Alyssa Milano (49) Spearheads Hollywood Boycott Georgia over Abortion Law

With “Hollywood” the industry so often stretching well beyond “Hollywood” the town – especially given that stretching increasingly reaches Georgia – about 50 actors including Amy Schumer, Amber Tamblyn, Alec Baldwin, Don Cheadle, Rosie O’Donnell, Patton Oswalt, Sarah Silverman, Essence Atkins, Uzo Aduba, Gabrielle Union, Christina Applegate, Ben Stiller, Sean Penn, David Cross, Mia Farrow, Colin Hanks and Bradley Whitford has signed a letter written by Alyssa Milano in opposition of the state’s so-called “heartbeat” anti-abortion bill.

Attached: alyssa-milano-sorry-not-sorry.jpg (638x425, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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>"as actors"
This old hag hasnt done anything since the 90s, and even then she was just getting roles on her looks.

The law is retarded and so is our governor if the boycott actually works and takes away the rediculous amount of money the Jews have started bringing into this state

I don't understand why people love murdering babies so much and why they freak out when they can't? These people aren't even the ones who get to kill the kids either they just want other people to do it. Very bizarre.

just ban these fuckers from ever working in georgia ever again

Its ok to kill them as long as they don't feel anything or haven't developed a way to think yet. That's what they think. Is it wrong?


Up is down, user.

it wont and im sure the state can do well without hollywood

fucking good
responsibility bad

Good Goy USA

>Can't boycott Jewish state
>Jews boycott a united state

It's funny about seeing Tim Heidecker name in there.

Literally all jews

Can you name another country where abortion is such a big issue as in the US

I stand with killing baby's. If they gang up, like a flock of raptors.
Free Hat.

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I read this this morning. I can't imagine this will make (((them))) look good int he eyes of the general public. I do wonder how Donald Glover will handle it since his show is based there.

Fuck why aren't these winches happy? They already have abortion after birth in New York

We need abortion to keep the nog population at manageable levels here in Atlanta, the governor has doomed us to flipping blue with his puritanical retardation

>We keep em comforble

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If you actually read the law it's a heartbeat bill ie effective ly no abortion allowed after the first like 6 weeks

I don't really care, to be honest.

Ireland? idk

Because Hollywood is a den of parasites who feast on the blood of children (and aborted fetuses) as Mel Gibson once said

>abortion after birth in New York

USA is the capital of Planned Parenthood, the traders of dead baby parts. We also have a lot of religious folk who oppose the practice.

can we get her banned from twatter

>solidarity with women

They do know that most of the leaders of prolife organizations are women right? Or do they think they have a monopoly on womens?

So? Use a fucking condom and stop being irresponsible. Why campaign to kill unborn children when you could campaign to have sex responsibly

>bunch of Hollywood alcoholic druggy pedos want to keep killing unborn kids to create pharmaceuticals to stay youthful and commune with demons

>muh body
>muh choice

>fucking anti-semite

Social media was a mistake

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I wish we as the audience had the balls to remind these whores that we are in charge, not them. They are just fucking toys who mooch off of our dollars for literally nothing

>my fucking state


Stay out of my state you commie fucks.

Funny they never bothered wanting to boycott filming in Tunisia for Disney Wars movies.

Attached: 1546621476491.gif (256x256, 410K)

Again because Atlanta has too many nigs and our governor doomed the state
I dont like circumcision either faggot

Thought it said Steve Gutennberg for a second. Thank God!

Attached: steve_guttenberg_435x290.jpg (435x290, 17K)

>hate children
>hate roasties
Well fuck, I guess whoever wins we lose.

It really has. The people on it have become hooked and seek out each other validation.

And damn if I didn't have a crush on Combs.

>not a single good actor

What a handy list of Judeo-Satanic baby-eaters!

Half the American women oppose abortion. I tell that to my Northern liberal friends, and they say those women are stupid inbred hicks who vote against their interests.

Stats on that?

>who vote against their interests.

So they're more selfless than selfish, is what they're saying.

Attached: Gallup Abortion poll.png (939x1527, 107K)

>defending the only legal way to kill niggers

Attached: maxim-magazine-march-1998-andrew-eccles-photoshoot-11.jpg (2437x3000, 1.56M)

I don't understand why a broad who is so close to menopause is worried about abortions anyway.

It's true, but Mel never actually said that. He probably took it up the ass to become an A-Lister. Passion was produced by a Jew.

>old schriveled roastie who can no longer bear children anyway has nothing better to do than SEETHE about reproductive rights.

>only a 1k sample size

That's quite small.

can you correlate from something like that pro lifers are:
> uneducated
> old
and that most conservatives are like this as well?

No one cares about any of these people.

The Pew Poll has a 60/40 split for/against.

Attached: Pew poll.png (665x420, 10K)

Look at all that tummy hair

wait, people are killing babies wtf why isn't someone stopping them if I saw a baby being killed I would probably stop it from happening or at least post it on reddit


For real though can some autist find out if even a single one of these people ISN'T Jewish?

For me, it's being pro-life

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People who make more money also are more pro choice

Is this a list of celebrity pedophiles?


every country south of USA where abortion = life in prison


I'm in

abortion is evil. even if you agree it’s a necessary evil


get out parasite and take some locusts with you

looks like a seating chart at a seder

Pure coincidence.

Apart from Greg it's a list of the most annoying liberal fucks on Twitter.

Surprised George Takei isn't on there.

It might be racist to assume but I would say with a fair amount of confidence Gabrielle Union isn't Jewish.

Attached: uptown-gabrielle-union-cover-jan-2015.jpg (800x1075, 443K)

>your body
>when you are sharing it with another human life

I love the opening of this letter which basically says

>We actors have greatly enjoyed all the myriad ways in which you serve us while we've visited you're quaint little state while doing our jobs.

id normally be pro life but its mostly niggers and spics getting abortions, so i'm pro choice in that regard.

georgia's already shitty enough as it is. getting hollywood sodomites, pedos, and kikes out is a good start.

>uneducated, impoverished, old and decaying rural retard """conservative"""(theocratic fascists) are the anti-choicers

>boycott state because abortion
>Happily promote their media in China

>patton oswalt

It's because they don't see them as human. Coupled with being far away from it happening they can easily come to this sort of conclusion. I really wish this shit wasn't legal. I lost my daughter because even after telling my ex that I would raise her alone she didn't want to have 9 months of inconvenience.


you're making this too easy

Heidecker has a show in ATL this weekend

Dubs of good perception

Sounds like kike-talk. Tell me, user: Do you approve of murdering babies and selling their body parts for profit?

So let me guess. You also think vaccines are a scam that give you autism.


simply epic.

I don't consume anything from these people