Alita: Battle Angel
General Discussion #494
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Hello new bread, please be healed by Arita!
rare third version
>poncholita is canon
>Looks like the fans have themselves an underdog darling, with the face of an angel and a body built for battle!
Hello new bread. Please be healed by Ido's cute Arita hologram. No fighting.
>called bread 5 seconds apart
>made bread 9 seconds apart
This is just extremely lucky timing, next time we should call it before it hits 300
>Becomes final champion
I still don't understand, what is this series, who exactly is Alita and why do people here love taking entire geriatric homes with them to the cinema?
Can anyvody give me a rundown?
GUYS, jannies did a sweep of the last thread. It hasn't archived yet!
So wait poncho Alita is actually like a thing in the manga and not just a chibi art style version of Alita?
Yes, you should read it. There's an entire arc where Alita goes on a Mad Max adventure. And she has a cool bike.
>tfw will never hug and slow dance with alita in my kitchen while our pasta cooks, just holding her close to me, sniffing her hair and feeling her hold on to me tight
should I kill myself tonight bros? will i find her on the other side?
Yes it's like a little interactive doll thing that they can control and speak with and it's effectively a little 3D avatar for voice chat
>playing this two-thread front battle
whew, lad
Bless this thread in Holy GETs, free /healings/, and free /repairs/.
Guys I think I might be addicted to buying any thing Alita? some one send help, I've bought so many frames ;__;
And I've still got loads more stuff on the way.
One of my favorite pics, and one of my favorite scenes.
do this
i wouldn't mind taking some stuff off your hands...
>ywn have a cute Arita hologram on your nightstand to help you fall asleep and then greet you first thing in the morning
suck his schlongdagrutle?
It's legitimately painful to share a thread with you insufferable movie newfags but morbid fascination drives me on. Other fandoms like marvel, dc and watchmen have experienced this pain before me and I didn't even notice but now I get to experience it first hand. I endure it for historical purposes.
Nothing left to do but get started on a full-blown shrine.
>They look like big strong hands... but hugo just slipped away.
>when someone says /ALITA/ can't take the bantz
real picture of getting the last thread archived after the jannies did their sweep
You haven't bought shit.
you are whats wrong with this community. the worst
>contacting James Cameron
Yes it's legit, I only figured it out a few days ago but it would likely be at least a month before he read it or responded to anything. Not instant but still way better than just a random tweet or something.
I gonna try and make one!
Semi on it.
>wearing a picture of yourself as a child on a pin
Rosa's so damn weird
Yeah people who have actually read the comics that the movie is based on are the worst. not stupid cunts who have spent 3 months shitposting over a mediocre movie without bothering to read kishiros work.
I love your choice of colors
Well the quite large hole in my bank acc beg's to differ.
I didn't do it but I agree some of the coloring anons are really good
you haven't bought shit.
barnes and noble has it for 4.99 and free shipping to a store for pick up.
And I love it!
>tfw you see a new Rosa reaction image
thanks to those poser new fags the movie didnt flop.
poser newfags literally saved this movie
everyone started at zero as a beginner, even you. you are not better just because you found alita 20 years ago
being proud of that is pathetic and ridiculous.
it justt makes you a closed minded angry and ungrateful old fart
>anyone who likes Beethoven is a poser because he wasn't around when Beethoven was first performing
I really loathe this type of (non)argument.
Living in bongland atm, but Ill grab one off amazon.
Why tf would I lie on a Taiwanese tapestry-weaving board?
MORE, Vampalitas. I need MORE!
But it is you who is closed minded. James cameron promised me this R rated movie 20 years ago. That is what I've been looking forward to for 2 decades.
But at the last minute he goes "ah fuck it" and handballs the movie to someone I don't give a shit about and delivers a highly compromised pg rated disappointment.
It's funny how you accuse people of being closed minded while refusing to consider the point of view of people who have been invested in this a lot longer than you.
alita is for fags lol
Quints and my crush becomes my girlfriend.
thanks to the newfags we will get a sequel. as a metalhead myself i know how much hate posers get but with alita it was newfags that are the most needed
Why didn’t alita just ride the tubes up to zalem?
>You dont need a 3d gf user!
Probably should have led with that instead of calling people insufferable movie newfags and stupid cunts, but hey, at least now everyone knows not to waste time on you.
Yeah, there's a difference between a "newbie" and a "poser". A "newbie" is someone who's just entering the fandom and will be as big a fan as you if not more so in just a couple of months. A "poser" is someone who was never really invested in the first place and who won't even stick around for a couple of months and will have left for the next fad.
But movie newfags really are insufferable cunts. How the fuck do you tolerate people who haven't read the manga after 3 months what the fuck do you do here all day you're fucking hopeless.
>Cameron promised meeeeeee
>handballs the movie to someone
He still wrote the script and produced it, along with giving Rodriguez 600 pages of detailed notes
>PG rated
It's PG-13 and those of us who have seen it know how violent it is
ok, but if that was the case there would not be a movie.
i am an oldfag fan of v for vendetta, watchmen and sin city comics
those movie adaptations were not perfect but im glad they exist and im glad newfags watch them, more fans are better, i rather have newfags than something i love die in obscurity
What do you mean?
How have you not invested hundreds of dollars and hours vs tens of dollars and 2 hours
>there would not be a movie.
Now you stupid cunts are contradicting yourselves
>hurr durr there wouldn't be a movie
>oh james cameron has so much clout he can do a sequel even if studios aren't interested.
I'm guessing he means rides the cargo lifts inside, which I bet Zalem has safeguards against so it still wouldn't work
sir you are on Yea Forums
this is a board for movies and tv shows
if you must stay here you need to understand this
>pg rated disappointment
Literally, go see the movie.
Good to have you back, manga-pursit
This is the first thread I've caught in maybe a month.
I know this might be crazy for you to consider but I only drop into these threads every now and then when the rest of the board is going especially slowly.
Yeah it's not clear how the tubes work or if it's even possible to ride up, it could be a total vacuum inside for all we know
It hurts bros, one of her college friends told me she was waiting for me to make a move last Valentine's Day but my life was so shit that I didn't want to share with anyone else, so I pussied out.
She's probably getting anally fucked by somebody else at the moment.
It always impresses me how good this shop is
>you want what my what? user I said you could buy my blu ray. user wait, NO!.
You need to drop this "chastity" thing. Just assume every girl you like and want to get with has been with a thousand men before you and will get with a thousand men after you. It will re-frame your approach and appreciation.
It's okay user, you've always got Ali!
bumping /r/equest for Vampalita
I only have so many.
i wish someone replace all rosa pics with alitas face
This retarded as fuck general is a separate dimension outside of Yea Forums they literally spend every free moment of their online posting vapid garbage and shitty oc about this mediocre movie and after THREE MONTHS of this there are still some fucking retards who havin't found the time to read what the fuck they're talking about. The retardation is beyond words. This isn't marvel and dc with 50 different dudes cranking out shitty comic after shitty comic it's just one fucking guy who has devoted his life to one story, which you stupid fucks are devoted to and some of you can't take the time out of your worthless lives to read it.
If her college friend told you that she wanted you to make a move then that's the truth. If you had shit going on then that's valid but it doesn't hurt to be honest with people sometimes. I do know that never making a move is a guaranteed failure.
can someone add alitas face to this pic please
I think you forgot to use "retardedly" to complete the set
the movie just came out man, some people just found out about alita, not everyone is a neet, people, newfags will read the manga eventually
my guy's about to combust over here
retardacious and retardongly
TO retard. Retarding.
>Some one help her, she's TOO cozy!
seems a little too lewd
Is there any reason why they changed the sword?
You know, if I meet her next month at the library or somewhere else and go talk to her, I'm 100% sure, she would fall for me.
My problem is that despite my decent physical attributes, I come from a really fucked up family, while she's a 8/10 rich Stacy with one hundred guys waiting to fuck her. It seems like a guy I knew when I was a kid already told her about that, which surprisingly made her even more interested but my self-esteem is so fucking low that I can't imagine a way it could end well.
What can I say? the posterbase here is fucking retarded. There are what? 20? 30 of you? You spend every second of your free time posting about alita you're obsessed in the extreme but somehow there are people who haven't read the manga and other people who tolerate it. If you have a better word than "retarded" to describe this state of affairs I'd like to hear it.
>you retards better not even pretend to like Superman if you didn't read Action Comics #1 when it first came out
not really, alita was shown nude in the movie
Cool argument retard but it would take weeks to read all the superman comics and one or two days to read the alita ones.
Dude, fuck you. If I were so blessed with decent looks and a girl who I literally had 100% confirmation she wanted me to go for her, let alone a fucking rich 8/10 Stacy, I WOULD! You HAVE to do this, bro, for all the guys like me who can't have this happen to them in their fucking dreams. Do it for all of us. Allow us to live vicariously though you, if you doing it for yourself isn't fucking reason enough.
wagecucks will get around it. life happens,
This has to be the most brutal PG-13 ever made.
Hey I'm a movie newfriend and this person is wrong
I appreciate you
If you insist! I hope this is an appropriate addition.
Yes, and we make fun of it frequently
Poser asshole
Some interesting ideas and lore but really awkwardly written and hard to get in to 4-5/10
I have it. It expands on certain character's thoughts during the events of the movie movie. Nurse Gerhad is featured more prominantly than she is in the film
Reading the Japanese version
Not all of us spend that much time on here and the movie has literally only been out for three months now, you can't expect everyone to have read 9 volumes of manga
Novel-confirmed that Gerhad helps Alita with her clothing and showed her how to apply eyeliner?
Are still being mean to each other? Still allowing ourselves to be taken in by troublemakers?
It's so badly written and awkward to read
>Nurse Gerhad is featured more prominantly than she is in the film
Helloooooo, Nurse!
Well at least someone gets it. I watched the watchmen guys go through it. I watched the dc and marvel guys go through it but I never understood or cared about their pain and anger.
When a movie comes out that attracts a new fanbase who are disrespectful and even hostile to the source material it's really fucking annoying.
Nah I'd be posing if I said I was a mango oldfag but I'm a newfriend
Well I liked the old anime, I liked all that ADV stuff
based on how many anons made fun of it i decided not to get it. artbook is still on the way though, and currently looking at how to rip lossless quality flacs from pic related
Yes, I have to do this, she's into me since April 2017, I just hope that my cowardliness of last February didn't definitively disgust her of me. At that time, my mom went into a mental institute and it was too much to take. I don't want to talk about that to anyone in college, I can only pray for life to give me another shot. She's a med student and I'm a law student, I'll need some luck to find her at the library since I rather like avoiding her friends for now.
shes super nice and friendly
What makes you think any of us are disrespectful or hostile towards the source material? I love the manga and I don't care that the movie is different because it's a different medium, a different audience, and a different decade.
is the fucking bluray out or what
I'm reading the digital manga in English right now, bought the Japanese to read later when I get better at it.
Does that have tracks the US release doesn't? I'd be interested in a 320kbps rip if so, those are easy to do
>who are disrespectful and even hostile to the source material it's really fucking annoying.
The only one being hostile or disrespectful is YOU. No one here has said that they don't like, don't respect, or wouldn't want to read the manga. You, however, are grandstanding and calling people posers if they haven't bought and read 9 volumes of manga. Fuck right off. What you're doing is NOT what Kishiro would want, bullying people into reading his works.
Dude just talk to her friend and figure out how to contact her. It doesn't need to be all perfect and obsessively thought out you just need to do it. If she likes you she'll excuse a little awkwardness because the thought that you went out of your way to try to talk to her is what's important.
Because the posters here bend over backwards to justify pointless and idiotic deviations from it. They're utterly incapable of viewing such alterations objectively.
posers are worst in the metal community.
but posers keep the bands fed, people that think they are metalheads because they like korn and slipknot are garbage but a poser can eventually turn into a real fan with time and care.
people like you close the doors on all newcomers. bands have died off with that elitist mentality
Yes Japanese versions always have different tracks. Their import laws are weird where you have to make a Japan-only version if you want to sell it there, that's also why there are so many weird flavored candies in Japan.
>The only one being hostile or disrespectful is YOU
>this stupid cunt says this after a whole thread full of other stupid cunts calling kishiro a hack and that he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing with the "vampire" thing
It sounds like you're the one who's incapable of viewing the alterations objectively, all you care about is that they make the movie exactly like the manga with no exceptions for any reason.
>Their import laws are weird where you have to make a Japan-only version if you want to sell it there, that's also why there are so many weird flavored candies in Japan.
this is because cds in japan cost like 60 dollars or something, they need to entice people into buying.
Care to elaborate?
Not this "steam punk" body shit again?
Except that's wrong. You dumb fucks can't even discuss it.
>alteration from the manga is good because the movie is good
Do Korn and Slipknot not count as metal now? Getting a song on the radio doesn't instantly mean your music is inherently worse or not metal any more.
those were jeromes bro, come on
Some of the alterations were downgrades but you're an idiot if you think that you can just adapt a semi-obscure manga series from the '90s into a successful movie without having to change certain things. You're also apparently not aware that the manga and anime still exist for you to enjoy as you always have.
Her female friends don't get me and suggested that I was some kind of sadistic pervert who liked to play with her emotions on the long run.
I don't look like faggoting, they can't see how much of a faggot I am.
Her best friend seems to understand a bit more but she's also fucking scared of me.
The cutest of smiles.
>moves goal posts
>doesn't understand the difference between "constructive criticism" and "disrespect"
>doesn't understand irony, that obviously Kishiro must know they're basically vampires and he's just trolling, so we said 'he must be autistic', being facetious and just showing you that you were wrong
You never even fucking watched this movie. Why are you even on Yea Forums? Literally to get mad at "new moviefags"? Leave us here to rot, then. Go sperg on Yea Forums where you can make your own Alita general and leave us all alone here.
>another thread wasted on bickering with some miserable shitflinger
Have some self control, guys. Stop responding.
really, it's as simple as this
Well then I suggest you see a therapist and make an effort to drop the dark and mysterious thing you have going on because apparently it's not working
in 1 month, fren
>heir import laws are weird where you have to make a Japan-only version if you want to sell it there, that's also why there are so many weird flavored candies in Japan.
Oh, THAT's why.
That's so fucking cool.
>Why is everyone fighting?
well they are new metal which is a weird mix between hip hop, groove, metal and electronic elements.
band like papa roach, linkin park and limp bizkit are in this same group
korn kids think they are hardcore and dark as shit but dont know what slayer or king diamond is and they laugh at Black Sabbath or megadeth for being grandpa rock.
i get why posers suck, but they keep some good modern bands afloat
Just one of those days fren
What's the point? You've already circled the wagons and won't accept any criticism of the movie. Any change is automatically good.
>Hurr durr consrtuctive criticism
Oh but only criticism of the manga is allowed the movie is sacred. If you criticism the maga you're jerome or whatever the bogeyman of the week happens to currently be.
Why don't you just fuck off to discord? You can all have names and ban whoever doesn't agree with you. What are you even doing here?
thats why i prefer pic posting instead
Rosa is such a qt
This was by far, the worst movie I have seen in the Theater, ever. I didn't walk out because it was so horrifyingly bad for what it could have been, that I found myself laughing hysterically. I was alone in the theater, nobody else being around to listen to me actually slap my own forhead on multiple occasions with almost involuntary shouts of, 'what the fuck were they thinking?' or, 'oh my god that was terrible.'
Alita Battle Angel was actually written and structured in such a way that all of the amazing emotional potential that it had, was sabotaged and stolen. The giant reveals towards the beginning, such as Alita's given body by the doctor being the doc's daughter's originally, should have been the set ups. They should have done the doc's story chronologically, as a longer flashback perhaps, so that I could have seen the Doc's joy at seeing a replacement daughter using the body he worked so hard and so lovingly to create. But that didn't happen. I saw Alita look at a pretty body. And then later in a sloppy ten second flashback, I get, 'oop, it belonged to my dead daughter. You should feel sad now...?'
The boyfriend shouldn't have even been in the movie. He was a cardboard cutout that made senseless decisions that didn't need for any reason to be senseless. Not even for dramatic effect, because his choices weren't dramatic. His character stole precious time that could have been used to focus on the father-daughter dynamic that was only introduced and then never explored. Alita acts like a spoiled teenage girl, and that's the entirety of the drama between her and her adoptive father.
Really a shame, you guys convinced me that I was about to watch something good, but it wasn't that at all.
just 3 bonus tracks, unfortunately there was some damage to the top left but oh well. haven't opened it yet but i assume the disk is fine
If the cyborg blood was red, Alita: Battle Angel would be rated R. You should see it, friend.
Just watch the movie, user. It'll take 2 hours of your life plus all the time you'll spend here afterwards
Rare Machine gun Kelly X Rosa
Yeah, I probably should. Most of the time I talk normally and don't try to be edgy at all, so people see me like the regular decent guy that I try to be but it seems like everytime I fuck up, it goes badly cause I don't have enough recent friends or lovers to give me that social approval. People like to imagine the worst for their own entertainment, it's all so tiresome.
if you think it's about blood you don't understand the material at all. The scrapyard, oh my bad IRON CITY ( another thing they changed for no fucking reason) is supposed to be an utterly horrifying place, the streets awash in gore, needles, dead bodies, dying people, surgery and other assorted filth.
Yeah the 2 hours is noting.... It's the 6+ hours a day you end up spending here is the really kicker.
Blessed Rosa poster
>All that dispear and hellishness to appease a few manga purists who shouldn't be that bothered in the first place.
Or make the movie slightly more light hearted for a younger and less open minded audiance.... To help the BO numbers.
Deadpool made almost double what alita did.
Oh, are we still fighting?
You still don't get it. The juxtaposition of the scrapyard hellscape against the kawaii uguu innocent girl is what makes the story work. They fucked that up with the movie. le chocolate bars! le oranges!
Hope you enjoy the new sukku.
Deadpool's deaspool, you think the west apart from weaboos had heard much about Alita before the movie?
And I get it, I just understand why they didn't go with it.
MGK is a shit rapper
>You don't make an R rated "girl coming off age" story
According to Cameron the rating was an artistic choice, not a money thing. Hopefully the sequels will be R.
Hi friend
It's one guy sperging the hell out and he's getting just enough (You)'s to stick around for hours.
Cameron said the move would be R for a long time but he cucked out. Bizarrely he had a luc besson moment and said it would have underage nudity but I can't imagine why. He said this before he even knew the shimura shower scene existed.
Shumira's not underage
How are you doing tonight, fren?
nice pair of eyes[/spoiler
>that shoe in the background
I don't read comics, I don't play video games, and I don't regularly watch anime. I watch movies, that's my thing, that's what I'm into.
It's not necessarily about social approval (although a therapist is good for that), it's about not beating yourself up every time you make a mistake and not letting your demons control your behavior.
People are much more concerned with themselves than they are with you and everyone has gone through shit in one way or another so they'll usually understand if you admit that you have problems you're dealing with or that you made a mistake.
Trust me: Keeping things to yourself is pointless, better to be yourself and let other people figure out what to do with you than to spend all your time worrying about everything because all people will see is an anxious mess and not the person who you actually are.
It took me a long time to get where I am now and I'm still not where I want to be but it's so good being able to care more about how I feel about myself than what other people think of me.
But you're posting here 3 months after the movie came out. What the fuck do you do with your "alita time" if you're too much of a piece of shit to read her story?
His name is Buck and he's here to party.
work my boy, someone has to pay the bills
Subtlety really isn't your strong point Jerome.....
Now I'm curious who jerome is. He wasn't mentioned last time I dropped in to shit on you losers
Again, it shouldn't be necessary for people to read the manga in order to enjoy the movie. Stop gatekeeping. Throwing a fit because other people are enjoying things in a way outside of your narrow band of approval is ridiculous and childish.
Jerome is the placeholder name for trolls that was decided semi-randomly back in the early threads
You're confused again. I'm laughing at you. What the fuck have you been doing circlejerking about alita for three months if you haven't spent a day or two reading the manga? It's by far the greatest source of alita goodness around. I'm legitimately puzzled.
>You didn't even know your own name...
That sounds kinda familiar.
kek nice filename
>dude I forgot my own name lmao
Hello /ALITA/! I'm here to have a nice relaxing evening with my Alitafrens.
I've already read the whole series twice and I'm going to read the original series a third time now that the movie has come out. I've seen the OVA maybe three or four times.
At this point I just feel like you're trolling because you're certainly not approaching this discussion in good faith or at the very least you're not being a good listener.
lol you've been here spittling like a baby for over two hours now
Hello fren how are you today
Am I obligated to enjoy the source material for every movie based on some thing just because I liked the movie? Can I not post in a 2001 threads because I only give a shit about Kubrick's movie and haven't read Clark's book?
I post in Lord of the Rings threads too and those movies are probably older than you are. I never read those fucking books either and I'm willing to bet most people in those threads haven't, yet I and they, post in them anyway. Years and years after they came out and nothing you do will stop me or the rest of those faggots like me. Nothing against people who read the comics, read the novels, play the games, ect but that shit isn't necessary to enjoy a movie. If you have a problem with me liking a movie and not giving a fuck about the source material, which I'm sure is "so much better than the movie", you can suck my tiny semi-flaccid dick.
>make fun of some idiots
>their 'comebacks' are so facebook and stupid you laugh even harder.
Worn out. How're you?
Let Amélita heal you.
Do you have something better to do? Maybe trade some facebook memes hmm? Maybe read a little shitty fanfiction? Look at some crappy deviantart?
Sounds more like your wheelhouse, I'll that shit for you.
A little tired, I think I'm getting sick. Just dealing with a troll who is sperging out a bit but I think they're finally out of steam.
what a polite reply
I respect that
>I'll that shit for you.
You'll what?
Sick? But will you miss the meet-up?
Please leave the manga fag alone. He's clearly quite unhinged, so best off leaving him (you) -less
People forget that we're open to have all kinds of chats about the film and manga in good faith but it's the people who come here and start shitting up the place for (you)s that don't deserve them.
>think im cool and clever for wasting friday night arguing online
> laugh out loud by myself sitting alone in my computer
>totally owned those faceless nerds by wasting my time in dumb fights
you win at life
Someone needs to add Ido to the comf fort. Alita might get herself in trouble.
>Scott is there,
>And Ido isn't...
No you fucking aren't. You idiots are cokmpletely incapable of discussing anything in good faith because your hugbox has decided beforehand that the movie is perfect but it's perfectly ok to shit on the manga and say entire story arcs are shitty and pointless without triggering the enforcers. What a joke.
So this cover is real? I'm still waiting on the official announcement, gotta be any day now
You must really love those vampires in last order.
who hurt you?
>I've been looking forward to for 2 decades
>missing the meet-up
Hell no I'm going to eat all the zinc and vitamin B and all that and drink all the water and when I get there you'll be like whoa who is this person and how did they find the secret to eternal youth
Looks like you GOT us
Actually I don't like the vampires at all but the arc is invaluable as a source of information for what mechizedek actually is and why the world is the way it is.
>when Jerome drops from 60-0 in 3 seconds, and then revs right back up to 60 in 2 seconds.
Legitimately fell out of my chair with laughter.
This person is correct.
does anyone have more comfy manga Alita?
People being exceptionally mad about these things is pretty funny
>tfw you realize it's friday
How are you guys holding out?
I think I have a few
You're acting like a fucking (( ))l, playing victim and just whining, exaggerating about grave offenses and act like you're not the asshole who started shit in the first place.
I wish...
D'awww, manga-purist just wanted a friend.
if he only said so
That's why we're all here right? Because we like and care about each other
Waiting for this thread to die so we can try again next time.
That's what I'm doing but with my life.
And there will be no next time.
that thumb is way too close to that boob buddy
>the movie is perfect
Now you're getting it
That's interesting because the posterbase here herd together like a frightened ((tribe)) whenever anyone disagrees with them and label the dissenters as jerome or manga purist. There must be 50+ posters who drive by and take a shit in here but you've convinced yourselves it's only 2. Stunning.
Y'all got any of them blu ray rips.
Lol, was waiting to see this meme in some capacity.
not yet tyrone all we got is a cam rip
I want to pet the robo-doggy
Many of the regulars here have been called Jerome too, it's almost a rite of passage at this point. Some people really can't take criticism, but not all of us are like that. The movie is great, but it's not perfect, and the same goes for the manga. It's ok to love both.
Who wants to make bread
Let's not have two at once again
>There must be 50+ posters who drive by and take a shit in here but you've convinced yourselves it's only 2. Stunning.
Hard to find this assertion at all persuasive when you've just spent the last three hours of your life shitposting here -- the same thing you've been doing for weeks, if not months now.
I don't make a habit of responding to miserable kids like you, but we need that new bread so I'm angling to get a (You) out of this deal.
I call it.
I'll post what I tried to do last time.
Do it, I liked what you posted
What's your best price on yous?
Yeah like the neither the film, manga, nor the community are perfect but we love them regardless because they're the best they can be and they're a hell of a lot better than the alternative
The price keeps dropping, it's down to 10 credits now but hopefully we can get it back up again
That's what's even more funny, you've deluded yourself into thinking I've been here for weeks or months when I hardly ever come here.
I've literally never been called jerome before, I wonder what new bogeyman you dumbasses will have imagined in another week or two.
Let's get this to bump limit first.
Hey, thanks for bringing a (You). That's gonna save us some time.
Hey, Alitans. Halloween is just around the corner. What Alita: Battle Angel-themed costume are you going to have?
>Halloween is just around the corner
Well it's gotta be a vampire costume right?
Don't you have better things to do with your time?
I'm just going to create my own cyborg hunter warrior and do whatever I want with it
Wait, is that? oh nonono ohhh nonono hahaha really?
It's a typical thing to see in these faggot tumblr generals, like /reylo/ and /who/ before it. They honestly believe it's just a couple of people who appear all the time, rather than face reality, that they do not belong here.
I'm off work sick amusing myself stirring up some retards. You spend every free moment of your life on here. Surely the irony of your question isn't lost on you.
You guys know that the Jerome thing is a title, not a person right?
Venus deMilo
Get well soon user. I hope you find a better use for your time since it's only your loss holding on to hatred.
alita es bonita
Hot fresh NEW bread:
It's new!
new bread?
I hope you both find something that truly fulfills you someday. Trying to spread misery on an anime imageboard won't cut it for long.