Horror kino

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I dont care about what anyone says regarding these movies as a whole but everyone has to admit that Skarsgard is doing a 10/10 acting job as Pennywise

I agree 100 percent. Easily one of the best performances in the horror genre I've seen in a while. Glad to see there's still some life left in the genre.

Still didn't save the movie from being absolute shit. Wasn't scary at all which isn't a big deal but it wasn't even suspenseful, well written, or well acted (teens). The teenage actors made it seem like I was watching a straight to DVD movie.

You're a twink if you liked IT.


Apparently this scene took two takes cause the kid called the safe word. In a later interview he said the first time Alex came out of the fridge he was genuinely terrified it was also their first scene together and alone. I guess it was filmed in the earlier portions instead of later when he would have more exposure to pennywise

It was a pretty good adaptation, visually stimulating and touched on all the classic scenes in a fresh new $$$ light. Your standards are too high which is the issue with horror movies people don’t give them a chance

My standards are high because there's actually horror kino out there.

Pic related

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When will there be a decent adaptation of IT?

Lol fucking garbage.

>contrarians will try to deny that IT was the comfy autumn blockbuster kino of the year
pathetic. It was very good and every single one of us knows it. Looking forward to seeing the next one in the kinoplex because i gave the first a miss due to thinking it was gonna be shit

You're probably the same person that watches capeshit and gathers around on Sunday night to gossip about Harry Potter for adults aka Game of Thrones.

IT wasn't kino. IT was shit. Fucking kill yourself.

you're joking, right? Jesus Christ.

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Too little screen time.

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Have Sex

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You didn't even see it

Come here so I can fuck you until you love me you twink faggot. Wear your favorite capeshit outfit when you come over. Bring balloons too.

That balloon looks so out of place.

Was I the only one who found the new trailer unintentionally hysterical? It's almost as if they had SNL make the trailer.

1). You are back in a town that tried to kill you as a child. Why do you trust any adult in this town?! WHY?!!! The moment that you step within the town's boundaries, everyone is suspect until you leave.

2). Why are you alone in a town that tried to kill you as a child? What compels you to think that you can take on a psychotically evil supernatural clown all on your own?

3). Wobbly / bobblehead movements aren't scary anymore. They haven't been for over 20 years. Please stop using them to evoke fear because they don't achieve that effect.

4). Naked grandma. Seriously... Naked. Grandma.

I'm waiting for someone to install a laugh track onto this trailer to see if it can be turned into a comedy.

I will agree that the person playing Pennywise is doing a good job, though.

will be as mediocre as the first one.

Why is Yea Forums so butthurt about this movie?

>thinking a movie is shit = mad
lol state of zoomers

name a good recent movie

the one ur mum and me made

you mean one where she fuck your boypucci?
It was pretty good

felt even better

they all have forgotten most of what happened due to leaving derry. they all meet up to defeat pennywise and have to revisit places from their childhood to remember what happened, hence bev going to her old house

do some fucking research

the audio cues in the first one ruined every single scary scene

How do you forget that a psychotically evil supernatural clown tried to kill you?!! You would think that they would remember something obscure like an evil supernatural clown trying to kill you.

I still prefer 1990's Pennywise, not saying this one is bad but he's "too" evil and not human enough.

First Pennywise was creepy as fuck because of how casual he was

woop woop woop

Attached: IT.webm (1920x1080, 207K)

The only kino thing about it was Pennywise. Bill is much more menacing than Tim Curry. Everything else was kinda lame. You had the shitty Stephen King dialogue and his weird incest fantasy, the kid actors were fucking terrible and there was nothing really suspenseful about it. Perhaps the new one will be better because they'll actually have adult actors now.


probably just got baited but fuck it

The amount of dumbass complaints is mind boggling. Pennywise didn't just slip their minds. Read the damn book, it happens to be very good

absolute trash movie

absolute trash post

t. 14 year old

t. 6 year old

o dear

The kid actors were great, bar the kid who played Bill. Don't talk out your asshole if you have no idea about acting, you cunt.

You got a boner for them. Men are so stupid and always excuse shit because their wiener wiggles.

They should have updated the book concept where It takes the form of movie monsters to scare the kids to the 80s setting. Not sure who owns the rights to what, but he should have shown up as Freddy or Jason or something at least once.

This is true. it’s obvously not the scariest movie ever made but I think some people just willingly miss the point. Kino sound track too.

what the fuck does "kino" even mean? because I know it doesn't mean "good" or "quality".