its a made up tale
Its a made up tale
Other urls found in this thread:
Not true.
complete fiction
Thanks for the dopamine rush OP
You've been had.
Ours writers made it up
Peak alky face right there
Coming up next, (insert pun here)
>you fucking idiot. you believed that didn't you? it was a lie, a falsehood, made-up bullshit, and you bought it up like the good little goy you are.
>guest director: sam raimi
maybe they went to far with this one
>You guessed correctly
>Our research shows something like that might have taken place somwhere some time ago who the fuck knows
Just a fabrication
The story we just told you was not factual.
We deceived you.
fake and gay
>Kid complains about closet demon
>He disappears
Yup, all true.
A bamboozlement.
>Did you think our story about the 30 year old neet spending 10 hours a day posting stale memes on an image board was false?
>Not this time, our research indicates this twisted tale of loneliness and depression is indeed true.
this one is actually true and vampires are real
which story, true or untrue, spooked you the most?
Where can i watch this?
netflix used to have it
This, also are there any torrents or anything at all for that other Trek Starred docudrama, Rescue 911?
they were all made up.
Did we fool you?
That story where the dead come back to life and feast on the living...true story bro