What does TV think about this absolute kino?
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Never actually watched it when it aired, but the season 1 intro was peak 90s comfy so I always just think of it when people bring the show up.
its absolute 90s comfy cheese. Good watch for when you want to feel that.
Pacey was best boy.
is joshua jackson good in this. liked him in fringe
The blonde was the type of girl with questionable morals that I wanted to have a casual sexual relationship with.
He truly was our guy. The MILF man.
They should have renamed it once they found out Dawson was a dud. Pacey's Creek or Joey's Creek.
Katie in her prime. First 2 seasons were good, then the PC era started and they introduced gays and after school specials. Although the one gay character wasn't that bad.
Kino white America. Media had to complain about lack of diversity. College years aren't even worth watching.
this joey was qt3.14
Too many Wh*te people.
I love that it's main stars naked boobs were just a Google search away (while the show was still airing!)
thanks for just introducing me to this comfy kino lads.
season one episode one. pacey is /ourguy/.
>ywn live next door to a cute teenage girl who climbs through your bedroom window at night to watch old movies with you.
Wait till ya get to Abbie Morgan. She's /ourgirl/
Sorry the image is so small
Made my day knowing you liked it, bro. Pacey is legend forever.
how many CWhores do you think based Chad Michael Murray fucked?
Not as many chicks as Jimmy form Boardwalk Empire. He told Howard Stern he had a threesome with Joey AND Mrs. Leary.
Extremely good and underrated show. Didn't think much of it when it was originally on the air, but a couple of years back I torrented the whole series in the middle of the night while stoned and loved the hell out of it.
is that michelle williams on the left?
wtf jimmys in this? i've got a lot to look forward to
I'm still wondering why I used to watch this when I was a kid.
>Slaps a court order on you that you literally cannot date for a period of time after divorcing the Chad Cruise
>She literally dates a black dude first chance
Because you couldn't download anything you wanted to watch and had to make due with choosing something that was airing at the hour when you had nothing to do, on one of the handful of channels your family had?
Katie Holmes looks like the cute neighbor girl who was getting pimped out by her mom for heroin. Shame I never tapped that.
One of my favorite pastimes in college was to smoke cannabis and watch The Creek. Cheesy schlock, but great escapism.
>Media had to complain about lack of diversity.
Told you >Too many Wh*te people.
>She literally dates a black dude first chance
Hollywood doesn't set up couples for gay men.
Gay men don't pretend to be straight in Hollywood
>ywn live next door to a cute teenage girl who climbs through your bedroom window at night to watch old movies with you.
ironically the best life
I wish the later seasons had good rips. I have good quality season 1 but after that its all shitty
>tfw you waited until your life was over
So much wasted youth. I'd honestly have rather been a heroin addict than the empty life I've lead, at least heroin is an experience.
>tfw no bluray of all 6 seasons with original music
>So much wasted youth. I'd honestly have rather been a heroin addict than the empty life I've lead, at least heroin is an experience.
I use to watch this while growing up white in 'da hood'. The excruciating pain of idealized reality was almost unbearable.
Could be worst, user.
How similar is Dawson's Creek to OC, One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl, etc.? Those shows are such elite kino.
i'm completely new and really enjoying it.
cant wait for pacey kino to unfold before me
The Dawson finale is unironically one of the best series finales ever.
its why all those shows exist.
Based show.
This song is unironic kino when you're drunk and regretting every wasted moment of your life.
I'm still mad Dawson and Pacey didn't sleep together even once.
Once in a blue moon when I get drunk I listen to all those sad 90s songs with female vocalists and always wind up texting people weird shit. God, it's embarrassing.
Would I like this show as a 23 year old straight dude who didn't watch it growing up?
Same here user, I've learned to not have my phone around me in moments like that.
Started watching it ironically over summer when I was in high school cuz it was the only thing that would play at 2 am. Got hooked, dreamt of getting a cute gf and having friends and living in a quaint ass town. I never caught every episode. Riverdale is the annoying zoomer version
I think so, the first couple seasons have good plots and after that it’s just fun to watch the characters grow and change
Riverdale isn't really comparable to teen shows from the past, it's pretty much just the only one somewhat along those lines that's airing now - I wonder why the genre seems almost abandoned.
Yes they do, see Kevin Spacey, Louie Anderson, James Franco, and uh oh yeah, Tom Cruise
Very likely.
James Franco?
>How similar is Dawson's Creek to OC, One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl, etc.?
Not simular at all. What happened was the WB invented new romantic kinos and (((Aron Spelling))) came in and created trash that he had been doing for years.
Hyperian Bay was a great show they cancelled after one season. The new executives killing the WB wanted to replace the female lead with Carman Electra. That's when shit started to go wrong
His best friend fucked his GF.
OC is peak, others are shit. At least the guys in OC are loveable and the girls are pretty.
OC had a peak and fell off for the other 75% of it. Gossip Girl is the best.
The 90's had the best drunk regret songs.
OC was good I guess, for like one season. But it came out like 7 years later. Different generation technically (same age though in actors I think)
the thing that sets dawsons creek apart is the dialogue. characters speak like they have worldly knowledge, make lots of references to classic film and stuff. the other shows mentioned are much more standard and soppy (?), like kinda what you expect from modern teen drama. dawson does stand apart and is more kino
i did enjoy oc when it was airing but itsjust a different feel than creek.
>The 90's had the best drunk regret songs.
Why is this so true?
Dawson's Creek wasn't that great. First of all the dialogue was extremely unrealistic. Every single teenage character had a vocabulary no where close to being similar to that of actual teenagers. It's like Aaron Sorkin The High School Years. Second Dawson was a boring, annoying, whiny ass little bitch. He sucked the life out of the show. Kevin Williamson's gay ass wrote the character of Dawson after himself and it really gets old with his Spielberg film fetish. Michelle Williams is completely wasted most of the time and her character has a fluctuating personality most of the time. Joey & Jen never really get along and never really become enemies either. Their interactions are always very cold and lifeless. Jack the gay character fucking sucks and is only redeeming when he is fag haging it up with Jen. Andy should've stayed on the show and instead gets replaced with Busy Philips who sucks. The show is good when it comes to Pacey & Joey most of the time when Dawson isn't in the room. 6/10 and The College Years are boring since they are all seperated mostly. Season 2 was the best.
If you watched this back in the day you either have a uterus or take dick up the ass regularly
>the thing that sets dawsons creek apart is the dialogue. characters speak like they have worldly knowledge, make lots of references to classic film and stuff.
Yeah that's what drove the critics nuts. They wrote one article after another condeming it, and it became a meme before memes were an internet thing. That combined with no superior black characters that were just starting to be pushed.
But if your IQ was above 110 you liked that.
>Dawson's Creek wasn't that great. First of all the dialogue was extremely unrealistic.
I told you. >Yeah that's what drove the critics nuts. They wrote one article after another condeming it, and it became a meme before memes were an internet thing. That combined with no superior black characters that were just starting to be pushed.
>But if your IQ was above 110 you liked that.
>If you watched this back in the day you either have a uterus or take dick up the ass regularly
t. guy who grew up in a white area.
If one or two characters talked like that and behaved like mature adults, it would've been fine. When every character has the vocabulary akin to that of a elite preparatory school, it's fucking bad writing. They were at a public school in North Carolina, their education wouldn't have been that good.
>Williams is completely wasted most of the time and her character has a fluctuating personality most of the time. Joey & Jen never really get along and never really become enemies either. Their interactions are always very cold and lifeless.
Williams was the first Roastie and she regretted it early. Joey didn't like Roastie. Joey was based until she started fucking Pacy. The hate and friendship between the girls was realistic and kino for a small circle of friends and competing sexual impulses.
You wanted dumb down melodrama. Hence the typical "Charmed" fan.
get fucked
also Paige WORST girl
>If one or two characters talked like that and behaved like mature adults, it would've been fine. When every character has the vocabulary akin to that of a elite preparatory school, it's fucking bad writing.
They literally lived in an elite prep-community though. It wasn't fucking Milwaukee.
Also alternative experimental dialog for teen movies was 90s kino and we never saw it again. Pic related "Disturbing Behavior".
kys zoomer
Snake's hairline already getting shifty in high school.
yeah i read about that being something people really criticised. critics are fucking dumb and will criticise things for silly reasons. they will praise, say, lynch for being surrealist but then critcise a show like this for not being representive of reality. they just cant comprehend the intent behind things sometimes
but dawsons creek was super popular so obviously it was hitting the right notes for the masses in some ways. theres something really idealistic about characters talking in this hyper-knowledgable way yet being presented through the teen experience, with all the naivety and tribulations that entails
im currently starting the 3rd season of the show, gotta say i felt season 2 got a bit too heavy and dramatic at points. season 1 was kino tho
>First of all the dialogue was extremely unrealistic. Every single teenage character had a vocabulary no where close to being similar to that of actual teenagers.
lmao thats the point retard
>Second Dawson was a boring, annoying, whiny ass little bitch. He sucked the life out of the show.
i agree with the first part but not the second. dawson was the life of the show, he was like the well-to-do kid with a lot of passion and life. hes the type of kid who may come across like a little bitch but people inevtiably take to him anyway because he's so stereotypically normal and wears his heart on his sleeve
especially in contrast to the other characters. pacey was a more of a cool stereotype but also more of a fuckup burnout.joey was an outcast, and jen was a whore
Pacey grew and changed into a better person throughout the show. Dawson stayed a self centered self obsessed film nerd. Jen died of AIDS.
party of 5 was watchable at least
>Jen died of AIDS.
that is so jen
Fuck man I love me some Gin Blossoms
>but dawsons creek was super popular so obviously it was hitting the right notes for the masses in some ways. theres something really idealistic about characters talking in this hyper-knowledgable way yet being presented through the teen experience, with all the naivety and tribulations that entails
Dawson's Creek accurately captured what a 90's teen thought of their experience during that time of their life, not their actual 90's teen life experience if that makes sense. It was a fine-tuned friend simulator for a lot of kids during that decade.
Same here. One time we filled a cooler with beer, took the tv out on the front lawn, and watched a 2 part Season finale of Dawson's Creek.
We had no shame and the bitches loved us for it.
She had a 10 outta 10 rack!! I 'member one ep, she tore off some overalls and let those milkers breathe - I was in shock! Where she been hiding those bad boys?!!
>Pacey grew and changed into a better person throughout the show.
Lol. Maybe say between Seasons 3 and 4 he grew. A little. But keep in mind, by the time the series finale rolled around, he was working minimum wage, sleeping with married women, and still getting his ass kicked in fist fights.
Arguably, his character changed the very least.
>im currently starting the 3rd season of the show, gotta say i felt season 2 got a bit too heavy and dramatic at points. season 1 was kino tho
It goes down hill from there unfortunatly.
>yeah i read about that being something people really criticised. critics are fucking dumb and will criticise things for silly reasons. they will praise, say, lynch for being surrealist but then critcise a show like this for not being representive of reality. they just cant comprehend the intent behind but dawsons creek was super popular so obviously it was hitting the right notes for the masses in some ways. theres something really idealistic about characters talking in this hyper-knowledgable way yet being presented through the teen experience
Critics are cancer and always will be wannabes. That's why youtube created a new generation of critics who were superior in many ways (if they're not reading other critics and parroting like NPCs) because they are the masses and their goals are to have fun.
Why does this dude elevate every show he's on?
He's typecasted as "best Dad" which is fine by me - he's probably one rung under Coach on FNL as greatest Dads of all time.
>he was working minimum wage
He was a chef in Boston = 80k a year future with no limits desu
He's a Bruce Cambell without the madness = dilf and survivor.
The professional wife cheating on him DC episode was kino and realistic for the time. If it had been Bruce he would of buried her in the Creek.
Because he's the Flash
>not getting picked up by Wendys
could have been making 300K a year
Nice try Paceyfag, but per the Series Finale episode summary on IMDB...
>Pacey is now the manager to the re-opened restaurant, The Ice House, but still continues his brash lifestyle of dating older women.
You fucking RETARD. You honestly stopped watching in Season 5 blahahaa!! Pacey is not a world renowned chef and if you recall (you probably don't cause you're just a phony), The Ice House hemmoraged money the entire series. The Potters had to open a bed and breakfast just to keep that money pit restaurant afloat!! Pacey is more likely to be bankrupt than make six figures.
So don't even try...
You ain't no Dawsonschad like me.
Based thread.
I heard they mostly didn't get along besides James Van Der Beek & Michelle Williams & Busy Phillips.
>dawson gets cucked and makes a show about it
yes zoomer
gossip girl was shit 90% of the time.
Well, Katie and Joshua dated irl, so I'm guessing they got along well for a time. So yeah, it split up into one or two cliques. No big deal.
Compare that to Leighton and Blake openly despising eachother on set (Gossip Girl).
Yeah and I don't think anybody liked Mischa Barton on The OC. She was actually a teenager on the show and probably a diva.
No one liked me in high school despite being the funniest, best looking, most charming person in my school.
You're as crazy as Mischa! Go to bed.
Ha. It sucks though, cause I used to think she was crazy hot
>Pacey is now the manager to the re-opened restaurant, The Ice House
High value property in high income area, little competition
=80K in modern terms
You do realize there's a Season 6, right? Hello... RETARD... I'm talking to you!
Everybody get a look at this faggot who stopped watching in Season 5!!!
Of the many changes that happens in Season 6, Pacey actually moves to New York to be with Joey (meaning he no longer has the restaurant, period). He has ZERO source of income and coming from a poor family, has ZERO assets.
That's probably why you wanna fuck Pacey, cause he's a broke ass loser like you. Speaking of which, I hope (spoiler) happens to you.
Now leave this thread, it's for Dawsonchads only.
>Pacey actually moves to New York to be with Joey (meaning he no longer has the restaurant, period
Now I know you're a Melrose Place fag. He never moved to NYC. She had a boyfriend who was a lame trustfund baby writer and was working in spec reading of new novels.
Got you!
not a zommer, just never watched this vaginal ass show
I can't believe it's even being discussed. It's one of my favorite shows from that time. It was basically John Hughes on tv. Yea Forums is obsessed with the OC, which I didn't give a shit about personally.
Shit! Ya got me!
You win this round, but I'll be back!
The music situation is a fucking travesty. Same thing happened with the Wonder Years.
>a qt teacher never groomed and fucked you like pacey's teacher did him
Why is life so much better on tv, guys?
That's nothing.
Pacey used his sexual prowess to pop the cherry of BOTH Andie and Joey. I like em new, not used.
Meredith Monroe really was the most underrated girl on Dawson's Creek. Her tits were glorious. I'd say top three, in no particular order are Joey, Andy, and Eve.
>tfw no girl to casually let herself in through your window
why isn't life a 90s tv show anymore
>Were you surprised that Katie Holmes ended up marrying Tom Cruise?
At the time it was pushing teenage sexuality forward more than 90210 that ended up looking like 7th Heaven by comparison. There was this weird "evolution" where ever late teen/adolescent drama show would try and out-do each other by how far they would imply various couples would go sexually. I don't even remember Dawson's Creek specifics I just knew it was further ahead than 90210 in comparison. Never bothered with any similar shows after that (I think OC was what followed). I imagine it's just straight up fucking between middle schoolers first episode these days.
The OC was on Fox and was surprisingly prudish when it came to sex. Ryan and Marissa didn't sleep together until the middle of season 3 and it was never talked about again. I don't even think Seth and Summer ever even had sex. There was an extremely boring lesbian relationship with Marissa and Olivia Wilde. Dawson's Creek was much more sexual and The OC was much more John Hughes.
I knew it was you Bitchu
damn he thinks the show jumped the shark real early huh
Cast discusses Dawson crying meme at reunion.
>Sounds razor
Those trips are razor.
Of the three, Dawson's Creek is more like One Tree Hill, except actually good. OTH was explicitly created as a copycat of Dawson's Creek when it was a huge hit.
The OC is more rich folks show (Dawson was strictly middle class) and wasn't driven by romance/gave the adults way more screen time than Dawson did. Meanwhile Gossip Girls was basically stupid spoiled whores the show and became a trashy soap opera right off the bat
Jealous much?
I had a successful tv series post DC and have my own talk show. Celebs love me!
Meanwhile, your tits are lopsided!
>There was an extremely boring lesbian relationship with Marissa and Olivia Wilde.
i was like 13/14 when this storyline was going on
oliviawilde blew my mind atthe time. i thought she was just the hottest, she was very striking. the lesbian stuff was cool
looking back i definetely overrated her though. autumn reeser was the peak of that show
>Sounds razor
Don't hide your monster side, user.
You'll always be my wingman roomate, bitch. Nobody really likes you.
her career deserved better. she was fucking great on that show. only reason worth watching Season 4 is her. The kids just didn't give a shit anymore and it was extremely noticeable. Meanwhile her and Chris Pratt are actually trying to do a good job.
Lulz. She was flat as the beer served at the Ice House. It's funny to see you toss her in there with the titmongers. Though I will say, Eve was pure sex and far superior to her "sister" Jen.
Fun Fact: the actress who played Eve got huge breast implants a few years back (and she dates black guys exclusively).
Don't worry about the snakes in your garden when you've got spiders in your bed.
>Meanwhile, your tits are lopsided!
Dawson's Creek actually pushed the fucking boundaries of how far TV could have teens fucking each other, as it's central selling point when it first debuted. The pilot featured a lot of super duper racy dialogue (in particular, the idea that the kids on the show made out and did everything BUT sexually penetrate each other as the norm when they made out) and IIRC implied masturbation. Not to mention Joshua Jackson's character fucking his teacher, which pissed a LOT of people off moral majority-wise in terms of pushing the "it's OK to fuck your hot teacher" meme.
Dawson's Creek was literally built on the idea of "let's make a softcore smut teen show on network TV", which made the later seasons all the more laughable when ratings started going down in season two when the shock wore off and they had to retool shit to make the various "will they or won't they" relationships drag out.
Not really. Wonder Years got cleared with about 95% of it's music intact.
Dawson's Creek got dumped onto the market with none of it's music simply because the rights holders are cheap as fuck and didn't give a shit.
And worse, unlike Melrose Place and 90201 (who's reruns are still the uncut original broadcast versions, with all of the music/musical guest numbers intact), the owners of Dawsons Creek will only syndicate the DVD cut (which not only replaces all of the music, but also the generic theme music that was used in all international broadcasts, as only US viewers got Paula Cole's "I Don't Want To Wait" as the theme song).
She was sexy as hell in DC.
Autumn has been in some good Christmas movies that are worth watching
Yeah, I knew they had fucked with the music after Oleander was cut from a scene with Pacey.
She looks like a 45 year old Mum who smears herself in lotion before going to bed, that's gross
you seem to know a lot about these shows
whats your top 3 rec? (including kino creek if you rate it)
Everyone here should watch Degrassi The Next Generation - it's good for the whole 15 seasons. The next iteration of it (Next Class) is garbage though.
>James Franco
Everyone knows James Franco likes cunny. He's a hound for young girls
I forgot to mention
as only US viewers got Paula Cole's "I >Don't Want To Wait" as the theme song
We only got it for the first two seasons of it, then it switched to the terrible alternate theme.
I've always heard good things about Degrassi, but I've never seen an ep in my life.
>Dawson picks some slag over prime Katie Holmes
is he gay?
Open your odd looking big ears, ya bish... when it comes to life, I'm un-de-feat-ed. I got two beautiful kids with a third on the way.
And your kid is as fake as your relationships (beard). Everyone knows you got a tomb-womb! So give the kid back to the black market, pronto.
The cast stays pretty much the same for 8 seasons or so, then for every few characters that leave, they'll add a few more. I think the people who shit on the seasons after the old cast leaves just didn't give it enough of a chance, since the subject material covered doesn't decline.
90210 is kino up until Brandon is written out. Consider that your jump off point, unless you like Steve, Donna, Kelly, and David and want to see more Dylan as the writers brought Luke Perry to shore up the show after Priestly left.
Melrose Place is also worth watching but with some cavets: S1's first half is super boring (especially the first 13 episodes) but is critical in that it sets up the characters and the back half of the season has several major events that drive the rest of the series.
The peak seasons are 2-5 though once Marcia Cross leaves, the show loses a huge chunk of it's heart and soul. Also, Alyssa Milano is fucking horrible and Rena Sofer even worse.
Dawson's Creek is worth watching though (and this is just me) the first season is the only good one. As I said, it's groundbreaking in terms of pushing content but quickly becomes a generic paint by numbers show.
I'd skip One Tree Hill entirely. The OC is worth watching, but it's a show that is more soap than teen drama.
Gossip Girl is also worth watching, in so far as "bad teens do bad things" while being shamed by the all seeing "Gossip Girl", who tuns out to be the main male lead, a poor fag who uses the Gossip Girl blog to terrorize rich kids and stalk his dream girl. It's better than the books.
Veronica Mars is another one but stop after S1. S2 is a clusterfuck of fail and AIDS and the ending ruins one supporting cast member by making them a mass murderer and then never following up on the aftermath. Plus it completely destroys the ending of S1 with how it undoes the pay-off to that season's main mystery. S3 will break your heart in how it rapes the franchise. Worse, they do an entire arc that is tailored to give Veronic and her mortal enemy (Sheriff Lamb) a reckoning that was three seasons in the making only to omit him from the climax of the story then killing him off in a random episode to deny fans a final showdown.
I would also recommend Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
As much as I love the Creek, I gotta say lbs for lbs - OTH had the hottest babes.
No offense to Vampire Diaries and Gossip Girl, but facts are facts!
>I'd skip One Tree Hill entirely.
id watch until they graduate high school. some good music in it and after that it just shits the bed.
>. Everyone knows you got a tomb-womb! So give the kid back to the black market, pronto.
oof, vicious.
Too bad my kiddo is already more famous than your entire career or the little baby jew demons you spawned. I heard the Rabbi gave them genital warts at their circumcision ceremony
have less gay sex
I didn't even watch OTH but Hillary Burton isn't even on that cover. Her & Sophia Bush were fucking fire!
ah shit she is on the cover. her curly hair was what i remembered about her.
Lol, no worries. She was my fave too.
She got blacked by Jamie Foxx. Since then, she hit the wall at mach speed
One Tree Hill was good til high school ended - the time skip was awful. I hate when plots revolving around drama are replaced with attempted tearjerkers (i.e. Dan going from evil to soft) or "teehee!" moments like Jamie doing anything. A good 60% of the show STINKS.
Buffy is better than Dawson in it's three high school seasons. The later ones are hit and miss, but it (like Dawson) broke ground in terms of revolutionizing TV and laying the groundwork for WB/CW doing genre work like the DC shows and Supernatural.
Party of Five is another show that started out great but turned to crap in the later seasons. It peaks with the Scott Wolf is a drunk arc (IIRC it was season three) but it's one of those shows where you can watch the first season and get a complete story and leave satisfied.
Teen Wolf is so-so but has a decent budget/scope to it which is unheard of from an MTV live action show (which are generally, super cheap budget-wise).
OG Degrassi is worth watching. It pre-dates 90210 (and urban legend says that 90210 only exists because Aaron Spelling was denied the rights to make a US version) but it is pretty bleak both in it's quasi-realistic tone and the bad shit that happens to a lot of the characters. The 00s revival is slightly less bleak but is more in line visually with 90210 and Dawson's Creek.
The Heathers TV show is also worth checking out. Sadly, you'll have to pirate it as Paramount Network chickened out and only aired 2/3rds of the series and skipped the finale. There is a big twist though midway through (Veronica is insane and a murderess and goes full tilt insane like a giallo horror villain) and the Heathers (introduced as SJW villains) get fleshed out as the show progresses, with the tranny character being written quite sympathetic once you realize he never fucking had a chance in life.
Saved By The Bell is worth watching too, though it's super shallow with no real plot progression for the bulk of the series and Zach Morris is kind of a cunt.
As for top three: my picks would be 90210, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and The OC with Gossip Girl and 90210 (which is more adult soap than teen soap) as honorable mention.
dan being kidnapped and saved during the last season was pretty epic though
Have you ever watched the 90210 reboot?
>Teen Wolf
> decent budget/scope
never post here again
Times have changed. I remember when it came out that Jack was fudge packer in trainer and everybody went nuts. It was the show to watch when I was in High School. That and whores in my school were talking about this show called "Passions".
I've watched the original Saved By The Bell all the way through a full times, but I recently watched Saved By The Bell New Class - it is so much better than the original. Everyone shits on it, but I don't know why.
bro im so confused with degrassi. so it has 16 fucking seasons? is junior high the og series?
Season 9 and 10 of 90210 was kino shit. I dug watching them be adults and depending on themselves. Valerie was such a slit than Vanessa Marcel was brought on as Gina Kinkaid. Steve got with Jap and Kelly was the center of Dylan and Matts universe.
Melrose was good tier 90's shit to till they made Andrew Shue character an asshole
Buffy and Angel was good tier shit. It had progressive stuff but it didn't feel forced.
I never could get into Party of Five.
Saved by the Bell was good tier shit. Skip the New Class
Dawson Creek final episode made me cry
>tfw your living your hashtag best life with your hashtag best friend
Stop being so green with envy, sweetie. It's making your crows feet grow bigger.
Just a little beauty tip, wink!
Buffy is the best out of all these shows hands down but even Seasons 4, 6, 7 are questionable in quality.
Both of them stalked Vince Vaughn while he was filming Domestic Disturbance in North Carolina while they were filming Dawson's Creek in North Carolina. Based.
Season 6 was shit. Making Willow the villain came completely out of left field. The whole season was just depressing.
I actually dug the time jump. I had given up on the show and stopped watching prior to I guess there was a school shooting or something involving a no sex pact. Idk, just what I heard, it got really dumb.
But when I heard there was a time jump and they ruined everybody's lives to create drama, I tuned back in. Jamie sucked, sure, but it's a fair trade off for getting Shantel VanSanten!
Yeah agreed. Everybody defends Season 6 because it was "realistic". No, it sucked. It moved to UPN. Marti Noxon started writing episodes more and it was ass. I fucking hated the musical episode which everyone loves, it was fucking amateur. The Trio was fucking cringe faggotry. Buffy looked like anorexic shit! Spuffy was disgusting and cheap. Double Meat Palace is literally the worst episode ever. Dawn is even more of a useless annoying bitch. Everybody is ready for the show to end and it's depressing as fuck. I fucking hate Season 6 the most out of all seasons. Dark Willow is cringe as fuck. The magic addiction is so embarrassing. It's hard to rewatch Season 6.
thanks user! comprehensive answer.
ill look into 90, gossip, and pary of five (i love when you leave satisified with a tv show as usually the good parts are spread out among shit and theyre kept running for no good reason).
ive seen buffy and oc so dont need to check those out
one thing tho
>Also, Alyssa Milano is fucking horrible
...how dare you
Lets be honest. Dudes were the original fans before females started to poor in more and more. You sensed the quality was going to shit when they made Willow want to eat pussy because Oz needed to go find himself. Buffy finding her mother dead and the silent episode was hands down some of the most kino writing and acting that ive seen from any series. Even higher than Babylon 5 and Deep Space Nine.
Wew, young Alyssa Milano is a sight to behold.
>Stop being so green with envy, sweetie. It's making your crows feet grow bigger.
OK cow mouth
You can't stop talking moo'ing about people more famous than you for a living. Wait, what do you do for a living again?
I know, it's hard being the most forgettable bleached blonde of the 1990s. Did you see my Kino "The Romantics" with the always memorable Anna Paquin? That scene when I stole her boyfriend, I was thinking of you --- psyche, I never think about you.
Ha, I love BTS stories. I'm pissed IMDB got rid of their message board, cause that's where you got a lot of the HOTT GOSS from locals on set.
I remember being shocked when I read Katie was a huge chain smoker (bought a couple cartons of smokes a week from a local store down there). She just seemed so sweet and innocent.
Before she went full on libtard and hit the wall
Reminder: Sophia Bush fucked Lucas AND Nathan. That little minx!
She also fucked the guy who played Julian (and also said the show's creator sexually harrassed her getting him blackballed from Hollywood).
Do I offend you user?
Virtue signaling is a hell of a drug. Milano is an amatuer compared to Rose revolutionary McGowan.
Katie Holmes went A-Wall from most of the cast when she hooked up with Tom Cruise. Not that they were super close but she wouldn't speak to them for years while with Cruise.
Michelle Williams wasn't satisfied with being on the show. She said everytime she got the script she was on significantly less pages then the rest of the cast and felt stuck in a character.
Also this has some stories
She just said in an interview that he grabbed her ass in front of producers and she smacked him hard. She found out he said to a executive producer "That entitled bitch who the fuck does she think she is?"
Her taking over as the lead in Charmed was offensive.
>She said everytime she got the script she was on significantly less pages then the rest of the cast and felt stuck in a character.
havent watched all the seasons yet but jen is the most disposable character anyway. she shouldnt have mae it past the 1st season desu
>cow mouth
Kek! Bitch, you made me spit out my orange mocha frappachino. They're actually called DSLs and Urban Dictionary voted mine the best in Hollywood - so why don't you lick me... where god split me!
>The Romantics
I forgot you were an aspiring stage actress, your little plays in high school were so cute! Everybody said you got the part of Joey cause you gave Kevin Williamson a slowblow.
But I know, it's because you were amazing as villager #2 in "Diddler in The Poof". ...oopsie, I meant "Fiddler on The Roof". Diddler is a gay porn film. But you probably knew that since you're married to Tom. Or you were. Now you're just a fag-hag without the fag.
I guess Katie wasn't the only one who got that...
32 yo woman here. Never watched DC or any of the similar shows. Have been going on a 90s nostalgia bender lately though and found this thread very interesting.
Wondering how old the posters in this thread are.
fuck i miss the 90s
i havent posted yet i just wanted to talk to a woman
26 m with a keen fondess for the spirit of the 90s.
30. Was in 3rd Grade when these shows were airing but it was interesting watching the older kids do older kid things.
imagine being over 22 and posting on Yea Forums, this place really is for losers and hopeless uggos.
isnt being under 22 and on Yea Forums worse? at least our youth is already wasted
More of an OC guy but Williamson immediately evokes comfy wholesome and carefree 90s to me. The thing with the window was also in scream wasn't it? Billy coming to visit Sidney. It was the kind of comfy thing you wish you had in your life.
>Urban Dictionary voted mine the best in Hollywood
Oh my, an award for chewing cud.
Speaking of acting, remember your book that no one read? Well, I did. Laughing my ass off at the part where "Trey" raped you at 14yrs old. Who "split you" again? It wasn't God, kekles.
You forgot my acting on Broadway in Arthur Miller plays? Did you forget Michelle played Marylin Monroe, his wife. Wanna play Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? It will always start with, "I was on Dawson's Creek and..." as everyone at the LA dive bar gives you a sad smile and offers you another Daiquiri for that huge toilet bowl of a mouth to slurp down.
yeah i didn't get on 4channel until i was 28 and ready to kill myself. i had fun in my youth, now it's just shitposting until i drive into a tree
saved by the bell, clarissa, boy meets world all did the window thing
also speaking nostalgic tv, anyone remember this show?
Would also add
My so called life
Freaks and geeks
Gilmore girls
Friday night lights
to the thread
damn they look great now
Thanks. I expected more people to be older than me. What about the 90s captures your interest.
I was born in 86 and don't remember much clearly before 97. 90s pop--shows, video games, movies, music, media icons, fashion, food--are like touch stones to fuzzy memories.
I should have asked for your sex along with your age. Curious if men or women are more likely to be sucked into 90s nostalgia.
ive thought about watching this it looks rather comfy
its definetely worth it?
ehh, Michelle & Busy obviously aged the best surprisingly.
not yet
Never saw that one but that girl is a cutie. She also looks really familiar and I can't place it. It's her eyebrows.
its more of a family show than a teen drama.
The Beek seems the happiest out of all of them with his hundreds of children.
trips checked. most people on here are male. 90's had absolute KINO. Simpsons, Batman Animated Series, Buffy, Dawson's Creek, Scream, I know what you did last summer, the Faculty, Can't Hardly Wait, Nickelodeon, etc. KINO.
Imagine being a 21yr old roastie in your prime, screaming "have sex" to people on the internet every night. Judging older men because "fuck daddddy!".
Imagine thinking this was normal and trendy because Buzzfeed sent you here to defend the rights of black womans. Imagine already hitting menopause mentally from all the zeno-estrogens in your plastic coffee cups. Imagine feeling superior as you shave the side of your head and put a nose ring through your lips so that someone in your mock "Friends" show social circle will congratulate your independence, knowing deep down that Yea Forums is the only place you feel real and independent from the qualifications of pretending to be a woman around men who secretly want to be you.
Imagine solving endless google catpchas to do all this while the still fresh abortion in your womb cries out in a ghost sucking void of spastic pain.
>the Faculty
milf kino
also I think everything before social media was better, absolutely everything. Even early 2000's was K I N O.
guy, 25
1.I like the way the actors acted, today people act as if they're playing the role of actor instead of trying to play the character. They seemed more genuine, now quirkyness is forced with awkward pauses and is always very scripted and perfectly timed. way too clinical
2.They casted ugly people, actual funky looking people along side the beautiful stars not "pretty person in glasses" ugly
3. They wrote the movie for the characters and not the other way around. Black & white buddy cop movies weren't forced and awkward, they focused on the Badass(tm) similarities instead of Kevin Harat + Will Ferrel "yes i am a white robot and he is my zany black guy who gives me exaggerated confused looks", Alien is one of my favorite all time movies because Ripley was a true human action hero and not "hear me out shes a girl....but she ALSO..KICKS BUTT!!!1"
4. film grain, it's a total brainlet trap but i like it so sue me
im a little high sorry
go outside and talk to real people youre ill
90s tv just has a vibe i relate to. that sort of on-the-sleeve goofy optimistic spirit. every generation has their own energy tho
sh played the lead in drag me to hell. dont think shes been in much lately as she had a baby sometime after that. shame because that shouldve been her breakout role
thats fine. is it worth it?
>thats fine. is it worth it?
idk. turned it off after the first ep. loads of people seem to like it though so id say go for it.
>go outside and talk to real people youre ill
Are you outside? Am I even real?
Holy shit, it's Alison Lohman. She was in Big Fish. I knew I recognized the brows.
this is what i mean, trying to be lol so random and posting weebshit nazi fetishism.
i've seen literally thousands of anons just like you, all convinced that theyre the smuggest and edgiest. there's no payoff you just end up weird and alone
Buffy, Faculty, Batman TAS, etc. It was truly a great era for media.
We'll never get back to a time before Social Media. I sound like a fucking boomer, but 'member when Facebook was "new" and it was weird to see the blue and white F on signs and ads and shit? It was eerie. Now it's beyond pervasive.
Thanks a lot. Your points are solid. I don't get out much and I don't really know anyone under 28, and I find it surprising that 25 yos can appreciate this shit. I guess I'm out of touch, assuming those even 7 years younger than me are braindead. Thanks for the wake up. Maybe the world isn't lost.
I almost got expelled from my high school because I was like in first year, watching this show and they got to the "teacher fucker" story arc and I tried to do a move on the hot female teacher of my HS and she flipped out and nearly expelled me.
Good memories from the show itself nonetheless
I was so fucking stupid when I was young holy shit
>i've seen literally thousands of anons just like you, all convinced that theyre the smuggest and edgiest. there's no payoff you just end up weird and alone
Your powers of self congratulatory persuasion are astounding, roastie. Tonight you will hear the screams of the aborted child still haunting your womb. It's not restless leg syndrome, it's subconscious regret that you will forever be alone, die alone, and have no capacity to connect to others because you have no honesty or character, just emulation of what it means to be a human roastie cum rag. Your friends are not "Friends". Your life is not a life worth living.
Your projection onto internet fantasy men is not having an affect you hoped for. It's not a torrid Tinder relationship with Edward Norton in "American History X". It's not a goodwill or charity or a moral cause. It's you, all alone, staring into the electronic void that is your life. ALLLL ALONE, except for me.
Your friend, user.
np, the worst part of realizing that everyone is braindead is realizing that you are too. I don't think the world's gonna end any time soon.
how long have you been on Yea Forums?
I've been on since i was 15 with breaks every now and then, it's a genuine shithole now (say it with me "It was always a shithole!") but being able to talk unfiltered to a mass of people like this with images is just such a satisfying format it's really hard to drop.
you dont understand, the worst part of this is that you think you've just constructed something both smart and stinging and it's truly embarrassing for everyone involved.
was it kino?
Can't see shit captain.
this is
I think I've been on Yea Forums since I was 19, 2006 or so. I've not given it up and come here way too often because it's what I access in place of a "real life" social outlet. I work as a medical professional, and it's great, but it doesn't afford me much socializing/friendship. Outside of talking with my boyfriend, I don't have conversations about shit I'm actually interested in, and, as you described, being able to talk unfiltered to the degree we can here is something I cannot do even with loved ones.
You and I may have interacted before this thread, we may again in the future, and never know it. It's frustrating and radical. This place is a shithole, but it is also something special and it's something I don't want to give up.
I'd never have had this sort of conversation about 90s shit or typed these words anywhere but here. But I'd also have been in bed 3 hours ago had I not gotten sucked up into it.
Oh honey, you poor thing. You got all that jelly, but no toast.
My book was on the New York Times Best Seller List and was nominated by Goodreads Choice for Best Humor, not to mention has Four Stars on Amazon.
I'm sure you could write an awes-mazing book too! Don't forget to include the best parts:
>"In recent weeks, Holmes has been the subject of toxic rumors that her new thriller, "Son of No One," was such a bomb at Sundance that audience members stormed out -- The Hollywood Reporter observed, "When Katie showed up on screen, there was a collective groan."
>"...the blink-and-you-missed-it failure of her last Sundance outing, "The Romantics." Holmes also suffered the mixed reviews for her 2008 Broadway debut in "All My Sons," a performance that prompted Ben Brantley to observe that she "was less animated than the wooden stool she sat upon".
>"Hoping to boost her Hollywood star, Holmes aligned with Scientology in a career faux pas not seen since Robert Blake murdered Bonnie Lee Bakley. Only in this case, it was Holme's career that wound up dead."
btw, if you need someone who's still famous to pen a forward for your book, just give me a buzz, I'd be happy to do it! We'll sum up your life story with one line, "Here lies Katie Holmes, as lifeless in bed, as she is on stage - enjoy the book, it'll be your last because her tragic life will make you give up reading altogether."
jesus fucking christ why'd they block this shit? fucking kikes. here it is on vimeo.
Im 33 male and around 90% of my favorite shows are from the 90s or early 2000.
But I must admit that my interest and nostalgia is divided bewteen movies, series, vidya and anime.
Im tired of the new forced trends because the only thing they create is shitty series, movies and games compared to the less censored or unhinged entertainment from years ago.
When my wife died I grew to be more cynic and nostalgic as time went on and tv/movies/games stopped pandering to my tastes, now it's very hard to find stuff that I like compared to before
Now I live on inertia I don't have the same kind of drive as before to search new stuff, nostalgia is like a drug, I just rewatch shows we liked, listen to songs we liked, etc
>you dont understand, the worst part of this is that you think you've just constructed something both smart and stinging and it's truly embarrassing for everyone involved.
It's funny to talk to low IQ aging millenial women who think that their wacked out altruism morality - based on nothing but signals from other people - should have an effect on men, "it's embarrassing, for everyone when you act this way, Mr. user", haha all the more comfy then.
But it's sad you will never know the sublime comfort of moral character, real principals, standing on your own two feet and not giving a fuck what the crowd thinks. It's sad you were so desperate to fit in that you would of attacked Joey Potter, Buffy, and all the other kids you watch in these shows... "I NEVER did that!". But you do now, you would now. You're not as human as you were when you were young. You've lost that pliability because that's what happens to old dried up cunts. They become stagnate and desperate to cling, like a Chinese finger trap from an old bargain bin. Enjoy your roasted coffee and your bitter tongue, roastie. And know the whole blue-check mark gang of twitter supports your zombified existence. And realize someday soon you're going to die, not just know --- realize. "And until you do that, you are fucking useless"
>camcorder video from 1990 of some kids at school
fucking lol
what happened, did the camcorder pick up something coming out of a radio for 20 seconds and YouTube picked it up and slammed the vid shut?
>fucking kikes
>I'd never have had this sort of conversation about 90s shit or typed these words anywhere but here. But I'd also have been in bed 3 hours ago had I not gotten sucked up into it.
this is what i hate about Yea Forums, you cant leave and come back because the thread will be archived. it forces you to stay which is the point, but it is frustrating.
i was watching showgirls then got sucked into this thread and started browsing for torrents in the meantime. gonna go finish up the fil now
bye 90s kids. and keep feeling the good 90s energy. that can never be taken away from us
I didn't expect to be moved to feel something. I'm sorry for the loss of your wife, whatever that's worth on Yea Forums.
It got blocked cause they were cookin' MC's like a pound of bacon.
Anybody got a favorite Dawson's Creek episode???
My fave was the one where Dawson found out Joey was banging Pacey and they showed it from everybody's different perspective.
pic related
Maximum comfy KINO.
The show I'd binge watch before roping myself.
She looks hella-cute there. Wasn't a fan of her character tho.
That said, Grams was a GILF and I'd fuck her cobweb pussy rotten.
>if you need someone who's still famous
Still famous? You're playing what, another roasted peanut at a bar in "I Feel Pretty" starring Amy Schumer? If there is anyone who could make Schumer look pretty, it's you Whore of Babelips.
>Philipps' memoir, This Will Only Hurt a Little, was released October 18, 2018.[7] Her memoir includes a passage in which the actress describes a physical altercation that took place between James Franco and herself while on the set of Freaks and Geeks. Distressed by the amount of attention drawn to just this incident within her story, Philipps hopes the audience will see the bigger picture she is addressing about women's equality on set and off
oh hahahahahaha
Did you get rejected by a chicken hawk teeny chaser when you were a teen? Is that what got you a good review? My goodness, if only I could of given you some advice before you crashed the set of Dawson's and went right for the crafts and service buffet.
>OMG your random reviews from 10yrs ago were salty.
Better to be talked about than forgotten, sidekick. Also, I BTFO out of an entire cult, while haters were gonna hate.
check my IMDB bitch. I'm still A-listing it while you're a wannabe Wendy Williams.
Toodle looh
Random ep would be the Halloween ep with the serial killer. It's just a lot of fun.
Acting wise, the one where Mitch finds out about Gail as the storm is moving in. It knocks the power out and he points the flashlight at her as she starts to cry and shouts "Don't you cry! You don't get to cry!" John Ship is a solid actor. Always had been.
Main cast storyline I'd say the B&B episode when Pacey figures out he's in love with Joey. Grams saying "You know you love someone when you can just sit by the fire, watching them sleep" and then the parting shot.
>She looks hella-cute there. Wasn't a fan of her character tho.
I love michelle williams but hated her slutty hoebag free spirited feminist bitch character. Still a cutie though.
This is why I've been here everyday for ten years
>jesus fucking christ why'd they block this shit? fucking kikes. here it is on vimeo.
They don't want you to know it didn't use to be like dis.
The New Class suffered from constant turn-over of the teen cast, some really shitty casting for the first couple of seasons (especially season one).
By season 3-4, when they brought Screech back, they basically gave up and made the students secondary to Screech and Belding's antics.
that comic is genuinely hilarious
Season one was bad, but after that, I thought it was consistently good, although less so after Lindsay and Tommy left. I thought they had a lot of funny jokes; I don't recall the original series being that funny.
I thought the new class was boring as shit. The original was ridiculous, over the top, had hotter girls, etc. The cheese is what makes it fun.
>You think I'm hot, user? Thank you so much!
Young Lark was a cutie. Not her fault she got a disease.
Being black isn't a disease user.
We had some wonderful years so at least I have that.
I just know I can't move on, and I don't want to move on either since I don't want the memories to fade away.
Still love her back then. Even Zack knew what was up as he dated her in real life. Also, the shit they got away with on this show: youtu.be
Zach fucked all three of the chicks. But yeah, to your point, he dated Lark long term.
How did you become a widower at 33? Did she have cancer or was it an accident?
How do you jerk off, Yea Forums?
Car accident
We knew each other since we were kids, married in our early 20s, we were happy and then one day it all ended.
She was the one for me and there never will be anyone else like her.
Sucks man
My dad died the same way. Sorry to hear that, brother.
This is a thread for teen dramas? Has anyone else here seen the CW Series 'Reign'? What do you think of it?
Never seen it.
But I saw "Young Americans". The spinoff of Dawson's Creek that starred Pacey's best friend before Dawson. Yes, it was a real thing.
lmao imagine putting this much time into crying on the internet. middleaged losers are so fucking pathetic.
shit im gonna have to watch that
Lol, I wasn't recommending it. Just letting people know it existed. Here's what I remember:
>It starred a young Kate Bosworth
>it also starred one of the Vampire Diaries dudes
>them two and James Van Der Beek starred in Rules if Attraction
>there was a love story, but the twist was they were half siblings
>and a girl pretended to be a boy to get on the rowing team
>the show was also presented by Coca Cola (it was strangely in the title for the initial ads)
Okay, I had to look it up to see how close my memory of this shit was (I watched 2 episodes), I was pretty spot on but got a HUGE homoerotic vibe from the trailer, it is hilarious! So gaaaay.