What are your personal top 3 movies and series that you think everyone should watch, or just generally inspire you?

What are your personal top 3 movies and series that you think everyone should watch, or just generally inspire you?

would help if on netflix

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The Handmaiden
Annie Hall
Hard to be a God

TV series
The Signal (Korean drama)
Mad Men
Silicon Valley

Narradores de Javé (The Storytellers)
Hitchiker's guide to the galaxy

What's the signal about exactly?

Detective drama. But it’s amazing, every case, small and big, are all connected. Watch it

The Master
Andrei Rublev
Barry Lyndon

Boardwalk Empire
Breaking Bad

I never see Silicon Valley mentioned here. One of my favorite shows to have recently come out.

The Red Shoes
I dont watch tv

The Big Sleep
Blood and Black Lace
The Adventures of Robin Hood

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Godfather 1& 2(Counts as 1 film)
Die Hard

>TV series
fast show
The wire

Twin Peaks
Police Squad!

The Elephant Man
Barry Lyndon

Barry Lyndon, Big Lebowski, Taxi Driver.

I Cladius, Sopranos, Brass Eye

I'm not Korean but I guess that's no excuse. I'll check it out, where did you watch it?

Their ads are horrendous but they do have the best translations so it’s worth it

i want to ___ lily

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Im guessing youre korean by the amount of korean recs

>The Aviator
>The Tree Of Life
>The Prestige

>Mad Men
>Boardwalk Empire

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No. I have been into asian dramas and films since I was a teen

snort coke with and facefuck

any other korean recs? something more layman and hyper emotional

>The Tree Of Life


Miracle in cell number 7 is hyper emotional
It will tear you to pieces

can you please be a bro and tell me her full name

she's johnny depps daughter

Someone is going to jerk off to Yoga Hosers tonight

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The Shawshank Redemption

Ash vs The Evil Dead
Breaking Bad
Doctor Who - Minus the awful 11th season. Tennant seasons if you are watching with a girl, but the first two Capaldi seasons are marred by having a truly awful companion. Poor guy never had a good companion. Smith Doctor/Amy Pond best grouping. Followed closely or tied by the chemistry between Tennant Doctor/Donna Noble.

Any romantic choices?

Romantic korean movies are never as good as the dramas. And my personal favorite korean drama is Kill me, Heal me

conan the barbarian
the assassination of jesse james by the coward robert ford

Problem Child 2
Problem Child 2: Director's Cut
Problem Child 2: Assistant Director's Cut

I use to listen to a lot of old korean rap and i was just thinking what the tv is like, so ill check this out, thanks

Not even subtle bait senpai

There Will Be Blood
The Master
Boogie Nights

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Assassination was Kino.

Dexter/Monk... idk everything else seems bad

Fight Club
there's not really much other movies that stand out, I mostly watch comedies and laugh even if they suck