Is Kino back on the menu?
Is Kino back on the menu?
Cringed hard. This is such a stupid, overused term.
Are you talking about the word franchise?
What word would you use?
Yeah, I’m thinking it’s back.
The Ending for 3 wasnt too bad, but its nice that it sets up for John Wick 4
Spoil me how does it end?
>the entire point of John Wick was that it was a stand-alone movie with an implied badass backstory, wherein John’s storyarc was already completed before the movie starts
>they turn it into a run of the mill action franchise
After the big gunfight in the Continental (the part in the trailers with the armored guys) the Adjucator (the woman in the picture) calls for a ceasefire. Winston shoots John off the roof of the continental and everyone thinks he's dead, but he ends up underground with the pidgeon man and the movie ends with im going to start a war with the high table and asks if John wants revenge
I'm not that good at explaining it, but thats more of less how it went down.
If it's still good then so what.
jw1 kino
jw2 shit
jw3 ????
i hope they end it on john kicking in a door with bird man sitting in a chair holding out his hand with the blue and red pill and john grabs one and swallows it but we dont know which pill he took and it ends on a matrix cliffhanger.
Bird man gets fucked up in this movie, the Adjucator makes the Japanese guy cut him 7 times and it makes it look like he died
I heard Max Payne makes a cameo, is that true?
I heard Rosie O Donnel makes a cameo in the movie is that true
Honestly, sneed.
It's sneed.
Fuck that sneed guy!