>Man of Steel - 7.1/10
>BVS - 6.5/10
>Suicide Squad - 6.1/10
>Justice League - 6.5/10
>Wonder Woman - 7.5/10
>Aquaman - 7.1/10
>Shazam! - 7.5/10
Why are nu-DC movies so horrible? The only one I could watch through entirety was suicide squad.
>Man of Steel - 7.1/10
>BVS - 6.5/10
>Suicide Squad - 6.1/10
>Justice League - 6.5/10
>Wonder Woman - 7.5/10
>Aquaman - 7.1/10
>Shazam! - 7.5/10
Why are nu-DC movies so horrible? The only one I could watch through entirety was suicide squad.
You sound like a numale.
we all know BvS is a masterpiece. Lets leave it there.
Is there even one single picture of Ezra where he doesn’t look like he just got done taking dicks up the ass?
They are all 7/10 movies like 90% of Marvel movies
The only capeshit that deserves to be taken serious is TDK
Shazam was good
Man of Steel and BvS are kino. Pleb viewers are the problem.
why the fuck does WW have bigger number than BvS??? BvS is really good. 8.5 - 9/10 being closer to the truth.
Suicide Squad was just generic, doesn't deserve being worst rated. Man of Steel, Batman v Superman and Justice League were actual trash and should be lower.
Wonder Woman is the worst of all, everyone that likes it should be embarrassed
Well these are user reviews man but yeah I watched through all of suicide squad so it was at least entertaining. I couldnt get past 30 minutes of BVS and 1 hour out of the 2hr 30 minute long Wonder Woman. I didn’t bother with the rest and won’t watch them because they’re so badly directed, acted, written, shot etc....
liberal propaganda to make society accept women more
bvs is such a great movie especially that part when superman does that thing with batman
It's pretty mediocre capeshit, slightly above average.
DCEU ranking:
but /pol/ said zack snyder is the most redpilled of all the capeshit directors
>tfw racially aware about Jew phenotypes
>gal gadot has classic Jewish skull shape
>can’t take her seriously as Wonder Woman every time the camera has her at a side profile
>half the amazonians are black
Iron Man-9
Incredible Hulk-4
iron man 2-7
captain america-6
iron man 3-8
thor 2-7
Captain america 2-8
age of ultron-7
Civil war-9
DR strange-8
GOTG 2-9
Spiderman homecoming-9
Thor 3-9
black Panther-9
antman 2-8
Captain Marvel-7
Capeshitters are pathetic.
Marvel movies are dogshit even if watchable. They mean nothing and they best of them are like 7/10.
fixd that for you poo in loo
It was an honest spelling mistake, I’ve been sleeping less lately you marvel faggot.
It's just that DC characters are entirely garbage. They were created in a bygone era and have no place in the world today.
Marvel in the other hand, their characters are based in reality, have depth, are flawed. Marvel is just superior to DC in every way and I love being a Marvelgod knowing that my films win academy awards and make billions at record speed, while DCfags cry and wither in despair.
I can't wait to see which DC actor quits this week! God I love being the best!
Here's your (you) you worthless subhuman. I hope that provided at least some enjoyment in your pathetic dog-shit life. Fuck you you fucking ween.
Batman is literally the best capeshitter to have ever existed.
batman is so boring!