To the Christian anons of Yea Forums (Catholics in particular):

To the Christian anons of Yea Forums (Catholics in particular):

Do you feel more spooked by religious horror movies than other types of horror?

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even though i barely believe at this point theres still some shit you dont fuck around with

No, but it'd make sense that Catholics are. I have full faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ so I have no fear of little girls in makeup or paltry special effects.

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Christian anons feel spooked by real life, movies must send them through the roof.

Catholic here

Movies like The Witch and Rosemary's Baby are less scary than they are subversive and inherently disingenuous. They depict pure evil winning in the end, and it left me with a disturbed feeling rather than being scared or even entertained for that matter.

The Exorcist is the exact opposite in that regard.

I was raised Protestant, turned atheist at 17. I am still more deeply affected by religious horror but now I enjoy it.

I don’t even watch horror movies cuz I get easily scared and can’t sleep afterwards. I am such a pussy

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There's something very unnerving about Rosemary's Baby. When I first watched it at 16 the final scene with the cult members made me feel like throwing up. No other movie has ever had the same effect on me

No. But it helps.

Polanski was a master. For me the unsettling moments are the ones that play as almost-comical. The satanists tip-toeing behind Rosemary after she locks herself in the apartment. The creepy Japanese tourist dude in final scene showing her his camera and laughing. There's a campiness to the whole thing that feels wrong given the subject matter and it gets under your skin

It was way too mean-spirited. And I'm not saying that the 'good guys' always have to win, but there was no interesting or relatable motive behind the cultists. They were just satanic evil

It's even scarier the second time around bscause you see everyone's action in a different light. Like the scene where Rosemary tells Guy that the baby is kicking inside her and asks him to feel it and he quickly pulls his hand away because he know it isn't his son, but Devil's spawn.

Or the scene where Hutch goes to visit Rosemary while Roman is there and you see Roman just coldly gazing at Hutch, knowing very well that he is an "outsider" who could possibly ruin his plans. His entire body language is as if he wants to kill him right there and then.

>getting spooked by movies
lmoa pleb

>the name is an anagram
Poor Hutch, he tried

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no, but all 3 movies you posted are excellent

More spooked (Protestant)

I watched The Pianist for the first time the other day and it was honestly so disappointing. Such a boring, by-the-numbers Holocaust melodrama. Really sad when you compare it to Polanski's early subversive stuff like Rosemary, Chinatown, The Tenant, etc.

Lol you believe in the lore of a fantasy book made by sand kikes

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Yeah I had high hopes for The Ninth Gate but it tips over into cheese a bit too much for my liking. But I remember Frantic being a solid thriller

Yess! I can handle murderers or zombies or any other physical threat, but demons or spirits really hit that scary spot. Especially if it's religion related, like possessions, exorcisms. I tend to avoid them. It feels like pushing my luck.

Fun fact: Rosemary's Baby was Polanski's first time adapting a book to the big screen, and he didn't know that he could change the script up a bit if he felt like it. As a result he ended up shooting the entire book, and the original cut of the film was over 4 hours long.


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No, but I generally prefer it to any other horror. Religious elements are deeply rooted in many people so they resonate stronger within.

Cosmic horror scares me the most. I guess it could technically be considered religious horror.

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