ITT: films that left you watched too young that left you deeply unsettled or that changed/shifted your perception

ITT: films that left you watched too young that left you deeply unsettled or that changed/shifted your perception

The last 20 mins of The Fly gave me nightmares for years

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i watched return of the living dead 1 and 2 when i was 5/6 yo, it scared the shit out of me, but the first still one of my favorite movies of all time.

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Man I was heavily traumatized by this abduction scene from fire in the sky. Still holds up today.

it messed me up for a bit

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The Fly and the brain eating scene in Hannibal for me.

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The Grifter

Maybe someone can help. The X-Files episode when some person / people are trapped in a car and there's a crowd of masked tribal savages trying to get in. I was a snotty kid alone at night and I remembered it for a long time during car rides. If someone can tell me the season and episode, I'll be happy to laugh at this thing now.

saw 2

those effects are pretty outdated...

I was perfectly fine with The Fly, probably because it was also a good film.

The Fly 2, though, fucked my shit up something rotten. That was one messed up terrible film.

Dawn of the Dead from the 70s
My Dad was a massive stoner and a horror nut, he showed me how to make lots of little gags and fake blood ect and even some serious shit like gutting parts of roman candles to make a "rainbow flamethrower" but one night everyone is going to bed and he says "Ehy you, wanna see a zombie movie" this was after he let me play Resident Evil 2 and I was seemingly unfased by it.
I remember laughing at the stupid ketchup blood and him making fun of it, I remember being truly scared when one of the zombies asked for more paramedics, I hid behind him and when the blonde guy turned to a zombie and started knocking on the fake wall I honestly think I passed out, he thought I got bored and went to sleep.
>I still fear smart zombies, I saw those nazi zombies use a tank and I nearly kicked the fucking tv

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Why aren't special effects creepy anymore? Even animatronica and prosthetics look worse now than 30 years ago

Robocop where the dude runs into the acid and starts melting.

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This scene from signs got me and my friend jumping from the couch and screaming.

Jeepers Creepers for me

I was sad he didn't get to fully become brundlefly and got shot in the end

wanted to reply to

>I remember being truly scared when one of the zombies asked for more paramedics

>one chance at life
>see killer klowns from outer space as a kid
it was over before it began

Laziness, cost of production, time.
I rather watch a old horror movie or old war movies (or movies in general) than what is out now.

>I watched that movie with a older girl laying her legs on my lap
>I woulda been scared as fuck but I was more scared of breaking my 90 degree angle and her feeling my dong

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I stopped watching it at the "dog feeding" scene. I wanted to kill the film makers for that.

I saw Threads as a child and it helped ruin my life.

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Don't fucking "user" me.
It's in there...or maybe before. look for it!.

The i am legend vampires freaked me out when i watched it as a teen, literally couldn't sleep and was drenched in sweat for hours in my bed.

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I was terrified of Gremlins under my bed until I was like 12.

when i was about 8 i saw this low budget found footage alien movie, alone at night while looking through obscure TV channels.

i lived in a house with a big living room which had its largest wall covered with french windows, and even when the curtains were closed the fact that those windows were there between me and a dark wooded garden scared me shitless

The paramedics scene is from return of the living dead.

Zelda in Pet Cemetary

three weeks of nightmares

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All of Robocop for me basically

Seems like, for some reason, everyone was allowed to watch Robocop at far too young of an age. Maybe parents just didn’t get it or my dad was just a top bloke.

Funnily enough I was exposed to Starship Troopers at a very young age late one night when it was on too which probably creeped me out more

you must be trolling you utter retard.

You fucking idiot

You could at least thank me for linking you a full movie but ok whatever.
>Now I don't know where I saw ketchup blood and my dads laughing makes more sense

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On this matter.
I am a retard.
I only remember what I thought I was told and what I thought I saw.

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Event Horizon. It was on family vacation in winter. Wooden cabin, snowstorm outside and we watched it from pirated VHS (that was a thing back then from where I am from). I was maybe 8. Well, I still do not like going to mountains in winter.

it fucked me up, i had to run out of the theater.

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I watched creature from the black lagoon as a kid and it made me scared of lakes for many years.

13th Warrior, i was around 7 when i watched it

help me be human

I watched Children of the Corn and Scream pretty young.

The cartoonish CGI zombies in I Am Legend are the #1 thing that killed the movie.

Same movie. particularly the scene where his wife slices her wrists in the bathtub and where that woman finds her child and his skin is all diseased.

Rec, I watched it at my friend's house and had to skate home in the middle of the night

the temple of doom scene where the guy reaches inside and pulls out a beating heart made me cry when i saw it at age 7

The demon dog thing from All Dogs Go To Heaven thats in the clouds saying "Charlie....Charlie....Charlie...".
I was like 5.

Fuck you, it scared me.
Yeah this was creepy aswell.
Ironically Scream I loved and dressed as Ghostface for halloween when I was about 8 or 9 complete with fake bloody knife and mask. The latter of which I still have and fits perfectly.

I wanted to be Brundlefly as a kid, though I imagine the body parts falling off isn't too nice, wall-crawling and superhuman strength would be worth it.

This fucked me up royally for a LONG time

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I had the exactly same experience Whit the fly

Fuck, my parents rented that movie when I was a kid, my memories of it feel like a fever dream

Would you rather have PS2 graphics? Those prosthetics look good, he looks genuinely deformed, faggot. People like you are the reason the Thing prequel was so fucking bad.

i was allowed to watch all sorts of adult horror and action as a kid, some adult stuff i didn't get (the godfather) and some was a bit too advanced for me (stuff like rosemarys baby)
the one single film that made me feel like i shouldn't have seen it was pic related. i felt a bit odd for a while after watching it.
this was when i was about 11/12

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this. he deserved better.

Hot Fuzz gave me nightmares. I was a 10 year old kid who had never seen that much blood and gore in a film before.

The opening of Great Mouse Detective made me shitscared of bats, fuck that was some good build up

The mutant dogs in that movie freaked out my puppy, who was about 6 months old. She ran herself into her kennel and then when we took her outside she got herself stuck underneath the deck

I've been deeply traumatized by this. That video has been seared into my memory.

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Blade and casper...Yes, the friendly ghost

Yeah the fly and predator were big movies that spooked me when I was younger, both are some of my favorites though

The Velveteen Rabbit. Before they re-released it as a more 'friendly' version, the original version had all the toys being burned screaming as they were fed to the flames, one silhouette at a time. That shit haunted me for years.

Holy fuck this. Messed up an entire generation of preteen males.

That scene in The Sixth Sense where he gets up to use the bathroom and that suicide ghost walks past the door spooked the fuck out of me as kid to the point I was paranoid to take a piss at night

For me it was the arm wrestle

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I remember vivid nightmares after watching The Exorcist when I was 9 or 10.
Really, really vivid.

For me it was Murphy's execution.

>The Velveteen Rabbit
holy shit I remember that movie and scene..

I’m deathly afraid of dolls now because of Chucky and jeepers creepers had me leaving a light on always wherever i was.

The hospital/hell scene in Jacob's Ladder.

>send more paramedics
A little older but same. That part where the entire line of cops shooting get swarmed in seconds was terrifying. Wish we could have some more scary unstoppable zombies.

>reminder of the scariest shit I can remember seeing as a kid.
>remember all the real alien abduction shit I found trying to disprove the events of this movie to myself.

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Witnessed, and fucking thank you.

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i had a tv in my room as a kid (huge mistake) i had the wicker man on one night because i thought it was boring and it'd put me to sleep. then the ending happened. it was memorable.


>green skeleton
>white teeth
What did they mean by this?

Yea WTF was up with that? I had it recorded on VCR and would watch it instead of Saturday morning cartoons before my parents got up.

Willy Wonka - when they went into the tunnel and all sorts of scary faces appeared. I was freaked out by that. LOL. Then not too many years later I saw one of those Mondo Cane films where they showed fucked up stuff like people dying and shit.

>hasn't been posted yet
Every single one of us saw this when we were little and most of us were terrified to go back to the ocean.

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not me, i love it and still do, jaws is a fucking great film.

The thing fucked me up. I walked in on my parents watching the guy's head explode off his shoulders when i was like 5. I thought about it frequently over the next 10 or 15 years. I dreamed about it. It made me sick. Now it's my favorite movie, now that i can reason it's fakeness. When i was a kid it was all too real

Yeah remember watching the first Robocop as a kid, and my father no giving a single fuck about it.

The Robocop 2 prototypes scene really scared me


Or when that car comes speeding down the alleyway and the fucked up face stares him down as they pass. God I love that movie, I used to DUDE and watch it all the time

RE1 where they're getting sliced up by the lasers. One minute dudes alive, next minute he is sliced up on the floor.

The skeksis from Dark Crystal and unironically the Putties from the Power Rangers movie. I was terrified of the dark cause of the beginning of the construction site scene where they had to turn on the flashlights and x-ray vision in their visors.

Mars Attacks

There was some short on one of those old cartoon network 30 minute compilations. It had a minimalist style, black and white line drawings mostly, and it had this dude and two chambers, that you'd lie down in like a coffin (or sensory deprivation tank), and the dude went into one and out came a duplicate of him from the other. They got out and everything was fine at first, until a struggle ensued over which one was the real one. Eventually one of them gets shoved back into the chamber and disappears.
It's never resolved who was who. The whole thing relied on visual storytelling and so was pretty easy to comprehend, I must have seen it when I was about 6. Legit was fucked up after seeing it, I probably had to be calmed down.

Specifically the scene where the whos go up the mountain and get spooked by that weird machine. 5 year old me was fucking shell shocked.

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Alice in wonderland 1951 is nightmarish. It takes a severely demented mind to create something so terrifying.

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Watched it when I was 8 or 9, still gives me nightmares

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haha faggot, serves you right for seeing an r rated movie

that teeth-chompin motherfucker was the worst

It was on toonami or some channel when I was like 10. Late night too. I was sleepy for like a good chunk of the movie but when this part came on I was genuinely terrified. Couldn't sleep

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Cannibal Holocaust back in 1999. I was 24. Had a bootleg vhs. The ending with Faye fucked me up for months. I was definitely not prepared for it.

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Care to explain why? I remember really enjoying this movie.

Shit I saw this in high school and that scene fucked me up.

This. That scene fucked me up good

The fuckin Elephant man, movie terrified me as a kid, I think the sound of the movie had a lot to do with it.

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Op here - for me specifically it was the scene when he was deforming, his face melting as he was talking to his freaked out gf about being joined together, all as one body...I understood it as he was trying to save his body somehow at the time through her. But now as an adult, and understanding their sexual relationship it disturbed me significantly to understand it as that was his way to reach that feeling of completeness that can be gained through sexual intimacy. And imagining how it would be like to see someone you’ve fucked before and desired and have had inside you slowly transforming into something so hideous and associated with death/decay/shit.
Seeing her shoot him in the end and having that sense of relief that it’s over and THEN we’re left with the question of what if she’s pregnant?? fuck

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The Blob eating the hobo's hand at 5 year old or so. Starship Troopers fucked my little bro up for a long time.

my dad made me watch it after it got a home release. It gave me nightmares for months, i'd dream of nothing but alien invasions and all my friends and family getting obliterated. The martian's humour and the twisted things they did to people for fun is what disturbed me the most, i don't think i was desensitized enough to find it funny. I feel like its something i'd love now if i were to be watching it for the first time today

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Murphy's death was worse

the entire concept of this movie spooked the hell out of me when i was 10 years old. (though i rewatched it and it's literally a shitty B grade movie idk how the fuck i got scared from that as a kid)

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Yeah, it made me want a spider waifu too

>watched Alien 3 when i was 8 with a friend
>got so scared I had nightmares for years
>he wasn't scared at all

>films that left you watched too young that left you

Based curry nigger

he didn't fly so good

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I think most parents just weren’t familiar with the film and assumed it was a dumb suitable for all ages flick.
My most vivid memory of my first viewing was my mother vomiting up tons of frozen shrimp during Murphy’s torture.
She soldiered on and vomited again when Mr. Melty got splattered.

This movie haunted me for years

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Here's one some 80's fags might remember

>kids' movie
>innocent childlike protagonist
>wacky hijinks for 80 mins
>everyone laughs
>suddenly BOOM Death Wish-style street execution of the main character
>shots of crowbars being smashed into its head
>battery acid blood draining onto the sidewalk as it slowly dies
>drags itself broken and bleeding across the pavement
>begs its friend to put a tourniquet on it so it can stay alive long enough to go a revenge murder mission

Pretty sure that at least a couple of young kids had therapy bills over this one

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The whole movie was fucked. The cards on which the film was based were even more fucked.

all dogs go to heaven is legit nightmare fuel for kids.

Dude. I remember that gut punch. Almost as bad as Optimus dying in the Transformer movie.

wew lad Pakistan vs India what a waste of time

This joke has a lot of layers, I like it

Robocop for me.

The movie was awesome but some stuff just isn't for below 10 years old.

what a shit tagline i love it

That old bitch in the tub in The Shining.

It’s funny now because that film doesn’t hold up for me at least.

Also that other old possessed bitch in REC 1 fuck that so much.

this fucking shit

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>dog feeding scene
Fuck man, I felt both scared and depressed.
Body horror always got me (still does), but that dog... Man I thought about my dog at the time (RIP Cheryze), and how that poor thing acted so docile and happy, and yet was just immensely repulsive and pittifull in its suffering.
Fly is a fucked up flick for sure.

>RoboCop two
>Robot scampers out and removes helmet
>Reveals a muscled skull screaming

I couldn't sleep for days as a kid. What the fuck.

same with flubber
>dumb slapstick movie
>sweet robot friend gets battered to death later on

I thought The Fly was cool as a kid. What disturbed me was the dog scene in Fly II.

I watched Silver Bullet with the neighbor kids at their house when I was like 6 or 7. The previous year I had been the Wolf Man for Halloween with a little plastic Lon Chaney Jr. type mask. So we're sitting in the dark in their living room around like 10pm but it probably felt much later and more spooky to us, watching the posse search through the woods or something, maybe even later in the film than that. We hear a tapping on the window. We turn around and see a werewolf staring through the glass at us and me, my brother, and the neighbor boys all scream and jump up and run and hide and I was so terrified I was crying and crying, and ever since then I have always had a horrible fear of werewolves. Like just thinking about them creeps me out.

It was my mom wearing my Wolf Man mask.

>I saw Threads as a child
jesus christ

opening to kingpin when woody harellson gets his hand stuffed in the bowling thing terrified me

The Blair Witch Project probably, I'm terrified of ghosts and such, and anytime I watch a movie about them I'm fucked for a few weeks. I can watch alien or monsters or whatever tear people from limb from limb even as a child, but you bring ghost/demons in on it, and I'm fucked.

I had to see the blair witch on opening night I was 7 years old

Frankenstein unbound. The movie is pure shit but the way the monster kills people really fucked with me, he forces his fingers into your ribcage and then tears it open like a roasted chicken you eat while drunk.

Same sadistic vibe, but the Johnny 5 execution went on forever. Whoever the fuck made that film was really trying to hurt the young kids in the audience

This movie was way too fucked up when I saw it as a teen.

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>Jay five does from a bomb explosion

That movie was fucking retarded but I cried as a kid.

I didnt see it in theaters or anything, but i was very young, and it's scarred me and I don't enjoy being in the woods alone at all.

Especially the part where the girl gets squished.

i wanted to be scared but that dude mike pissed me off so much that years later i still remember his name, fuck mike, i would unironically leave him to die in the woods if i was stuck with him

The idea that you'd be in a bag with no limbs, and couldn't speak FUCKED ME UP!

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That movie is boomer tier. I kept hearing praise for it but it was so fucking boring, and I LOVE boring movies. I’ve tried to finish it 4 times, making it a little further each time.

I just don’t care.

Nothing But Trouble had a roller coaster that turned people into bones and that freaked me the fuck out

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>watched Society at 8 or 9

do tell how that happened.

Too many to list, OP. My Mother and Grandmother were both big into horror so by the time I was 12 I'd already gone through their entire VHS collection of horror kino from the 70's, 80's, and early 90's.
If I had to pick a moment that freaked me out the most it was probably either Pennywise coming out of the drain in the original IT (For a few days I couldn't shower without stopping up all the drains in the bathroom first) or that scene in Creepshow where the killer baboon bursts out of the crate to kill the dudes wife.

Kek, short circuit was great. Pretty fucked up though.
That robot looked evil and a horror film out of it would be neat

This or the higher resolution screens break the illusion.

The entire 70s was non-stop nightmare fuel.

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Seeing Suite Life of Zach and Cody dressed up like a girl seducing Marilyn Manson as a teen fucked me up

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weird choice but i'll admit the scene with the stone spire falling on the guy was fucked up

Was that the movie that had some guy with a penis for a nose? What the fuck was the movie even about?

I'm embarrassed to say this, but Independence Day scared the shit out of me as a kid, especially the autopsy scene
I was about 6 at the time
my older brother's friend's mom took us all to see it, I tried really hard to back out of it
I was afraid of aliens for a long time after that
later on in life, I watched it again when it was on tv and couldn't stop laughing at how afraid I was of a terrible movie

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This fucking guy.

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Second one dawg, not the first. Second one was goofy stupid up until they suddenly did Johnny Robocop-style, complete with shots of his arm being shattered and destroyed with crowbars.

Watership Down fucked me up as a 4 year old.

user, you are not alone. Same for me.

Based movie. Absolutely didn't give a fuck what anyone though. Pure Ackroyd.

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Very scary movie

Yes, it was about New York yuppies getting arrested in a podunk town on their way to Atlantic City, and everything was run by a crazy hick family that lived in a mansion/junkyard/coal mine

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Okay so I wasn't seeing things.

Its weird how goofy this scene is as an adult vs how horrific it is as a kid

i watched jeepers creepers 2 on syfy when I was 6 and this scene fucked me up. for about 5 years I checked my bathroom and bedroom windows before going to bed

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>What the fuck was the movie even about?
you'll have to ask Dan Akyroyd

TBF I watched this for the first time at 27 and the decapitation/regeneration scene was fucking horrifying

For me, it was IT
Especially the first part

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Aliens scared the fuck out of me as a kid. For weeks I had a constant fear that the fuckers where in the walls, in my attic and could come out of the vents at any second to get me and there was nowhere I could hide.

That scene where they have the scanner telling them the aliens are getting closer and even past the wall in front of them and dont know where they are freaked the fuck out of me. Was it Hicks that climbs up on a desk and looks in the ceiling? those dozens of xenos crawling upside down towards him traumatized me. It seemed like nowhere was safe.

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Watched the beginning of this in 7th or 8th grade and the scene where some dude gets shot up by a cop or something was fucked. Too old to get properly traumatized off it, but it was pretty damn haunting. Never finished the movie

Eat my curry covered asshole if your dainty little tongue can handle the spice (doubtful).

What's this?

sounds like you got filtered

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I wasn't too young for it as I had seen plenty of monster movies before this but I was unprepared for the graphic radiation burns shown in the film.
After the main rampage I finally turned it off and wandered into by mom's room and she said I was white as a ghost.

The hook imagery in I know what you did last summer and SMG getting her hair cut out while sleeping was deeply unnerving.

I refused to watch Predator related films for a long time because I was deeply distressed by decapitations.

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That movie sucked ass when I saw it in theaters with friends at the age of 12, you must have been incredibly retarded

I watched a fuckton of horrors when i was like 6-7 years old because my older cousin had massive stash of vhs tapes and he was getting every horror movie he could get his hands on.
At the time I found most of them funny or was just interested in the monsters but when I was 11-12 and my imagination started getting the better of me I was genuinely terrified of staying alone at home, of going into dark rooms all that shit. Even today at 31 I need sometimes to tell myself 'you stupid faggot there is nothing there hiding'

Yeah the dog stuff was what really sticks with me as being truly fucked about those films.

Picking Akira is almost a cheat, since fucking up the minds of young males is pretty much the definition of anime. it's how Japan passes its insanity on from one generation to the next

>tfw your reocurring nightmares from 15-20 years ago when you were a kid sometimes come back

I have like 4-5 nightmares that kept repeating since I can even remember, haven't had any of them in quite long time fortunately.

I closed my eyes for this shit as a kid. The buildup is pretty heavy

For me it was Robocop. Specifically this scene. I almost threw up.

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i watched the first nightmare on elm street and the end scene where he pulls the mum through the door made me so scared that i couldn't get off the lounge

Pic related in Mask of Zorro they showed us at school. I had to walk out.
Day only got worse as later some stalker I had threatened to break my legs and tackled me into a mud pit outside and tried to hold my head under the water.
I got the same fucking punishment as him because I hit his eyebrow in self defense. Fuck schools.

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I like Paddy Chayefsky and Ken Russell. There's some fucked up trippy images and sequences in it. Not much else to say sorry you hated it

already mentioned above. Robocop fucked up an entire generation of boys

No movie ever gave me a nightmare, but when I was like 6 or 7 I watched both The Fly and the sequel, and the ending of the sequel where the... I think CEO gets mutated into a horrible monstrosity then spends the rest of his life in some kind of concrete pin, eating slop out of a little tube, pouring into a trough... That really fucking sat on my mind for thirty years.

Fucking this. I would hide in the corner when the ads came on.

No kid should ever watch this.

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The scene in Fly 2 where that deformed dog thing crawls towards its bowl made me cry as a kid, and haunted me for years afterwards.

What fuck pix?

The fucking transporter malfunction scene in Star Trek The Motion Picture.

I still hear those fucking screams.

"Enterprise....what we got back.....didn't live long, thankfully."

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yeah when I was really young I hated the scenes with the two guys, freaked me out so much I wouldn’t watch it anymore

Terminators T-1000 scared the shit of me when I was a kid

>It was my mom wearing my Wolf Man mask.
Your mom is pretty based.

The bannister snake scene from Beetlejuice scared me. It seems ridiculous now, though.

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This is the antagonist of the film, and where he ends up and what he state is like when he ends up there. He is cognizant of who/what he is and can do nothing about it.

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Back in the early 90s, our local Fox affiliate showed The Fly basically uncut, save for language, at around 6 or 7pm. I remember the body horror stuff was kinda freaky, but didn't bother me too much, but I bailed when he puked on that guy. Fucked me up good, I was in 1st or 2nd grade at the time and that shit gave me nightmares for months. I vividly remember EVERYBODY was talking about it at school the next day. I don't think very many made it all the way to the end.


Almost forgot about that one.

Probably the only time in Trek history they actually tried to drive home Bones' horror over "having your molecules spread out across the galaxy"

Never saw this shit.

I was allowed to watch it way too early too. There was a cartoon series of it I used to watch and I can only assume my mother just thought it was just some movie of the cartoon about robot things for kids.

Blair Witch Project was the movie that made me realize I could no longer be scared of films. I waited for that shit to come out on VHS so I could watch it alone and in the dark at night and when I finally did.... nothing. Absolutely nothing. All that hype and didn't spook me at all. That's when I realized I was too old now to be scared by scary movies. Kinda sad honestly.

can somebody remind me the title of an old horror, from the 90s i think, the main evil guy was supposed to get an electric chair but due to some voodoo shit he could turn himself into electricity

i had repressed the memory of the giant thunder rhino in the clouds until just now, so thanks a lot for reminding me of it, asshole

When James Bond gets his balls smacked by the Frenchman’s goons

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this shit fucked me up a little bit

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Large Marge sent me

the mist mostly the wasps and spiders but shit that movie as a whole was scary

thanks my dude
gonna watch it again right now, last time ive seen it was like 22 years ago


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You son of a bitch Carlos

Holy shit are you me? Same exact story. Traumatized me for years. When I was about 16 I finally got the balls to watch it again and I was blown away by how funny it was. I couldn't believe a horror/comedy had become the scariest movie of all time for young me. Absolutely one of my favorites now.

Child's Play will always be number one when it comes to movies that fucked me up as a kid, but I remember the imagery throughout pic related really freaking me out.

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This shit.

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i feel you

Verhoeven, man

This scene, without context, at about the age 4. Refused to read the book for years.

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Starship Troopers was perfect military recruitment for kids too young to understand satire

For me as well, think it has something to do with unnaturally large mouths. It's just extra freaky.

>the dog scenes in Fly II

Thanks for reminding me asshole. I had forgotten those.

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>he read the books

What was it a satire of?

I recently had a nightmare about that probably a year ago. The fact that he hunts you down using your fear was unfair to me as a kid. Also at the end of the 1st movie, I didn't know how 1 way mirrors worked so I thought be can come out of mirrors

Based Billy Zane giving 12 year old me mental scars.

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>the scene where they trip the liquid helium trap and the guy's whole midsection freezes then breaks off

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the bit where he was sucking unicorn blood fucked me up

Holy shit me too, always thought the fucker was in the closet by my bed

This shit in Superman 3

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Came here to upvote this.
I was 10 and even found it funny, but man did that leave me uneasy.

That's actually the first movie that ever made me cry
>big break in your research
>date a 10/10 girl
>young and handsome
>turn into a fucking fly
A dude from my class in grad school got cancer when we were in our 3rd year. He would come to the lab while on chemo and looked worse with every week. Then he stopped showing up to school and later his advisor told us that both of this legs knees down and his left arm were removed to prevent further spreading. He died about 3 months later. Rewatched the movie recently and cried hard. Life is so fucking unfair.

>both of this legs knees down and his left arm were removed to prevent further spreading. He died about 3 months later.
jesus fucking christ

The music video for "One" by Metalh fucked me up bad for a while as a kid. I never saw the original movie.

>Holy shit are you me? Same exact story. Traumatized me for years. When I was about 16 I finally got the balls to watch it again.
I re-watched it around tha age too here is the making off user.

The news reels are like a parody of ww2 propaganda

The Thing fucked me up when I was 8.

I stopped watching midway and ran out of the room only to be jumped on by my family dog. I fucking shrieked. T-Thanks, dad!

Wasn't this an alternate ending? I could be wrong though

rip to that man, he deserved so much more in life than that

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Same OP. I remember I was like 11 and the part where he wanted that chick to kill him and put him out of his misery really hit me.

Fucking THIS

And yet it made fascism look good.

There was an old show call The Odyssey when I was a kid, extremely weird vibe for me

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It really was. I remember being all for every idea in the movie.

>mom goes to Jaws in theaters
>big storm happens during flick
>theater starts flooding during climax
>people start screaming
atmospheric as fuck.

>off-putting and unsettling Tim Burton animation
>tireless cloud demon in a constant and never-ending pursuit of a child to destroy his hopes and dreams
>being adrift at sea and alone with massive bugs all wondering when they are going to die
This was yikeskino if you were 5.

>Power Rangers movie
There weren't any putties in that movie. There were Ivan Ooze's minions, whatever they were called. But they weren't putties.

Was a kid during the early/late 80s. I remember a couple of really fucked up scenes that gave me nightmares for years but don't remember the movie they were from.

First scene:
>Guy driving with his arm out his window, gets into accident, arm gets knocked off.
>At end of one movie man and woman are making out on top of a grave. All of a sudden a hand pops out of grave and grabs them, pulls them into the dirt
>The movie "Dreamscape" scene with the snake man was fucked up for some reason.
Most all the kids movies/cartoons of the times were extremely fucked up (Secret of Nimh, the cartoon with all the bunnies in WW1- Watership Down, The movie with Jason Robards and the circus? I remember a carousel, the movie Time bandits was kind of fucked up, Darby and the little people was a disney movie with Sean Connery when he was young, it used to play a lot, and that had death, and evil leprochauns.

Ive jerked off to that scene so many times

Im not proud of it

holy fuck this

This fucking nightmare shit

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I never liked the teleporters idea. As Seth Brundle explains it, you aren't "transported", you are obliterated and then replicated. What comes out is never the same you. You die every time you transport. The real you.

This stupid fucking movie.

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this scene in particular was kind of scary even though the movie was a comedy

For me, it's Irreversible.
you're wondering the entire first half of the movie what is going on and why the protag is so upset, then you reach the climax and discover what happened, which is pretty shocking.
then the movie eventually slows down and you realize they were an innocent couple that got into a squabble and didn't deserve all the shit that happened to them.

I remember the computer games that came with the action figures giving me a real creepy vibe.

This show always weirded me out.

>kid goes into a coma and has adventures in coma world
>wakes up from coma and has to deal with real life shit but constantly fades back into coma world when he dreams to help his coma friends on their adventure

Don Bluth and his god damn horror inclinations.
All Dogs Go To Heaven was even worse

whats that

>I got the same fucking punishment as him because I hit his eyebrow in self defense. Fuck schools.
Zero tolerance policies just compounded the problems with bullies. How is it right for both kids to get punished when one was clearly the instigator and the other the victim? Public schools are a fucking joke.

This shit gave me a sleeping beauty fetish.

The Blob (80s), The Raft segment from Creepshow 2, Halloween, Unsolved Mysteries, and Heavenly Creatures doesent seem scary but the end fucked me up so bad when I was a kid I started crying. A lot of the stuff mentioned here also

There was a movie I watched at my grandma's as a 10yr old, didn't see the whole thing. I forgot all about it but a scene where there are several people dancing at a ball and they all suddenly die (beheaded IIRC? It was campy and dumb now that I think about it). Every now and then I have dreams related to it.
I'm frustrated but also glad that I never learned the name of the damn thing.

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No joke, this is the movie that made me go full paladin in every rpg I play. Fuck demons, fuck devils and fuck the undead.

Ghost Ship (2002)?

Poltergeist IIRC.

Ghost ship maybe?
this entire movie scared me when i was a kid

I watched Alien with my granddad when I was nine but just found it really cool.

Now this, this scared the shit out of me. Checked my hands every time I took a drink for about a year because I was scared I'd age to death.

This shit. I didn't even knew the name of the film until 1 minute ago.

My dad saw brought the whole family to the kinoplex to see it. Didn't do his research

Happened to me recently.When I was 15 I expected this to be cool but its rather depressing

What in the absolute shit is this?

babe 2
it's horrible i don't care about whatever cult following it's got, it's like a nightmare


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...I don't even understand, does the clown get fucking mortally wounded? He's fine before it fades to black. What am I watching? Is the clown dead? Am I dead?

Same here, but it was my favorite movie & I use to watch it all the time. I was like someone who is lactose intolerant & addicted to chocolate milk.

I watched the thing from 1982 when i was 8 and the scene with the dogs really fucked me up

Fucking Bluth
>Old German Shepard had died
>Started having nightmares about my dog trapped in hell

Same here

Blair Witch Project was the last film that really terrified me when I was around 12. Everything else since have just been erie at worst and being startled by jumpscares.

And these days there's even less in it for me when it comes to horror films as they most of them go the "missery porn" route like VVitch, It Comes At Night or Hereditary, which just leaves me feeling misserable. They're neither entertaining, thought provoking or scary. They're just drab. Anything else is just jumpscares and wafer-thin scripts.

The last horror film I really liked was the The Orphanage (2007).

I don’t remember the scene or movie exactly but remember it being on tv, I was like 4 or so and watching with my mom and sis. An old lady goes out of view of the camera then returns climbing up the bed but now her whole body is decayed/zombie like. I’m not sure if there was a storm going on outside because my mom grabs my sis and runs her out the door and (maybe) she yelled at me. But I was completely sucked in by the scene, remember the face reveal made me want to scream but I couldn’t. Right when they showed the face my uncle picks me up and takes me to the front.

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I literally watched this 20 minutes ago with my gf

this is satire right

Not a film, but the intro was scarier than any of the actual episodes. Always got my heart pumping when I saw that intro as a kid.

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if someone turns 18 this year, it will mean they were 6 years old when I Am Legend was released

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Fun Fact!: It was going to be shown but would have landed it an R.

maaan that episode with the college girl and that guys daughter creature that lived under the bed. still occasionally think about it's eyes in the dark on occasion.
good episode and seeing that thing in the light makes it not scary at all. good show

I couldn't sleep for a week after watching The Ring.

he said he was a teenager

it's one of those fun early 2000's low budget horror/action films that got pumped out by the thousands. Pretty entertaining if you dont mind dumb movies.

>watched that ep of the xfiles with the sewer monster when i was around 6
Scared the fuck out of me. I kept watching x files at that age and they all scared me.

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Fire in The Sky. Im still unsettled by pictures of grey aliens because of this movie.

Mom and I used to watch horror movies together when I was a a kid. We would rent anything that had good box art, we rented faces of death, watched all the Freddy, Jason and Michael Myers movies, all the Phantasms but the only one that mom and dad made me go outside while they watched was wasnt even that bad but it crossed some line.

That first one sounds like The Hand with Michael Caine.

Saw Jaws when I was like 5. Murky water that I can't see what's under me is still my only fear.

'Hell is for Heroes.'
Saw it on cable when I was 10.
The part where the guy sets off the landmine and he's screaming and it shows his eyeglass lenses all cracked to pieces was somehow more unnerving than anything in Rambo.

i made my dad move my bed into the centre of the room after i watched the frighteners

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ye live action casper fucked me up too user

this, but with the dawn of the dead remake

>no one in the thread mentioned the original Funny Games

Was one of the first movies I saw when I wanted to be "grown up" and get into "real cinema" and I remember getting to the end of it and feeling absolutely empty and somewhat violated. It was the first time a movie made me feel that way. The metal song or whatever that played was also pretty creepy.

Most recently though I have seen two movies that managed to shock me even after being very desensitized. The first one was The Living And The Dead, which has an INSANE performance of a schizo, truly one of the best I've ever seen, which is sad considering how pretty much nobody knows of it. The scene where he's at peak mania stuffing several different syringes into his arm and then breaking them fucked me up the most.

And the second movie was Spoorloos or The Vanishing, with that killer ending. I still think about it sometimes. Truly memorable and it's a shame the americans changed it for a happy one in the remake.

Forgot me pic, lads.

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OK so when I was a kid I watched this European movie about a girl who becomes feral and traumatized after her parents are killed in front of her eyes. Then she comes back to haunt her old house after another family has moved in. When she comes back she just crawls around the house and she can't speak so she makes these noises and well it freaked me out at that time. I can't even remember how it ended tho. What really sucks is that it was such a long time ago that I don't even remember the name of the flick(I watched it sometime in 2007/08 i guess). Maybe one of you user's can figure out what I'm talking about.

I stayed up for the few next nights after watching the Ring. and on the 7th night I was scared

This scene in the mothman prophecies. The whole movie was so scary.

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I was eating Lasagna when I saw it first the first time. Let's just say it took me years to want to try lasagna again.

Bob from Twin Peaks scared the crap out of me

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On reflection, it might've been my parent's passive aggressive way of trying to ween me off my My Buddy Doll. Well it worked, I never quite trusted him the same ever since.
I caught it on Cable, so I doubt it.

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Chucky and the other doll from Goosebumps where two of the things that terrified me the most as a child. Worst part is, when the movie was successful I remember I'd often go to toy stores with my parents and there'd be a fucking Chucky in there. Why would you do this to children.

toxic avenger (1984)
>that scene where they run over the kids head and it pops like a grape

Pet Semetary?


I saw a scene from a movie called "The Omen" when I was like 4 or 5 and my dad was watching it on TV. I remember a lady talking to someone named Damien and saying "It's all for you" before jumping to her death with a rope around her neck. I didn't understand the concept of suicide at that point so it didn't really affect me so much, but I remember being confused and frightened.
Later that week I saw a scene that I would later find out is from American Psycho, where the guy covered in blood chases a lady down a hotel hall with a chainsaw, nude. Yet to the movies themselves beyond those two scenes, but I do wonder what the hell was wrong with my Dad for watching them when I was around.

that is abject parenting and child abuse if i ever saw it

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these two weapons of psychological warfare are the reason why i'm a big puss

I mean he did that horrible shit to the dog so its more like a Tales from the Crypt-esque ironic ending.

This fucked me up pretty bad when I was 8 or 9. I remember trying to avoid looking at it in the video store because the monster scared me so much. I finally got the balls to rent it and I wished i was disappointed.

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The scene in the books is so much worse

What's it like?

All these years I thought I dreamed it up thank you so much for solidifying that it was real

watched part one when I was like 7 or 8 I shat bricks and cried when fucking skelly frank was crawling around and shit

His death in the books is way more brutal, and the Dilo isnt cute at all. Heres an audio version of his death in the book.

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