Is this a good candidate for the next fantasy kino? Lots of material, several possible end points, great characters, action, suspense, not too much crazy magic stuff that's hard or expensive to show, a great fantasy world, the stakes gradually grow, it's got a cult following but isn't immensely popular. When will it be Fitz's turn?
Is this a good candidate for the next fantasy kino? Lots of material, several possible end points, great characters...
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The Black Company should be next. Disney should also finally do something with the fucking Chronicles of Prydain license they've been sitting on for decades now.
Never heard of the Black Company before now but it sounds fucking sick. If nothing else, you just gave me my next book to pick up.
It's a great series and you won't regret it.
Both are pretty good choices.
Also the Riftware series, lots of material there.
Worm for some actually good cape-shit.
There's also fucking loads of Urban Fantasy series that would work.
>Disney should also
Oh fuck off. The fact is Disney has kept the license to Prydain tied up ever since The Black Cauldron either out of spite for it being a bomb, or just to make sure no one shows them up by making a better adaptation, which won't be hard considering they butchered the first two books. Prydain could seriously be the next great fantasy series from young adults and families, but they won't do jack shit with the rights. I'm PISSED. Holy fuck you retards are so fucking triggered by someone just saying the word Disney it's not even funny. You so fucking dense you can't even tell when someone is putting Disney down.
I can see Prydain being a decent Harry Potter replacement, especially if Disney makes it and doesn't make magic boring like Warner Brothers did. Not sure if I'd expect it to become kino though.
Cast this:
Chade has to be someone old but lively, I could see Ian McShane.
Tilda Swinton could actually be decent as The Fool.
Maybe Taron Edgarton as Fitz. Hard to make realistic picks for this though because it would have to be somewhat low profile actors.
The Black Company was going to be made into a TV series, but it's in development hell.
Tilda is too old to play The Fool. He's barely older than Fitz I think.
cast it
What bout this?
Read it understanding it's an unreliable narrator and he even admits he omits things the Black Company actually does.
Haven't read that one. Steven Erikson likes it, interesting.
Speaking of which, how the fuck would you ever do Malazan?
Should work. Plenty of gay buttfucking. Then again kelhus is a blond ubermensch so that's problematic.
It's boring chick shit that only gets remembered for having two interesting characters in it. Outside of the Fool and the houndmaster guy it's lame
Severian - Jake Gyllenhaal
Thecla - Elizabeth Debicki
Dr. Talos - Joaquin Phoenix
Agia - Hayden Panettiere
I stopped reading at the third book when it became *really* obvious that houndmaster guy and poor waifu were going to shack up despite having fuckall past with each other.
Like, they were mentioned in the same sentence in at least five different chapters levels of obvious.
Battle Mage would be a sick one shot movie. I don't know how you'd really show the demon's power though, you'd need a good director and good actors.
This series was depressing af to read in middle school
>the main character's love interest literally hooks up with his dad after he dies
What did Hobb mean by this? Book wasn't bad until this cuck shit either. Actually the entire third book was pretty shit on reflection.
Impossible to film. Also too good for TV. The world isn't ready for rape aliens.
based Fitz, I've yet to read the new trilogy. I want to re-read leading upto it but I wasn't big on the liveship trilogy and don't care about the dragons either but it does add to the Fitz stuff
Don't mind me, just posting the true GOAT
Fucking upload didn't work for some reason
The Fitz books are too dependent on expressing introspection and self-loathing through narration/inner-monologue. Trying to adapt it to TV would be shit.
Oh fuck this series.
Starts out good, continues decent and then becomes a cesspit of cuckoldry and vomit inducing bullshit.
Literally turned me off of female writers for like a year after reading this shit.
People saying Black Company, i wholeheartedly agree. Black Company is fantastic.
If they do any Hobb it should be the liveship traders
The new trilogy left me feeling sort of conflicted. I enjoyed reading them, but I didn't really know how to feel about the ending. It wasn't the sort of bittersweet depression ending of the first trilogy or the cathartic and slightly optimistic ending of the second trilogy.
On the note of rereading, while the new ones do heavily feature stuff from the Liveship/Dragon books and directly continue those plots, I don't think you really need to reread them. I've only ever read them once vs dozens of rereads of the Fitz books and didn't miss anything.
The Broken Empire trilogy is clearly the best candidate for tv or cinematic fantasy kino.
Nah, main character is very obviously written by a woman and the supporting characters are awful
Not to mention the Chronicles with the dragon bitches make Fitz's journey completely irrelevant
That was legitimately the worst thing I have ever read
The Second Apocalypse walks the shortest path to kino.
The best part about this series is how it triggers all the soibois who self insert as the main character in fantasy novels with the way it ends. The series gets better and better too, liveship traders and tawny man are amazing
Unfilmable. Any attempt would be a disgrace.
I think the new trilogy is the weakest one yet, hobb kind of loses her touch a bit. There's a lot of time detected to Fritz's kid who I never found particularly interesting, and I think having Fritz end up with Molly at the end of tawny man was a bad choice anyways and a cop out.
This would unironically make a great series if they aged the characters up a tiny bit to mid-teens so we don't have to deal with shitty child actors.
>book trailers
They'd leave Fitz white but make Burrich black.
I'm surprised they haven't taken a stab at the Instrumentalities of the Night.
Not-Europe during the not-Crusades featuring a not-muslim protagonist infiltrating and causing chaos amongst not-Christians and not-Jews.
maybe because everything it touches it ruins?
This is the next logical franchise to work up.
- Marvel has warmed people up to power-fantasy + team dynamics = fun adventures
-GoT has gotten fantasy and dragons over the "only nerds watch" with execs.
Dragonlance has the potential to be bigger than GoT if done correctly.
Step aside peasants
The only way you could do it justice is animated. If I won the powerball that would be my pet project
>babbys first fantasy
try reading it again sometime, its really badly written
Literal cuck ending
it was beautiful Lena
oh undoubtedly. It's the height of junk food fantasy. I read it when i was 10 and thought it was better than LoTR, lol.
I obviously don't think so anymore.
But my point's the Avengers of fantasy, combined with the soap opera shit wine aunts and bugmen love in GoT. It would be bigger than GoT by leaps and bounds if done right, because the audience has been primed in all the right ways.
They can even put the sequel bait ending of the third book whith raistlin on wayreth tower going all "fine i'll do it myself"
cast it
Only if they're willing to actually give it a budget