with no nepotism involved and I had 0 prior experience. Please learn to code or get a skilled trade job instead of spending all your waking NEETboy hours projecting your daddy issues onto strangers online.
McDonalds would have to pay $15+ an hour in some cities if all illegals and visa workers were deported and all future immigration were halted.
Would corporate cock suckers bitch if poor innocent McDonalds had to pay those meanie unskilled workers $15+ due to supply and demand? Of course they would.
>Gen X are degenerate drug users who have racked up massive debt to support their lifestyles.
You mean inherited a corrupt boomer system?
>They are irrelevant beyond this, not even a major voting demographic
You mean the first kids of the boomers, the ones they deny exist to their millenial kids after they divorced in the late 80s or skipped town? Boomer projection
WEW, looking at that boomer voting block
Not him but there's a good chance the first user is larping anyways.
Why did people hundreds of millions of iPhones, and nobody bought the Zune,despite them having similar prices, and the same amount of labour put into them?
>Not him but why're you so mad at him? He's just living his life.
The arrogance of being stupid lucky. Possibly lying. He makes 56K on a first year job.
>I earned my apprenticeship with no nepotism involved and I had 0 prior experience.
You don't make 56K on a first year job by "earning it" you fucking liar. You don't even bend pipe and drive heavy machinary on the first year apprentice job you lying faggot. That takes at least a year of training.
Is making socks in a sweatshop for 3$ an hour really a good job?
It's 3 dollars an hour in china, here you got a good wage all the benefits, that was until boomers fucked all that up.
Not everyone can go to college or get a trade so they needed those jobs.
What about doctors and Engineers?
In Canada, we used to have a skilled immigration system, that worked pretty well. I mean until Trudeau showed up and subverted it for his means
Mmmmmno, i'm an IBEW apprentice and one of the few lucky ones who gets health insurance even as a 1st year apprentice. Learn to code or apply for an apprenticeship sweetie, you have no excuse if I went from unskilled no-experience 6 years as a NEET to being accepted by the local with no nepotism or "connections" involved
>You don't even bend pipe and drive heavy machinary on the first year apprentice job you lying faggot. That takes at least a year of training.
I bend 3 point saddles and offsets all fucking day at my jobsite. My j-man made me learn how to use the Gehl excavator, a Mikasa tamper, forklift, and a Greenlee hydraulic pipe bender (for bending more offsets on 2.5" IMC). Please contain your seething ressentiment, you impotent NEET zoomer. Not all of us have fallen into learned helplessness.
Because goods and services had utility before currency?
Dab on these broke zoomers on 150 a month kek
>>Nobody talks about how they ruined America by paving over millions of acres with asphalt and polluting rivers and lakes until they can no longer harbor life.
Close, but no.
They fucked up the country's architecture
There's no art.
You don't have edison built into the side of buildings, or classic greek or roman style art. You don't have manifest destiny murals chiseled into the side of building
You have post modern art
Literal garbage
Though women Entertainers are the oldest occupation
i'm a member of one, retard. i got it through my temp job.
I don't think they would.
I am in favor of deporting illegals, and letting supply and demand set the wages. Libertarians all would, it's the neoliberals who would have a problem
this is the kind of theater of the mind that i come to Yea Forums for
But what about muh excess labor?
>no such thing as a bad job
There absolutely is. There are jobs that will absolutely demoralize you no matter how good your attitude is. A toxic environment will stay that way no matter how much you try to change it.
>show up early, stay late, volunteer, etc
This one gets me the most. Showing up early? Absolutely, I agree. Staying late? Pushing it, unless you absolutely are sure you’re “in” with management. Volunteering? Fuck you, seriously. This guy is training you to be a doormat. You will get fired for being such a beta faggot.
I'm a programmer so automation makes jobs for guys like me, and i don't glorify jobs that can be automated. It's an increase in efficiency and instead if flipping burgers which can be done with the most primitive technology people can instead pursue meaningful careers like engineering or architecture or social work.
Dignity of labor and all that but why is this always the argument about muh mcdonalds job like anyone wants to keep those.
Okay. But where is that good wage and benefits come from?
Weren't those higher costs passed onto consumers, meaning you got paid more, but everything was more expensive?
Based raccoon
wow this guy programs the cagies
>"cheerfully volunteer for every crappy task there is"
that's a great way to show your boss/manager that you don't value your own time or skills
if you get paid for X job, do X job. don't volunteer to task out the trash or clean the toilets
>My j-man made me learn how to use the Gehl excavator, a Mikasa tamper, forklift, and a Greenlee hydraulic pipe bender (for bending more offsets on 2.5" IMC). Please contain your seething ressentiment, you impotent NEET zoomer.
>this is my first year
>I make 56K
Boomers are filling threads with total bullshit lies, thinking we don't know what these terms imply. You don't make this or do this in 1st year. This is all 1980s reality.
$6.57 in 1979 is with inflation in 2015 about $21.45. Wages have decreased.
Engineers are underpaid in the US, I said unskilled AND skilled.
There is artificial demand for doctors in the US. I want a study done, I estimate that at least 40% of the demand for doctors (excluding plastic surgeons, eye doctors, dentists, and maybe a few others) is due to people being overweight or not exercising,
Libertarians want open borders.
Libertarian wet dream doesn't exist by the way. There is no such thing as "capitalism" that works just like there is no such thing as communism that works. What we have now is corporatism, even if the US were to become a complete free market libertarian's wet dream, the point of companies, especially large corporations is to make as much profit as possible so it would end up reverting back to corporatism because corporatism allows companies to profit more than they otherwise would.
What is important of each system is to state the goals of it and what your goals are, I want the highest wages possible for workers and for the US to be as militarily strong as possible, the system we have now and the system you corporate cum guzzling libertarians want accomplish neither.
ITT: Polisci Freshmen and Boomers shit at economics, retards alike.
Blackpill yourselves and realize it doesn’t matter what society we have, doesn’t matter what utopia you want, or who controls the dystopia we’re in, we all die alone and this 60-100 year blip we live is nothing in comparison to living through eternity reborn in an infinite amount of lives.
Do DMT once and you’ll understand. Death is the ONLY freedom.
>2. I believe that I am entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Nothing more. I also understand that "happiness" and the "pursuit of happiness" are not the same thing.
>5. I deplore debt, and do all I can to avoid it. I would rather live in a tent and eat beans than borrow money to pay for a lifestyle I can't afford.
>6. I believe that my safety is my responsibility. I understand that being in "compliance" does not necessarily mean I'm out of danger.
>11. I understand the world is not fair, and I'm OK with that. I do not resent the success of others.
These are the only ones that are correct.
The education one (9) would be there but education is not necessarily critical to success, especially after certain points in different career paths.
>y-youre lying!
>i-it's just luck!
Choose one. Your seething ressentiment sure will get you far in life, zoomer. Please learn to code, since you're clearly too effete and helpless for a work-with-your-hands type job.
You fucking retards STILL dont get it. There have been many people since the boomers belonging to non boomer generations and theyve all made the same mistake. Still are currently in the process of pursuing the same mistake. They are clamoring for short term gain at the cost of long term security. Boomers did it, and we are doing it. Literally every generation is the same, if you disagree youre retarded. Its like how every generation thinks the younger one is the most "reckless and disrespectful" yet.
cringe and redditpilled
Listeng gramps we arent in the stone age anymore, the cost of manufacturing comes down to technology now not labor. Factories are almost completely managed by plcs and computers we're no longer doing shit with paper and pencils and putting car parts together by hand.
>Entry level position! Ideal for recent graduates!
>Must have 5 years experience minimum
How is such an advertisement even legal
It's a literal virgin filter. You're supposed to apply anyway.
That post was definitely not crafted on Yea Forums originally
Number 7 is the most retarded one.
But, they haven't
Look at the image. It requires 95% less hours of labour to buy
The math is right there
>What about doctors and Engineers?
I'm an engineer in Canada and the pay is virtually the same as it was 20 years ago, even ignoring inflation
hard to compete with outsourcing design to India/China, as well as immigrants who live with their parents their whole life, so they can afford to get underpaid
I graduated with a biology degree 3.4 gpa two years ago. Only job I ever got offered was 13.8 an hour and wanted to kill myself for making like 27k pretax in one of the most expensive states to live. Applied to an online post bacc comp sci program since masters was a bit too difficult for me.
I want to fucking kill myself I would love making 15 an hour but theres no hope I can get that most I ever got was 13.8 although i interviewed for a job that paid 15 but it was from 11pm to 8am
>Your seething ressentiment sure will get you far in life, zoomer.
Boomer pretending to be one of us. Getting called out on his fantasy reality of driving heavy machinary with no license or experience, using it to bend pipe, 1st year apprentice, makes 56K... Going full boomer.
>you're clearly too effete and helpless for a work-with-your-hands type job.
>Boomers believe that they don't just throw those applications in the trash, or better yet, blacklist you for not following simple instructions
My ex worked in HR, I know how it works
This minus the cringe communist shit. Commies should be put to death. But yeah temp agencies suck ass.
Cope. There is a shortage of legitimate labor and tradeworkers.... cause americans are lazy fucks and the jobs go to illegals so they are officially "unfilled". Its pathetic too cause you lazy fucks waste 4 years in college 70k and in that time youd be a journey man and have made 250k
>There is artificial demand for doctors in the US. I want a study done, I estimate that at least 40% of the demand for doctors (excluding plastic surgeons, eye doctors, dentists, and maybe a few others) is due to people being overweight or not exercising,
And so if you cut immigration people won't have the health problems of being fat?
They'll become skinny if Trump signs a bill?
>C++ job
>must have experience in python j2ee aws mysql sql server asp.net restful apis c# html/css
Why do the people who write this shit have a job
Fuck you for hitting so close to home.
I don't plan on GRS though. HRT is enough.
Capitalists used to get killed over shit like this. Just saying
Cost of some goods made outside the US that rarely need to be bought have gone down, great. Low cost goods like plates, cups, etc that can be made in the US and sold just as or almost as cheap as those made in shit holes are still made in shit holes. Every day goods like paper towels get more expensive while giving you less.
Houses are more expensive while have low build quality, cars are more expensive and designed to make it as hard as possible to do simple repairs and with added unnecessary electronics so there is one more thing to break while not offering a better ride.
Great, a microwave costs less, that doesn't negate the fact that other things have become more expensive while people are getting paid less.
More seething ressentiment. I'm 26 years old and I graduated HS in 2010. Your constant excuse-making is exactly why you get nowhere in life. I know you zoomers seethe at us tradies and want to see us live in abject poverty but we make what we do because we WORK. Please learn to code.
Yes. Exactly
The factories didn't get sent to China. They got replaced by Robots.
I'm 27 years old. More zoomer cope. Please learn to code.
The economy isn't based around the prices of microwaves you dumb shit
That microwave was 10% the price of a car because it was a new technology
Living was a lot fucking cheaper back then
26 is zoomer
I agree.
But, that was the ideal position for Canada. Only people who would be engineers or doctors, who would make a lot of money could enter, and so as a country we were richer.
Pic related was meant to demoralized people.
You're best bet it to simple budget in this day and age.
Commies are unironically retarded.
You can’t vote away greed. It’s human nature. Hierarchy is human nature.
Are you uglier than someone? That person is automatically at an advantage over you from the getgo and will subtly have an easier life no matter how you try to make things fair whether you like it or not. They’ll be more likely to find love, joy in life, be liked and everything else that leads to the society we live in now. Capitalism, while shitty, is inevitable.
Literally the ONLY truly way a communist society would work is fully automated with goggles that make everyone look the same.
I dont care, i'm just absorbing the seethe. It makes this weeks paycheck all the more enjoyable on top of my mommygf coming over to my parents house so I can suck on her tits and fuck her butthole
so is 27 desu
This is the best unintentional bait of the last 5 years
>what they mean is booze hookers and video games to cope with wage slaving.
These fucks are honestly making fun of us.
$20 internet? I pay at least 50
honest question Yea Forums. why is rent so damn high?
>I'm 26 years old
AHAHAHA "Im a zoomer, you fucking worthless zoomer. I have 5yrs experience in the trade during my first year and that's why I make 7th year wages". No boomer.
You're a boomer
I only had a job for 3 months, but this was only because I was going to kill myself if I was unemployed in my 25th birthday.
>rent: $825
There is no labor shortage. Skilled trades are the most underpaid jobs in the US, not only are they negatively affected by the glut of labor due to decades of illegals, visa workers, and legal immigrants, but on top of being skilled positions they are manual labor, have a relatively high chance of injury, permanently damage your body (many welders get permanently damaged eyes from welding even if they wear a protective mask at all times), may have to work in shitty weather, mandatory overtime, etc.
The pay you get isn't necessarily what determines if a job pays well or not, what matters is if it pays well for what the job is, and going by that skilled trades do not pay well.
>skilled trade shill doing an interview for some show says "SOME OF THESE WELDERS AND ELECTRICIANS ARE MAKING $100K A YEAR!!!!"
>forgets to mention that they had to work 12 hours a day all year to make that money
If there really were that much of a labor shortage then pay would be drastically raising pay and they would be going out of their way to get people to work for them or train, they are doing neither.
I didn't go to college, I taught myself to program and do contract work and have a few unrelated side ventures. Why would I waste time going to college when I can teach myself and why would I work in skilled trades when I can make more money doing much easier work?
Cut immigration and make people deal with it.
Trump wouldn't sign a bill, he wants more immigrants than ever to keep wages down.
The price of various goods and services has dropped since that period.
We've had historic low levels of inflation.
The problem is depending on the index you use you may not be able to capture this. The problem is people don't mostly use chained indexs, where the relative price of goods changes consumption habits. If the price of apples triples, you might switch to oranges or pears, chained indexes take this into account, and would assume that consumers would substitute goods as relative prices changes, which is how consumers act in reality, as opposed to numbers on a screen
>never went to college
>after high school did jack shit but play video games for 2 years
>uncle hired me at his business at 20
>making 6 figures at 24 doing easy work 6 hours a day, weekends off
>all of it goes into my pocket because I pay for absolutely no expenses (parents pay for my car and insurance) and live at my parents' with my gf, and I don't buy anything except half price movie tickets on discount day for our weekly outing
>have more money than anyone my age that I know
>planning on just straight up buying a house with cash in a few years
Feels pretty based. I pity wagecucks.
>own budget is very similar
>anons always act so surprised at this chart
What is the unbelievable part?
>dude just have family to give you a free ride lmao it’s easy bro why don’t you do it
Finally someone else gets it, paying for digital distribution is nothing more than giving a donation to a company, you get nothing in return for your money.
>still not a communist
Why do you cuck for the rich? There’s no reason to defend a system that only serves to accumulate as much power into as few aristocratic families as possible and enslave the rest. You are literally a slave. Like 90% of jobs today would be eradicated if we based capital on the welfare of all instead.
I never said that. I said I pity you. But I can't relate. My life is so easy. I literally cannot fathom being a wagecuck living paycheck to paycheck. Doesn't compute.
Trustfund Welfare
yes you can because this is a pathetic LARP.
>tfw a clean Barricuda is now worth $200k.
>Literally enjoy life and work hard commies.
>capitalism means you're ugly
>Zoomer acting like boomer
What is USURY, user? What is Internationalism, user? What is Federal Reserve notes, user?
We haven't had capitalism or natural order since 1913
>Eat out every other meal
Our standards for attractiveness are entirely man made, you moron. Aren’t you the same retard who complains about “fat” women models? There’s no such thing as objective beauty, you can’t even look at your own face without a mirror.
>when I'm being paid for working
Whatever helps you sleep at night man. Some people just don't have to struggle in life. I'm an extremely privileged person and I enjoy it. Went to a private school and got into a high paying job through nepotism while highly qualified people struggle to get an interview. It's the good life. I can't relate to wagecuckery at all.
>The price of various goods and services has dropped since that period
Yeah I'm glad I can get the new Playstation and a microwave. Why would I want to own a house and a car?
I don't even care about what the guy preaches, I just hate his fucking fake ass image as some good ol' blue collar boy. He's a fucking actor who lives in a nice house in SF. Barely worked in a trade, yet he LARPs as this hardened oil worker or coal miner or some shit. anytime he comes up, people should point this out and tell him to shut the fuck up
There actually is you retarded faggot
If you place a photo of gisele bundchen next to some other girl, 99/100 guys will find gisele more attractive
>jobs don't have 2-hour breaks anymore so you can go home and have lunch
>wives arent allowed to stay home and have to get a job in order to maintain household
>"hmm how com these min wage people who work 10 hour shifts are all eating out?"
Based 50IQ boomer
>Our standards for attractiveness are entirely man made
>Aren’t you the same retard who complains about “fat” women models?
>There’s no such thing as objective beauty
>you can’t even look at your own face without a mirror.
i miss when commies were chad slavs instead of sóyboys and nazis were model-tier aryan gods instead of fat redditors
You just proved yourself wrong, you stupid fuck. Beauty is an opinion. We’ve been conditioned to believe Gisele is more attractive just like we were conditioned to believe anorexic white women are the epitome of attractiveness. Have sex.
>mfw unironic communist shills ITT
We're not paying for your HRT and vagina surgery, faggots.
this was by design. The American people culturally destroyed both of these ideologies. Now only the American way exists
I'm milking my boomer parents dry. 5 years for a useless 3 year degree they paid for, been chilling and "job searching" for a full year. After highschool I worked for 3 months in a factory-- never again. Still living off the 6grand I made working there (as well as the 300$ or so I get every year from christmas and birthdays), since i have no expenses (food,rent,gas,phone) it really is only used in the rare times I want to buy something. I have absolutely no incentive to work, and when they finally die I intend to take whatever inherentence I can muster and move into their small cottage, doing all I can to get some government bucks from canada (I consider it tribute to keep me placated)
I'll probably have to work now and then seasonally, but It won't be adding up to an average of more than like 3 hours a week. I do not get the same soul crushing experience from doing "chores" and would gladly do them instead of working to pay for time saving devices.
If you can’t have an image of yourself without the aid of a reflective surface, then you have no way of knowing where you stand on the hypothecate beauty hierarchy. You think cavemen gave a shit? They fucked whoever they could.
Everyone today is skinny and weak or fat and stupid compared to back then. And those are two dead ideologies so the people who ascribe to them are outcasts - the most skinny and weak or fattest and dumbest of them all.
lmao fat sheboon detected
>Beauty is an opinion
lol no. Jewish "beauty" propaganda and actual attraction are not equivalent.
>That pic
Hahaha, I'm so glad I'm going to commit suicide soon. The world is going to get so much more fucking shitty in the next few decades.
>that pic
>If you can’t have an image of yourself without the aid of a reflective surface, then you have no way of knowing where you stand on the hypothecate beauty hierarchy.
That's irrelevant regarding your judgment of others though, shartlet. Plenty of ugly people judge others, that's why ugly people still don't want to settle for another ugly person.
>You think cavemen gave a shit? They fucked whoever they could.
So do modern men including myself. I'd fuck a 5/10 but I still know she is a 5/10 lmao fucking moron.
the fact that you're an ugly fuck and no one looks at you is the proof that beauty is objective, if anything else
Literally nothing wrong with transsexuals. Men have been pretending to be women since before the internet. Men have their penises circumcised all the time, it’s no different from a man choosing to go trans.
never knew i would be glad to live in the 3rd world, feels like the late 80s with smartphones and "fast" internet here
#5 and #9 are okay. The rest is hilariously bad. I remember when I was a student who didn't fully understand work yet this image used to just make me chuckle, but now as a full on adult wage slave it makes my blood boil.