>Racist twink gets DESTROYED by BBC
You can't make this shit up
>Racist twink gets DESTROYED by BBC
You can't make this shit up
Where did it say that Shapiro got his asshole opened by BBC? It just said it was a "waste of time"
Cap wins
He admitted he lost. F
Ben says facts don't care about your feelings, but he's not willing to admit "muh YHWH" is a feeling, not a fact
The fast talking jew lost an argument? How could that ever happen? It's not like he purposefuly only debated 90IQ SJW college retards because his ideology is deeply flawed, and collapses under any intelligent critique.
Wow, anti-semite much, Evans?
>his ideology is deeply flawed, and collapses under any intelligent critique.
He's a communist?
post khazar milkers
Why does everybody to the left of Shapiro call him a nazi when he himself spends 90% of his time calling everybody to his right a nazi?
Ben Shaprio gets COMPLETELY DESTROYED by a TRUE British Conservative
>funny how he disintegrates when standing up to British journalism
why didnt the kike just call him an anti-semite? they always do.
Because in this day and age anyone to the right of your particular political views is a nazi, or if you're being diplomatic, merely far right.
Looool he's such a massive cunt don't understand Americans lust for him
He is a descends from those that invented (((communism))). He doesn't care about America, he only cares about Israel.
he's the same as jordan peterson in the sense that his following is primarily internet based, attracting the loud retards from both political ideologies to simultaneously praise and shit on him when ever the opportunity.
When Shapiro was challenged with the fact he has a large fan base Shapiro accepted this as a point against himself. Shapiro should have expanded on this and when presented with sensational questions Shapiro should have directed BBC viewers back to his own books, videos and social media.
More than the debate itself Shapiro forgot this tv spot should have been a commercial for himself instead of allowing the BBC to use him to make their own X SLAMS Y video for views.
Just my 2 cents.
I do too but not for the reason cap does
His munchkin voice frightens me
Also in the sense that he's not actually right-wing at all, and in fact he's a gatekeeper to tell people who start to wake up and see what a shithole the modern world is that they need to Just B Themselves, pull up their bootstraps and fix it with good ole' Reaganomics
"Facts don't care about your feelings."
Here's a pretty good leftist video:
>he's the same as jordan peterson
popular intellectuals > popular infotainment
centrists and left-leaning centrists are also "far right extremists" though
"You're a hypocrite" isnt an argument
Jesus Christ shareblue is getting worse by the hour
0/10 back to spewing garbage on pol
OK, but is this good tv?
how did he lose? i'm listening to this now, and the brit dude just brings up random "ben shapiro DESTROYS abortion argument" youtube videos as evidence. literally does not check his source. that cannot be used in a debate.
Suck my dick you neocon kike
>calls abortion "killing babys" even though "fetus" or "embryo" would be the correct term
>can't bring himself to call a man who looks and acts like a chick "she" because it wouldn't be "scientifically accurate"
>facts don't care about your feelings
why can't amerilards see the most basic logical inconsistencies and flock to people who are either manipulativ and dishonest or just plain retarded?
He was getting triggered and he left at the end.
You leave you lose
no, this is getting destroyed by the bbc.
you're right. that was a bad move. but the brit dude was just asking leading questions the entire time.
It is and he will never be a she. Simple as
facts don't care about your feelings.
>random "ben shapiro DESTROYS abortion argument" youtube videos as evidence
hey so uhh... about that
>flock to people who are either manipulativ and dishonest or just plain retarded
>Yes you are ma'am and not believing this obvious manipulation would make someone retarded
fuck lol wrong twitter screenshot, but i'll leave that one up for good measure cuz why not?
It's the best TV on the BBC in years lad
You know I hate Shapiro but he was in the right in the conversation had he not gotten so pissy he would have been fine
speaking of being manipulative dishonest and just plain retarded lol.
why is the production quality of blacked better than game of thrones?
no matter what your views on trannys or abortion are, Benjamin wants to both use language in a way that fits his worldview and evokes an emotional response in people, and at the same time be hyper correct and scientific. Thats the logical inconsistent part, amerimutt.
Because he couldnt answer a simple question and instead threw a hissy fit and ran away. The interviewer was fine and was just doing his job. In Bens new book he talks about how anger is currently destroying public discourse and how instead of having honest debate we’re in a state where people’s morals and character are questioned over their political views/opinions. The interviewer was simply asking how Shapiro can claim to be against such anger and hatred, when he himself had posted such hateful and anger fuelled comments in the past, that again, are clearly what he claims to oppose in his book, the relevant topic at hand. Whether he apologised for the comments doesn’t dismiss the fact he said them and that he himself has played a part in the current political climate. It was a simple question really that he should have answered, but failed to do so. Him doing the ‘I’m more famous that you’ routine was pretty embarrassing as well.
you are a man
only when you mention Palestinians does he sperg out about muh superior Israel
Because he got triggered and walked out. They weren't even hard questions, he just threw a tantrum for no reason.
That sounds so hot tbqh
i know, but i also don't hate trans people
Lmao this fucking kike still slandering Lewandowski to white knight for a fucking journalist
The interviewer took comments out of context that Ben himself has said were wrong. Ben was 100% justified in assuming the interview was in bad faith. If the interviewer wanted to be professional he should have posted the entire twitter conversation that Ben was responding to in his tweets.
>why didn't he simply answer him?
I personally wouldn't answer a question that is clearly in bad faith.
I want to make this absolutely clear, if you post twitter comments that are out of context you aren't doing a very honest job of being an interviewer. Why not post the entire twitter conversation. If there is anything you respond to, make it this. Why not post the entire twitter conversation?
>he was in the right in the conversation
If your going to write a book about anger in discourse it should be obvious you will be asked about past angry rhetoric. I don't know why it is somehow wrong for him to be asked about it even for him to refute it in some way. Its a talk show and he is not a child.
As if that's a bad thing. Can't wait for Iran to obliterate them from the face of the Earth
pointing out that men aren't women and vice versa isn't hatred you fallacious dumbass
Kys tranny
>Why not post the entire twitter conversation?
Because it is a talk show. The point is for Ben to talk.
That's a good question.
Another good question: Why is porn free?
Why is something that half the population of the world has endless demand for... free?
Final question: When Israel conquered Palestine in 1967, why did they spam Palestinian television with free Arab porn?
Have you ever known a Jew to give ANYTHING away for free?
> Jew gets DESTROYED by BBC
about time
just like muh fbi crime stats are just statistics and the people who are always talking about them don't feel any kind of way towards black people, you're fooling everyone, really
You're dumb as a fucking rock
Strong retort, very thought provoking. He won't be bringing up topics like that again now that you've provided such an impeccable counterpoint.
>Why is porn free?
lol what? I mean if you torrent it then yeah I guess it's free.
This is an unbelievably piss poor excuse for being dishonest. How much time would it take to show the entire context of his tweet? Another 30 seconds?
Want to throw anything else completely unrelated in here to save face?
it's an immense waste of time to try and argue in good faith with every dipshit instead of just assuring them whenever they pipe up that they're dumb shitheads who everyone is laughing at
science doesn't agree with your view on what makes a person a certain gender. Why do you think that is? Are leading scientists afraid of not beeing PC enough and just making shit up? Or is it the Jews that try to undermine western society?
Back to your raid discord
Yeah, there's this crazy conspiracy theory that says all porn studios are owned by jews when in reality all porn studios are owned by jews. Gotta make sure you correct the record.
Does anyone take shaprio seriously? At all? He's the biggest corporate stooge out there.
>save face
this is some truly fucking ascendant brain genius shit
0/10 garbage fallacies and conflation try again leftypol
maybe they're jewish scientists?
The point of the show is not to talk about the same thing for the whole time but Ben is sperging out too hard and making it impossible to proceed,
there was a time where i might've felt compelled to go find an example of one that wasn't, but why even bother? it obviously exists, you're obviously just gonna jump to some other doughbrained fucking idiot bullshit if i do find it, so once again, i'm just gonna keep telling you what a fucking goofy dipshit you are
Ben sure humiliated Bernie
just answer why you disagree with scientific consensus
i'm sorry that you haven't come to terms with how transparent your "i don't hate trans people, i just love FACTS and SCIENCE" shtick is lol
Little Benji won by DQ at around 3 minutes in when the Dutch-Jewish "Brit" brought up the green new deal being popular
Stop bothering to even type replies to me then you lazy kike.
he apologized like a little beta KEK
Again, this is nothing but a piss poor excuse user. The time spent to show the entire twitter conversation would have been at most 30 seconds, this would have probably saved time since Ben wouldn't "sperg" out when being asked an honest question in it's context.
Isn't it better to provide the entire context of someone's comments? Doesn't that greatly reduce the chance of taking their sentiment completely out of context? Why is this a bad thing user? Why are you arguing against it?
They weren’t out of context though, he literally called Obama a facist. That’s pretty hate fuelled right there. Again, he should have answered the question.
The funny thing is there are arguments lefties could actually win
So why do they ALWAYS choose to die on Tranny Hill? Lmao who cares about healthcare or labor rights or climate change, you better call this dude who cut his dick off "ma'am" or else bigot
no one here likes him
The child's life, and all humans' for that matter, begins at conception. That is the inviolable Truth backed by every metric we have to observe and verify it. The entire abortion issue boils down to whether or not these children have rights.
He was a fascist, look up what fascism actually is.
>They weren’t out of context though, he literally called Obama a facist
What was the context of the conversation user? Why answer a question when it is in bad faith?
make me bitch, i'll eat your ass
why do conservtards think its a good idea for a person to always be one second away from bankruptcy?
Jesus fucking christ this guy is here
Abandon the thread, everybody out, goodnight everybody
Shut up Ben
Reminder trannies you will never pass. Nobody thinks you are woman. Even your allies are just pretending to make you feel better. You will never be a mother. You will truly be accepted. One day you will wake up, look in the mirror, realize this, and kill yourself. The only thing your parents will feel when this happens is relief.
Why do libtards misrepresent everything?
the only fallacy would be an appeal to authority, but you can't know everything, so you sometimes have to rely on the knowledge of people who are experts in their fields.
But it seems like braindead ben shapiro fanboys only need their idol to spout some shit and parrot it without beeing able to back anything up.
>can't bring himself to call a man who looks and acts like a chick "she" because it wouldn't be "scientifically accurate"
>acts like a chick
They spend most of their time playing video games (which they're good at) and doing other beta male nerd shit like watching anime and reading comics. And sexually they fetishize the same over the top ultra-feminine/bimbo/kawaii shit men like in women when actual women are more likely to see those things as objectifying. They couldn't be further away from real women.
The problem with your argument is that you're tacitly acknowledging that every leftie deeply, passionately and personally hates white people, and all of the moves they make towards "equality and diversity" is just a fig leaf covering their genocidal antipathy towards Caucasians and Europeans of all varieties.
>butthurt as fuck
you know you're still paying for that shit right? Just in the most inefficient way possible
That guy is the only toad on blacked that does good scenes. The rest are boring muh dicks that might as well be a dildo on a wall.
people suffering from diseases DESTROYED by facts and logic
They don't, the left does so they can offer the "solution" of having the government own everything. How crazy is that?
still doesn't make it a baby. this is more about semantics and "logic", which ben build his whole career on.
Yes. I think the guy who spends hours a day, every day, posting tens of thousands of threads with his hand-scrawled MSPaint comics about how white people are niggers and jews are superior might be a little butthurt.
I first ran into him on Yea Forums years ago when he was shitting up every Harvey Weinstein thread with "shiksas deserved to be raped" derails
Reminder that retards unironically believe that people STOPPING baby murder are the barbaric ones lmao
ah yes much like your high iq post
I'm trying to give this a fair chance but 5 minutes in he's done nothing but drone on like a college student penning their first essay and stated nothing of substance. And what's with this shitty animation.
It is a baby. What you meant to say is the child in it's earliest stages isn't a Person. Which, as I already said, is the entire crux of the debate.
That's the worst attempt at an empty dismissal that I've seen in a long time
it's true, down at the local antifa we are workshopping a character called tony the white genocide tiger and when somebody asks him how he feels about white genocide he goes "it's grrrrrrreat!"
But so do you in your post, what is a "baby" and why is transitioning into one the point at which you judge it's right to live?
that sounds like a very specific type of tranny.
at what magical point does it stop being a fetus then sweety ;)
I'm talking about a very specific user, if you're not him, then I'm making you aware of him. If you are him, then I seriously hope you fucking die soon holy shit you're the only poster on all of Yea Forums I feel that way about
European pregnant women:
>Omg, the fetus just kicked!
>Yes, I'm eating a lot.. lol.. the embryo was hungry!
>Just to correct you, I'm not 'with child', I'm 'with blob of protoplasm'.
checked and correct. they had so many dead babies in the middle ages they would have loved the fact you can save them. but not in jewville 2019
well, that's still more than republicans ever did. I'd be fine if their solution was simply doctor assisted suicide if you knew you couldn't pay but then their religious base would freak out.
Nah, I suggest you look it up.
How’s it in bad faith? It’s a relevant question. The interview was centred around his new book. Ben claims to oppose such hate fuelled debate in the book, yet he’s made comments in the past that clearly fuel such a thing. Again, apologising for them is irrelevant, since he still made them and as such has played a part in the current hateful/anger fuelled political climate that exists. That’s a completely fair question to ask.
No it isnt, its wether it's alive. The goalpost is being moved to person, which you capitalize, because you want to put a bullshit requirement on it as if its a status to favor you.
I’m surprised he didn’t pull the jew card again
Why are lefties all gigantic faggots? That's the biggest tell you're going against one, they all type like women/swedes
>only when you mention Palestinians does he sperg out about muh superior Israel
all of the "IDW" members post about israel on almost a daily basis.
are you guys mentally retarded? I never made an argument for or against abortion in this whole thread. using the word "baby" as in "killing babys" for abortion is incorrect language and just there to emotionaly manipulate the listener. that was my whole point.
>would rather kill oneself than actually try
Pathetic and coward-pilled
>He's a communist?
Even worse, he's a zionist.
what a great video
we should expect people to learn to be financially competent on their own
You are clearly dumb.
>n-no u
You're clearly in over your head.
So he shared them because they were convenient clips of his material, and did not in fact post them nor necessarily endorse everything about how the poster presented them.
Weird, I watched that “interview” today. YouTube must be promoting it or something. I really don’t see anywhere that he got DESTROYED or even lost the debate if you could even call it that. I like Ben but I’m pretty objective and if I thought he did bad I’d say so. The host really did just attack him with the equivalent of journalisms #metoo by sifting through old tweets. If there’s one thing Ben is not afraid of its explaining himself and his former self. It’s amazing to me that we live in an age where you write or say something and a decade later it gets brought up as if people are incapable of changing their perspective. Again, something Ben is very open about since information changes.
whos who
then why don't they take away medicaid/medicare?
What does everybody reckon was going on beforehand to make Ben flip his shit. He's fielded far more outright hostile interviewers in the past and responded calmly. The Brit guy even explained why he was asking certain questions and Shapiro just continued to short circuit. I don't think Shapiro's a saint and I don't think he's as bad as his haters claim, but this looked out of character for him.
I’m so happy the world is waking up to widespread content for Zionists like Shapiro who constantly rail against SJW’s yet turn into them whenever Israel is criticized. Notice how Shapiro doesn’t say he doesn’t believe palestinians live in their own shit and are basically animals but simply says it was a bad tweet. He doesn’t think it’s not true, he’s just reluctant he said it in public. This is the Zionist worldview, we are all but animals to them. He claimed that Jews who voted for Obama aren’t real Jews, which is 100 times more antisemetic than any word that has come out of Omar’s mouth. Fuck Ben Shapiro and every Zionist neocon like him.
holy shit lol the fucking contortions you people will do
this is great bait
if this "non-baby" doesn't get aborted what would it become?
oh what's that? It would become a baby?
So it is, by your own logic abortion is literally killing babies. Your own argument is that as soon as you want to kill it, it becomes a non-person, but if you don't want to kill it it becomes a person.
Quick tip, almost every pro-abortion argument was invented by a woman and is filled with flawed logic a child could pick apart.
and your claiming it isn't a baby yet offering no argument in support wheras every OBGYN can confirm that yes, in fact, "baby" is what's growing inside the uterus.
uh it would become a dragon egg, DRACARYS
No one cares leftypol
>How’s it in bad faith? It’s a relevant question
Because it is a question taking completely out of context user. Why not post the entire twitter conservation? Why argue against this user? What is there to gain when interviewers don't try to present their arguments as honestly as possible?
Why not post the entire twitter conversation and context of the tweet? That is it, that is the only question I want you to answer. Why not post the entire twitter conversation and context of the tweet?
Calling out his blatant hypocrisy and anti semitism while criticize abortion and Israel is pushing every button he has at once, it’s simply beautiful.
what's a neocon
then you actually aren’t a man
>it's not a person because its dependant on its mother to live!
oh really? So take your newborn baby and drop it in the woods, I'm sure its not dependent on its mother to survive right?
Women are just clumps of cells
I hate how you twitterfags spamming screencaps can turn a literal nobody into this
>ben shapiro is a racist
okay, so what?
>wether its alive
This question was answered with the advent of cellular biology. We readily observe an actively living growing unique human's body growing throughout geststation. There is no doubt the developing child is alive.
>Another good question: Why is porn free?
>Why is something that half the population of the world has endless demand for... free?
I mean, the same reason most books and TV shows and movies are free? The nature of the internet enabling the uncontrolled spread of information? And the tube sites get ad revenue. If you want to blame Jews for producing porn in the first place you can do that easily enough without making terrible arguments.
I didn't claim anything of the sort.
so if I kill a teenager I also killed an old man? also, I wasn't arguing for abortion, retard.
know how i know you're insecure about your masculinity?
(((Ben Shapiro))) is a hardcore Zionist Jew that said he opposes white nationalists multiple times.
Redditard NPCs think he's "alt-right" because he's literally ZOG's designated controlled opposition.
Ben “I support genocide” Shapiro
>You are clearly dumb.
If I was smarter I'd start to appreciate that fucking guy who personally makes thousands of "jews are superior to whites" posts accompanied by his shitty MSpaint scribbles on /pol/ and Yea Forums?
Could have literally just said 'yes, even I've been an example of it in the past, I think it shows how pervasive and tempting this anger is in the political discourse, and why we should be careful of letting ourselves slip towards it'.
A little humility goes a long way. It's not weakness.
How is it incorrect?
Way to end your own argument lol
Nobody denies Jews have a sly and cunning intellect.
Because a fetus isn't a baby
Jews and their shabbos who support nationalism only for Israel and globalistic capitalism for everybody else.
yeah but what does it mean
I hear people called neocons all the time but no idea what it means
We're 4 minutes in and he's going in circles still.
Will this retard begin to have a point later on? Can you timestamp it?
i agree. I dont think it was nearly as bad as people are hyping it to be.
The developing child is baby and alive. You have probided nothing to mount in defense to the contrary because you can't.
what grows in the uterus isn't called a baby, its either an embryo or a fetus, depending on the development. You call it baby after its born.
actually alt light dipshits and alt right dipshits are both bad
why would anyone support or want that
>Think I'll finally see Ben blown the fuck out for hypocrisy involving his views on Isreal and cries of racism anytime someone criticizes it.
>Instead I get some guy employing the same liberal tactics of bringing up out of context tweets that Ben himself acknowledge are bad
Shapiro's always been a dem plant.
>my body my choice!
Except its not your body, if it was "your" body because it requires outside DNA to conceive.
This outside DNA combines to make a wholly new person, that is scientifically not you.
it’s called life either way.
Why does it magically become a baby once it leaves a woman's vagina?
>The developing child is baby and alive.
Then why did you say "baby"?
Still a unique human
baby a shit
Passing through the womb magically changes what it is? Maybe the word embryo is emotionally manipulative language because it make you dehumanize what you would recognize as a baby, were it on the other side of the womb?
It's a form of milktoast right-wing that doesn't support nationalism in any meaningful sense, and is more supportive of global capitalism and Christianity & Judaism. They also often support bombing/assassinated the Middle-East and any other enemies of Israel.
It was a play on the term "neoliberal", which are also globalist capitalists, but just more aggressively anti-white and anti-masculine.
Your simply using "baby" in place of "person deserving rights" to sound innocuous. The developing child is alive at all times and is human at all times.
So is a cockroach
His views on his own religious beliefs are pretty based tbqhwyfamalam.
it's what neonazis call conseratives who aren't neonazis, trying to take over the term conservative and push the actual conservatives to "neocon"
it isn't a person deserving rights though, it's a fetus
Well I'm a white male, and the left is literally against my interests and openly tries to disenfranchise me, so...
>The developing child is alive at all times and is human at all times
So is a tumor
>i didn't name those videos
>ah, but you linked to them
>yes but i didn't name them and if i had posted them myself i might have named them differently
Holy fucking shit dude were you literally not alive in 2004
yeah, I agree. But again, that wasn't my point, I didn't argue for abortion. I said Ben is using the word "baby" to evoke an emotional response in people, even though it is an incorrect term. Which would be fine if he wasn't the king of "facts don't care about your feelings" and "everything has to be biological accurately described". Im basically just saying Ben Shapiro is a hypocrit.
>w-womens r-rights?
If you actually cared about womens rights, you wouldn't be murdering them in the womb before they are born.
No it is baby, a human child. The development stage of this child begins in the Embryonic and matures to Fetal, then Neonatal then Infantile. These are all babies.
They get either paid handsomely by jewish billionaires or have something to gain, or worse they are some brainwashed evangelical.
>named files
>i'm just a normal guy not a /pol/ jpeg peddler
Not magic "sweety" science. Maybe look into instead of shitposting.
>he says as he posts the alt-right hate frog
nah I was the person who asked and I just did some research and you seem like you're drastically distorting your own opinion of what it is
>Pro-lifers only care about children in the womb, they don't care after they're born!
Wrong, almost every first world country, including america, has some of the most extensive and free pre natal and Post natal care in the WORLD.
Both privately and funded by the government.
I’m interested
at least i don't name my files
you're a samefag and you can suck my dick
Read this article.
>pretending the word "minorities" doesn't refer specifically to nonwhite people in primarily white countries and that anybody thinks that white people are the majority of the global population
well that's dumb as shit
how is george w bush any different from the previous republican presidents?
A quick karytyping will distinguish that the baby isnt a tumor.
Now tell me, why do these human beings not deserve their human right to life and bodily integrity?
I'm a white nationalist, and I say abort 'em all!
Lul. I won't even dignify this with a response because im born again Napoleon Bonaparte, emperor of the new French empire send by my good pal Jesus Christ and the Santa Clause from heaven to take back the lands and what i'm owed. Now pledge fealty to me peasants, or you will be labeled a bigot. And i have verified peer reviewed science behind me, my other good buddy.
He didn't talk about what ideas the republicans actually have. He just said they had a meeting where they discuss new ideas but didn't even list one.
South Africa has "minority rights" laws that protect the ethnicity that makes up 92% of the population
>Ben spams "debate me" at every opportunity
>Gets on BBC
>Old anglo asks Ben to explain a line in a book Ben wrote
>Ben loses his shit and runs away
Can't make this shit up.
>incorrect term
you have yet to substantiate this claim
>he plays cap even outside of the role.
Based. I fucking hate Nazis.
It's okay 'lil zoom zoom, one day you'll learn the old time histories of the 90s and 00s.
Yeah, I'm from /pol/, so what?
My logic still outweighs yours. Unless you're just another nigger trying to leech off white populations.
everyone names their files retard even if you're not changing it you're still choosing to name it the default you dumb goof
>its a harsh world and I wouldn't be able to give my child everything do to my financial situation!
This is my favorite, because it shows that almost all pro-abortion women are pure sociopaths to the core.
So you think because little jimmy wouldn't get his captain america figure for christmas hes better off dead?
Go away Ben