They're TRASHING our rights...

They're TRASHING our rights, man! They're TRASHING the flow of data! They're TRASHING! TRASHING! TRASHING! HACK THE PLANET! HACK THE PLANET!

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We Are Samurai, We are the Keyboard Cowboys. And those other people out there, the ones who have no idea what's going on, are the cattle.


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I watched that flick in the mid 2000s, in one of the few years where we went on vacation. I also had one of the PC Gaming mags with me. I've never seen it since, because I don't want to ruin the memory.

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There's no way to ruin a film as perfect as Hackers

>tfw no Hacker gf

Attached: hacker_gf.jpg (288x360, 27K)

wow a 56k modem would you like to suck my cock?

I watched it a few months ago and it's my favorite film from the 90s

Original DSLs

>tfw they were showing this on broadcast a few months ago
>tfw all those bit parts cut out, even tidbits for maximum commercial breaks

man, i might as well grab the dvd sometime

RISC architecture is going to change everything

Get the blu-ray, it has an hour long retrospective documentary

awful, awful movie
that asshole with the pigtails and the toothbrush was the worse and that skateboard guy was even worser

fucking hate this piece of shit movie
ashamed it was ever made and even more ashamed I watched it once

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Weird to think there was a time when the word "hacker" meant something edgy and cool and you could make a movie where they're the heroes. Nowadays all people think of is ransomware and credit card theft.

Let me guess, too cheesy/corny for a refined gentleman such as yourself?

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what should i use as my handle user? can i be elite hacker i know all the colours of the books.

>tfw playing on old school
>diablo, warcraft 2, starcraft brood war
>tfw using name spoofers
>item hacks
>item duplication
>setting up bots, spam whisper anyone me/friends didn'tlike
>other misc shit

good times

I felt this when it came out. now its a fucking blast. Love this movie. looking to grab it on vhs and have a movie night with my bros.

You're in the butter zone now, baby

we didnt listen

Looks crispy in the dark

Censorship ruins anything. Hackers must be viewed in its complete, uncut, DVD format to be true kino.

All hail Lord Nikon.

That doc is pretty kino by itself

>Lord Nikon
What, your mom buy you a 'puter for Christmas?

>skateboard guy was even worser
fuck you, the plague is based

Attached: have no fear, the plague is here.webm (1272x544, 1.33M)

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Hackers is the best cyberpunk kino ever made

Attached: cyberpunk kino.webm (1272x544, 2.86M)

how does the virus work?

"1MB of data, is that too much to ask?!?"

Attached: cyberpunk kino 2.webm (1272x544, 2.86M)

Anyone have the one where he slaps the girl on the ass while skateboarding through the office?

In the future, we'll be able to watch movies in 300k compression, on our phones!"

Did that phone booth hack actually work in real life?

Phreaking was a real thing, yes. You had your various boxes, blue boxes, etc.

Yep. Payphone there would've been a red box.

It's been so long since since 2600 I couldn't remember what box was for what application. I just remember getting free phone calls in the 90s using a micro-cassette recorder.

there were phreakers that were so skilled and pitch perfect that they could whistle the tones.

I wish the internet age was as cool as that movie predicted it to be
Instead its just garbage memes and liberals jerking each other off.

t. salty alt-right incel who can't get a handjob

This was like the karate kid of the 90s just balls to the wall shonen kino
Saw it as a kid in the 90s-00s over and over again it's perfect

go dilate

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>I felt this when it came out. now its a fucking blast.
Correct answer.

Have gay sex

