Friday night again

>friday night again
>sounds of beers cracking and female laughter coming from neighbour's again
god I'm so lonely

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I live in a forgotten corner of my country surrounded by old people and mountains, so I don't feel FOMO at all.

I used to live in a big city but it kind of destroyed me. Too much drama.

since i started working out every day (not sundays), i never felt like this again, go to the gym

just b urself

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Get your own beer to crack, then you won't be as sad.

Based, I too moved away from a city to rural living. Very comfy.

That's why I got sound proof windows and acoustics in the room with my computer.

There could be an apocalypse happening right outside of my apartment and I wouldn't know shit.

based, join us, we are shitposting there

Go out dancin' nigga. Ballroom n shieeeeet.

Thursday is the adult’s Friday. Friday is just another relax day.

i'll go for a beer with you user

Put some music on, play this really loud and crack your own beers every 5 minutes or so.
Mog the get together of your neighbour

Go stop in and say hi, that's how you make friends. Imagine how I feel living in a neighborhood where the average age is 70.

don't try this outside of America

that's why i'm up so late. music this loud should be illegal


Call the cops on them from a public phone booth and report a noise complaint.

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People meme on country living saying how awful it was to grow up in a small town, but living in a city is just terrible after 6 months. It fucking grinds you down physically and mentally. The worst thing about small towns is that if it's infested with trailer trash it's shit to live in and nobody does any cleaning or maintenance, but those are relatively few.

>public phone booth
you mean one of those things they show in old movies?

Why do other cultures not like being friendly with their neighbors?

buy a fifth of gin, put a smile on your face, go knock on their door and introduce yourself.

Make your own fortune

>showing up to your neighbor's gathering uninvited
>being friendly

Get a fleshlight and start jacking it to hentai. You'll soon realise that 2D women are superior to fucked out 3D roastie whores.

bad advice. if you're american, bring tequila reposado or tequila anejo. gin is for brits.

>public phone booth
hello time traveler

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>Get a fleshlight and start jacking it to hentai. You'll soon realise that 2D women are superior to fucked out 3D roastie whores
Death of civilization

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>mutts who have never left their country talk about other countries’ cultures

Euros love nothing more than to kill each other
Africans will eat each other
Asians will get hit by a truck walking over to their neighbors house
South Americans will get killed by a cartel

There's still a working phone booth at the bus exchange near my house.

>tfw no gf
>realize I'd rather have my time to myself because having someone constantly around you is a hassle
>feels okay

but what about to lick pusy

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What should I watch with my dad tonight bros, Dragged across concrete or red dawn ('80s one)?

I'm genuinely afraid of women, I have no points of reference and nothing to talk about with them. They are alien to me.

go buy some alcohol and join them, im sure they will be welcoming if you bring a nice pack of beer.

what country?

This, I have two sisters but literally all I do is make fun of them so I don't know how to have a real interaction with a woman around my age.

if some random showed up to my party with alcohol I'd lock the door and keep him out
And if I was American I'd grab my gun

he isnt some random, he is their neighbour


Ask them to teach you how to sex.

How much did it cost to rig this up?
What sort of materials did you use?
Is it effective against all frequencies?

Almost certain one of them has never had sex and the other isn't the type I'd ask for advice about anything.

whom they don't know, nor invited


>Almost certain one of them has never had sex
Wife material.

I'm barely a 30 year old boomer but even in my early 20s random drinking with strangers was a fun time.

>Is it effective against all frequencies?
Yes, against all frequencies. It will stand up to nuclear explosion shockwaves because it's soundproof
Stupid fuck

Are you 8?
Women have sex more often than you.

Get you a 40 and some nyquil.

if they are the kind of people who wouldnt let their nice neighbour who brought beer to join them and getting to know eachother then user is better by himself

>calls someone stupid
>confuses a wave frequency with its amplitude
imagine being this stupid

If you bring something, and you're overall a nice person, you can come in.


You Americans are weird
If I'm hanging out with my friends at home I don't want some random neighbor to show up, some booze won't change that unless we're all already fucked up

we’re you friends, user. stay here and party (shitpost) with us.

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How old are you people? Aren't most of you at the age where you should be relaxing with the wife and kids, maybe watching something on Netflix or playing some games with them?

why are you here?

don’t know about the rest of the anons in this thread, but I’m a 19 (soon to be 20) year old NEET

I'm 25 years old. Never even kissed a girl.

>23 here
I think I'm supposed to either be drinking with "the boys" or out looking to fuck.

I doubt those things are better than drunken masturbation.

27 khv who was never had a job, some people are just failed humans I have accepted it and so should you. We would have been used as cannon fodder in the olden days but your progressive utopia says otherwise.

also a khv and shut-in

I'm 15 and a girl

I'm 25, she's 22. We've lived in the same house our entire lives. She's never had a boyfriend, never goes out except for school or work and is very shy and anxious. It's possible something snuck by at some point but I HIGHLY doubt it. I know this might sound preposterous to you but it's true.

I'm 29 and what you would call a failed normie. I had a good run tho

will you be my girlfriend?

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Quads and I get a Stacy girlfriend.

I'm 3D sorry