I think we might have a contender for movie of the year here, boys

I think we might have a contender for movie of the year here, boys.

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Other urls found in this thread:


This is based. Unironically based. This is actually a courageous film.

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>Jeremy Saville as Loqueesha
>Executive Producer Jeremy Saville
>Written and Directed by Jeremy Saville

Its a good concept looks amateurish though. At most a fun flick.

I'm not a /pol/ guy but I seriously am going to sit down, put the phone away and watch this

God, I wanna fuck a black woman.

Joe, an astute Detroit bartender, finds out he needs to pay for his gifted son’s private school education, he submits. A movie of the moment, Loqueesha offers a comical take on our current socio-political climate while exploring the enduring question of who we are.

>not a /pol/ guy
You should be.

I'm surprised this got through. It takes balls to actually make something like this nowadays.

I know

Attached: fat ass.jpg (639x868, 113K)

Isn't this reverse Sorry to Bother You?

we have enough retards around here

stunning and brave


dayum, look at tha' fine jelly. gotta bury meself innit

This is hilarious


oh no no no this is wrong I’m taking this to resetera to get this shit CANCELLED

Im finna vertical record dis for every1 of all yalls

how the hell do garbage movies like this even get made? Who the hell funds them?

Looking at the trailer, it looks like it had a budget of 4 dollars and a semi-squashed McChicken

Watch this clown a bunch of /pol/ites into watching this shit just because its so "un pc"

So, a Jew playing a white guy, playing a fat nigger, gives better advice than a real fat nigger?

>starring Jeremy Saville
>written and directed by Jeremy Saville
>executive producer Jeremy Saville
Who could have possibly funded it? We may never know for sure.

Is he right?

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>written by, directed by, starring the same dude
Never a good sign

Thats fucking rich coming from a nigger. Even top black comics just talk about stereotypes

>the right tries to make films

Embarrassing. This will be like Black Panther for Christians.

Y'all ever notice wh*tebois make movies like THIS meanwhile us brothas be makin movies like THIS

>those triggered basedboys in the comments

this has already been done with affirmative action in colleges

Attached: soul man.jpg (307x445, 24K)

You worthless rotten racist low lifes would happily watch a turd if you knew it triggered people.

Get a life, have sex and most importantly go back to /pol/ where you belong you vile little rats

>"A movie of the moment"
>About a radio host in an era where radio is almost dead
>A movie where the premise is a white man posing as a black woman over audio only
>close your eyes, it just sounds like a white man doing a bad black woman impression
Looks bad, Todd.

Attached: 1385704140020.png (623x527, 416K)

Comedy gold

its kino, simple as


Radio will outlive TV.


um Yea Forumsros? /ourguys/ RedLetterMedia hate this...

Attached: clap.png (1795x488, 409K)

Which is why you should go get yourself redpilled so that you're not retarded anymore you dumb nigger.

This is, unironically, the most daring movie of the decade

>radio will outlive Yea Forums

seems like the whole thing is predicated on his "spot-on" black lady voice, except he just sounds like a white guy doing a gay black man voice

Looks based as fuck.


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It's the same thing happening to both of them, and for slightly different but related reasons.

>About a radio host in an era where radio is almost dead
is probably the most prominent show for black culture

This movie is going to win Best Comedy next Oscar's. Screencap this post.

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>picture of yourself saying the N-word
How are we supposed to hear it, dumb fuck?

how do I get a gf like this as a scrawny white nerd?

This but unironically

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You know those clips where people take picture of themselves every morning for a few years or whatever? I took a vid of myself saying the n-word everyday the past 15 years. Is the world ready for this?

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Looks like affirmative action kino is back on the menu.

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She looks like a disgusting hoodrat so she probably only wants thug niggas, sorry man. Forget your faggoty fat fetish and get an actual qt one.

holy shit unironically defending this movie.

absolute rock bottom

I’m 100% if this was made by Spike Lee no one would say shit lmao

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This type of movie always has the accidental awkward reveal scene and since it's a comedy it can't end in the guy being murdered, which means it literally has to end in "you aight white boy/he cute".


My issue is how he doesn't sound like a black woman. Sounds like a black man.

Yeah, I thought this was based the moment I saw the image.

is she pregnant in her ass?

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>that cast
Is this movie actually kino?

>tripfag can't even bait right

Well don't keep us waiting user

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>tending to talk a great deal; talkative.
kino title tbhfam

you forgot Locutus


i want maserati to smother me to death with her tits. unironically.

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I can hear reddit seething from here

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unironically, i would pay to watch paint dry if it caused emotional pain to twitter faggots and made people seethe, i live my life to make others worse.

Attached: discord tra nnie and the infinite sadness.png (738x669, 186K)

>expected to be angry at another retarded nigger show

>it looks actually fun and based
What the fuck? I think I'm gonna watch this shite and not just that but I'm gonna buy dem blurays too just to spite the SJWs

make sure to code and post your 4K BDrip release here

Either go to your local trashy bar or if you're antisocial check Craigslist for a cheap whore. If you're poor and ugly you won't pull an AJ Love but a Maserati rip off is easy to come by

>i live my life to make others worse.

>RLM will review this
Can't wait lads

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where is the movie?

I'm Aussie so everyone is a skinny white thot bogan ugly trash
Wish I had a Thicc black mix bbw mummy gf with huge milkers to sit on me and squash me with her giant chocolate tits while she mmmhmmmm mmm and then Hoover's me into her pusy and my tiny white dick lives in there
Wish white girls where built like braphogs but sadly not

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me too user

Went to a predominately black bar a few years back. Women were approaching me one after the other. A couple women followed me out the door calling after me.

Black women have a hard time finding decent men, just be normal and you will make it.

this actually looks really funny

why are people being critical of this
if it was jack black people would be giving it a 9/10

>just be normal
fuck there goes that plan

>he cuteposting is true
very interesting

>jack black
*Artie Lang

You've found the right board

>this actually looks really funny
Yeah! How did it get passed them?

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If the races would be reversed, it would already have Oscar nominations

Every thread. Every goddamn thread is some pornzombie niggerfaggot pedoshit. Truly the most reddit/tumblr/discord board in existence. Still can't believe it's at a point where Game of Thrones threads are actually the only good content here.

Attached: it's all so damn predictable.gif (149x198, 2.39M)

Based and spitepilled

White Chicks was kino too but this movie will only expose (again) how suicidal and self-hateful is american society.

>Game of Thrones threads are actually the only good content here

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>Still can't believe it's at a point where Game of Thrones threads are actually the only good content here.

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Are you referencing something about Zeke and the last chapter? I fucking wish lol it'd be wild if someone died

Everytime I post this gif of doritopope's I get digits wtf

Attached: uhhh zeke.png (796x407, 213K)

based 55poster
but we don't have blackfus here were I live...

This board hasn't generated jack shit of worth until the retarded new episodes came out. I stopped watching seasons ago and even I got pulled back in by the leaks and memes. Keep shucking it to discordshit, fags.
Literally never use it, nigger.

Attached: GOT REDEMPTION ARC.jpg (565x287, 30K)

Black fragility is very real

check'd and blessed thread


slit your wrists, muttfaggot.

"White Men are Fragile"- Brie Larson

and by God..reading this thread..she was right..guys she was right...

imagine being such a retarded little /pol/ faggot that you actually defend this pile of garbage just because its "un pc"


i'm white you fucking dumbass lol

>any of the above being reddit
>game of turds threads being good
Yea Forums is the comfiest board right now, perfect for funposting in the same way the game of thrones threads are the cringiest ones right now, full of reddit tourists and perfect for shitposting.

Not him but seethe harder you redditor tourist.

anglos ain't white

The word nigger doesn't have anything to do with race, retard.

Niggers and söygoys on suicide watch

>painting my male son's room blue and my female daughter's room pink and watching the explicitly gendered paint dry to make sjws seethe: a 24 part series

I bet all of those downvoters enjoy Family Guy, Samurai Jack, the Simpsons, literally just about anything that requires a voice over.

Attached: Cleveland Brown.jpg (235x385, 10K)

>thicc chocolate goddess
>tidy bedroom
Very nice

>If you're poor and ugly you won't pull an AJ Love

Stop rubbing it in

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yikes, but would you assume anything different?

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yeah its fucking garbage. really couldnt have found someone else?

Okay lad


you intelligencia are really elevating

this guy is actually a comedy genius im pretty sure hes doing this all on purpose

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This. As a white guy, I can confirm that doing bare minimum stuff, like having a relatively productive life and just treating them with respect, goes a long way with black women. They're accustomed to useless, asshole men who treat them like shit, so just having a job and treating them well makes you extremely attractive to them.

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Based and red pilled


he sounds like a man and nobody notices, my friend at reddit will love this

> be white
> be ready for seething black boi's

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>>close your eyes, it just sounds like a white man doing a bad black woman impression

Reminds me of Alec Baldwin in this 30 Rock scene:



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Its like we combined Norm Macdonald with Paul Wilson

Politically incorrect myself and a listen for you bitch tits, a lot of potential humor comes from not playing itself with PC comedy, untapped material and the "did he just do that reactions".

I hope the twist of the movie is that he comes to realize that being a black woman isn't actually easier, and after his 15 seconds of fame he returns to a humbled, more experienced, and more privilege-aware man.

Black women are notorious gold diggers. The dumb ones literally think white = money and can be exploited. Tread carefully though.

Give me one good reason why this isn't okay and Sorry To Bother You is fine, without citing "historical precedent' memes

This is almost a guaranteed cuck piece unless he has big dick energy plus money

stop shilling your gay nigger movie, jeremy

White male

fucking based

It's a tax write off film.