Is it based??

Is it based??

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it was great until the ending

got too bored to finish it when gayboi got kicked out.

>le fuck christianity xD the show
Yeah, no thanks.

yes, and it seethes atheists so it is also double based

I tried to watch this but it was just a ton of annoying dream sequences mixed with some asshole shitting all over some stuffy Italians.

>plebs exposing themselves this much

>what if the pope was an atheist, smoked, ha sex and was an asshole to everyone!!!
no wonder it was made for Americans

>tfw after the Cardinals scene with the small door speech I thought we'd have an arc of secretive catholic mysticism
The disappointment.

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>what if the pope was an atheist, smoked, ha sex and was an asshole to everyone!!!
Did you even watch the show? His religious confliction was handled really well and I'm sure hit the mark as something a lot of people have experienced regardless of having faith or lack thereof.
>had sex
Guess you didn't watch the show.

Yes completely and unironically.

>had sex

uhh you didnt watch the show, he was full on hardcore conservative pope. funny how people went i expecting papal orgies and shiieet when it was an american telling the entire holy see that theyre being pussies and need to stop kissing muslim feet and doing pr stunts like accepting faggotry, and earn their right to salvation. Whats hilarious is how all these old italians thought this was outrageous. from the pope, only confirming the extent of the degeneracy

>pope gets announced
>maybe hell come out to preach to the crowds
>hides his face n darkness and calls italians degenerate
> he dissapears
>everyone flips shit

>is something with jude law based

Well obviously lmao

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Its bretty gud, if you are religious or not. It basically panders to the religious in ways they want and like, but also subtly points out how delusional they are in ways they dont see because of how they are hypnotized.

that's literally not it at all, you fucking pleb.

>pope was an atheist
he literally wasn't, he performed miracles but was imperfect as he could never get over his parents abandoning him. He was an overzealous catholic who ended up denying women who got abortions confessions and kicked gays out of the church
>had sex
He literally had no sex during this whole series. The only love interest he ever had was a date on the beach with a fat girl in california before he became a priest, and he remained a virgin
who gives a fuck, men smoke, you're the faggot vaping zoomer

>was an asshole to everyone
that was the point, he was supposed to bring the old school overly conservative zealous image of the church instead of the tolerant progressive church of today. This literally was a foundation of the plot.

I can bet anything you're an american. Go watch game of thrones pleb

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Typical plebeian reaction.

Arguably the best miniseries on HBO

For now

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>oh btw gays are actually fine it's only bad gays we need to worry about

It ended with some bullshit Vatican II apologist shit and I hated it.

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Still denied abortionists absolution from confessions though, he was even ambushed by femen in one episode and gave no fucks.