Anyone else love the Matrix sequels? I've never understood why the general consensus is that they're bad

Anyone else love the Matrix sequels? I've never understood why the general consensus is that they're bad.

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because of this shit

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They're a guilty pleasure and I enjoy watching them but love is a strong word, and honestly they're pretty awful sequels. The original was clear-cut and accomplished everything such a concept would need to and the sequels overcomplicated it and unnecessarily subverted it for shock value. Also the Merovingian was a shit side villain compared to Cypher

All the Zion stuff, or just the party scene? Do you have an idea of what you would have preferred Zion to be like?

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it's played out desu

It’s just tryhards that complain. The Matrix trilogy is all good.

They were the biggest disappointment of all cinema for me actually
They were so bad that they retroactively ruined the first one

I liked all the added mythology, but I can't argue that it doesn't complicate what was a previously streamlined narrative. Merovingian is a bit random, but I like a lot of the stuff around him - the palace fight sequence, the doors to anywhere, the ghost twins, Persephone, etc.

because they make no FUCKING sense

Anything other than a giant cave network filled with niggers.

>They were so bad that they retroactively ruined the first one

In what way did they ruin the original for you? That's how I feel about Men in Black 2. Well, not that it ruins the original, but I dislike it because it undermines the story the original told.

>they make no FUCKING sense

This is untrue.

I'm not going to put a lot of energy into this, but know I can't take you seriously if you're going to drop the n word like that.

Both, i found it odd, symbolically and realistically.
Would have preferred it to be more organised and structured, I honestly wouldn't be motivated to save that.

I love the second movie as a mindless popcorn flick.

I cant stand the third at all.

Yeah, I love the entire trilogy. I definitely think reloaded was weak, but in some way I believe it adds to the story. It is somewhat chaotic and seemingly meaningless a lot of the time, but in the phenomenological journey of the spirit, the middle is the most chaotic and hardest to understand, like the spirit is being driven from without with hardly any perspective of itself. This is natural given the intensity of the internal dialectic and inability to 'see' both sides as part of the whole.
Revolutions brought it all together incredibly well though and is probably my favourite from a narrative perspective.


I think it *was* organised and structured though. They just liked to party as well, and given that they lived in a post-apocalyptic dystopia, I get it.

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Because it should have just ended with the first movie. It was a satisfying ending with Neo flying off into the camera. Also, they made him weaker in the last 2 movies, which doesn't make sense since he can fly and literally kill any agent he wants to because of his "seeing into the matrix" stunt he pulled off with Agent Smith.

However, I do like the mechwarriors fighting off the machines for the battle of zion, but that's pretty much it.

I fully get it when people say this, mostly because the third movie shifts genres more significantly than the second.

Matrix = Cyberpunk Action Movie
Reloaded = Dystopian Kung Fu Movie
Revolutions = Superhero War Movie

I rewatched them for the first time in years and they were honestly boring as fuck, what happened to the perfect pacing and well timed dialogue of the first film?
The fights were cool in Reloaded but all the non-Matrix stuff was really fucking boring (plus that Architect scene is some Rian Johnson tier bullshit).

>he can fly and literally kill any agent he wants to


>Rian Johnson tier bullshit

Rian Johnson has made four great movies, what are you on about?

In the first film it is stated that The One can "rewrite the Matrix as he sees fit." Upgraded agents should be like a slightly bigger ant to him

Hi Rian

>Agents upgrades
>Neo upgrades
>Agents upgrades
>Neo upgrades
>Machines make a new separate server with a new matrix
>Unplug the old matrix with Neo stuck inside

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Bringing back Agent Smith was a mistake

There's two Matrix movies, the 1999 movie and the trilogy.
They're both great in their own right.

>Brothers Bloom
>Last Jedi

...they are all good? I literally don't even know what you mean by Rian Johnson tier bullshit, please try to explain.


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Something was off, i'd have to watch it again to put my finger on it.
There were things i liked, like neo's inexplicable machine telekinesis, and agent smith possessing that guy in the "real world", both of which i think suggested it wasn't that.

Revolutions is genuinely one of the worst conclusions to any trilogy, the sequels feel like Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3 where they feel very different from the original film and end up being inferior in the process as their own separate story.

The fights in Matrix have always been about showcasing power of mind, from the moment we see Neo sparring against Morpheus. The second, comparably peaceful demonstration of this is Neo fighting Seraph, who is shown to be of similar skill, which goes with his status as angel in name and visual representation as seen by Neo.

The sequels have gigantic issues, Neo not running around exploding Agents is not one of them.
Alongside his clothes changing from an open (and later discarded) trenchcoat and generally military attire to a very monk-like closed costume Neo drops guns, as he no longer needs them. While he knows he can blow up everything he is also very aware of the dangers this holds. It would solve nothing, unless he destroys the Matrix, which he is unsure of for most of the trilogy and finally entirely decides against.
In Reloaded he goes to face three Agents with one hand behind his back to test himself and gauge both his and their power while mostly following the rules of physics. Even later when faced with dozens, maybe hundreds of Smiths neither he nor anyone else thinks him in danger.In fact, Trinity tells him to get out when he is about to get overwhelmed, and at this point Smith has just told him that the result of Neo blowing him up was him turning into a virus, which doesn't exactly encourage Neo to go and blow up all the copies individually.
The prophecy in the first film is just that, a prophecy, told through Morpheus' perspective. Parts of it are a lie, others exaggerations. Neo does however break the rules of physics by flying like an insane person, reviving the dead and phasing himself through solid objects.

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Agent Smith worked as a good major villian in the introductory part, basically being another cog in what the Matrix is. Him becoming the anti-neo and also the big bad instead of the machines was just dumb

Reloaded was ok

Revolutions was fucking garbage

agent smith IS the anti-neo though, his shadow. It's why every shift in neo is mirrored through Smiths progression.

Killing off Neo and Trinity was fucking lame and handled in the worst possible way

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I like Reloaded at least.

>I've never understood why the general consensus is that they're bad.
it's probably because they're incredibly convoluted and totally shit

I agree with this fag

I tolerate reloaded simply because of this one scene

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Reloaded is almost as good as the the original and Revolutions while deeply flawed had a good ending. People just don't like themes more complex than
>bluepill redpill lawl xD

Reeves is great in the sequels but the directors were obviously having some kind of breakdown

Jonesing for a slice of that Merovingian orgasm cake desu

I really like Reloaded, but everything Zion is a big no for me. What Reloaded does really good are the action sequences and everything inside the Matrix. Revolutions on the other hand has better Zion scenes. You can easily mix both films, take everything Matrix from Reloaded and everything Zion from Revolutions and make a damn fine film.

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OK, why don`t make sense.?

>general consensus is that they're bad.

They're serviceable action flicks. However, The Matrix truly is lightning in a bottle. Suppose Imagine Dragons tried to follow a Jimi Hendrix set.

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>drop the n word

> Watch Matrix in 1999
> Mouse is like, "oh man, Zion is the coolest shit!" Think how cool it might be.
> Matrix Reloaded, we finally get to see's shit.
> It's a fucking hippy commune. I'm starting to side with the machines.

>come live in a sweaty cave where you can never see the sun or breathe fresh air or eat anything other than synthesized porridge ever again
>or live in the matrix
The bluepill was the redpill all along. Ralphie was right.

nigger it's not like it offends anyone
niggers can't read

By Revolutions, Neo and Smith have swapped places; Neo allies with the system, while Smith seeks to destroy it. Neo, when he fights Smith, is effectively and agent.


Everyone hates 2 and 3 because of plot choices, when they should hate it for the amount of times they use CGI Neo. It looked bad when it was made, let alone now.

Pacing issues, mostly. The two sequels are much more cerebral. Someone who saw the first movie expecting a good popcorn flick with wicked stunts would be bored to tears by the conversation with The Architect and the dialogue with the Indian program family about whether machines can feel love. The second and third movie have a lot more in common with science fiction novels than action movies in pacing and tone.

If you're a slightly deeper thinker about messages and WHAT IS THIS TRYING TO SAY? then the problem with the sequels is that they don't deliver on the first movie's promise of a non-conformist message. Reloaded and Revolutions show humans trying to survive as a community and looking up to their leaders, which defeats the entire idea of the first movie, of rugged individualists raging against the machine(s)

The conclusion of the trilogy might have been dodgy, but anyone that called them "confusing" is a turbo pleb

My brother made a DVD cut of Reloaded with just the action scenes.

I think alot of people just skipped to the action scenes when watching Reloaded. It's the film "scene selection" was made for.

Oh yeah. It was fucking awesome! 2 movies less than a year apart? It definatley checked the boxes as I was in my halcyon weeb days around the turn of the century.

Pic related: a time I cannot return to.

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That's why it's so rewatchable

It's legitimately hard not to notice how anime-inspired the final battle sequence is

>the colonies were actually created by the robots to keep humanity's hope alive or some shit

Haven't watched this shit in over 12 years and I'm still mad

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>come into the real world, where you can live in a cave and get attacked by huge fucking machines!
no thanks


Kek, very thought provoking.

parasites need hosts to feed off of

The Architect is a pretty typical intellectual type of person in real life. Out of touch elitist with lots of education or money and no marketable skills who nevertheless insists on lording it over good, hardworking people. The Matrix is about ordinary working classes (the Zion people) realizing how much the bougie intellectuals are trying to screw them and making decisions on their own that reject the doctrines of intellectual elitism.

Neo is basically digital god at the end of the first film. He cannot be challenged within the matrix. How can he then fight a group of agents and that are “upgrades” and need to note it, he can just implode them.

Also, a lot of the brain dead concepts introduced really aren’t interesting.

It's like Goku

every time he seems to be the top shit some higher shit kicks his ass

the universe has infinite levels of hierarchical shit

Goku actually has a ceiling now, that little purple Zeno fucker

>Two Lain posters

Palace scene and Highway chase are evidence of this. If the movie was more about him fighting the establishment, vampire dudes, ghost twins and maybe even introduce a champion of the Arcitech or have the Architech warp the matrix in new ways and have Neo have rise against it.
The Agent Smith horde scene was laughable (except for the brief moment they used practical martial arts when Neo kicked the pole into Smith#28) and them flying around, going WEEEEEEEE while fighting in the final showdown was boring.

Reloaded is my favorite. Honestly I can't defend Revolutions though, it was a mess.

The highway chase is easily one of the best scenes from any of the 3 movies.

The Architect conversation is pretty important. was it really 2deep for normies? It's wordy but it's not pointless.

It reminds me of the good old days of discovering roms/emulators and getting into anime on adult swim.

I loved the aspect of the first movie where you kind of didnt know what was going on, wished they continued with that