I thought Yea Forums hated her only because of politics but holy fuck she actually is a HUGE bitch irl

I thought Yea Forums hated her only because of politics but holy fuck she actually is a HUGE bitch irl

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Other urls found in this thread:


Finally watched the video after all the spam. She’s hilarious here what’s up with all the hate?

Have sex

You exactly know why, you fuckin troll

Fuck off Brie

her movies and characters are annoying but i don't see what's the problem with this interview?

How do I get an uncharismatic insecure gf bros?

Clearly got to her head, shes trying to be like RDJ so bad it hurts.

If you look at interviews that pre-date the captain marvel announcement, shes nothing like this.

she's trying to be sarcastic and funny but she's awkward so it's not reading as charming and comes off as bitchy

I've never her speak before. She's absolutely adorable.

>she's trying to be sarcastic and funny
She is outright bullying though

I want to lick her asshole and watch her giggle

This. I also want to slap her while she sucks me off

>i thought Yea Forums hated her only because of politics
What are you talking about, you fucking idiot? She's /ourgirl/, and you should off yourself

say duh one more time and my head explodes

>She’s hilarious here what’s up with all the hate?
half the board watched a video by some autistic "charisma expert" who worships ben shapino and that bullshitter claimed she was bitchy or something

it was getting spammed like 5 days ago

Refused to see captain marvel but saw endgame. She is has this insanely unlikeable attitude for the 10 mins of screen time she has. I kept telling myself that is just the character, but I’m not so sure

Nirvana - Smells Like Tranny Discord

I don't about the "charisma expert" video and found her obnoxious, cope

>Would Brie Larson workout?
“I don’t get it, is that hypothetical? A personal attack? I do workout all the time”
>Brie Larson dog
“Are they asking about my 2 dogs or are they saying it like a statement? Brie Larson; dog.”

She’s acknowledging criticism and playing it off with a joke. This made me chuckle when she said it. Are you talking about her saying “Duh, I’m a gamer”? What’s to hate honestly?

Well I wouldn’t even rape her

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People are just mysoginistic and hate women that act sarcastic and cocky. If it were a man saying the exact same things, people would love it.

>I don't about the
I didn't watch the*

i love bitchy girls. especially when they're glaring at you while you facefuck them :)

Let's not go crazy now, she is pretty fuckable

Upvoted and gilded good sir.

If that was some middle-aged white actor answering the same exact questions the same exact way with the same exact tone, all the incels on this board would be talking about how "based" he is

I would say "have sex" but that would imply any one of you would ever have a chance to even touch a woman


Those are not feminine traits. A man behaving with feminine traits would encounter similar ridicule.

didnt read lol

based and truth-pilled

lmao insecure faget

She's like the anti Zack Snyder. EVERYONE hates her.

I bet you think it’s socially acceptable for a man to cry

a certain group of "people" hater her because she's been with a black man before

she cute

I seriously cannot figure out what she did wrong in this video. To me she comes off chill and quirky, just honest and comfortable maybe even endearing or down to earth.

>She's like the anti Zack Snyder.
So her movies are successful and she's tall? Does she also bring Asian teenagers back to life?

your standards couldn't be any lower

Is she balding?
Her hairline is worse than mine and I'm almost 40.

Have sex r*ddit

fuck I knew you retards would try to do that "hur hur le altright" BS on this guy just because he dared criticize queen brie.
fuck off back to leedit please.

>Yea Forums is talking about me again. Why are these incels so obsessed?

Attached: brielarson_al.jpg (540x682, 48K)

>like dislike ratio

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it's nothing to do with politics and everything to do with thinking a squeaky midget is charismatic because they talk fast to stop people speaking over them

I don't think is acceptable for an adult in general in a non-intimate context.

>every girl i know just headcanoning her as a beautiful warrior gay goddess
mundo de clownos

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>fuck off back to leedit please.
lol reddit is fucking full of autistic out of nowhere hatred of brie larson right now

You lot are reddit

it really depends.

At least you know girls

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It really doesn’t and I’m even talking about the passing of a family member. Letting someone see you cry will only have their perception of you severely warped in a bad way regardless of the reason. Especially letting your mate Or kids see you like that. Cry alone or preferably don’t at all

americans getting triggered by sarcasm lol

Based incel


Does Yea Forums like Brie larson now that normies dislike her?

this woman is really unattractive

Dude, that's one video. Watch a couple more. It's almost like a different person in the others.
I don't know what stick they shoved up her ass during that one.

seething DCuck

>man is an asshole in real life
BASED! /ourguy/!!!
>woman is an asshole

Recommend one

its sad that this is actually true

>tfw people genuinely just hate women and this is what we're witnessing with the backlash against certain celebs

You are genuinely insecure bro.

If this site was more popular I would think this was all a marketing campaign. I didn't care about her at all before because neither her looks nor acting skills were remarkable but now I feel myself strangely attracted to her

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Good video about that video.

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Here's one that was probably shot on the same day, to make things more fair.

it's a fooking psyop mate

its not true you fucking actual faggot

I doubt you ever had a gf or deal with women but just lol if you think you can cry infront of a women for any reason and think everything is going to be fine after that. You must not have any life experiences

I always liked her

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why can't this guy loose some weight? im concerned for his health.

I fucking hate this retarded channel. Apparently you can get rich making the most milquetoast carnegian "just b urself" commentary on celebrity interviews

He is right you faggot, letting a woman see you cry turns their vagina's into a desert.
I would say losing a family member is an exception (only around family though).

>takes the three shots
>rolls her eyes and storms out to her limo
>barges past people not even looking at them
>heads back to her expensive hotel and washes herself of the experience

Not him, but

>Chad does this
>is secure with himself so doesn't take any of it as a personal attack
>is humble but jokes around a bit
Take note roasties who are pretending to be men.... it doesn't mean you have to act like a confrontational sperg

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Yeah like the one with Don Cheadle where it looks like he's back during slavery times or the one with Jeremy Renner where he looks like he's about to shoot up a mosque because of her.

>that dislike to like ratio


Please do not insult /ourgirl/

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It's funny how Brie just fucking wants specific, comprehensible questions and people take it as if she's mocking their entire personality by just asking about the questions because they're so vague.

Sod off mickey

I think you meant to reply to a different user. But yes, there's a lot of hacks who do "charisma tips" and "psychological/body analysis". That being said, I think that guy was pretty spot on, and about as objective as he could.
Fact of the matter is, the Wired interview really felt somewhat off, especially if you compare her to how she usually is. Nobody's perfect and what the guy said about assuming positive/negative intent is also true.

it's an embarrassment for her as an (improv) actress, not as a person

Women shouldn’t act like men.

>married for 22 years
more like cuck

What a nice guy
would have as a dad/10

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Is she 45 years old?

>a dumb scripted video about googling
Why are americans so fucking gullible and braindead?

No one here likes Ben Shapiro or neocons in general, except for actual pedophiles. And she's a bitch desu.

If you look at hwr past interviews and some written interviews, you'll find out that Brie isn't really a people person. She's introverted and wants to keep herself only to a few people, which is probably the reason why she was quite "off" this interview, because she doesn't really like being asked personal questions.

post the picture of her looking grossed out in this interview and the google result is "brie larson wikifeet"

She likes to sip

Attached: brie 6.png (564x699, 660K)

>reddit spacing
fuck off

You will never ever be married

She’s a white woman in her early 20s

This. If you see a guy acting all girly you'd get mad too. It's just normal.

Okay maybe the OP vid was just a gimmick that she was experimenting with

>wanting to be a cuck

Shes 30.

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>Haha! Joke's on you! You are the losers! I am dying alone and I won! You people are the pathetic ones!
i almost feel bad for you incel

4chin kis basically reddit now, newbuddy.

fuck off back to facebook

Yeah, I can tell. The issue is that people are very quick to judge nowadays and the cancel culture is very much in full effect, whoever you are. This wasn't the case years ago. People just look for the most insignificant shit to be mad about nowadays.

Being married with a virgin who loves you forever is literally the only way to not be a cuck.

Attached: 1555793584322.webm (1920x1080, 1.54M)

Why would you become an actor as an introvert?

>on the streets
>on the sheets

Attached: 1555972993224.webm (1920x1080, 2.11M)

Have sex.

I think she has a low self esteem and try's to hard to come off as cool or maybe aloof. It's just kind of weird. I love studying personalities and this is what I have come up with.

What was he thinking at this moment

I think it was because she was way too uncomfortable with this interview because she was just answering a board and a camera, not a person. She looks very different in other interviews.


>I love studying personalities and this is what I have come up with.
then get a degree in it faggot, no one cares about your fanfiction

Woah. The contrast is like night and day. This bitch will crash and burn the MCU lmao no wonder the main actors all left

Nothing. I hate to be "that guy" but you're really reading way into this.
Is every actor supposed to always be "on" in every interview? A lot of them look bored at times. They're human beings.

Snyder molested his daughter and that's why she killed herself. FACT.

Watch any other of those Wired reveals and you'll understand
She acts like every question either makes no sense or is a personal attack

>no wonder the main actors all left
If you genuinely think that's the reason they left you're a retard.

The puppy interview's much nicer.

Attached: brie gonna get ya.jpg (1057x1057, 74K)

She actually answers that in some interviews. She said when she was three it just suddenly hit her and told her mom out of the blue that acting is her dharma, but her parents didn't think she'd make it because she was just so shy, but she still dedicated her whole life to it.
She mentions it in the first half of the first interview in 's post.

based thats the only way to recover from the ultimate cuck of having a d**ghter

BrieLarson just isn't a pleasing name to say or be known as

She's awkward and plays it up in an attempt to appear funny, but it fails. That's all there is to it.
Aubrey Plaza does a similar thing but runs with it 110%, sometimes being beyond autistic, and it works in her favor.

>my knees hurt
>is this bitch still talking
>I wonder what Chris is doing
>is the food court still open
>I’m sleepy

>I think it was because she was way too uncomfortable with this interview
I certainly can relate to that awkwardness. It's actually the result of getting too comfortable that you drop any restraints you had on yourself and keep quipping awkwardly.

>can't even recognize cunt-like bahaviour or differentiate banter from bitchy
Good luck on your future "relationships" if you ever have one, incel

>only 10 min of screentime in End Game
>still managed to ruin the movie

It's more easier to say than Brianne Sidonie Desaulniers for sure.

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is this the saffron guy?

She was fine here and this is a newer video.
Maybe just depends on the environment.
Social anxiety/ineptness can be a big setback to how people perceive you.

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She was very far from ruining it though, I liked her unironically

This. This interview is way better because Brie is totally comfortable so she's not trying to be quippy. Brie totally changes when she's comfortable or not.


>brown eyes
pick one

Oh user, if only you knew...



It didn't come off awkward at all. The whole interview she acted like every question was a travesty.
Like I said, watch a different one and see how the different actors/actresses actually buy into the questions and discuss them

People are fond basing a person's entire personality on a single video.

>when youre a raging homosexual who has to keep it deeply closeted but you get sat with such an abhorrent cunt that you can feel such a need for dick to get you away from this horrible slimy hole that it actually causes you physical pain

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reddit spacing as a thing was invented by the donald transplants who wanted to find a way to fit in

nobody cared how posts were spaced before because none of us fucking knew how the reddit posting system worked because we dont fucking use it

The whole video is an act. You can tell when she acted like she wasn't a gamer when she's a huge nintendofag in real life

She seems better the more you get to know her. I don't know why everyone is clinging to two videos like it automatically means she's the biggest cunt on planet Earth.
People used to bitch about more serious stuff, like MJ touching kids or whatever. Now you mess up one interview and you're the Antichrist.

She looks like she fucks dogs

she is a cutie. would cuddle after sex/10

I am not allowed to hate her anymore untill the day comes when the Brie fags fall against the Reylo fags.
Release me mouse.

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>reddit spacing again

Technically he adopted another man's daughter, then molested and raped her until she killed herself, so if anything he's the bull here.

>>acted like she wasn't a gamer when she's a huge nintendofag in real life
>made an expression that clearly says "obviously I am, duh"

Attached: duh.gif (500x213, 632K)

are you unironically retarded? She says "duh" in answer to the question

>a woman
no u

Shut up shill

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>white girl
Of course she does

She seemed nice

Hi PR shill

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I just want to Warwick Davis her right in the Warwick Davis and see how far her smug Warwick Davis would fly lads.
Is that so fucking wrong?

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As an outsider I can't help but to side with Brie in this particular instance because you people have gone over your heads at this point. How many threads have we had about this bitch already? Hardly the worst celebrity I've seen. Just let it go lads. Stop obsessing about strangers.

itt: incels who refuse to understand Brie under any circumstances because she's a whammen and she was awkward in one video

Attached: the infamous quote.png (800x1359, 1.71M)

>huge nintendofag
Is Brie larson a nuwoman?

Have ___

>I don't need a 40 year old white dude to tell me what didn't work for him in a Wrinkle of Time
That's where she dropped the ball. Obviously didn't think it through and acted on emotion. Had she not said that, everything would've been fine, regardless if you agree with her or not.
>I want to know what my work means to the world, not a narrow view
There's nothing wrong with that statement. It's the shit that she sprinkled it with that made it seem bad.

how do I get a job like this

Reeks of insecurity desu senpai

strawman of mossad

I don't even understand why Yea Forums makes 20 new threads every hour just to discuss how much they "hate" Brie Larson. If Yea Forums truly hates her then two posts are enough to agree that she's unlikeable; why the fuck do we need three billion Brie Larson threads everyday?
At this point it just sounds like everyone is just finding a reason to talk about her, to be honest.

>early scenes acting cunty towards the avengers left alive
>later cameo for a spaceship punch
Even my gf that liked her movie said the equivalent of "wow, what a bitch" when she spouted "lololol you lost all your friends and half the population because you didn't have me"

If she said "Barbie's target audience is adolescent girls, I don't care about what an adult male has to say" would you still be mad? Because that's what she basically said.

Oh I perfectly understand this vile cunt trying to acquire social virtue brownies by attacking the only permissable group to hate. Had she said "I don't need a black dude to tell me what did or didn't work in a moobie" in ANY kind of context, her career would be over 5 minutes later.

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You don't belong here, faggot.

she ruined the movie for you and your gf because she acted a bit arrogant in a scene?

Why the fuck do people hate her for that statement anyway? Who the fuck gives a shit if some random hollywood girl dislikes people?

So you're indirectly admitting to that guy that the hate is irrational?

>this thread

Attached: everybrielarsonthread.png (742x560, 439K)

She doesnt come off as bitchy. That is nonsense. It's plainly obvious that she is playing around. No the hate she receives purely has to do with culture war retardation. She said sjw things previously and that obviously upset some people. So they wittingly misinterpret her just as an excuse to rile up resentment towards Cap Cunt.

I didn't even know there was a female of Brian, a great great name btw

>Who the fuck gives a shit if some random hollywood girl dislikes people?
But she doesn't. She said several times in that same conference that she doesn't hate white men, look it up. The issue is she was offensive to white males with her impromptu comments.
It all spiraled down afterwords and some people took it very personally.

fuck off shill

she needs to star in The Taming of The Shrew

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Didn't like her as Captain Marvel, but she is perfectly fine here. Now that interview with Cheadle and Hemswerth made me hate the shit outta her.

Based Brianne sending Incels into a jiffy

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>that pajeet asking for Brie

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Yeah, he just said that.

how dumb you have to be to ask this question?

Who are you quoting, retard?
I'm responding to >i liked her in the movie. When the only scenes she was in the movie was her being a cunt and she deus ex-machining the spaceship after disappearing for the entre movie, what's there to like?
Reading comprehension should come to you just as soon as you have sex

what is it about their culture that they think they can pick up white women from the internet?
was there a popular film that portrayed this or some shit in india?

Damn you're extremely autistic and spend way too much time on 4chin lol. Read the normie YouTube comments.

imagine actually believing tihs after watching the video, you must be excellent at interpreting human interactions

Be a bootlicker for Marvel

Poo in Louvre

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>because you people have gone over your heads at this point
I recently spoke to some normies about her and without trying to put words into their mouths they basically said the same thing.
I think even if she was as big of a cunt as some people say, or even worse, the fact that there are so many videos that shit on her is starting to backfire. Let's be honest, nothing here is news worthy or interesting. It's just some literal who that said some mildly controversial things.
Can't be compared to shit like peeing in a bucket and so on.
It would make more sense if there was more material to work with.

how did you even jump to that conclusion schizo?

Go dilate

Eh, she seems fine. She comes off as a bit stand offish and in your face. I wouldn't enjoy the company of such a person but there are worse out there.

>itt artists finding reasons to hate her cos of politics

Attached: IMG_1376.jpg (388x500, 67K)

>I don't think black people should hold the right to vote
>but I'm not a racist, so it's ok
Fascinsting logic

>Giving a shit what actors say off screen

>you don't belong here
Implies he doesn't belong here because we shit on her here, but it might be a different case somewhere else. In other words you're indirectly admitting your bias against her.

Fucking this

Pic related, the only known element that can contain Captain Drivel

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There's a big difference in the example you gave and what she actually said though.

Did someone spike your latte enema soiboi, or are you just a pseudo-intellectual?

>if only you knew how bad things really are

A bias doesn't correlate with it being irrational, brainlet.
You're biased in believing the world is round, and therefore would probably be against flat-earthers, doesn't mean believing the world is round is an irrational thought.

Being an introvert and an actor are not mutually exclusive. Acting is often make believe, introverted just means you don't necessarily like lots of social company and sharing.

Drop this dead meme. These people don't even exist where I'm from.
Either provide viable counter-arguments or accept the fact that some people will disagree with you and call it a day.

Rhetorical question
Original reply was about her ruining the movie, you don't know what you were replying to?
>what's there to like?
Her restraining Thanos, fight with Thanos, scene with Peter. And you would have bitched if she had a bigger role in the movie and went back in time with them anyway

>youtube comments

>These people don't even exist where I'm from
Kek, Russia stronk and manly

>I don't wanna hear what a white dude has to say about a movie
Yeah bro, that would totally be acceptable if it was any other race

I was pretty much going to say something along the lines of thisDon't try to be smart in the future, soiboi, it doesn't suit you.

Holy fuck

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You're biased against her, which makes you blow the situation out of proportion. It's evident in the amount of posts we have about her per day.
>m-muh rationalism
The obsession with this person is irrational whether you like it or not. It would've been irrational even if she was a bigger cunt than she already seems. It's been hyperbolised to comical levels at this point.

Yeah, because soibois don't call each other soibois.
Checkmate, faggot.

>all of Brie's future projects seems like boring crap
I want to go back to 2015-2017 where she made interesting shit.


Attached: The.Glass.Castle.2017.720p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AG].mp4_snapshot_01.36.04_[2019.05.02_16.31.51].jpg (1280x522, 30K)

Your sugarcoating her is irrational, you fucking retard.
Anyone with a brain can see she's a cunt.
Obviously you're predisposed to disagree, because then you'd lose your meal ticket.

Attached: file.png (360x118, 9K)

dont you talk shit about my cutie

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So you're implying a magical country full of nothing but soibois exists? And you want to be taken seriously? Face it, it's a shit response, and a non-argument. We both know this.

When the fuck will Yea Forums create a Brie Larson general that will contain all of the shit about her? Stop making so many threads per hour.

>It's evident in the amount of posts we have about her per day
or maybe just a lot of people don't like her.

> because then you'd lose your meal ticket.
Why'd you have to go and shit all over your semi-rational argument like that? Can you not be an inbred for a second?
My sugercoating is necessary in order for you to see the full picture. People aren't just "good" or "bad", it's more complex than that.
You're treating this as if she said "kill all white males".

>Original reply was about her ruining the movie, you don't know what you were replying to?
Was that the only thing on the reply that was answerable? Are you mentally handicapped?
Do people have to quote a two senteced post because your brain is maxxed out at 5 words per reading session?
>Her restraining Thanos, fight with Thanos, scene with Peter
>she fought the bad guy
Maybe I was wrong, you aren't retarded, just 4 years old
>And you would have bitched if she had a bigger role in the movie and went back in time with them anyway
>lmao whataboutisms
You are a special one aren't you?

Who in the fuck gets obsessed for MONTHS over a single entity of non-importance (yes, these actors are nobodies in the grand scheme) and keeps shitting out thread after thread about it?
The fucking jews don't complain about Hitler as much as you fags complain about a single woman who was a nobody till yesterday.
It's fucking irrational and annoying. If she ever was a cunt, she looks like a saint compared to you schizos. I'm just keeping it real with you.

>Kek, Russia stronk and manly
No, I don't hail from a shithole. But yes, I happen to be strong in the real world. It's not a coincidence. I'm ready to engage at all times if I ever have to.

>this thread
Yes, this is how the shilling starts. You start hating on her so much that you start finding videos of her just to find more evidence of how much you hate her, and the more you look at her the more you realize that she's most probably not as bad as you think but she's still a bitch, so you keep on looking more about her just to make sure, then you eventually realize that you're starting to feel indifferent towards her, yet of course that cannot be, because you loathe her so much, and you check other material to remind you of how much you dislike her, and finally you realize that the reason why you blabber your mouth about her so much and can't stop looking at her "stupid bitch face" is because you actually like her.

Attached: is this being emotionless.png (1500x1000, 2.89M)


Yes, there are areas where faggots like you congregate, though 'country' is a bitch of a reach, thankfully we haven't reach levels of degeneracy that bad yet.
Jesus Christ, you talk like a buzzfeed cunt too.
>doesn't take me seriously
>still replies
Also, it's telling that the term 'soiboi' offends you so much.

All of this unironically happened with me. Much comfier now.

>being sarcastic is masculine

You should have quoted the portion you were answering, don't you act smug when the misunderstanding is your fault
>>she fought the bad guy
>y-you are young
It was a cool fighting scene in a superhero movie, yeah, what did you want? And there is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying a fight, what did you even watch it for if you call me a 4 year old for enjoying one
>>lmao whataboutisms
That's not what happened and isn't the correct usage of it lol, imagine embarrassing yourself so hard while acting superior

You're really bad at this, shillcunt.
The fact that you're trying so hard to convince people that Brie-BitchFace-Larson is anything other than a supreme cunt really stands out, and makes it glaringly obvious that you're paid to do this shit.
You're pathetic, m8.

it is

>thankfully we haven't reach levels of degeneracy that bad yet
Unfortunately, and I say this with genuine pity and no spite, because I actually like America at it's core, but you're wrong. Your country is a ticking time bomb and you need to go back to the way things were before you became tribal mouth-foaming faggots.
>doesn't take me seriously
>still replies
I'm in this thread with you, so I'll be replying until I no longer feel like it. Chances are you'd reply to a hobo on the street if he was insistent enough. Doesn't mean you have to respect him.
Soiboi doesn't offend me but it's an annoying buzzword that gets thrown around left and right and has already lost it's meaning.
You don't see me including incel in everything I post, do you incel?

yeah sure

>you blow the situation out of proportion. It's evident in the amount of posts we have about her per day.
>people literally typed and then posted, the humanity
>also, i'm new what's a Yea Forums
People shit on celebs and movies here for years on end, just imagine for how long was baneposting spammed here? Even the better boards practice this same shit, but I guess you didn't notice it until it came down to your findom queen.
But don't forget: if you don't like it, you can always just leave
>the jews btw
>i'm one of the guys now, right?

Yes. Keep this stupid thread alive.

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>he fact that you're trying so hard to convince people that Brie-BitchFace-Larson is anything other than a supreme cunt really stands out
It's the other way around. Also, the fact that you think people genuinely get paid for this is absurd beyond belief and dishonest as fuck.

maybe you didnt understand me properly. who says its a small group constantly reposting threads out of obsession and not just a huge group of people who cannot stand the actress and are talking about it because its relevant now? whhy does it have to be something other than the fact people dont like her?
yeah dude you totally fit in here. i am convinced that you're right.

Attached: 1557466842558.png (624x573, 239K)

>another fine pepe to add to my collection

these threads are truly the greatest form of entertainment.

I wanna lick brie larson's clit

Attached: 0a574436b97ebedd96a49c7d72c153be2bdf9abed63a07bd3febe3c0129ff0c2.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

>But yes, I happen to be strong in the real world. It's not a coincidence. I'm ready to engage at all times if I ever have to

Attached: faggot.jpg (367x451, 29K)

buddy, reddit spacing has been a thing way before le drumpf shit. some of you just can't help exposing themselves as the little retards you truly are.

They are idiots whos perception of current-years internet is like they are in 1995. It's just been accessible to them, and easy to use in this age.

Plus they can't type English grammar for shit, so use speech to text on their phone to type English.

Here lemme try with an accent like my dad, with audio recognition on my Google keyboard.

hello brie Larson brie Larson can I have you come my house and we did sex with each otheryou are very beautiful to my eyes and I want to do the kissing with you

And that how pajeets talk online.

Baneposting is a fun meme, it's not bitching or moaning. Do you feel good doing this shit?
>waaaah brie is a bitch, waaaaaah fungus
I actively avoid even thinking about people who annoy me, I don't get why you're obsessed with someone you dislike, it's counter-intuitive to your mental well being.
That's a blank post. You did nothing but repeat something I already addressed. Here's a (You) for the effort.

Shut the fuck up, you weak soiboi bitch.

>you should quote a 10 word post because i can't handle all that information at the same time to know what someone is referring to
>the character was shit, irksome and misplaced, but it was a cool fight scene lmao
>th-the stutter
>what about if she was more in the movie, you wouldn't like it then, huh?
>I literally can't google what it is, you must be using it wrong

yeah it sounds really easy just pretend the marvel movies are good and pretend the dc movies are bad
all I have to do is act retarded which I do all the time on here
where do I sign up?

nice deflection, shill.

Jesus Christ, you are so fucking DUMB

Maybe it sounds tacky, but yes, it's true.
I've conditioned myself rather thoroughly for that one scenario that might happen.
Don't underestimate people's capacity for real life malice. There's someone out there who would love nothing more than to eat your still beating heart in front of you.
Thanks soiboi.

the question of a generation
it's finally solved

>Your country is a ticking time bomb
As long as it blows up faggots, it's all good.

Only men are able to pull off being arrogant because they can have the power to pull it off. Even fictional women look retarded when being arrogant.

Hope you don't loose too much sleep about it user.

She looked like she was going to murder that dog for biting her shoe

Why is she so perfect?

Attached: brie-larson-1.jpg (618x410, 64K)

sarcasm isn't arrogance you dimwit

is this sarcasm?
her head is a square

Don't be surprised, they need retarded faggots like him, nobody else would willingly do that job.

Seriously why are Russians SO UPSET?!

Like if you hate us so much, you could always GO BACK LOL. Nobody is making you extinct your language and culture just to hang out with people you fucking hate.

Why not get your own shitposting imageboards?

Attached: BUTTHURT SHILLS LMAO.png (1622x552, 263K)

You're only halfway right. I'd be unwilling to make 635 daily threads about her even if you doubled my salary.

trying to derail another thread user? Ill join
Why are American's such disgusting fat pigs?
Also cuckhold porn lovers?

French Can-didian

Fucking Dropped

>Maybe it sounds tacky, but yes, it's true.
I've conditioned myself rather thoroughly for that one scenario that might happen.
Don't underestimate people's capacity for real life malice. There's someone out there who would love nothing more than to eat your still beating heart in front of you.

Kek this shit is gold.

Attached: embarrassing1.png (420x294, 40K)

She's being arrogant. You're the brainlet who confused it for sarcasm.

I don't believe in the Russian conspiracy. I think it's a case of genuine strong dislike for any person who may seem even somewhat SJW in their beliefs, especially if it's a woman.
But it's not natural to be this obsessed so I'm going to call out the elephant in the room every chance I get.

you could have just told me you can't read properly.

>Do you feel good doing this shit?
Do you feel good doing this shit? Most people come to these threads to have a good laugh at her, just as they have been doing to thousands of others celebs, many this very second without a single complaint coming from you. Yet here you are, to whiteknight her until people are tired of replying to your steadfast defense parties.

>calls someone a basedboy
>desperately tries to convince the anons on Yea Forums that he's tough

Keep living in your imaginary bubble.

>trying to derail another thread user?
This thread never was on any rails though was it shill?

Seriously how much are you being paid to have to interact with people that you hate?

>Why are American's such disgusting fat pigs?
technically Russia is going through an obesity epidemic LOL. Now you're all FAT and DRUNK haha. What's up with that? Why are you all such suicidal fat drunks?
>Also cuckhold porn lovers?
Technically that's (You). I've never watched a blacked porn in my life. Wasn't until all you slavshits started flooding into English language boards smearing your degenerate shit all over the place that BLACKED became a meme.

Seriously HOW OFTEN do you jerk off to trannies and black guys? Like why is it everyone else's fault that you're a degenerate faggot?

Attached: Russian egg man.png (1572x1186, 3.43M)

no Yea Forums likes her now because of the /ss/ scene in endgame. lurk moar

Attached: what happened.png (644x854, 339K)

user tell us more about your elite fighting skills

They're just thirsty lesbos who want to pretend they've seriously got a shot with Brie Larson.

>says the retard projecting on Yea Forums of all places

you Americans sure have a problem with mental healthcare
AOC is right

>woman isn't going out her way to be excessively sweet and nurturing
grow up, not every woman is your fucking mommy.

Attached: 18742177317716.gif (390x259, 982K)

>bitch still reppin' Hillcunt with her pantsuit


She's so stern all the time. Imagine if she was in a bad mood and she kicked you in the balls. Haha.

> Most people come to these threads to have a good laugh at her
Naaaaah, I ain't buying it. This ain't Warwick copypasta tier.
>without a single complaint coming from you.
Don't be so sure. Chances are, if I've seen anything out of the ordinary, I've called someone out on it. I get that it's Yea Forums and we're contractually obligated to shitpost, but these threads in particular are just cancer, without the fun. The one good thing that came out of it was the Don Cheadle pasta, and a few mediocre OC's.

> yes, I happen to be strong in the real world

Wanna know how I know you're not from here?

Attached: D6JlxZSX4AE3nTd.jpg (645x729, 50K)

>I don't believe in the Russian conspiracy.
doesn't matter. It persists regardless. Ask > I think it's a case of genuine strong dislike for any person who may seem even somewhat SJW in their beliefs, especially if it's a woman.
yeah this is all just Russian newspeak shit that didn't exist before 2014. "Somewhat SJW" means nothing. This cult of the "anti-SJW" is 100% Russian made. It's CLASSIC Stalinist messaging strategy.
>But it's not natural to be this obsessed
You say in yet another Russian-boosted Brie outrage thread with literal Russian IRA shills in it. What country are you in?

>so I'm going to call out the elephant in the room every chance I get.
What elephant in the room? That Yea Forums is literally a counterintelligence platform for a belligerent foreign nation in an ongoing psychological warfare campaign to turn at-risk westerners into self-destructive radicals?

That's a big elephant to talk about. I'm glad you're here.

Attached: blacked euromaidan cuck sjw gamergate.png (1922x1380, 223K)

Attached: captain marvel.png (800x1334, 1.01M)

Only little boys want to "have something" for Brie and let her touch them in their naught yplaces while she spanks them.

Real men want to hate fuck her till she shuts her mouth and sticks to bitchy poses. Her 6 lines in endgame was a good start.

>says the retard
FTFY* It's getting to the point where I need to actively help you to keep up. The second part of your sentence is an oxymoron.

>I'm fine eating cereal if that's what it takes
Is this a euphemism?

You're a huge bitch, kys

>you Americans sure have a problem with mental healthcare
says the cuck that is statistically guaranteed to commit suicide.

When do you think you will do it shill? Can you live stream it when you do?

Attached: Putin Medvede-pederast.jpg (274x320, 18K)

wew at that blatant twitterspeak

>Wanna know how I know you're not from here?
Do tell.

Hollywood (((executives))) have been fucking this skank since she was a child which is why they've been relentlessly shilling her. They tried to make her a TV star, then a popstar, now they gave her an Oscar and a billion dollar grossing movie as the new lead of the biggest film franchise in history, all unearned.

Seriously, she must have MAJOR dirt on some powerful people because she's a complete and utter zero charisma non-entity!!!FACT!!!

Attached: Brie Larson.jpg (512x738, 61K)

ITT Brie PR team tries to steer public opinion

this is what autistic people actually believe

>formerly likeable actress
>wins academy award for lead role before she turns 30
>turns into absolute cunt
This keeps happening.


Attached: sadfu.webm (640x480, 955K)

>be Disney
>in talks with Fox for decades about acquisition
>Captain Marvel due for release in a few months
>get close to striking a deal to acquire Fox
>deal will mostly be paid in shares in Disney stock
>deal will finalize after Captain Marvel release
>can't have Captain Marvel bomb, which would reduce Disney's stock value
>movie is projected to not do too well, especially in China
>can't bomb
>send employees to buy out entire Captain Marvel showings around the nation
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest movie ever
>Captain Marvel becomes 6th most profitable release in movie history
>but numerous reports of empty or near empty "sold out" showings for Captain Marvel
>Fox thinks these numbers are legit, finalizes the deal
>movie tanks in China
>Disney shares drop slightly
>Fox gets fucked over
>The Mouse gets away with it?

It's not just the Disney/Fox merger, they also had to top WB/DC's Wonder Woman which did 821 mill worldwide. Anything less than a billion would have been seen as a failure and would have made the Fox boyout more expensive.

Plus you have to take into account that Feminazi's and their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot virtue signaling lapdogs are easy marks who will white knight someone (Anita Sarkeesian) or something (Captain Marvel) using their own money like the suckers they are and all because Daddy (The Patriarchy) didn't love them and hand life to them on a silver platter!!!FACT!!!

Attached: CRYPT-KEEPER-FEET.jpg (483x720, 209K)

hat0s your thought on the jews?

I want to fucking go back, when the fuck can we go back to old Brie?

Attached: 42642046_299217717675569_948991307486772030_n.jpg (1080x1080, 91K)

What the fuck are you even on about? you're fucking nuts dude hahaha.

It's what's happening. Your fantastic clinging to your astroturfed "beliefs" is how you're killing yourself. You're already in the dystopia.

This slag was homeschooled which explains why she's an autistic bitch. She's NEVER faced adversity, been challenged and had everything handed to her. So she expects everyone to kiss her ass and when they don't she turns into a cuntish brat. Her parents also divorced when she was young which explains why she's a "feminist" (all of whom hate Daddy aka "THE PATRIARCHY!!!") and fucks niggers!!!FACT!!!

Attached: Is Brie Larson a white supremacist.jpg (1196x1204, 184K)

I would hardly call this shithole public. I'm simply debating you retards and you're getting visibly annoyed. Good, you deserve it for spamming that shit all over the board.

Attached: putin jews.jpg (1733x1080, 134K)

When some feminazi and/or one of their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot lapdogs calls you an "INCEL" or use their generic insult "have sex", because they can't form a coherent thought let alone a counter argument, it's because women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing but herpes riddled whores!

And the so-called "men" who use those words are even worse because they're virtue signaling numale cucks who think that they'll get some of that sweet college/university hipster chick pussy when those women will be fucking Chad Thundercock and only settle for them once they're looking to nest with a beta orbiter provider after they're done riding the cock carousel!!!FACT!!!

Attached: Brie cunt.jpg (1920x1080, 281K)

>gives concrete evidence that he's a retard
Thank you, one less person I'll need to reply to.

Because she’s not charasmatic, so she’s comes off as cunty and overly defensive.

Her super American Starbucks voice makes me want to punch her in the face.

what the fuck did you just say about me, you little bitch?

>except for actual pedophiles
Be honest, there's plenty of those around here

>still can't figure out cunt-like bahaviour
Heh, unrelated question: how long did you last relationship last, and how did it end if it ever even happened?

I'm guessing you replied to the wrong person

Honestly you are fucking deluded. Wew lad.


What's actually pretty funny is that some (though not nearly all) of this shit really is boosted by Russian IRA trolls and various shills. Along with mostly fucking around with Ukraine and shilling Putin they pay dumb lib arts grad fucks to stir Culture War shit. I get why they do it (weaken other countries blah blah) I just wonder if their ROI is really worth it or not.

post pictures of your tits you fagget

Have sex

Jesus Brie, you'd think with all that money you'd have something better to do.

>>you should quote a 10 word post because i can't handle all that information at the same time to know what someone is referring to
When it can be an answer to both points, fucking yes you should.
>>the character was irksome
Not an argument
>but it was a cool fight
A pretty valid point actually
>>I literally can't google what it is, you must be using it wrong
Not what happened, I had already responded to you with things to like about her appearance so you were wrong in using it. I said that because you are a bitch and would've complained either way

Aquaman worldwide box office = $1,147,761,807

Captain Marvel = $1,121,356,767

Even with the unrelenting shilling, system rigging, ticket purchasing and riding on the heels of the most anticipated movie of this generation (Endgame) that they shoved her into to create false hype while piggybacking her off a decades worth or work and effort, Disney's new flagship character was STILL beaten by a joke character whose solo film was coming off a box office disaster (Justice League) while it promoted pro-Feminism/SJW values (interracial relationships, strong female characters and an environmental friendly message) better than Captain Fungi whose message only appealed to North American white women who are the most coddled and entitled spoiled fucking bitches on the planet and hate their fathers which is the real reason why they cry "DOWN WITH PATRIARCHY!!!" because Daddy didn't buy them a pony.

Not to mention that Aquaman's cast were more likeable and attractive while the movie itself was better Written, Directed and just more entertaining that that boring uninspired piece of shit.

Aquaman is the underdog who had everything going against him but triumphed in the face of adversity while Captain Marvel lost despite being backed by the biggest entertainment corporation in the world!!!FACT!!!

Attached: AQUACHAD VS. CAPTIN FUNGI.jpg (1452x1098, 380K)

She looks so bitter and unhappy
bet she can't have children

And get me banned for nude content? Try harder my basedboy (haha I said it again ma)

honestly why are Russians so fucking gay?

This faggot 100% jerks off to trannies

That's Daisy Ridley tho. Wow, you are foaming, make no mistake.

It's retarded to think the IRA and similar operations are doing all or most of this but pretending they don't exist is also delusional. Everyone including people who used to work there are candid about it. The question is just whether it makes any difference in any way or not, not whether it happens or not. They might just be wasting their time.

>Daisy Ridley
she looks happy most f the time, she's also younger I think, still can have kids

we should only take into account opinions on actresses from guys who actually had sex

cause then we wouldn't have these threads anymore

yeah absolutely

get the FUCK out of here you sniveling fucking faggot. NOBODY cares about you you goddamn nigger.

Why are you here? Why won't you go back?

I'm not Russian, but if I can make you dislike them in any way, good. Nothing worthwhile has come out of that country for decades and it's only gonna get worse.

>'A giant win for introverts everywhere'
Jesus fuck I hate Jews.

>The question is just whether it makes any difference in any way or not,
yeah it works.
they figured that out in the 70s.

Attached: blacked cuck gamergate flat earth.png (1678x1242, 176K)

But she is barren. Don't tell me you've forgotten all of a sudden?

Okay, NOW it's starting to look like a good thread.

believe it or not some people don't know every single piece of trivia about spaceshit casting

But that was a fun video. If anything it made me like Brie more.

>Have sex

Why? Do you think that would change my mind? Is this because you know women though history are known to solve their problems by sucking and fucking to get what they want?! You can't even find a way of using your minds to challenge me so you think the offer of physical pleasure would placate my assertions but then that's all women have to offer. Pic related is what you need, whore!!!FACT!!!

Attached: Valtrex-For-Herpes.jpg (604x310, 47K)

She's not even Jewish. You're still grasping at straws.

>bet she can't have children

Probably from aborting too many kike studio executive larva from her STD riddled sewer of a cunt!!!FACT!!!

Seriously are there any Americans ITTs really? Or is it all just various butthurt slavs?

I'm coming around to schizoposter on this. Why are there ALWAYS so many angry Russian-types in every thread?

>outing yourself as a newfag 101

I guess I can't say I'm too surprised if it is working to be honest. Too many people are really fucking gullible and easily led.
I guess if you take an honest look at yourself and realize your opinions are being shaped by anonymous posters online or social media (where you can fake a bunch of sockpuppet accounts and astroturf so easily) it's time to reexamine what you're doing with your life and how easily manipulated you are. Even Russia shit aside, companies/advertisers shilling making up a huge chunk of the internet has been known for decades. It's like deciding a product is great because you watch commercials for it, exactly.

well duh, women and men are different.

Reminder that this poster is a paid shill trying to pose as an user.
He'll use any excuse as to why anti-brie posts are fraudulent, and will deflect when cornered.
Lel, he's even trying to say Russia is the culprit now.

you just want to suck her fungus infected toes

yikes my dude.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-10 at 9.08.13 PM.png (1268x1042, 187K)


mental ilness

A while ago I knew a guy who did Russia social media work, if you spoke English well enough it was basically amplifying culture war "controversies" that already existed by fanning the flames on "both sides". What really stood out to me was how incredibly shit the pay was and all these bullshit quotes they had to fill every day. It sounded like a job from hell. You'd think getting paid to troll would be fun, but not for asshole bosses and so little money.

based and genderpilled

>Lel, he's even trying to say Russia is the culprit now.
Nope, I denied that very thing several times. I don't like Russia but I'm not dumb enough to believe in conspiracies and shills either.
>anti-brie posts are fraudulent
You can make anti-brie posts that are completely credible, but I haven't seen many here. I've seen several hundred people who are incredibly obsessed with her and make threads about her all the time. I come here to shit on your safe space essentially, and hopefully make you realize you're being paranoid or schizophrenic.
Riddle me this, do you genuinely believe that Brie Larson is out to get all white men RIGHT NOW and she wants your heads on spikes?

U mad I called you out on your faggotry, s o y b o y?

Damn meant quotas not quotes. Like all these ludicrous daily goals you had to meet.

no but she's not that attractive for the number of posts you aspies open

This isn't about attractiveness at all at this point.
It's about the fact that you refuse to let go of the topic, and act attacked, even though it's a literal who that you can pick up and throw with one arm.
Nobody's out to get you, and nobody, certainly not a single person, can effect your lives or threaten you as a man. We're not THAT far gone yet. Calm down and stop obsessing over autistic shit. Part of the reason why I'm so vocal in these threads is because I feel like I have to help you get over this thing. Be normal.

Oh stop deflecting and pretending you aren't pushing the stupid Russian shit, you retarded faggot.
Nobody who isn't paid would seriously come here to defend some dumb cunt actress as enthusiastically as you.
>I've seen several hundred obsessed paranoid people
>I come here to make you realize you're schizo
>quick back to the anti-white male talking points
It's like you're reading from a script.

Maybe it's because the story she's talking about wasn't written with a particular demo in mind and was subsequently appropriated and retooled to appeal to one, and then she showed up to kiss Disney's ass while hiding behind lipservice to the "woke" crowd.

If someone made a role-reversed "Roots" and it got critically panned, would she say that she's only interested in what modern victims of the slave trade think? No, of course she wouldn't, because it's a nonsensical thing to do with that story, and if it does a particularly bad job of it, it deserves to get eviscerated by everyone, regardless of sex, skin color, or "culture."

you're going on a weird tangent, projecting and talking to yourself at the same time

>I lack the reading skills to realize what is being referrend to when there's only 2 sentences to figure it out
>therefore you have the burden to point it out to my pea sized brain so I can understand
>a character being cunty and claiming that the only reason the protagonists' friends died is because she wasn't there is somehow not an argument as to why people dislike her
>how is a character that has no chemistry nor relation to the protagonists, has zero character development besides the previous point misplaced in a movie that already has a few dozens of characters that actually have a stake on the main fight?
>lmao her character was shit but atleast the fight scene was cool, again, maybe this time it'll stick
>still doesn't understand his own post is whataboutism, yet claims others are using it wrong
>i was only being a retard because you're a bitch and a meanie
Why would you tick my thread watcher for a reply like this?