
The Light of the Seven Edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


First for Bransa

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Jungian Archetypes gods. Pretty cool. Religion is the best part of GOT.

Although the free folk didn't have a religion. Should of did Odin or something like that.

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First for Karl Tanner

Now Stannis, HE was a true king

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Azor Ghost

Very amusing.

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sansa is probably working for the iron bank jews

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reminder that you'll never diddle a pre-gobbo tomboy maise

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>Their father had summoned Cersei to court when she was twelve, hoping to make her a royal marriage. He refused every offer for her hand, preferring to keep her with him in the Tower of the Hand while she grew older and more womanly and ever more beautiful.

W-What did they do in the Tower bros

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>Dany kinda forgot about the Iron Fleet


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Ah, season 1. Now THAT was a season.

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Your held at gunpoint and must name your child a game of thrones character.
Who do you choose.

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>Although the free folk didn't have a religion
Yeah they did

wheres the backlink?

Azor Qyburn

Is their any point in believing in the seven?

Only the Lord of Light has been seen to get shit done

Samwell sounds the most normal. People will just call you Sam anyway

The very fact they need to do these behind the scenes videos every episode to explain their bullshit is the most pathetic part

Tywin or Stannis

>they think Drogo's first name is fucking Khal

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N + A = J

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They're all here. Worst to best:
>two Arianne chapters, mostly travel and build-up to Dorne joining Aegon
>enjoyable Victarion, Barristan and Tyrion chapters leading up to and partially describing the battle of Meereen
>two good Arya and Sansa chapters where we see them gaining more agency as characters
>a great Theon chapter with some top tier Stannis stuff, and a Damphair chapter with Euron doing fucked-up shit


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Brienne, Bran, Samwell and Catelyn and Theon are somewhat normal

To be fair, half of the names arent actually that bad

Brienne, Catelyn, Ellaria etc all sound pretty okay

Duran Duran, now THAT was a band.

Sauce of pic?

>naming your son after a guy with no dick

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If the council meme is true at least put someone chuckle worthy on the throne at the end? My vote is Davos. Onion banners now offset Kings Landing's grey walls. The King's Guard now has a giant onion on their chests.

Hizdahr zo Loraq

1st for R'hllor

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...sip.. yep... now siege of Storm Ends that was a good siege...sip



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Why is the backlink not showing up for some people? This is two threads in a row. It's there.

I remember reading about several people naming their daughter Khaleesi?

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though mayhaps it was a blessing...

go Dany go!

He's been very successful in protecting Dany long enough, so that she gets to set KL on fire, finally.

Think he raped her a couple times beside the execution?

>no pubes

You can really tell 20 year old morons are responsible for this. Not a drop of depth in the entire list. Not a single Tywin in sight.

Catelyn or Oberyn

Boy - Jon, Samwell, Gregor
Girl - Catelyn, Brienne, Myrcella
The only normal names on there

it is a brand of "pretending to be retarded" meemee

So what was the metaphor

>Women's don't have outside balls. Explain.
He kicked her full force in the cunt. Force is transferred through an object and does not just stop at the exterior.

Official ourlads list
>pre-bravos Jaquen
>High Sparrow

Official ourlass list
>The other red priestess
>Myrcella V2
>the whore littlefinger wipes cum off of
>the whore that gets pussy grabbed by the second sons
>moon is egg girl
>young Bran

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Is the new La - a.

the entire golden company got a turn as part of their pay

What kind of sex move is this?

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a baby has no name

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They do know that Bran is short for Brandon right?

the weak should fear the strong

Remember that time they were worried Dany loosing dragons on King's Landing would turn the peasantry against her, when a few weeks prior Cersei had Alan's Snackbarred the vatican with fuck all repercussions?


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>Hey guys go on ahead and grab Cersei and bring her to her trial like we were sent to do. I just saw some random kid running down some steps like kids do so I'm gonna go ahead and chase him down some dark tunnels all alone for no reason whatsoever. I'll catch up with you guys in a bit.

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Reminder that book euron would let his ironborn all rape her then would’ve made her stand naked and in chains with cum oozing out of her ass and push and splattered all over her body all day while they waited for dany to show up before having her killed

how do I pronounce /got/ ?


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Azor sansa

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thot domination.

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I just say the word "got"

>ywn get creampied by Jaime
Why even live

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sauce me my dude

I say got like the word


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I assume he recognized it as one of varys' birds

Azor Theon

D...does he realise Brandon and Gregor are normal names?

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Drowned God also does revivals
Face changing under the blessing of the Many Faced God is legitimate sorcery, not just a mask

greyworm has a really bad posture, I wonder if he shitposts a lot

Tread carefully, memeposter, you’ll find there’s little tolerance for honest criticism in the nu Game of Thrones

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Book!Euron really is off-puttingly edgy and sickdark, show would've been better without the character at all.

Lancel grew up in the courts unlike the other zealots so I am sure he'd have no problem recognizing a kid's face he saw once or twice running to Varys/Qyburn.

Why was he so incompetent?

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>crooked nose
>oily hair
>still handsome for some reason
how does Bronn do it

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At least the music was good?

The people kind of forgot about religion

I've never heard Gregor, but I've met a few Brandon's before.
He might think his name is just Bran though, because no one calls him Brandon.
Kind of like Ned as opposed to Eddard.

Why was Littlefinger changed so drastically in the show?

his retarded wife forced him to go south and deal with politics that he had never encountered before in his life, and he was out of his element.

>tfw wanted to name a son gregor after the books I read as a kid
fuck grrm, fuck d&d, and fuck gayme of drones

Book Euron is the generic evil overlord. He's a fucking supervillain.

>Everything with R'hllor
>Drowned God bringing people back to life
>Greensight/3ER, which is clearly connected to the weirwoods
>Face changing fuckery
The Seven is literally the most useless faith, lol.

He still has a chad jaw.

Killed the right people I suppose


who /stansa/ here?

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Bobby forced him

Cersei blew up the seven themselves. This is your god now

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do they have a single interaction the entirety of the show/books?

Gregor the Overlander? I loved those books.

and then the faggot tried to to pull the same piano gimmick in The Long Night

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> no Stannis
fuck this list

Okay, THIS is epic

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So is Sansa like the generic otome heroine of ASOIAF?

Source Please

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Euron Autist here. You may know me from my pastas:


Sadly, I am pretty much convinced that Bran is gonna become king, based on some of the leaks and the fact that it seemed to be foreshadowed in S8E4. Assuming Euron dies to Jaime, at least that's not the worst death.

At least we aren't getting a Yas Queen ending. What do you guys think?

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>Look mom! Mom! I posted it again mom!

>Chad jaw
Can a jaw be too wide? I feel like I've seen jaws that were.

according to tumblr, yes.


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>13% = 50% meme
Do people take it seriously? As in, proof that you should hate Blacks? It has some pretty big flaws when it comes to supporting that conclusion.

There are lots of kids named Stan though. Honestly names like "Catelyn", "Brienne", and "Samwell" shouldn't really count either since they're just barely modified versions of normal names.

>not Ramsa


Don't let /pol/ hear you

It's weird that as much as the tumblr YAS QUEEN crowd loves Arya for being a tough, independent tomboy, deep down they self-insert as the useless but pretty Sansa.

I wonder, if the claim they filmed multiple endings is true, that they might change it at the last minute to appease the progressive whirlwind they reaped.
Either way the reactions are going to be hilarious.

If stannis won the blackwater we could have had this

Why does Stannis look so gay? Like if a 47 year old man had highschoolers skin.

r/freefolk wants you back, it's time to leave

part of me still holds out hope that they filmed an Euron Wins ending in secret and that's what they'll go with

at this point anything but a yas queen ending would be ok. Not ideal, but ok

It's just /pol/reddit being /pol/reddit. Their feelings are more important.


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what do bookfags think about bran becoming king? is he a good candidate?

Like the word, but slanted

One drop.


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Because you're gay for him, like any sensible person

They have already accepted that the ending will be hated though, if they had backups they would have swapped one in

racism is about making generalizations to provide a feeling of collective solidarity and safety. don't expect it to make sense beyond that.

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It's actually not 50% though.
13% of black, half are males, so like 7%
Furthermore only the 13-30 years olds, so we're talking maybe what 3-4%?

3-4% commit 50% of violent crime.

Azor Robb

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A chad jawline and his eyes are piercing. That and he's fairly symmetrical. Bronn's hot stuff.

racism and prejudice is natural human instinct

No the closest they come to meeting is Stannis sieging kings landing while shes in it and getting btfo by a guy in a dead mans armor + Tywin.

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wtf, I hate niggers now

>Do people take it seriously?
It's from the official statistics, so why wouldn't they?
>As in, proof that you should hate Blacks?
No, as in proof that they commit an extremely disproportionate amount of crime.
How you want to feel about them in light of that fact is up to you.


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No, the people who get officially charged for 50% of violent crime come from that demographic. That doesn't mean the demographic is even 5% comprised of those charged for violent crime.

God I hope so.
They clearly rushed this shit to jump on Mickey's cock, but the only reason they were brought on is their name recognition, which the ending will drag through the dirt.
A double dose of the crayon cartel and subversion man will be hysterical to watch.

post woke got memes

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N + B = some poor stillborn girl.

Also why did you post Septa Lemore?

I don't understand the goat yoga thing. Aren't goats able to balance on pretty much anything? How does a goat standing on your back show that you've got proper posture?

> despite being 11% percent of the world population they are responsible for all of the world wars.
what did she mean by this?

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Full retard

There's no reason to repeat premises without a conclusion is mind.

very stylish duo

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Should I read up on the lore?

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Sansa is shipped with literally anyone by tumblr. Tywin, Tyrion, Stannis, Jon, Jaime, Oberyn etc

I like tumblr memes sometimes but god, those text post ones are almost universally awful.

someone post the jimmy lannister fug incest :DDD image

Yeah. Used to think it was a shame how only her hunger games books got movie adaptations, but after seeing how this show has turned out I guess its a good thing

Fuck Dany, Danyfags, Emilia Clarke herself, anyone who doubts based Jon, and anyone who thinks Jon's height is short.

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And now it begins...

No, it's boring as fuck. read cliffnotes if you're really interested

>imagine being retard enough to think that a dead character is the rightful king

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Where's the evidence?
Sounds like you're just defending criminals without any evidence.
Not all catholic priests rape kids, let's just ignore the problem and it'll probably go away.


Dothraki are stupid niggers and the Mongols would make mincemeat of them.

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mayhaps, but words are wind

In the books, Bran becoming king of the Seven Kingdoms would make about as much sense in terms of character arc as, say, Arya becoming an anime ninja and defeating all of the White Walkers with a single blow.
I wonder how I thought of that one.

I thought the leak was Jon kills Danny and goes north and they somehow put Bran on the throne. Hope not sounds boring.

Council makes sense. The idea has been bouncing around the books that Thrones are of the past and need to be left behind.


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So the show confirms that Jon isn't a Targaryen in the books, since GRRM would never let D&D spoil the secret with their shitty show.

The people who make the most advanced technology make the most advanced civilizations, conquer the most territory, and thus make the biggest wars

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Azor Bronn

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i want to punch her stomach. fucking whore


I believe they did it for the rape in the start.. Then Dany said "no moar raep"

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Can we all agree that Bronn's part in ep. 4 was golden?

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stupid slut


too soon.

Which other movies used this fucking trick? I only remember Last Jedi

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Read The World of Ice and Fire if you want lore.

shansha only wants one thing


The council will appoint Bran after Jon kills Dany and takes the black .. again according to the canon spoilers we have available.

If you enjoy reading about history it's great. It's definitely not everyone's cup of tea though.

It's a good thing Stannis isn't dead.

why does it have to be a movie?

no their garbage culture is proof you should hate them.

No... now it ends.

It's a nice thought, but it's been confirmed in multiple interviews that GRRM agreed to the show being run by them because they correctly guessed Jon's parentage. (I'm 99% sure they googled it before the interview)

You have to remember that GRRM is a massive fucking boomer, and the thought never occured to him to google 'Who are Jon Snow's parents' and see that everyone had immediately figured out his super speshul secret.

We can only hope that he's now seeing the travesty that the show is and retrofitting a few things here and there to make the book outline better

Robert after Robert Baratheon if boy (want to name son Robert anyway)
Myrcella or Nymeria for a girl since the first sounds nice and Nymeria was cool

I know. I just said *why* it was.

human social instincts evolved when we lived in tiny tribes. a bunch of people are too dumb or lazy to do the work recognizing that an instinct isn't applicable to a totally different kind of society with millions of people and international air travel, so we have to put up with them obsessing over the rival tribes they think are everywhere.


>God tier
That Jonfag who really hates Dany
Nowy tends posters
Jorahfag copyposter

Arrrgghh posters
Cough posters
That one Podrickfag
RADmure poster
More wine your grace poster

>Mid tier
That one Viserysfag

>Shit tier

nowy tends

>Sansa is the easiest character for a 21st century young woman to self-insert as
What is the male equivalent? Jon?

It was awkward, out of character and pointless.

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Is there any chance the strategy of both sides in the battle of KL will be stupid?

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>The World of Ice and Fire
I pirated the audiobook version and I want my money back. This over-hyped old fucker sounds like he's got one foot in the grave. It's really bad.

My king

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so is ep.6 where stannis and baelish make their returns, and end up having to fight each other?

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no, it was terrible!

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Where based Emiliaposters?

If male, go with Arthur (Dayne)

Female, Maya (as in Stone)

easily done and perfectly acceptable names that sound good. stupid question

Worst /got/ posters

>Lord Commander !I0lFgwZ0r2(and associates)
>Boyfu fags
>Pretentious Bookfags
>Ignorant Show fags
>That one guy who constantly hates on Dorne
>Dany is Goat
>Tumblr Trash
>Rhaegar was a nice guy
>Wheel of time
>Blackfyre fuckin shits
>Targaryen fuckin shits
>Mature men
Best /got/ posters

>Quentyn Dorner
>Intelligent Showbros
>Flaying enthusiasts

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What do you think I said in that post?

Find the number of people who commit violent crime, divide it by 2, divide that number by the total number of people in the demographic, multiply that by 100 and you get the % of people in the demographic who've committed violent crime and were charged for it. There's no way in hell it exceeds 5%.

Wrong webm

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When is pie boy coming back

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No Stannis and Baelish get a spin off series directed by Refn

What went...
Well, how exactly?

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Put Ygritte in the /ourlass/ list

Out of character?

>travels 10k miles
>give me highgarden

Winds of winter will be the last book we ever get. Not even the same of this show finishing his books is enough to motivate him. Football is back on hes stopped writing for the year.

Yeah, then Roose Bolton springs his trap card but the three decide to fight together against their common enemy, Dany DING DONG

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It was shit , also how the fuck did bronn arrive in winterfell in less than a week?

the guy who hates northerners and loves arthur dayne is a pretty good bit

coughposting and gendry's hammer shitposting are also excellent memes

Everyone in GoT has teleportation tech.


I know it's similar, but that webm and TLJ are shit examples. The GoT one at least makes sense.

>K-khaleesi, p-please...sit on my face. I-it's the only way to stop the bleeding!

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Did you forget the episode where Qyburn copied and mass produced Littlefinger's transporter?

Then why would that matter? A little bird is spying on the Sept, where some real shit is going to go down? Why does Lancel care if a bird tells Varys or Qyburn? The tiral's outcome isn't going to be a secret.

Yeah I sure loved Roland Reed

How do you know this is what people on Reddit say? Do you go there often? Maybe go back?

/got/ really is reddit

label your webm's you lazy cuck

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If you’ve read the leaks, there is no yas queen ending

brown people really don't seem to understand proportions.

also did you know 58-80% of rapes in sweden are done by first gen immigrants from north africa and the middle east?

you mean it has rational people too?

What about Ghost if it's a boy?


Found it

isn't darkstar a complete joke in the books though? all he does is slash a little girl's face and run away

>Football is back on hes stopped writing for the year.
Im pretty sure thats a meme but it is hilarious how much he cares about handegg. I've got to say he's kind of a chad in a certain sense, people hang onto every word of your blog posts and 99% of it is about who the giants selected for this season or who they're going to play next or some other retarded bullshit. lol

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>the worst death
>jaime dies when a roof falls on him

>That Jonfag who really hates Dany
this game has become a /got/ legend

Roland Crakehall, he's the guy who told Jaime that Tywin won King's Landing for Robert.


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Heh you see the name of the country is North because it's in the NORTH AHAHAHH DINDN'T SEE THAT ONE COMMING!

Why wasn't it in slo mo?
It shouldn't been in slow mo!
It would've been way cooler in slow mow
>I hope John Wick uses this move in this upcoming movie
They really could've done it in slow mow..

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oh yeah lmao, forgot yanks categorize mutts who don't look remotely white, as white.


this honestly wouldnt even be a thing if niggers just stopped being niggers

Because "the bird" was freaked the fuck out. Someone might misinterpret that for a sign and sacrifice his prime position on some stairs to investigate further.

>Blessed beyond belief posters

Aegon and Blackfyre supporters IE the absolute and uncategorically rightful monarchy of Westeros posters

fuck targ shits the torch was passed to the rightful heir and those faggots couldn't cope

tHeY caLeLd bEyOnD the WALL cuz tHeY pasT the WaLl xDD

he was framed, one of Arianne's friends was a plant by Doran

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>how do I pronounce /got/ ?
i pronounce it stinking shitpile of a thread

Grrm said he was trying to capture the popularity that Oberyn had but fucked up.

I'll bet that includes hispanics

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>tfw no bro little sister to mess around with like that .webm
>tfw no bro little sister to playfully give you a kiss on the lips while just messing around tho haha

>More death fakeouts

Also it ruined Jaime's character, he finds out Cersei tried to have him assassinated and he STILL goes back to her.

because he ran, he must have been up to no good

Robert for boy and Brienne for a girl

It's a shame she never got her arse out for the show. Even Arya did a little nudity. Sophie strikes me as a bit of a prude in secret.

Mayhaps the students are out of bed!

finish the video before you judge fren

>he think WoW will come out in our lifetimes

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>Exclamation mark for a specific version of a character
Don't you have be tvtropes articles to pad out?

The greatest swordsman there ever was.

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weird, all of those are actually smaller than the population of whites in america.

Red or Black, a Dragon is a Dragon. And all Dragons need to fucking die

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They're fucking petrified of it after the S5 screeching

Yeah, that was completely awful.

>Finally deliver the romance both characters wanted
>Shit on it because Jaime has to return to Season 1 Jaime in order to have an epic and dynamic teleportation-based confrontation with Cersei

His dual wielding in the show was EXTREMELY KINO

Yeah it was one of Arianne's faggot entourage who did it.

Myrcella's ear is a false flag and here's a casual reminder that the real Myrcella had a body double, this isn't a conspiracy theory it's literally told to the reader in the text explicitly. So it's very likely that somebody (probably Doran) has the real Myrcella stashed somewhere and the fake Myrcella was the one who got her ear snicked

>actually linking that mentally ill junkie tranny
jesus christ you delusional cunt

Martin said that he wrote him for people who liked Oberyn and wanted another cool Dornish character. Except, unlike with Oberyn, he went overboard into Coldsteel the Hedgehog territory.
It doesn't help that he has only appeared in a single chapter so far, and one of his few lines is literally "Men call me Darkstar, and I am of the night". He's a complete joke in fandom, but wasn't originally intended as such.

So are any of the fucking leaks real?

did he died?

whites (including hispanics/latinos who self-identiy as white) make up 70% of the USA population. Despite this
>43% of all rapes are committed by the remaining 30% of the population
>61% of incarcerated individuals come from the remaining 30% of the population
>55% of murders are committed by the remaining 30% of the population
>42% of hate crimes are committed by 30% of the population
>31% of all violent crime is committed by 30% of the population
Your proportions don't match up

>The fat fuck was too lazy to give the seven kingdoms actual names besides Dorne
Truly the American Tolkien

I got it from here, it does its job since you knew what I was doing.

It doesn’t add up. The only “”evidence”” against him is doran’s word

he makes some solid arguments . You'd do well to listen to it rather than stay in a box

>find some random sword in the prop weapon armory
>slap a sun sticker on the pommel
>"Yep. That's the legendary sword, Dawn"

Ahhhhh that actually makes a lot of sense. I'm sure you're right. Shame though, Sophie's got some good assets even if she's losing her hair

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>whites (including hispanics/latinos who self-identiy as white) make up 70% of the USA population.
No they don't.

Maybe in 1995.

old "new"

He's a disingenous narcisstic freak, if I wouldn't watch any right wing e-celeb why the fuck would i watch a tranny left wing e-celeb?


damn I literally thought it was grrm taking the piss with an over the top character

>cannot into statistics
>delcare statistics are racist
Fuck off nigger

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>Confirmed Maker of the Eight tier
Absolute Chaoshposters

Why is he so handsome?

Trannies are mentally ill and can't make any arguments, because they're mentally ill.

>disingenous narcisstic freak

not true. It may seem that way but he(she?) is a smart cookie. There is a lot of research behind his videos and stays somewhat objective

bravo dabid

New Thread:

Ignoring that he doesn't, I wouldn't listen to Richard Spencer either as he, too, is a faggot that's unable to articulate his point in a manner worth listening to.

It's 77% including the white-identifying hispanics as of 2016

You are genuinely fucking clueless, if you trust anything he says you are an idiot.

I guess /pol/ was wrong.

I challenge you to go out into the world and speak to all walks of life including trans people. your view should not be shaped by your assumptions
You might come away with some wisdom my dude

/pol/ doesn't count self-identifying whites as white, the government does

>but he(she?) is a smart cookie.
Top kek. How is it not clear as the sun is bright that it's a tranny?

I'm half and half and I take it seriously to the point that I hate myself and think about committing suicide on daily basis.


Attached: machado laser.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

I guess /pol/ was wrong

I've met trannies in college, they're deluded freaks.

>let anecdotal experience dictate your worldview
isn't that what you idiots are always saying not to do?


I'm also half but see Your response shows the way that people take the statistic and mean to use it.

The fact that D&D mocked the old man after he wrote them a letter about this lame ass shit is why my assblast rivals the deepest depth of hell. They're shitty humans and they're shitty writers.

well i dont know if (he)she has made a change through surgery yet . i thought taking estrogen pills makes your voice go a bit higher

It's all a matter of perspective. Hispanic is a meme race because any goblino with 1/32 anglo blood in their veins can tick the "yes I self-identify as hispanic/white" box on the census sheet like a dumb sorority girl trying to score affirmative action points by listing her native heritage. However until someone comes up with a better system it's what we've got.

>Hispanic is a meme race
Hispanic isn't a race at all. White hispanics (like legit "pure" people of Spanish descent) hate black hispanics the same way white Americans hate black Americans. Compare Ana de Armas to Yasiel Puig, they're both "hispanic" but they might as well be different species.

>orange man bad
>embrace white guilt
I'd tell you to kill yourself but trannies already have a pretty good track record of self correcting

If you don't count hispanic whites as white, whites are only 60% of the USA population instead of 80%. A lot of retards on social media think that the USA becoming a majority-minority country means that there will be a shitload of blacks flooding the country, because to a surprising amount of people, minority == black people. What it actually means is that there will be a lot more light skinned mexicans.

>isn't that what you idiots are always saying not to do?
well im not a liberal or a right-winger but ive always found that getting the truth is by interacting people . even the ones you find to be degenerate. perspective really help you see things clearly

>I've met trannies in college, they're deluded freaks.

im curious what did you talk to them about or was it just overhearing a conversation?

The old ones or the new ones?

which is letting anecdotal experience dictate your worldview, which is fucking stupid.

Don't "white" violence statistics in America include hispanics?
I'm pretty sure I've seen photos from police like "Race: white"
and as someone from the UK, they don't look white at all.

Yes, they do.

They tried to argue about hormones for children as young as 5 in a class discussion. I stopped interacting with them after that. I'm not religious but I think some people are genuinely evil.

Yes, hence the way this post should be interpreted as the remaining ~20% of pop is responsible for
>43% of rapes
>61% of incarcerated adults (though this also includes meme crimes like carrying weed)
>55% of murders
>42% of hate crimes
>%31% of violent crime

>Don't "white" violence statistics in America include hispanics?
They used to, they don't anymore.
>I'm pretty sure I've seen photos from police like "Race: white"
That's from old FBI photos. You're probably thinking of that meme that has photos of like 50 mexican guys with "race: white" next to their faces. Ever since around 2006 though, they started categorize hispanics as our own group when it comes to crime data. If you see "white" crime statistics, that means non-hispanic white, if you see "black" crime statistics that means non-hispanic black. The FBI tracks crime data for white, black, and hispanic (of all races) as separate categories.

No, they don't. They used to, they don't do it now because it's clearly pointless.

>which is letting anecdotal experience dictate your worldview

i guess sitting cozy behind a computer dictating your view isnt stupid

Its not even about anecdotal views either. You get a clear view of their body language. You can definitely see they're struggling with identity and unfortunately science slow so we wont know if they're really delusional until a 10-20 years. Right now it seems transitioning help them with the state of mind

>argue about hormones for children as young as 5 in a class discussion

yeah those people are the worst. Im not arguing there arent delusional people in that community but there are some that are genuinely good struggling with it and more research needs to be done

According to this table, that's not true, it's just broken up into white/black/native

jesus christ you are an idiot, there are good people in every fucking group, completely meaningless statement.


>i guess sitting cozy behind a computer dictating your view isnt stupid
Yes, literally everyone but you is a shut in. Consider this your last (you).

fuck off OP, cunt edition still strong after your shilling of this thread

Yes there are, but in any sample set you judge the group based on the representative sample not the outliers.

>jesus christ you are an idiot

maybe. but thats not my point im saying. you shouldnt let the lowest common denominator judge your view of the entire community

thanks my man. Hope you have a pleasant day and a good life

For me? It's seeing Dany's head on a fucking spike. My dying wish is to see based Jon chain Dany up, murder all of her followers, Daario, and her dragon in front of her, then slowly torture her to death. I hate cunts like her. I genuinely do. "LOL SOMEONE TALLER" even though he's 5'8 and she's 5'2? What the fuck is wrong with women. Don't even say it's because the script. She had the option to turn it down but she said it. And that smirk on her fucking face was genuine. Fuck Emilia Clarke. Fuck all roasties who think 5'8 is short despite being womanlets themselves.

EVERYONE loves based Jon. The wildlings, the northmen. They all follow him. They don't care about his height. Dany on the other hand? No one likes her. She's a cunt. She has no personality. She has no friends. And yet she still has the audacity to talk shit about Jon. He's the only person who even genuinely likes you, you stupid whore.

I genuinely hope not only Dany, but Emilia Clarke herself, dies an extremely painful death. How based would it be to turn on the news one day and hear Emilia Clarke burned alive in her house. No Kit Harington to save her. I bet Kit hates that bitch. He only likes her because he gets paid for it. Jon could do leagues better. She hit the wall 5 years ago. Jon's just entering his prime. Stupid bitch thinks she can be picky with men when she's got the face of an AARP member. Fuck you whore.

I reiterate, fuck Dany, fuck Danyfags, fuck Emilia Clarke, fuck all roasties, fuck anyone who thinks 5'8 is short (it's average), and fuck anyone who doubts based Jon.

lol that's not the pro-tranny pro-black argument you think it is.

>lowest common denominator
what if that's what 90% of the community is made up of?

I was agreeing with you, nog

sorry, meant to say
but anyway according to the FBI's data it's less of a
>minorities commit 50% of all violent crime
meme stat, and more of a 60-40 split. But then again, if hispanics are getting absorbed into their racial categories instead of being treated separate as their own "race" (which imo is pretty dumb in the first place, no matter how hard /pol/ bitches about latin americans calling themselves white), that means that whites are about 80% of the population to begin with so you should be factoring in that base proportion when reading the crime stats.


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