>Henry, we need you come in for a cameo in Shazam
>Ugh. Really? Pass. Its not in my contract, and your movies have done enough damage
>O-Okay, we'll make it work without you.
Henry, we need you come in for a cameo in Shazam
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Unironically I laughed at this when I first saw it.
shazam literally mogging superman, that looks like a cheap television tier superman Kek
Its a shame that an unironically good Shaman movie is stuck in the otherwise shitty DCU. Imagine what could have been.
Why does the DC aesthetic suck so much? Their screenshot makes me feel... unhappy.
Is Shazams DC's attempt at starting a rebooted extended universe?
>Doesn't show Supes face so they can change actor, Henry wants out.
>Marvel style light comedy theme
>End of credit scene shows no other actors
>Squad is already getting a reboot
>Batman is getting a soft reboot
>No news about new Superhero movies
Because Supes outfit looks like its made of molded plastic?
I don't know but I personally liked Shazam and I'd like to see more Shazam family as well.
Obviously. Henry isn't coming back, neither is Ben. Justice League killed them.
Shazam was flash in the pan good, we'll be back to the regular old shitty DC flicks soon enough.
You gotta be 18+ to post here kiddo.
were wonder woman and aqua chad flash in the pans as well?
I'm 28. Your point?
No, because they were not where near as good as Shazam. The only issue Shazam has is a bit of a slow start (Introducing the wizard twice is sloppy).
Wonder Woman meanwhile was just 'okay', absolutely nothing special. It was passable, on the same level as Marvels worst (Thor 2 and Black Panther). Aquaman meanwhile was complete garbage that literally only wasn't universally panned because the actor is chad kino, without him holding shit together with his screen presense nobody would have given that messy turd the time of day.
>18+ + 10
>laughing at childrens coloring book superhero capeshit movies
Anyone who can't see the difference between Shazam! and the ironic tone of the MCU is part of the problem. They'll actually try to make the case that the way they depict Peter Quill makes perfect sense.
>Shazam! director David F. Sandberg says Henry Cavill was originally meant to reprise his role as Superman in the film, but things didn't work out.
>In a separate interview with Inverse, the director added that Cavill was originally supposed to reprise his DCEU role as the character, but was "unavailable" when the crew was filming the scene in question at a real school in Toronto (which was on-holiday at the time)
It was scheduling issues, fuckhead.
Me too. I'm really looking forward to the sequel.
>but was "unavailable" when the crew was filming the scene
Sounds like he found an excuse not to do it
>It was scheduling issues, fuckhead.
Yeah, the scheduling issue was Henry had better things to do. What are you failing to understand DC shill?
>posts telling others they must be 18+
Made me laugh the movie was alright too
compare the size of their arms too
>scheduling issues
They were filming for months. They don't shoot in order, and they only needed Cavill to turn up for a few hours.
Shazam has always been a Chad that dabs on Superman, has all his strength and none of his weaknesses.
You can tell that the people who hate on the DC films generally know jack-shit about the comics. They've given us an almost an exact match between the characters' comics personalities. Superman is the more serious and introspective character while Billy is his perfect foil - lighthearted and optimistic. That's what made his depiction in Kingdom Come so chilling.
For those allergic to metaphor, both TDKR and Kingdom Come have a running subtext about how the return of comics hyper-violence and cavalier attitude about killing warps and changes these characters. The "metahuman baby boom" of Kingdom Come are representative of the "next gen" heroes. Magog is basically Cable.
no laser eyes or cold breath
But magical lightning.
Meme powers that do nothing. He is stronger, just as fast, doesn't have any weakness and just to dab a little harder, being incredibly wise is one of his superpowers.
That too.
>They've given us an almost an exact match between the characters' comics personalities
Hey newfag
only a newfag would say that
they should have CGI's reeves superman in
>actual tripfag appears
>"no u"
it checks out
Yeah sometimes you get very shitty writers who wants to go full edge.
Pretty sure supes edges him out in strength and also has more fight experience.
Why is Superman spraying cum in Shazams mouth?
>>Squad is already getting a reboot
U wot. How is it a reboot. It takes place in the same universe and like half the cast is coming back
He was on the set
I looked through the comic the film was heavily based on. The 2 key differences were that Sivana is an adult when he's taken to the wizard, and Black Adam is in it a lot.
Because they are getting rid of people and won't be continuing (Or referencing at all) the first Squad. Its also not called Squad 2, retard.
Great argument.
>Henry comes to the set
>H-Henry you're not in costume
>Henry silently sips his coffee
>Studio cucks get a random nobody to play the part while he watches
The Squad has always had a rotating roster. That's sort of the point of them.
>being wise like some old kike means you are super wise
there is a nope sound from tf2 at 1:59:35 if you have KORSUB version, wtf
Because DC is the drizzling shits
Shazam is a better movie than anything in the MCU since phase 2.
DC cuck, please
Endgame is a plothole-riddled, low-effort shitfest that turned Thor into an outright murderer, the very label dipshits like you have been more than happy to hang on Superman for six years now, then he fucked off all his responsibilities and got fat on a couch. Yet he's somehow still "worthy."
You'll defend that hypocrisy, because you're not a comics fan; you're a brainwashed Disney fan, and you'll continue to slop up their meaningless shit for years, unaware of how it's exactly like fast food - low nutrition and devoid of any fiber.
Because they're in school. And school sucks.
DC cuck, please
I knew it was fucking propaganda
Great argumeme.
We're not talking about your fetish of being cucked, retard.
DC cucks, please
Why would he put himself in a position of being a kid that would be easily manhandled by supes, instead of using his hands to zap lightning?
Shazam is faster. He caught the flash once when superman couldn't.
>being a broken record
You're havin a meltdown, sojboy.
He wouldn't. It's bad writing. That *could* happen, but it's Billy succumbing to plot-induced stupidity, something that's not supposed to happen to him by design.
since DC dropped the Captain Marvel name, saying Shazam isn't just to change forms now. He has to actually think about changing back into a kid. He gets a power boost saying it
god i loved Injustice. Best series in years
>dropped the Captain Marvel name
Nope. Based Marvel made those faggots change it
>marvel bullying jews
Always knew they were /pol/: the company.
common mistake but they didn't. DC can still use it. They just decided not to when they relaunched New52.
No, they can't. They can call the character that, but they can't call his comic Captain Marvel. Based Marvel cucked those faggots
They can't use it because the guys that created shazam stopped them from using it when the jews at WB stole it(the character) from them
That's what i said. They were using the name until New52 and decided to abandon it. Had nothing to do with being sued. They never had the trademark for the name so they could never advertise it as Captain Marvel. It was always advertised as Shazam. So when New52 came out they decided to just call the character that too
marvel is left wing, dc right.
Henry wanted to be it though. He just wasn't available at the time when this scene needed to be filmed.
not even close
>It was always advertised as Shazam
Fucking blatant lies.
>Disney damage control
Try to use critical thinking for once. We are talking about DC. Not when it was still Fawcett
Why do DC cucks lie so much?
that's Fawcett dumbass
Captain Marvel and the Wizard Shazam on the cover of Captain Marvel Adventures #47 (July 1945). Art by C.C. Beck and Pete Costanza.
Why do you cuckolds always inject your fetish into these threads and fight with ad homs? You know it's a meme and you aren't actually supposed to let your signifcant other get railed by someone else, right?
Imagine actually knowing this
>imagine being able to copy paste from wikipedia
That was Injustice (the original comic not the game or comic tie ins)
They were playing up the whole speed of Mercury thing he's not faster anymore in canon
>Cheetah faster than Kid Flash
fucking christ the stupidity
Kid Flashes are bitches, Wally wasn't even faster than sound as Kid Flash. Hell he wasn't even faster than as the Flash till he worked through his issues and did some drugs
Based Wally. He is the best Flash.
Wonder Woman faster than lightning?
DC is so gay
Center. DC is center, formerly known as "sane."
Just have Shazam and Wonder Woman and the DCU should be fixed.
KORSUBS are out!
>2 hours of cgi man
and i hate marvel
>kid -dc superhero-
why every time
All-blue phony armor Superman suit looks bad?
Well, yeah. Tights are a little goofy but the red shorts were essential to the outfit.
They could still do a fun cameo with Wonder Woman and a brief bit with Aquaman.
How can anyone unironically enjoy capeshit? I tried to watch shazam but it was just so very bad
Everything outside Thor, Spider-Man, and the X-Men is pretty much devoid of depth or theme, and even those are very hit-and-miss. Stan and the other early writers gave their characters feet of clay and later writers largely did nothing terribly interesting with them. When your hallmark is flawed, human characters and you don't use those flaws to explore any real issues, you're looking at empty content banking on violence and high-school drama and little else.
There was an old Superman story from either the late 70s or early 80s where Destiny shows up to show Superman how him playing omnipresent nanny to mankind was actually running counter to us achieving our true destiny, that he would better serve mankind by stepping up to challenges no man could face and thereby encouraging people to step up in ways that they can, that even if he's an adopted son of Earth, he's still not one of us and should be careful of what road he shepherds us down.
I will never, ever forget that lesson. We're all supposed to be heroes, not just standing around waiting for some man in the sky to come save us.
That's one of the reasons the flood scene from BvS hit me so hard, because it illustrates how tempting it would be to do that.
> flood scene from BvS
You mean Lois stupidly throwing the Kyrptonite spear into the water for no reason and then nearly drowning to get it back anyway?
No, I mean the scene from the rescue montage with the talking heads.
that crippled fuck was annoying as shit
Asher Angel and Jack Dylan Grazer are so handsome.
He is *supposed* to be annoying. He's an actual nerd, complete with autistic obsession and no social skills.
I never got into the comics besides one briefly while on vacation in canada about vietnam that was gory/edgy. That was the 80's. Shazam was pretty entertaining and I dislike most of DC and Marvel. Infinity War was okay as was Guardians. I liked Watchmen. Constantine had interesting themes. Swamp Thing which I didn't know was DC in the 80's used to give me fap material to what's her faces great tits. Marvel wise I didn't know Blade and Punisher were comics I think but liked the old Punisher movie and the first Blade.
>the red shorts were essential to the outfit.
The Jews at WB wouldn't let Snyder have them no matter how many times he redesigned them.
The Avengers don't have a no kill rule. They never have.
Yeah, but there's a big difference between killing and murder, one so big that one is sometimes self-defense or at least justified, while the other is always a crime under any and all circumstances.
Thor wasn't defending anyone. Thanos wasn't threatening anyone. Thor murdered him out of pure anger. It's understandable but that doesn't make it anything besides what it was - murder.
He's supposed to be more noble than that. It saddens me that I have to explain the difference to you.
The Avengers are Marvel's Suicide Squad. A bunch of evil villains tricked into working together to save the world. Nick Fury is just Amanda Waller.
all DC movies are now independent
it would be confusing for shazam audiences using the same actor from the adult, complex, dramatic, films in a completely unrelated, lighthearted, kid's comedy
>Black Panther
>Marvels worst
>diana understands the mechanics of running better than anyone on this list
>Darkskinned individual
>triggered /pol/tard
why every time
who the fuck is that dork wearing skis
Dkeks pleasee
Christ you're an idiot. Shazam was a great movie. Related to Wonder Woman probably on the same level just have different tones. Both do have great moments. Aquaman was just fun.
Also, they are NOTHING compared to the snorefest of the Thor movies.
Also, that's already 3 so far for DC. It seems like DC is spot on with their single hero movies but are trash in team ups.
Imagine being this delusional and not just accepting that Cavill is done with the role
I watched both Shazam and Endgame back to back. First day for Endgame. Next day for Shazam.
Overall, I enjoyed Shazam better. Endgame had some great moments even though the plot was a clusterfuck of rehashed old movies. The time travelling ploy was fine. The ancient one,Lang, and Hulk explain it well.
The ending wrapped it all fine but EVERYONE knew what to expect. Thanos was such a disappointment compared to Infinity War which was better.
Shazam, had a great theme in concept regarding family and it plays out very well in the film so good in fact I wasn't even expecting them to go that far with the stuff in the comics in the last 15 minutes of the film it was great and very different from any capeshit I've seen.
They're doing just fine. DC on the other hand...
>Cavill was originally supposed to reprise his DCEU role as the character, but was "unavailable"
>Yeah, but there's a big difference between killing and murder
If you say so. The entire point of the Sokovia Accords is that more than half the planet sees them as murderers.
It has this comfy old-school feel that made me think of Raimi. I was very, very pleased with it.
Cavill didn't want to use up 1 of the 5 movies he has in his contract.
He's done 3, the next two were supposed to be Justice league part 2 and man of steel 2, then wb would have to pay much more to renew his contract.
Let's see what comic con holds out
4 but 5 for me, Man of Steel beat everyone to the punch how destructive and fast the action of Supers should be. Setting the benchmark.
BvS (Ult) was great to me
>Henry wants out
retard. the man worships the character
Same with Afleck on Batman and look how that turned out.
What is Iron man's tragedy? Alcoholic, gayeee.
Seriously stanley lieber was a piece of shit
i don't get it
he never once blew a bubble
His PR team told you that?
Me too. It's got infinite re-watch value.
That's one of the few exceptions. When they seriously explored that with a good writer, it was excellent. Disney lacked the balls to even give us that.
unironically this
>you know that guy who is powered by the literal god of speed and has the power of zeus that amplifies all his other abilities?
>he's slower than a fucking furry.
billy's fast enough to catch up to barry being forced to run as fast as he can
They seem to have given up doing a joined cinematic universe and instead are making use of the characters in their individual movies seeing as Wonder Woman and Aquaman did pretty well.
The problem they have is they have to come up with a way to do yet another Batman (after Affleck went a bit nuts with the drinking) and possibly do yet another Superman. What's stopping them is Batman and Superman typically have had these larger than life presences in movies and they have a hard time inserting some levity into them so they can work alongside their lesser heroes.
DC is dead. Bury it.
that's the same costume
meanwhile the actor playing shazam has to wear a muscle suit
this was shot like a marvel movie
Fucking fantastic.
I don't actually see that as a problem. Diana has fish out of water humor, but is otherwise just as serious as Bats and Supes. Those three should remain semi-serious in tone to contrast with the others. Aquabro and Shazam are both essentially ordinary guys in terms of personality and the same is true of the Flash and Cyborg, whereas Supes is a bit uptight and fearful of the responsibility he feels toward who he is, what he can do, and what he represents; Bruce is obsessed, suspicious, and supremely cagey, and Diana's an immortal goddess who lived in a completely different culture for hundreds of years. They're the straight men that the others play off of.
Who did the editing of this series? Honestly the only fucking comic i've ever seen where they emphasise the correct words. They usually bold retarded words that would make no fucking sense to have emphasised if you read the speech out loud.
This. It was absolute kino and how the kid screamed when he saw Supes was absolutely great.
>that disgusting plastic Superman suit
What the fuck went wrong? It looked stylish as fuck in MoS. Now it looks like Power Rangers shit.
Comics are so dumb and shitty, who is talking? We have no idea what is happening. At least in manga there are arrows that show you who is talking.
Color filter. Shazam has a bit more contrast in color
Can't be just color. The fabric looks completely different. It uses that same shitty one they used in JL. It's missing all the fine texture of MoS suit.
But yes, shooting on digital didn't do it any favors either. It rarely does.
I loved the hell out of that. This movie sets up and pays off jokes in a way that made me happy to see.
The costume was made for Snyder's cinematography. When Joss and all the other DC hacks decided to start making Marvel 2.0 they didn't bother to change the suit and just brightened up the lighting/colors. So all the muscle tone shading just pops right out
Only in so far as each movie is allowed to, and in fact has to, stand on it's own instead of trying to shove everyone into an ill fitting story and instead of trying to be a trailer for the next entry. We'll still get Justice League 2 and such so long as the movies keep making money. Gotham City Sirens for one, with the first cinematic appearances of Black Canary and Casandra Kane.
Aquaman alone just ensured the DC(E)U's future in the mid-term. I know some people seem to want it to crash and burn but so far its been at most disappointing numbers wise when comapred the the MCU. The issue there is that the MCU us a phenomenon that can't be replicated and shouldn't be. By all means, have a shared cinematic setting (it makes the entire thing feel 'bigger' to know Batman is actually driving around Gotham when Billy is shown the Batarang) but don't make everything lead into everything. I'd actually argue it has weakened the MCU in a way. A lot of the movies feel like extended trailers, well recieved or not, and I've never felt the urge to watch them again despite loving the setting.
Well said.