Will this film kill both capeshit and starshit and save Yea Forums?
>"I could easily retire right now... but then, all we would be left with is more Transformers, Fast & Furious, Fifty Shades... Intelligent people want intelligent films... so I'm not stopping any time soon."
The only thing it will kill is any hopes of a future Dune sequel. This will flop, this faggot frenchy is no Paul Atreides, they cast a bunch of other talentless hollywood cocksuckers for all the other roles as well. My expectations are at BR2049 levels, it'll be watchable but mediocre.
The only thing this will kill is any chance of getting the surprisingly good prequels adapted.
For me, it's Behind the Dune
Did he really say that? also can we has a Dune general
I also have reservations about the cast, 2049 was really good tho it's like the only other great sequel
Who controls the spice?
Rebecca Ferguson interview excerpt about the start of the shoot of Dune
>we all go around with the book
>the same book in which the vast majority of the characters motivations and the plot are presented through huge swaths of internal monologue which is more or less impossible to articulate on screen without breaking the "show, don't tell" rule
Let's just think about the book a minute, the conversation early on between the Baron, Piter De Vries, and Fayd, it's essentially just the Baron telling Piter to tell Fayd "lol we've got Dr. Yu as our inside man, soon Arrakis will be ours." also maybe he mentioned something about Rabban taking over after Leto is dead, I don't totally remember.
The thing to point out about this, is this minor conversation took up a whole chapter, solely because most of it was filled with the character's inner thoughts, something I've yet to see a film be able to recreate.
Whoever controls Dune
My greatest hope is that we will one day get Red Mars, a miniseries, directed by Denis Villeneuve.
Who plays Baron Harkonnen and Feyd Rautha?
Also in other news, prosthetic extremely fat Baron confirmed.
Looking good.
>Baron Harkonnen
Stellan Skarsgard
>and Feyd Rautha
no info yet
Will Villeneuve's Baron be less homophobic than Herbert's or Lynch's were? Lots of members of the LGTBQ+ community have been offended over the years by the portrayal of LGBTQ+ characters in this series.
I'm sure Villeneuve will keep true to the book. He has been attacked by twitter keyboard warriors and SJWs for nearly every film he ever made and he always defended his actions and decisions with no regret.
>300 lbs
>can't gain that much weight and survive
How do Amerilards do it then?
Who gives a rat's ass. People can watch something else if they are offended. Good storytelling suffers when you try to appease an army of crybabies (and you'll never do enough).
Why can't they either cast a arab or handsome white guy? Not some twink jew.
>LGTBQ+ community
Is this a real thing?
They die in early age. Stellan Skarsgard is also nearly 70 years old
Expanse S04 is already on its way.
It's not going to be good--the 4th book is probably the worst in the series, and the first 3 seasons were each worse than that book. The Expanse is trash. Stop posting about it.
>Ugly Mutts: The Show
Attempting to watch this show did prove one thing to me though, all those minorities whining about representation are right, as a white male I've no interest in watching a bunch of mutt women fellate themselves in to believing they're STRONK
no probably not
part of the appeal of the book is there is something for everyone in it: intrigue, romance, mysticism, revenge, warfare, exploration, discovery, culture shock, environmentalism, etc.
for the movie to be a real success, it will have to focus narrowly on just a couple of the story's aspects
ultimately i think that's why Lynch's movie really failed - it tried to cover all of the bases
Chalamet is white
Anyone who has read the book can tell me if Timothée Chalamet's character has nude/sex scenes? me and my gay friends are so in love with this gorgeous french boy, can't wait to see his naked body on a big screen and his fashions on the red carpet. He dresses so feminine, he's an inspiration for all of us. So happy that Timothée is doing this project. This is going to be a huge success, don't worry you guys
It also made Baron Harkonnen into a stupid cartoon villain.
>doesn't call out comic book shit
does that beetle really have a fucking mouth of saron or am I looking at that spot and mistaking it for teeth.
no, it's got an eye of yogg'saron but no mouth of saron
Somone redpill me on this, whether there is any reason to expect it to be good. I've read the first four Dune books and want to know if I should check my natural assumption to expect it to suck ass. It would take a genius to adapt Dune properly, so I think I should give into my rational pessimism and block this out.
Yeah Paul has sex in the book with a female character named Chani (this isn't much of a spoiler as he has visions that foreshadow it).
Some fights/duels to the death he has with other male characters could be a little homo erotic.
God damnit how did I fuck that up
>whether there is any reason to expect it to be good
The director has made a lot of good films, some of which were sci-fi properties that easily could have been fucked up.
BR2049 was shite compared to the original.
>BR2049 was shite compared to the original.
The film was fantastic.
It was an exploration of what it means to be human. It was personal, haunting, and dark.
Complaints of Leto's performance fall on deaf ears for me. Villeneuve is a consummate professional. Are you familiar with his work? He had Leto give him what he wanted. It had purpose. I have not heard anyone spell it out, so I'm not sure I'm sure if I'm supposed to. Should one spoon feed the mouth-breathers? Anyhoozlebee, Leto's character was the antithetical "development." He was a man who was "becoming" a robot/android. Do you understand? He was less human than the androids. The majority of the film explored what it would take for an android to be considered human. Leto's character was going the other way.
Bit off-topic:
This was a more "difficult" film than the original. Just out of curiosity, which ending(s) did Yea Forums see with the original?
Nobody cares, it was still a lot better than anybody had any right to expect it to be, on top of being the best SF film of 2017.
>it was still a lot better than anybody had any right to expect it to be
You have a point but Denis isn't dumb and he's really adamant about making Dune so he must have decided on some way to handle this. He wouldn't try it if he didn't think he could pull it off
It's going to bomb.
IIRC wasn't the Baron a boipussy lover?
Baron was a paedophile in books, not really gay per se, as he didn't seem to be interested in adult men at all. We know he fucked a woman who was disguised as a boy.
yeah he tried to rape boys, and it was rightfully portrayed as disgusting.
>attempting real discussion on Yea Forums
fa/tv/irgins still argue over if decard was a replicant, what do you expect them to say about anything ever?
After Paul upsets his plans at one point he deliberately requests a slave boy in his likeness be sent to his room so he can burn off some steam. He's a monster
>We know he fucked a woman who was disguised as a boy
>the baron sampled many pleasures in his youth, and once allowed himself to be seduced
Nah, he wanted to know what it was like to fuck a vagina the same way you might want to know what thai food tastes like. He didn't know she was a witch looking to steal his seed but he knew she was a woman.
He was a replicant in the first one, but they retconned that for the second.
Im convinced its gonna be villeneuve's first bomb, the cast is all shit so unless he pulls some Yorgos Lanthimos style movie where the characters are all gonna to be dull and awkward on purpose i doubt it will be received well.
>Baron was a paedophile in books, not really gay per se
There is no difference
No they didn't, it was just left hanging in the air--which was better than coming down hard on either side in the film. By 2049, Deckard doesn't give a fuck whether or not Deckard is a replicant. Why should the audience?
Fags and trannies aren't people
Kys disease vector
I don't know, I was just bullshitting.
>It was an exploration of what it means to be human. It was personal, haunting, and dark.
I agree, it was like the original but worse. Such a shame Scott is too old to do something like Dune.
I'm a gay dude and who the fuck cares. The baron liked boys and that should be alluded to at least imo. Frank was homophobic at the time but by God Emperor he had fucking alpha lesbian stormtroopers so it evens out.
What?! are you trying to kill me? This has homoerotic content? you've just made 4 gay guys so happy with this information, we'll be there first showing , he's our dream boy. I expect we'll watch this no less than 6 times, 10 if the director includes the homoerotic content.
>Edit: so one of my friends tells me the love interest is Zondaya and she's a Disney girl and won't film any sex scenes or it will be clothed sex. No!! if this is real then fuck her! Why didn't they cast a slutty actress? Chalamet has to show his delicious ass again! (no sex scenes/nudes in his upcoming works, Little Women, French Dispatch :(
Nice, that means it will make more money and be more likely to get a sequel. Hopefully they just jump ahead to God-Emperor of Dune, the best book in the series.
nah it'll be mediocre like everything else villeneuve has done. also weird to cast a faggy twink as a guy who literally conquers divine feminity itself through sheer force of will
>also weird to cast a faggy twink as a guy who literally conquers divine feminity itself through sheer force of will
I don't think Paul is ever descirbed as being very large or muscular. He never needed to be
no it's just a bunch of social climber parasites acting as self appointed spokesmen for people that mostly despise them. subsisting on the support of braindead roasties
t. knows a couple faggots
Friendly reminder that the Atreides are descendants of Agamemnon and Dune is just a piece of Homer fanfiction.
he's described as the opposite in fact, and the Fremen in particular are all described as sinewy due to water chronic dehydration. Anyone who images Paul as a hunk has never actually read the fucking book.
I don't think it's fair to say they were homo-erotic in the book, I could just see how it might come across that way in a live action movie. Shirtless ripped highly trained guys fighting in a duel to the death, surrounded by an audience, very solemn cool moments rather than chaotic action scraps.
>and he always defended his actions and decisions with no regret.
lol he´s a little wimp who´s afraid of backlash
Why the homophobia?
>the director of Prisoners
The most IMDB sensibility film made so far. Anybody who thinks that Prisoners is above mediocre is juvenile about the medium and entirely emblematic of the video game crossposter fueled downfall of this board.
Villeneuve is one of the biggest trashmasters working today, hack's hack. This is hot pocket: the movie. Cheeto dust: the flick.
IMDB "FILM BUFF" pleb fodder. If you like this film then you are an enemy of the medium.
All the memes are there, it's shit.
Yeah Dune Messiah and Children were kinda shit. Accept for the lol I am a fucking human sandstorm bull shit.
i only thought Lynch's movie really failed when it had to scramble to finish the story. i was digging the first two thirds of it. some inspired visuals and fun space mysticism. haven't read the books since childhood though so i wasn't able to be bothered by the things they got totally wrong
>he had fucking alpha lesbian stormtroopers
They all had husbands and were an integral part of his breeding program. Frank Herbert was nortoriously anti-gay and all his fetishes were pro-eugenics (a shota bashar in command of an amazon warrior harem? right in the fap) and being gay goes against that.
I'm defending homophobia, I'm saying Frank was as bad as the LGBTBBQ community says he was.
Dune is amazing, have tempered hope for Denis' film. Even if it sucks, not even Lynch's piece of shit could damage this series.
All faggots should hang.
Herbert was truly based
>I'm *not defending homophobia
Autocorrect was surprisingly redpilled
he wasn't a replicant ridley scott is a brainlet who makes really pretty pictures. i just ignore that aspect of the final cut.
The Fishspeakers LITERALLY made out and licked each others pussies. There's a whole conversation between Leto and Duncan where Leto calls Duncan small brained for being against their lesbianism.
Also Frank's own son was gay so clearly his homophobia wasn't based enough to even prevent that.
>Zendaya as Shani
welp there goes all my interest. they couldn't find an attractive arab-ish girl?
still my favorite fiction series of all time and I'm still a male who suck dicks, friend. :^)
>ruins his father's legacy
checks out
Not Brian you retard. That one belongs to your team.
There's more ways to ruin your father's legacy than just writing shitty books. Being a faggot is way worse.
>The Fishspeakers LITERALLY made out and licked each others pussies
>citation needed
I'll wait
i'll keep that in mind next time my legal husband is fucking my ass, m8
hopefully AIDS thins out that community desu senpai
good. sodomites are nasty
If your father isn't ashamed of you he is an even bigger faggot than you are. Congratulations on ruining his life.
Imagine pretending like you are proud of being a mentally ill, developmentally disabled disease vector and a reject of the natural order.
Why would a faggot even like Dune?
Yaaass! Always here for more Chalamet! Everyone watching this movie will be obsessed with him, our boy will become SO BIG! I'm sure there will be a part 2! Even though I'm reading the author is a huge homophobe Chalamet is a great supporter of the LGBTIQA+ community, he's secured out butts in those theatre seats around the world. Massive worldwide success for this one. I see this getting Marvel/disney money. (The trailers have to be very well done and show Chalamet's naked torso of course
>Shirtless ripped highly trained guys fighting in a duel to the death
>Please prove to me, someone who hasn't read the book, that something happens within this book.
"You think I'm cruel?" Moneo demanded. "I make you think about things you'd rather avoid. Hah! Crueler things have been done to the Lord Leto for no better reason than the cruelty!"
"You defend him? You..."
"I know him best!"
"He uses you!"
"To what ends?"
"You tell me!"
"He's our best hope to perpetuate..."
"Perverts don't perpetuate!"
Moneo spoke in a soothing tone, but his words shook Idaho. "I will tell you this only once. Homosexuals have been among the best warriors in our history, the berserkers of last resort. They were among our best priests and priestesses. Celibacy was no accident in religions. It is also no accident that adolescents make the best soldiers."
henny, if your words didn't bother me in 8th grade they sure as hell don't in my late 20s
>Why would a faggot even like Dune?
Because it's a great book. Why wouldn't I?
nasty, hopefully the supreme court acts soon so your """marriage""" is declared fradulent and you sickos are driven back into the AIDS infested sewers you crawled from
gay behavior is gross. i don't bear homos any particular ill will but i don't like anything that reminds me of the disgusting things they get up to. and they shouldn't be allowed to marry because marriage as a legal institution is designed to incentivize sexual relationships that beget socially useful offspring, i.e. stable heterosexual ones. also faggot is just a fun word. that's the main thing desu
>I don't know the very basics of how the supreme court operates
Oh girlfriend. We all know you don't, but you don't have to keep telling us.
there's always a group of tryhard /pol/tards who think they can epically own the fags by insulting them like it's middle school on an anime imageboard
That first half is such canned interview bullshit.
t. butthurt sodomite in fear of Our Lord
Who the fuck is Henny? If ruining your father's life didn't bother you in 8th grade then it just confirms that faggots are broken.
Why would a faggot who is an abomination of nature like a book that portrays faggots as the corrupt scum they are and also glorifies the beauty of natural order?
it portrays a singular pederast in a poor light. do you hate every movie where a straight guy's the villain? surely you must by the same logic, sweaty.
nah, i used plenty of lube last night so my butt's not too heart tbqhwypham
>marriage as a legal institution is designed to incentivize sexual relationships that beget socially useful offspring
Citation needed, fag
God is a proper noun and should be capitalized, heretic.
there's a whole broad spectrum between twink and musclebound hunk, masculinity isn't a binary thing. something like gregory peck in 12 o clock high is what i'm thinking of. tall, thin, serious, self-contained
>ask for proof the fishspeakers were lesbians
>get this instead
Moneo argues in favor of gays in the military and child soldiers in the same breath. Where's my tribbing warrior women at faggot?
Enjoying pussy is not usually seen as a villainous trait, because it is perfectly natural and desirable. Fucking boys, however, is always seen as disgusting by anyone who isn't damaged.
Also, way to ignore the part about the natural order and how both the Baron and by extension all faggots are depicted as being antagonistic to it.
It’s going to bomb because Chalamet. No one likes him.
the cast is garbage
it'll turn into shit like Arrival
is he going to be sicario?
>Way to not read into a subjective piece of literature the way I do
got me there, hot stuff
>Fucking boys, however, is always seen as disgusting by anyone who isn't damaged.
good thing I don't fuck boys but rather men fuck me amirite?
many gays including me like him
Shit taste to be completely honest.
I don't have the entire transcript of the book memorized and can't tell you the chapter where Duncan walks in on the Fish Speakers happens. I gave it the best a 2 minute google search can give. You're more than welcome to read the book yourself to find the passage i'm referring to
Queers should be executed
Historically polyamorus societies have proven accepting of homosexual relationships but also prone to ultra-violence and culturally unstable. There's a bunch of books written about it by people (men and women, gay and straight) with degrees over the past two hundred years but you can google it. Something like a sociology course might be best.
TL;DR there's a reason every advanced society on earth was founded on heterosexual marriages enforced by the state.
There is no room for misinterpretation in the way Dune portrays homosexuality, or the Harkonnen's relationship with Arrakis and it's environment. No one expects a sodomite to be intelligent, though, what with the mental illness and all.
>All faggots should hang
Kill yourself faggot scum
you know me, just a dumb ol' sub 90 IQ dicksucker. we can't all be as smart and handsome as you. won't you bend me over and show me what a real man looks like?
Kill yourself faggot scum
>ask for a source for your claims about the legal and societal ramifications of marriage
>you talk about polygamy and proceed to tell me to do your research for you.
Gods, there is nothing more disgusting than you polfags
You can't find it because it's not in there. Duncan does walk through the fishspeakers camp and walks in on a threesome. The act of two women fucking does freak him out but it's still being done in the context of breeding super people, the man is married to one or both of the women (it's not made clear).
I gave you every opportunity not to be shit and you just couldn't help but disappoint.
come get me bby ;)
Queers should be executed
see I just can't help it user D:
All the homophobes here are going to fall in love with Timothée and their little dicks will be hard on the cinema, they're going to be so confused and leave to cry in the bathroom with their little hands on their little dicks. You don't know the power of Chalamet
This faggot is still unable to tell me why a faggot would enjoy Dune, and his only responses were that he misinterpreted the book's very clear messages. Faggots do not deserve Dune.
90 born queers were a mistake
woah whats going on in here
I don't really care that this little bitch ass got his break in the secretly red pilled "all faggots are pedophiles" movie, as he looks like he has the potential to make a great Paul.
Kill yourself faggot scum
>All the homophobes here
guarantee you there are no more than 2. for about a year there have been a few really die hard /pol/tards who flame every tangentially gay thread on the board with the same old 1995 playground insults
Queers and autists, so this entire site to be honest.
Go buy a Thesaurus, user.
>no more than 2
the world hates faggots
LMAOO, I love him too.
>Doesn't know how to reply
>Calls other people scum
it's okay. lots of people from r/thedonald have a hard time learning the ropes. you'll get the hang of it, brother!
that wasn't me
t. guy you asked for source
didn't see your post as being worth responding to obviously, that guy was generous though, gave you plenty to go off of if you were actually interested
>Faggots do not deserve Dune.
so you're trying to convince the no less than 3 faggots ITT right now to hate a book they all clearly like? good luck with that. seriously. i want you to keep trying to convince us we should hate it. the fact that us enjoying it makes you mad gives me great delight.
autists are alright, faggots just spread disease and molest children. they're human garbage
nigger you know damn well the political gordeon knot your asking me to cut with a fucking butterknife. There's mountains of shit going both ways with historical evidence favoring monogamy on one side and "nuh uh, this esoteric third century bc society existed so it doesn't HAVE to be that way" on the other. Yeah, I'm a piece of shit for advising you to educate yourself instead of spoonfeeding you regurgitated clickbait bullshit.
This is why no one likes faggots.
guaranteed there are only 2 aids kike spamners.
>>Doesn't know how to reply
Time to go back kiddo
eww i like real men... like you :3
totally right about the disease tho lol
based homo
homophobia was a lot more threatening when gay people weren't everywhere and able to marry desu.
I hate all faggots now. Faggots arent even real people. You can't have a conversation with a faggot. A faggots entire existence revolves around being a faggot and being mired in faggotry. All faggots should hang.
he's a legit icon. but i feel like his gay shit is just for show
A Thesaurus? Why? What word am I using that should be replaced by another?
I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. It is clear from the fag responses in here that they faggots do not understand Dune, and therefore do not deserve it. You can't even articulate why you like it. I am neither mad, nor do I give a shit about anyone else's opinions. It is just a clear fact that faggots don't deserve Dune and cannot appreciate its themes and messages.
You like to be fucked by "real men" in the butt, making you the child in this situation. Abhorrent.
they were always everywhere they were just forced under threat of violence to have some decorum about it. the cat is out of the bag now and pissing on all the furniture. let us contemplate the good old days with misty eyes
Can't find that quote.
I'm waiting for the inevitable SJW shit-storm complaining about a "white messiah". And yes, it will be K I N O.
It's not for show user, he literally has a boyfriend and hooks up with other guys on the side
>eww i like real men... like you :3
>totally right about the disease tho lol
the faggot is like a permanent teen girl mentally, utterly fucking retarded and obsessed with dick. they should be eradicated
What an incredibly jewish webm.
I want to believe... maybe i just will.
jews are cute uwu
>you will never have a loving Jewish bf
This. They are stunted in their mental and sexual development. Not surprising considering they reproduce via child abuse and sexual trauma.
kill yourself aids kike spammer
dude, are you gonna fuck me or not? i can find someone else on grindr if not.
should i read the book before watching the movie?
Studies have shown that healthy men react to homosexuality in a manner very similar to the way they react to writhing maggots and decaying flesh. I bet a similar conclusion would be drawn from observing the way healthy people react to jews.
yeah, unless you're one of those people who hate anything that's not a 1:1 adaptation.
>I can't prove my claim
>Educate yourself about it, n**ger f**got f*ck f**king
When did this site become plagued with literal kids?
Says the autist
There are other terms for homosexuals besides faggot. Diversify your writing
It's all fun and games untill a 300 pound /pol/tard shows up at your house at 3:00 in the morning ready to party
>can't support his opinion of Dune on an intellectual level
>spams teen girl level faggotry
>pulls the teen girl "must want to fuck me" argument
Shameful. I weep for your poor father.
that's very interesting, user. unfortunately my dick doesn't get hard at maggots so unfortunately i fear we may be different :(
all aids kike threads are started by 3 anons who are in a faggot discord with one of the mods. Feels threads last 20 most but homo fanfiction faggit threads are babysat constantly. kill yourself faggot scum
Why would I choose another word when that one is so apt? No matter who uses what word when describing your disgusting mental illness, they always mean faggot on the inside. Faggot.
lmao Josh (his boyfriend) is very average but Ezra is a literal god/practical chad. "Healthy" people react in awe. He's possibly one of the most good-looking Jews around atm,
>he's a legit icon
you niggers and fags are not human
Yeah, we get it. You are developmentally disabled. I'm sure everyone who has ever met you gets it without you having to say anything.
Kill yourself faggot
luckily my roommate is a gun nut
>I weep for your poor father.
same. i don't think he's very happy at his job
>Don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be deceived: No sexually immoral people, idolaters, adulterers, or anyone practicing homosexuality.
Because it may cause semantic satiation and it reduces the impact of the word.
reminder faggots are mentally stunted, hence why they go after kids
>(his boyfriend)
>good-looking Jews around atm
reddit homos are spammjng Yea Forums now
Yeah, I'm sure his job is his biggest concern, and not the son who talks like a teen girl and pretends to be proud of getting fucked in the butt. Oh, and also doesn't understand Dune.
There will never be any factor capable of tempering the disgust healthy people have towards sodomites.
>Feels threads
>a couple gays and a couple retards get into a catfight
Good shit.
>They exchanged God’s truth for a lie and worshipped and served the creation rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason, God delivered them to degrading passions as their females exchanged their natural sexual function for one that is unnatural. In the same way, their males also abandoned their natural sexual function toward females and burned with lust toward one another. Males committed indecent acts with males, and received within themselves the appropriate penalty for their perversion.
>not the son who talks like a teen girl and pretends to be proud of getting fucked in the butt
are you saying my dad who watches RuPaul's Drag Race hates gay people? i'll show him! >:(
David fucking Lynch directed the first movie. You think he just oopsed a bad movie out or did the studios meddle thinking they'd have the next Star Wars on hand? Do you think that'll happen again?
Oh, so he is the one who abused you and made you gay? I guess he gets what he deserves, then.
Hilarious that this faggot keeps replying to me but still can't even articulate why he likes Dune, or explain why he couldn't see the very clear conflict between Harkonnen/Arrakis re: natural order.
Kill yourself faggot scum
>unironically watching drag races
Ok...? I was talking about words not the abstract concepts they represent.
at least also photoshop the title so it can't be googled, y'know?
Queerty is cringy garbage tho tbqhwy
>my dad is a homosexual child molester lmao
>Hilarious that this faggot keeps replying to me
wait, who are you?
>unironically watching drag race
fuck you faggot. i can enjoy some shitty reality TV once a week
it was a hellish experience the whole time and then they butchered it in editing. could've been great
>"Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."
Can't even make an attempt to express your appreciation for Dune. The fact that faggots can't get into it is yet another example of Dune's brilliance.
choosing to watch disgusting faggot scum of all things, even gotfags are above people like you, disgusting.
>yet another example of Dune's brilliance.
it really is great. i love that we can share that with each other.
> For this reason wGod gave them up to xdishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
>watching reality TV
Fucking amerilards.
I never even talked about Dune. It is going to be a shitty adaptation anyway
faggots are incapable of discussing movies or tv, it all just comes back to their cock lust.
nice gif, mama
He's so amazing neurotic in his acting, he'll make for an entertaining Paul. Not some stiff, boring version of what's supposed to be this near superhuman with tremendous responsibility. So excited to see how it turns out.
No. Dune will never be as popular in the mainstream as capeshit and Star Wars. I'm hoping both will being the decline in the next few years though. After Infinity War/Endgame and the end of the Sequel Trilogy were are they supposed to go?
fucking based
based hogan drawing dimes on ding dong sucking homos
Where that based anti tranny dog when you neded him
Name your favorite films.
>ding dong sucking homos
It felt like a collection of 3 or 4 vignettes that had nothing to do with each other. Like if you just watched those old-school BMW infotainment shorts back to back.
Individually all style, no substance, but tons of style.
Is fucking other guys in the ass the most masculine thing you can do?
If you hate everything about women, why would you reward them with sex?
>Is fucking other guys in the ass the most masculine thing you can do?
yes. especially cute twink like Chalamet's ass
Fucking twinks isn't gay
Kill yourself faggot scum
Is AIDS/GRIDS proof God is Right and Just?
Lol no. The source material alone is shit.
nah. he wouldn't have let us do this if it was:
Get over it dude
The reason the ancient Greeks engaged in homosexuality was because it was a sign of mastery over men and masculinity.
100 years from now if you're not fucking some tight boupussy on the side you'll never be seen as a real alpha.
i can't imagine a reactionary conservative sci-fi movie succeeding in the current climate.
I forget what the mystical powers were in dune. I remember it being a good revenge set up and the desert people were interesting, and the works fucked shit up at the end iirc. Also Paul spent alot of time having a perilous journey with his mom and I had watched too much perverted porn to not think thoughts about it.
based oblivion character
Good taste
But what about Green and Blue mars
>stuff happens in book
>author must agree with all of it
I like cock but I don't think anyone should give two shits about what the LGBTQ+ "community" thinks.
Is that William fucking Murderface?
Not going to completely agree with your take, but one thing I think we can agree on is that the belter dialect sounds fucking retarded.
I hope you enjoy your future of leaky bowels.
Jokes on you I have a scat fetish
A trashbag? Appropriate attire.
Please post about your fantasies on tumblr instead.
Kill yourself faggot scum
Reminder this aids kike thread is being babysat by the homosexual mod
Nope, it's space age comfiness technology
He's indeed a very good, promising actor
Kill yourself faggot scum
You've gotta do them, too. The story isn't complete until the end. There are so many moments in the later books that would be pure unaltered kino, like Maya Toitovna forgetting the picture of Frank. Imagine going on a multi-day marathon of the entire Mars series, back-to-back. It'd be like 18 hours of content, minimum. It'd be fantastic, and the visuals would surely be stunning.
>surprisingly good prequels adapted.
get the fuck out of here, Anderson, you leprous scab.
and the Tleilaxu after they figure out how to synthesize it, but that doesn't happen until about book 5.
I want his lips wrapped around my dick.
Kill yourself faggot scum
As if I needed even more evidence of your pleb tier opinion when you post pennyarcade.
>Frank Herbert was nortoriously anti-gay
aside from "The Dosadi Experiment" where the main male character swaps bodies with a woman about 2/3 of the way through the book.
you want michael bay to film the prequels? he has a hardon for giant robot battles
MCU capeshit is unkillable and Star Wars was dead since 2015.
Eugenics is all over the map in those books, Paul was the product of it and ended up being causing a genocidal jihad he couldn't prevent. His sister was a literal and figurative abomination because of it. But in God Emperor the fish speakers are positive examples of it, hell even his old ass advisor beats the shit out of Duncan without even trying.
But you're 100% wrong about the gay stuff. When Duncan notices the fish speakers bumping clams, Moneo explains it saying it's normal for people their age to experiment with their sexuality. And Duncan's distaste for it is clearly about it being soldiers fraternizing, not it being homo shit.
This will be the last good movie.
Followed by 100 years of capeshit
Its already dead on arrival
Correct. Hence why it will be the last