Well, /sci/?

well, /sci/?

Attached: feiwj..png (855x524, 195K)

who else /blue/ here?


Any second year algorithms class should teach you how to do this.

Just switch to polar coordinates bro

you didn't say straight line

Attached: 1557527142116.png (855x524, 187K)

pff easy

Attached: 1557527142116.png (855x524, 168K)

Attached: feiwj..png (855x524, 183K)

Perhaps the rbf kernel will whet your appetite

Attached: 1557527142116.png (855x524, 174K)

OP btfo

kernel trick bro

congratulations, if you chose to draw a circle around the blue group, you have ligma

what's ligma?

Dangerously high IQ poster

lick my balls lol


kys newfag

Attached: 1557427142116.png (855x524, 191K)

Fuggin rekt

Attached: E489966E-F0A1-4958-8774-9F42B9C4C0ED.png (640x1136, 388K)

No, OP asked a good question for once.

High IQ post

this is what the retarded "think outside the box" saying does to low IQ apes

I don't get it.

Attached: 2014-04-21-beartato-easter.png (759x484, 56K)

its says separe the green and blue not the green from blue

Attached: line.png (1132x573, 175K)