were they supposed to represent nazis?
Were they supposed to represent nazis?
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more like imperial japan and nazis
>fire nation- japan
>earth kingdom- china
>air nomads- tibet
>water tribe- eurasian steppe peoples
They were supposed to represent firebenders you fat nerd.
You're like a fucking woman.
They the evil Japanese pigs who always invade and kill better cultures
They're more like imperial Japan. Ozai was just kind of a dick.
This show was not as good as I remembered, still good but lots of bad writing moments.
>Water Tribe
They were Eskimos, not steppe nomads
ywnh a water tribe gf.
Why live?
>t. discoed tranny
Eskimos are similar but they would break with the asia theme.
this show was better than i remember
I agree, but the asiatic nations things was never a hard rule. It's clear that's what they were supposed represent, with the Igloos and Ice architecture and shit. No group in Avatar really fits with the Steppe Nomad aesthetic
But they were literally supposed to represent Imperial Japan
Just try and defend metalbending.
wow, retardation: the post.
metal = minerals = rocks = earth
Why didn't Katara just bloodbend a blood clot into Ozai's brain and give him a stroke?
she could only do it at the full moon
Why Toph just mineral-bend the Calcium in Ozai's bones and break his Spine?
she can only do it at the full rock
Over thousands of years and thousands of earthbenders no one ever successfully metalbended, and Toph learns to to do it in 5 minutes on her first try. You really don't see how this is bad writing?
Why didn't Aang just airbend all the air out Ozai's lungs and strangle him?
okay that one is because aang didnt want to kill him
keep waterbending from becoming too op than it already is.
>full rock
weird how only fire and water get aoe buffs
why zuko didnt firebend the sun out of orbit to crash into the zeppelins
But why couldn't Katara freeze Ozai's blood and watch as all the blood vessels in his body horrifically expanded and busted? I guess there's the full moon thing, but why couldn't she gene some water in his mouth, and then freeze as it went down his throat, choking him?
Because air nomads are a bunch of fucking hippies, why do you they were killed down to the last man.
Because the sun's made out of Plasma, not fire
Because the Fire Nation Blitzkrieged them
Why didn't Sokka just use the eclipse to make more resources?
True, but I’m pretty sure I recall the reason they were chosen to be wiped out first was because they weren’t really fighters and the firebois knew it would be easy pickings.
>aang didnt want to kill him
>aang killed a fuckton of firebenders throughout the show with varying sabotages, and outright airbending a guy through a wall
>deux ex machina lion turtle that ruined the series retroactively in Korra
Why didn't Aang just suck all the air out of Ozai's body PERIOD and create a vacuum making him implode?
>tfw Azula will NEVER bully you
Why live?
This post perfectly encapsulates why we need more history majors.
They were wiped out because Ozai knew the next avatar cycle would have the Avatar be an Air Nomad. Sure, the Air Nomads were mostly pacifist monks, but you have to remember that around Monk Gyatso's Skeleton were a bunch of Fire Nation troops. They were hardly weak when it came to fighting, they just got blitzed by a technologically superior and more organized force.
>"Since metal is merely earth that has been purified and refined, Toph used her seismic sense to perceive the trace amounts of "unpurified" crude earth still present in the metal, target it, and use it to bend the purified metal itself."
>I agree, but the asiatic nations things was never a hard rule
This. It was influenced, sure, but remember they used the Western elements not the Chinese ones (metal, wood, etc)
I want to lick her big feet.
You really don't get it do you? Its not the logic of metal=earth, its the logic of learning a completely new and complex bending in minutes.
Contrast this with Katara learning healing seemingly out of nowhere, healing is something that is actually fairly common among waterbenders, so Katara instinctively learning this isn't too much of a stretch, see the difference?
No? They look like imperial china
Now you understand why they went for brown people for the live action adaptation.
>Dude how would Newton just immediately realize that the apple isn't falling, it's actually being pulled down?
Imperial China was more Earth Nation. What with the walls, and the big capital City. Fire Nation is definitely Imperial Japan. Think about it. They live on an island, have a large navy, have red Aesthetics, and get power from the sun (think: Nippon=Sunrise Land)
You might want to learn the history of the theory of gravity because it wasn't just no one ever thought about until this one guy did. Several people came to the conclusion of gravity or something like it, ideally several people should have learned metalbending over the years or at least theorized how it could be done.
>ideally several people should have learned metalbending over the years or at least theorized how it could be done.
The writers could have done that in hopes of satisfying a niche group of nitpicking autists, but I'm really glad they didn't.
Exactly who needs good writing with proper setup and payoff when you can just have narrative asspulls like metalbending and spiritbending and have retards defend it.
she was a child prodigy
aang never killed anyone
You have a nice day user.
ps have sex
pretty sure this belongs in Yea Forums, user. Don't worry, though, jannies are asleep 24/7, I doubt they'll prune this.
I would but I'm so tired of your mom
Why didn’t the fire nation bury their troops? The least you could do is hand them back to their families.
>pacifist air monks
Even Anng said such things were against his teachings.
>t. history major who is working at my local starbucks
Different user.
I love people like you, we share a lot in common. Whenever I point little things out to friends or family I usually come off as a dickhead. It saddens me that people are so blind and absolutely refuse to see the light of day. A great example is the very argument you just had, that person is just going to walk away with the same admiration of the trash he so praises. It requires so much effort to change the perspective of a person, that sometimes it's never really worth it. They will indulge in their empowering fantasies that are so unreal, that when it comes to reality they will be mistaken for how it really works.
what if the show is just airbender propaganda? Who controlled the banks before the firebender revolution? Who controlled the media? Perhaps there is a hidden history here. And how do we know for sure they are telling the truth about how many airbenders were killed? Sounds a little far fetched to be honest. Maybe we should hear both sides of the story.
the earth benders are the jews gosh user watch the show
No they're Chin-
but Eskimos are from Asia
Another different user. I don't mind metal bending the way it happened. Toph was not ONLY a child prodigy, but as far as we know, she is the first person ever to use the seismic sense. So in a moment of panic, and also possibly the first time she had ever been standing/surrounded by metal, she realized it was possible.
MY problem is how in legend of korra, tons of people know how to do it. I don't appreciate the powercreep. If youre gonna have certain heroes and villians have special abilites, it takes away their spectacle if later theres a whole team of people who can do it
Sadly water tribe is just Siberians/Inuits
There should have been a 5th Steppenig nation tho, maybe the power to bend.... rape? or something
Fire Nation is China + Japan, but mostly China, aesthetically.
Wasn't metal a pretty recent thing? Everyone else is still using stones and sticks