Is anyone else surprised by how poor a critical and commercial performance Detective Pikachu achieved?

Is anyone else surprised by how poor a critical and commercial performance Detective Pikachu achieved?

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Didn't it just break the record of TOP 3 most viewed movie of the decade?

Fuck the critics!
Detective Pikachu was a really good film and I would recommend it to any Pokémon fan.

Attached: pikachu.jpg (764x423, 47K)

It opened up near, Avengers Endgame (the biggest movie of the year). The fact that WB though Detective Pikachu could beat the final chapter of the infinity saga shows how dumb they are.


The reviews are mostly positive surely you don't consider spam from some cancerous faggot forcing this shit on any non-Disney release of 2019 seriously?

>Avengers Endgame (the biggest movie of the year)
>final chapter of the infinity saga
>''''''infinity saga''''''
Did you cash in that Mouse shill check yet?

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because you disney shills keep making these threads telling people it "flopped"

>$5.7 millon in Thursday previews
>86% RT Audience reviews (because no one gives a fuck what boomers have to say)
Eat shit.

no because Yea Forums chose it as one of it's champions and as everyone knows if Yea Forums chooses a movie it's doomed to fail

Go ahead and screencap this for when the next movie Yea Forums said was making a billion bombs pic related

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The pokemon look godawful, and I can't stand Ryan Reynold's lolsorandomxd 4th wall humor.

>The reviews are mostly positive

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I don't get this, Yea Forums is filled with this shit. What are you guys trying to meme exactly?

Just came back from the cinema tho and the movie was alright. The plot became some generic convoluted anime plot line half way through the movie and the ending felt really rushed. Also the "plot twist" was very cheap. The classic bait and switch where there were absolutely zero foreshadowing that the "good" guy actually was the bad guy. But I came for the nostalgia and I got it. Was surprised how it actually wasn't targeted towards kids at all. They even had a scene where the nigger was "pouring" gasoline on mr mime to make him talk which was pretty unexpected. All of Ryan Reynolds one liners weren't great but at least it wasn't obnoxious for the most part. The acting wasn't that bad either.

Yeah nah.

I know this is going to break your tiny retard mind, but audience scores are worthless until at least the following Monday AKA AFTER PEOPLE HAVE ACTUALLY FUCKING WATCHED IT YOU STUPID FUCKING RETARD

Since when the fuck did the audience score mean anything? Forgot about Captain Marvel.

>86% isn’t mostly positive
How far we have fallen...

>It's Based Cameron, there's no way it's not making a billion.
>Aquaman made a billion, Shazam is going to destroy Captain Fungus
>Pokemon is the biggest franchise in history! There's no way it's flopping.
no "nah" just yeah


86% isn't fucking shit if it's only Friday

It's a kids movie that is t the mouse so it starts at a 70%

aw did someone calling you a moron who doesn't actually know what the reviews are saying hurt your feefees?

Fuck off Disney shills

>>It's Based Cameron, there's no way it's not making a billion.
What movie are you talking about?
>>Aquaman made a billion, Shazam is going to destroy Captain Fungus
I don’t think anyone unironically thought this, at least I didn’t. I did enjoy Shazam over CM, however
>>Pokemon is the biggest franchise in history! There's no way it's flopping.
But it’s literally on track to not flopping.

and ends at 53%

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-10 Pokémon Detective Pikachu (2019).png (747x312, 223K)

>What movie are you talking about?
you dipshits have a fucking general dedicated to it

No need to get mad, mouseshill. And if people apparently didn’t see it, why is there a posted Audience score?

>Attacking a mistype because you haven't a leg to stand on.

Simply epic mouseshill. Go back to your copy pasted capeshit while the rest of the world rewards Pokemon for at least trying something new (live action)

Hate to ruin your weekend but the sequel is confirmed. Better put in a double Saturday to whiteknight the mouse

You mean Alita? I didn’t think it was going to make a billion due to anime movies being someehaf niche, but it certainly made a lot.
>you dipshits
Sorry, but I don’t visit that general.

Viral marketing paid shills and /vp/ trying to save this mess


That's horseshit you thought it would be 1bil and moved those goalpsts as soon as you noticed it wasn't gonna profit budget+marketing (which it had an unprescendented marketing blitz)

>I-It’s fake! Fake!

Nice damage control, faggot.

It only made 5 mil on Thursday when Endgame made 60 mil. It's a fucking flop lad. I went to see this dreck and there were 5 people. They ended up giving me 3 packs of cards

>What are you guys trying to meme exactly?

For some reason - a meme exists that "Yea Forums is always wrong". This has been proven incorrect a lot of times, but people use it to dismiss whatever Yea Forums likes. Yea Forums liked Pikachu, so despite being the best performing video game adaptation so far and setting a new record - idiots are going to continue the meme and say that it's bad and was a flop.

Looking forward to the sequel personally - primarily the Mewtwo spin-off which has the most potential.

>That's horseshit you thought it would be 1bil and moved those goalpsts as soon as you noticed it wasn't gonna profit budget+marketing
Why do you keep making such accusations about me? You don’t know me, you’ve never met me. And I mever did think it would make a billion, I just thought it would make a good amount of money, which in my personal opinion, it did.

>Comparing endgame (the cinema event of a century 11 years in the making) to this

How fucking embarassig

>Having a person opknoln that controdicks facts

Oh senpai

Nice speling idiot

You’re comparing two different movies with two different backgrounds of hype. And DP made more in previews than any other vidya-based movie.
>I went to see this dreck and there were 5 people.
I’m not inclined to believe you, as many other people online said otherwise.

Go fuck yourself I'm at a restaurant right now not at home alone working double OT for walt

60 million is pretty all right. I expected better until I found out how close to Avengers they chose to release it. Judging by the number of views of the trailer it should've been close to Lion King numbers if it wasn't for that.

The problem is there’s no way of telling how much they spent on marketing. There aren’t any reports saying it flopped, so I don’t believe it has.

Kind of. I’m surprised they had the nuts to make a “detective pikachu” movie but wouldn’t have the nuts to make it good. Have not seen it yet.

Wioooooooooooooooowww what a high bar to clear!

Pfffttttt maybe by the end of it's run it will clear animated/live action lion Kings 3 day run
It already made 20$ million internationally. I think it will be ok.

Marketing is 1/2 the budget, but with how hard it was shilled I'd say it's 1:1

>Wioooooooooooooooowww what a high bar to clear!
Considering the reputation of vidya movies, it kind of is.

How fucking embarrassing

>not Disney
No I'm not surprised


Iternational isn't worth that much cause of fees

Good ol participation mentality, must be a liberal

>but with how hard it was shilled I'd say it's 1:1
Was it? I haven’t seen much promotion of it since it’s announcement.

Why are people calling Pokémon a videogame movie.

I see a movie every week and every week it had trailer for that Alita crap, plus trailers on TV every break

PKM Detective. look it up

Narrative games are not real videogames tripcuck


user, rerunning trailers a lot isn’t going to make marketing 1:1 with budget.

Imagone seeing a movie in theaters every weekend. How shameful

Sorry I used a big word. Use "poop" instead

>Good ol participation mentality, must be a liberal
Now you’re just spouting gibberish.

Think of it like healthcare for all. I am health but have to pay more taxes because I need to also pay for Chuck's 5th heart surgery cause he slugs 2L of coke a soda

Nothing can stop Disney

What the FUCK are you even going on about?

Agreed I can't wait for Dark Phoenix

>narrative GAMES in video are not videogames
>R E A L
You clearly do not know what a game is, motherless child.

>i-it doesn't matter!
>muh fees!
Sure thing, m8.

He said Alita did well when it barely made back it's budget. That's like giving a participation medal to a kid cause he attempted to run the 500m but lost by 20s

Then I gave him an easier example

I bet you think gone home is a gotten contender

Lol youve lost the plot bruh

Ugly shilling
I wasn’t gonna watch this shit tonight in favor of Tolkien, but Tolkien can wait. Fuck you Disney cucks.

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Holy shit i donno if your hands are shaking cause your stressed but take your type when you type

Boring white make goes to war and makes friends and write boring books about white people

Saved you $40

This is getting sad Disneymom

Is this movie still good if I've never played a pokemon game? I mean I've played smash and stuff, I just never got into the main series.

>Brining politics into this for no reason

Back to pol

It's ok make it a double feature tomorrow (Captain Marvel/Endgame) to cheer yourself up

He's not wrong you're just being facetious which is ancient latin for being a little bitch when you have no argument.

Ablooooo someone had a different opinion than me

>Being this mad someone insulted capeshit

Get a life and stop copying me name

Isn't Pokemon the second biggest media franchise in the world?

no, it's the first

God I love when people get so mad they start samefagging

Save me Disney Boomers

Pretty sure that's marvel comics tbqh. Making bills a year

The fuck. jesus

Lol as if. Capeshit is a saying fad

>Production Budget: $150 million
Yeah itll be fine

I'm gonna laugh when Avengers is #1 again honestly

How do I get a password like

Not really it looked bad from the start. The only reason people had hope was cause of how shit Sonic trailer was

suck a mod's dick, faggot

>Being this much of a cuck

>Having an opinion other than YES MORE TRASH POKEMON COMPANY GOBBLE GOBBLE is bad

Secure tripcodes are for jerks

I know at least 100 people and non give a fliying dinofick about godzilla

I don't get why I would be surprised at this shitshow being received poorly. It looked bad from the get go. Everyone said so, until actual shills came along.

What is wrong with youI liked it a lot tbqhfriendo

This thread is like watching someones mind unravel at real time

Nah it's one mad shill and some samebois.

guys...this theater is empty!!! IM SCARED

Attached: pikaflop.png (1249x650, 1.19M)

But its doing fine in both areas

From what I've seen from the early reviews, the film has been made for retarded children.

>When you realize this sageposter is samefagging to force a bump limit so people don't see the thread and realize what a mess the movie is .

Kinda feel bad for him

That's ever block buster since china took over

but we don't like it

Would have been better as all CGI, at least the mulatto wouldn't look so disgustingly uncanny valley that way.

You are in the minority just like all other nameposters

Lol casual tacos. XD XD XD

Fuck you racist ass

>that seething marvelshitter sperging out
Top kek

























He looks like he's had his face morphed in photoshop user
That may be shit genes or not but fucker is ugly is the point

Lol that would be prohibitively expemsive and warranted cries of racism

Racist or not, the guy is really ugly man.

>Cast a black lead
Only Americans will go and watch this in great numbers.

>he liked it

That's for contributing

Lol I hate capeshit and I hate this. The best movie this year was 风中有朵雨做的云

Sold out every showing in Japan but keep up the narrative pol

Yeah just like Enter the Spjderverse idiot

>Opened at #3 spot

With real actors dubbing over the fake American ones.
If I were to watch it I would go for the Japanese dub as well.

Proof? I'm waiting

Yeah and that's with only Japan s sales with US it will be 150m ez

LolWeebs. It wouldn't make shit as a sub movoe

honestly, not surprised in the slightest
it, was, baaaaad
it's a kiddie movie, and feels even below bee movie in terms of writing and comedy

That's not how it works dude yen is worth less than usd doller

Nice opinion. There were so many adult jokes in this unless b movie

stop copying my name.w

Fuck off samefag

>Doing Flopzam numbers everywhere
>50% bigger budget
>Plus marketing
Oh no no no

I hope they make a live action digimin movie. Maybe do Myostismon arc

Shazam was better than endgame

If it was so good why did it floop

It didn't flop it made enough for a sequel mouseshill

Where the hell did you hear that user

How much are they paying you to claim that

My ass

This. Digimon always had a better story

dear god it's literally a fight between children.

Get woke go broke. Literally always trueS

It's just a few samefags mad I btfo them oit

All they had to do was cast a white lead.

Sure you did buddy :]`

You have to go back.

>kids won't go see it because it's a baby movie and every kid knows baby movies aren't cool
>Adults won't go see it because they know they will be secretly be laughed at by everyone sitting else around them
>China won't go see it because black protagonist
>America won't go see it because capeshit endgame is out instead
>everyone else won't go see it because it was released on a fucking thursday

Lol epic racism. Go fuck yourself pol

An opening of $53.6M at 4,202 theaters is not a terrible first night.

Budget of 150M, prob half that is advertising.

Every movie ever has Thursday previews you friggin monck

Agreed, it's an abyssmal night

It's production budget is $150m. That doesn't include marketing

Lol what's monck

That's what I said


Lol made more than endgame with less shows in :gigadab:

>Using twitch emotes outside twitch

Gonna b a mig mknkas from me


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Shut up already

No I'm not. It's a fucking video game movie.

Tfw Disney shills forget to change ip

Tfw Pokeshills forget to change ip

Pokemon is manga adapted to an anime

user is right though. The movie would have fared better, especially in international markets like China, if the protag was white. I'm Chinese and i and every person I know despise black leads and avoid any TV show or film that features them because they are not human on the same level as every other race.

No one read the manga

The manga is less canon than the anime, and it was a videogame first.

Wrong racist

This. Should have made him a total Chad type character. Pikachu is his wing man helping him detect pussy.

What's up with so many chink and niggers on Yea Forums? This board was completely white 10 years ago

No it wasn't it went manga game anime id know I live in japan

>This board was completely white 10 years ago
Lmao. Cope you mutt

No where cares you are still acting like it's 1920 anymore

Sure thing retard.

Don't you guys have 4chink or something in your country? Fuck off

Based get btfo so you resort to slurs

Fuck you asshole racksm sux

Because it still IS in every non western country in the world. Try travelling and you'll see. You're literally the only ones who engage in and take pride over committing suicide via mass immigration/population replacement and it's reflected in all your media. White bad, diverse good is the current theme coming out of western film and TV.


It's getting closer each day to being rotten.

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Baby boomers hate pokemon and all the reviewers shitting on it are baby boomers. What a surprise.

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Movie critics today wouldn't dare give a good rating to any movie that didn't come from the mouse. The electric rat stood no chance.

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It definitely wasn't a good movie, but it was more than passable. its a kids movie and really the plot is no different in quality than something like Avengers: Civil War but with worse acting. Ultimately what is bring was some pretty great world building, I wish the tone was a little more consistent and adult but hey its a kids movie.

are these stats for the Alita general?

One of my local theaters, usually only sell tickets on movies for the current day, while advanced tickets are for ones they determine to be popular ones.

Detective Pikachu didn't get one, while Captain Marvel, Shazam, Endgame, John Wick and even fucking Hellboy got advanced tickets.

Attached: 1506056749504.png (324x246, 40K)

A two week gap was plenty. Everybody already saw Endgame.

This film being a surprise flop is what they deserve for passing on Danny DeVito for Ryan Reynolds.

I watched Detective Pikachu. It was a fun movie. I just got back from the theater, ask me anything.
I do think it was dumb how Pikachu and the dad were separated, I think it would have had more of an impact if it was hinted to the audience that Pikachu was the father, but leave it ambiguous like it was in the game.
It just didn't feel like there was any weight to the film. to be fair there was even less at stake in endgame.
also if pikachu was still able to talk they could have sequel bait.
But I'm like 99% sure they are making a mewtwo movie, so that will kind of be the sequel.

was there any interracial kiss?

No, Ryan Reynolds hugged the black kid's black grandma.
and Ryan Reynolds is the father of the black kid, so there was race mixing, just not on screen.
the mixed race kid is awkward around the white female lead who could have honestly been replaced with a cardboard cutout. And Pika-Pool makes fun of him for it.
Maybe in the sequel, which is pretty much confirmed they will.
>Record breaking vidya game based movie
doesn't sound like a flop to me, sounds like WB found a new cash cow.

Attached: kdkhfhadf.png (1179x520, 73K)

Cursed boomer image.

>pika flop
>Bugs Bunny already cranking out Pika-Pool 2

Attached: ksakdjhasdh.png (1188x503, 281K)

Just like when they had announced a Cyborg and Flash movie right? Before Justice League's numbers were clear.

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they already have all the pokemon character models.

>they already have all the pokemon character models.
yeah, all 20 of them

there were more than 20, did you watch the movie?

Nice name.

why are you so retarded. Pokemon is a video game

>for video game movies

no one did that's why it bombed genius

>Pokemon 1999
>"pokemon is just a fad guys"

It's not a WB. It's 100% legendary. WB just does the distribution in some markets.

Its up against Endgame. What the fuck did these dweebs expect?

Attached: mewtwo.png (783x417, 49K)

It hasn't even come out yet in my country.

you type as follow

(name)#(password here)
it will create a random tripcode

(Warning you can be banned for using tripcodes out side of context of threads)

>being this much of a seething faggot

Lmao Marvel stays on top bitch

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That looks comfy.

>Who co-wrote 22 Jump Street and the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog movie


Like Blade Runner or Dune

I'm not surprised Yea Forums hasn't seen it, most of you fuckers haven't even seen the light of day. going to the theater requires going outside.

gangsta's paradise gonna be in the sequel's trailer?

Honestly Sonic is probably going to do fantastic because people are going to go watch it like a train wreck.

I really don't get this thread.

No one cares about Endgame

wait this film came out?

no it was a parody trailer on youtube.

they couldn't put it off longer
otherwise it would be bumping into King of Monsters, and we all know that's the better watch over a Pokemon movie

Yesterday, mouseshills are for some reason mad.

I went opening night and barely anyone was in there.

This doesn't bode well. The CGI was actually pretty impressive and I didnt mind the plot. I just wish the tone was a little more adult oriented.

Guys I'm worried about John Wick and Godzilla

>a little more adult oriented.
What's it look like now? Is it like Disney Channel tier or something else? I wanted to go to see it with my brother because they both liked Pokemon a lot when we were younger, but probably not enough to sit through a full-blown kids movie.

I don't understand, how can Disney afford to have so many of you on their payroll?

Are the benefits even good? Do they offer dental?

I don't know about you, but I'm just glad to see something Pokemon related not make obscene amounts of cash by doing nothing at all
Now if only the games could follow suit so that Gamefreak would be forced to actually try

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Zootopia like.

Nah, it looks like garbage. I expected it to perform terribly. The cgi is poor quality, dark and grim looking. Seems to completely miss the mark, looks nothing like the actual pokemon universe and looks more like a grotesque fan made cheap puppet movie. The charizard especially looks bad. Ryan Reynolds is a lousy actor as well, with an annoying voice and who’s comedy is extremely low IQ. He’s essentially a pleb tier performer that got lucky with the moronic popularity of deadpool (a garbage tier superhero that plebs think is clever when in actuality it’s moronic and extremely fucking dumb)

Your stupid reddit meme was always unfunny.

>worried about Godzilla


Kaiju kino is back on the menu

Shazam also had very positive reviews though.

>i didnt watch the movie but I have hangups with it and heres my uneducated opinions presented like facts

I went to a 6pm showing today and it was sold out.

I agree with you about how this movie looks but you make yourself look extremely butthurt when you rant about Ryan Reynolds like that.

Because of this

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It's not a meme, he was the first choice and auditioned, but the producers wanted Ryan Reynolds instead presumably because they saw Deadpool dollar signs in their eyes. As soon as I heard Reynold's annoying faggot Canadian voice come out of that Pikachu with his cringe Reddit humour "improvisations", I knew this film would be garbage. At least DeVito can act when he needs to.

>didnt pay to see endgame
>paid to see detective pikachu
start putting in more work for your mouse overlords and maybe ill consider it for the next spiderman, shills

holy shit just look at how cute this motherfucker is

You're a brainlet. No foreshadowing? You see the guys ditto from the start. His son makes a comment about how gross it is. You see the pink lady with glasses that doesn't talk. Obviously the ditto. And then his son stopped talking and wore glasses. Obviously the ditto. Constant dialogue about him wanting to evolve. Are you so daft that a mystery for 10 year olds went over your head?

villain was kinda lame but i loved everything else about the movie

Brah there were the same 20 fuckers over and over and over
Also no fucking mudkips

Imagine watching a Pokemon movie and taking notes on how white and male it was.

The climate-change joke was cringe af.

Yeah, giant turtles causing earthquakes is a sign of climate change.

First movie I saw on opening night for years. It was pure kino.

i loved it and you can all slobber my gigantic cock

Absolutely nobody is talking about Endgame. No one cares. Even this capeshitter filled board that's literally getting money from disney is barely talking about Endgame less than a month after it's come out. When Infinity War released this board turned to dogshit for 3 months with Thanos threads and normie ass snap memes shitting it up. None of my capeshit adoring normie friends and associates are talking about it either. All you faggots went and saw it because you felt obliged to. Not even the cringiest, most brainlet of capeshitters thinks Endgame is a good movie

Watched it last night with both my daughter's (7 and 13) and one of my eldest daughters friends from school and they all loved it. I have no idea why they make click bait articles like this.

Discord trannies unraveling in this thread jesus

Plot was shit but who cares, all I wanted to see was cute CGI Pokémon and they did that right. Solid movie.

there won't be a sequel if you watch the movie it's a failly open and shut case. if there is a sequel, it won't be a direct follow up, probably more a film truer to the traditional game or anime

i'm more surprised that you've been making this thread for like a month

It's out?

fricking based

>deadpool as pikachu
>annoying black kid
>spooky cgi
>video game movie

Ryan Reynolds is more reddit than DeVito is
He literally plays Deadpool

Can’t wait for hd torrent

Is there any fights in this? A cool big budget CGI pokemon battle should be fun.

The Mouse is inevitable.

>they are not human on the same level as every other race.
Pretty rich coming from a Chink

Just saw it, it was okay, a 6.5. It was clearly dumbed down a bit to cater more to children, which is understandable. The action scenes felt like they were made with 3D in mind so they were not that interesting. Characters were constantly talking over loud sounds during the action and you can hardly hear what the hell they're saying. The story felt rushed, but it had an interesting twist at the end which I knew was coming. Too few Pokemon were utilized, you mainly just saw them in the background.


Yeah but the movies never performed too well. Even the first Pokemon movie that released when the Pokemon craze was at its biggest only grossed 172 million.

kids don’t have money
parents need to be semi interested to even wanna take the kids to see it

>too few Pokémon were utilised
100% biggest reason I didn’t go to see it
I could tell this was gonna be a thing when Reynolds became attached knowing they had to pay his salary