>According to John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum director and The Matrix stunt performer Chad Stahelski, Lilly and Lana Wachowski are indeed returning to their groundbreaking franchise to work on a new Matrix project.
>According to John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum director and The Matrix stunt performer Chad Stahelski, Lilly and Lana Wachowski are indeed returning to their groundbreaking franchise to work on a new Matrix project.
>try to achieve past success
>can't do it
>lob off dicks for the attention you once got from making an amazing movie
>that falls off too
>how do we become relevant again
>we'll make black matrix!
They should instead make a high budget HBO series featuring a whole new cast for multiple seasons, it's something that could replace the GOT void that's about to happen for people; that, and they would be guaranteed a steady stream of paychecks and more creative freedom. And it would be something different than some stupid "oh 15 years later sequel" stupid shit.
>Lilly and Lana Wachowski
i ll take everything as long as it's not about comic book superheroe
This time Neo will wake to discover the gender pay gap is real
Does it just not matter how many flops you've had in hollywood if you made one good thing 20+ years ago?
They declined a lot of press and appearances in the past. They most certainly didn't do the trans thing for attention, they're most likely autistic or speed runners
matrix sucked ass though
>Lilly and Lana Wachowski
Jupiter Ascending unironically would've been good if it had a competent editor.
>speed runners
I had a smirk.
>Kino Reeves in the second coming of Gnostic singularity machine Jesus
Haha time to ruin the matrix
No, please no.
You know what I've realized after all these years?
only those in their teens wouldn't know how groundbreaking the matrix was
the mere fact that there are more parodies of the matrix than any other film shows how far reaching of a film it was
When it flops they’ll end up a statistic necking themselves together and blaming the patriarchy and white men.
All trans people do the trans thing for attention.
>trans isn't genetic
>yet somehow twins both became one
So it broke new ground for the creators of parodies?
Truly the work of art deserving praise and even more sequels.
autistic people don't. Lots of people don't want to be seen and don't feel right in society. The government convinces autistic people to get sex changes and steals their social security from them. It soothes some of them from sperging out, so it's successful there at least.
Adulthood is realizing he's right
When I was a kid, I hated this guy.
But now that I have regrets in life, I kind of see myself making the exact same choice he made if I had the chance.
>trans isn't genetic
but it is
dumbass boomer shut the fuck up
> Neo wakes up from the second simulation
> turns out he was a black woman all along
They aren't twins.
That this guy is ralph cifaretto?
>Matrix by the Wachowski trannies
No thanks. I'll take another Animatrix, though
Oh great, another oldie fucked up by feminism. You just fucking wait for the ridiculous shit they pull put of their ass
It's possibly partially genetic
Partially epigenetic
Partially due environment
Once they went woke they broke, Nothing good after the first matrix the sequels were okay but they were filled with weird cringey shit.
Dude they were always trannies, calm your virgin rage.
It isn't really up to the directors is it faggot? Every fucking good thing that gets brought back gets somehow fucked up with stupid woman power shit
Like fuck we fucking get it let's get to good cinema without all that forced shit jesus christ
It's about being a failed man mostly.
Matrix Revelation
>Update 2:00pm ET: Chad Stahelski’s reps tell IndieWire the director was misquoted in his Yahoo Movies UK interview. His answers were hypothetical and he was speaking about his desire for the Wachowskis to return and not confirming they were involved.
That she was a hoowah.
They're literally fetish playing by being trans. They used to see a dominatrix specializing in forced feminization and she would inject ketamine into their dicks as they came. Once the first Wachoski turned trans, they started fucking the dominatrix behind her female-to-male trans porn star husband's back and eventually she divorced him to marry the now Wachoski sister. Soon after, the other Wachoski saw the attention they got and decided to transition as well.
Literally none of that is a joke.
maybe with a remake with a planned story for sequels that actually makes it could work
That already happened with every fucking sequel.
>>we'll make black matrix!
Wasn't Will Smith their original pick for Neo, but he declined?
Folie a deux is a bitch.
Their dominatrix ex husband is Buck Angel. She's really successful at turning people.
World on a Wire came out in 1973. Ghost in the Shell was published in 1983. The Matrix wasn't groundbreaking. In fact, it is weighed down by too much dialogue and auspices of spirituality. Decent action scenes though. 4/10
>men find out that they are women outside the Matrix
>When Belinda McClory auditioned for the role of "Switch", she was only going for half the role. The character was originally planned to be played by androgynous actors. In the real world, it would be played by a male actor and in the Matrix be represented in a female form, hence the name "Switch". Warner Brothers refined the idea and McClory ended up getting a single female role in both environments.
I like how they always try and pull a "Dumbledore was gay" trans pandering when literally the only trans related character was scrapped.
The Matrix: Re-dilated
Fuck HBO
it was punishment by the illuminati for redpilling normies. They don't do presses cause they themselves aren't really trans
yes, I forget the reason he gave, thank god it wasn't him
I still wanted to bang her
While partially true, I think this oversimplifies things.
Virtue-Signalling and attention-whoring is a bonus, but their motivation genuinely stems from perversion/mental illness. Even if they somehow couldn't/didn't want attention for it they would STILL chop their dicks off because that is what turns them on.
>they're most likely autistic or speed runners
>The Wachowski Bros.
They literally aren't.
They wasted all their Matrix cred on massive bombs they they both cut off their dicks and blew all their victim points in more uber bombs.
If they don't make something Matrix related they are rightfully stuck with low budget self funded shit now.
I gave Jupiter a chance. It was horrible. Only cool part was the dragon man because I’m kind of gay like that. Now they are both chicks? I feel like with every failed project they just get more out of touch.
Quick Yea Forums come up with a matrix 4 premise that salvages the series
Why would anyone come back after the disaster of two and three? And how can they poz it up any more than it already was? This is a waste of time on their part, so naturally they should follow through at full steam.
The whole original script the Wachowski Bros. made for the Matrix was an abject mess, not solely for Will Smith. That would have made it worse but the entire thing was garbage beyond that miscasting.
The Matrix was truly and example of a project that was saved by collaboration and revision. Had the Wachowski Bros. been allowed to make their original "vision" for the story a reality without studio input it would have been laughed out of theaters.
The action scenes centered on a wolfman wearing antigravity skates and they somehow made them boring.
>premise that salvages the series
gotta go back to before Neo got pulled out, only way. maybe have a young Morpheus pulled out and him learning about The One. Lots of material could be mined from adventures both in and out of the Matrix since that is fleshed out and ready.
the robot war from the animatrix as an R-Rated TV show, as the show goes on, the setting gets darker due to all the sky being blacked out and the robots slowly evolve into the mechanical insectoid insects
Zion itslef and all the bullshit that happened in the 'real world' in Matrix: Revolutions actually occurred within a secondary "safety layer" of the Matrix designed to catch and contain human dissidents that escape/attempt to escape the Matrix.
that you need to put ketchup on your steak
I kind of want to see a prequel story where we get to see the events that transpired in the earlier versions of the Matrix that came before the sixth version where the movies take place.
The first two versions, the "Paradise Matrix" and the "Hell Matrix" would be particularly interesting to see.
As The Second Renaissance proved, getting history/lore for the Matrix universe can be fascinating if done correctly.
Didn't she claim her greatest achievement was putting 300 needles through a man's dick? God, I wish that were me.
are you fucking with me
the absolute horrific irony of finally accepting that we're living in a simulation in a matrix thread
i'm scared of death but can no longer live in this world
Weren't they also sued for stealing some woman's script, and they lost?
I think it was some thing else with needles, like she put them in all over his body and set some record and she claimed he was "flying high on endorphins" for several hours after
THIS time... Neo is BACK... as NEA!!!
Nea is the same person, but Zion isn't sure what to call her, some, even deadname her!.
Tyrone comforts Nia, and when they make love, he uses whatever pronouns she wants.
Making the Matrix more diverse and culturally enriched.
>Weren't they also sued for stealing some woman's script, and they lost?
no, she was fucking crazy, and the story is confusing as fuck
Was going to post this to remind tem but I didn't have to.
Someone post the ancient screencapped article.
Isn't that what they explained in the 2nd movie though? Zion was started by the old The One picking a few people to recolonize as a new zion after the old matrix got wiped clean and restarted.
Why did you screencap this? Do you have asperger's?
>Do you have asperger's?
>on Yea Forums
maybe the Wachowskis will do a series based on their comic, "Doc Frankenstein"
> if they ever fucking finish it
>matrix sucked ass though
I heard the lady that wrote the book is consulting them this time.
>Great first season
>Starts declining
>Mystery box
>deJuːs ɛks mɑːkJnə
>Final season CGI budget drops so much all scenes are worse than burly brawl
>12 spin-offs already in production
No, thanks
A movie that begins with B1-66ER murdering his masters, and then flash back with vignettes of humanity creating robots and becoming more and more lazy and amoral, and their mistreatment of robots causing their A.I. to gain more human-like thought patterns that lead to the robot revolution. Towards the last third of the movie with the U.N denying 01 to be recognized as independent, and the A.I. realizing that they must fight for their own dependence. The movie ends with a bunch of red dots were they nuked the robots, and then last words on the screen: Project Dark Fall
*dark storm
fucking typo
>Lilly and Lana Wachowski
are they related to the brothers?
>open matrix thread
>actually just a /got/ thread
That subverted my expectations
too bad they became trannies and I don’t support thier lifestyle so I for one will not be seeing the movie
So just like any other mental illness
That steak is better than NWO crickets
>past success
John Wick has 3/3 critically acclaimed movies that the audience also like. Matrix has exactly 1/3 movies critics audience acclaim positively (which is the first one, I personally don't agree with that because I find the first and the third buttfuck awful in almost every way except the pure action choreography, which is why I like Reloaded the most, dumb movie but it's full of top notch action scenes). So they don't need Matrix to stay relevant.
it's discovered that Israel operates the Matrix so it gets nuked.
>the final season has half the characters come out as mentally ill
They already offered Michael B Jordan the role of Neo, reported on Deadline last year
>"""Lilly""" and """Lana""" Wachowski
This or Animatrix live action.
>make fun of someone for changing their name to something other than what they were born with
>literally post a picture of The Rock
Congratulations, you played yourself.
the joke was clearly about changing their sex, but you know it
Yeah, remember when the Rock claimed to be a woman?
At least Dwayne admits The Rock was just a persona he created for attention and money.
But that wasn't the joke. user didn't bring up their gender, he put their names in quote, """Lila""""
To imply Lila is a made up name, but "The Rock" is fine, is you being a pissy little bitch.
No, I was making fun of then for being trannies. I don't know how big of a faggot you have to be to read that far into a reaction image, get made fun of by 3 different people, then get even more defensive.
yes because he's not a fucking trannie, now shut the fuck up you nigger
This would only be a problem if The Rock claimed to be an ACTUAL rock. He doesn't. He still believes he is a human.
Meanwhile """Lilly""" and """Lana""" Wachowski both claim to be women.
Did this part go over your head or are you attempting some obtuse trolling?
The Rock was the character he played on TV you absolute brainlet
>Ghost in the Shell was published in 1983