I have to write a paper on a tv show episode. The focus is specifically on character conflict and communication.
What episode of Seinfeld do I watch?
I have to write a paper on a tv show episode. The focus is specifically on character conflict and communication.
What episode of Seinfeld do I watch?
Other urls found in this thread:
the one where kramer calls that guy a nigger
The one where Kramer adopts a highway.
The Mango
george accidentally winks at everyone causing a shitstorm of mis-interpretations
The one where George becomes a whale biologist or the one where George lies his way into working for the Yankees
The Contest.
The final episode or the one where Elaine meets bizzaro Jerry, George, and Kramer.
>mfw the professor of the course is black
>that episode where Kramer eats lasers and Vapes telepathically
Suggested this one because it's about communication: Elaine tells Jerry she never had orgasms with him and conflict: they are at odds the entire rest of the episode due to this revelation
The Limo
Festivus episode maybe?
The Soup might be a good one.
You've got Jerry and Bania arguing over what constitutes a meal in exchange for the suit ('soup is not a meal'), George telling the girl that he thinks manure is a good word ('"Ma,' and "newer"') and the girl making up having a boyfriend to get out of the date, Elaine and her stuck-up English boyfriend ('Where I come from it's proper to say "pardon"') who turns out to be a deadbeat.
write it about the parking lot - it has a lot of MIScommunication and conflicts but I'm sure you can make sense of it.
That is a good one especially the Jerry Bania conflict
Unironically The Cigar Store Indian
The room mate switch. The cafe scene is a gold mine, this is the best in all of seinfeld.
The Parking Garage is kino
Try to find the 10 Lost Episodes
Parking Garage it is. Thanks boyos
I suggested the parking garage, but I actually think would be better
Thanks fellas.
Nice opportunity to put that film studies and literature degree to work.
t. soulless office drone