
Bread #3

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Other urls found in this thread:!XnI3yYiJ!Crl-5dgM35HOTj1nysKhqg


Feedwater for everyone

dont let this happen to your kids!

>safety first when nuclear reactoring.

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I don't think so, buddy

Is the ash and dust shown when the citizens were standing on the bridge considered nuclear fallout or does that term only applies to the fallout from a nuclear bomb?

>gonna give you them roentgens
its fallout

it's only 3.6, tho

Technically there was a nuclear explosion, so that black shit would likely constitute fallout.

what's Chernobyl like today lads?

I don't know if it'd technically be called fallout but it basically is.

ash from everything nuclear and no nuclear burning. Like an asshole after drinking a bottle of reaper sauce

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That doesn't sound good, I think you need to go to he infimary.


Is this just a historical drama or is there a supernatural element to it?

radioactive dust and ash either from a nuclear blast or accidents involving radioactive material leaking from nuclear power plants

They covered it up with a bigger sarcophagus. A round one this time. The city and the surrounding area is all overgrown and there are animals and shit living there. I don't think the same would be happening if the disaster would be an oil spill or a chemical spill.

vastly worse to visit than it was even a few years ago. The new sarcophagus thing has ruined it and there are just over 10x as many tourists compared to in 2016 (!!!!) I planned to visit in 2010, kept putting it off, and now I fucking hate myself

Yeah, I know what it is, but I just want to know if the term is correct and doesn't only apply to the fallout of a nuke.

>actually the Cherno disaster affected very low number of peop-

It contains super natural elements in the form of USSR incompetence

tfw after the show is over the visitor count will increase tenfold again

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Entirely historical drama. The horror comes from the actual event.

It's an "what if everyone was supernaturally cursed with delusions" alternate history show

at who was he looking at?

That city will eventually spring back to life

From wikipedia

"Fallout can also refer to nuclear accidents, although a nuclear reactor does not explode like a nuclear weapon. The isotopic signature of bomb fallout is very different from the fallout from a serious power reactor accident (such as Chernobyl or Fukushima).

The key differences are in volatility and half-life."

So this is what radiation does to your body?
>it's only 3.6 mev

a ghost town

The guard who had to climb with him

And I forgot link, what a dumbass

any kinos similar to Chernobyl i can watch while waiting for the next ep?

50000 people used to live there...

It also shits on physics because RBMK never explode

Is the reactor supposed to be purple or yellow like the HBO version?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-10 Chernobyl Nuclear - Surviving Disaster (BBC Drama Documentary) FULL COMPLETE 1 (1036x583, 468K)

This scene looks like it'll be kino

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mountain dew green

What are some other nuclear disaster kinos?

Yea Forums meet up at chernobyl WHEN

So for how long was the reactor/fuel burning? IIRC it was still melting hot when they finished the sarcophagus

it's still hot and will be for the next 100k years

Probably white considering all the photons being blasted in your face. But most people who've been irradiated to death report seeing bright blue. I like the idea that it's white light you can only process as blue, because it's fucking up your nervous system as you look at it.

I thought I'd visit eventually, but then the ukraine thing happened

Please don't cum in our Tourist's Delight

the outer layers of the elephant foot are cold iirc but its still glowing hot on the inside

Intense radiation causes an ionization of the atom in the air, producing a bluish glow. Look up accidents related to criticality events, which produce very localized, extreme bursts of radiation.

>ukraine happened
That's the saddest part

its still technically burning. the heat is caused from its radioactive decay. so it melted together with the core casing creating a material called corium. that melted through the floor and is now underground in the lower levels somewhere. look up "elephant's foot chernobyl". they managed to get a picture of it.

Yo T, we fucked up looking for that Russian and wound up at one of them old nucular power plants. You gotta come get us!

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How do pockets of radiation even happen, you'd think the radiation would affect everything equally?

I meant more like actual burning, I know it's still somewhat active

nah the cherenkov effect is actually blue. check this video out.

>Looks directly at smouldering graphite just after explosion
>Thinks the core is fine

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>uncontrolled explosion
>wind and weather
>expecting uniformity
yeah no

an interesting thought, makes me wonder how sex would be in such a place, cumming over the radioactive trees

>tfw getting a 100% lethal dose of radiation within mere seconds, reporting back what was already obvious before checking to the higher-ups, then getting worked by both of them that i might have gotten it wrong after all

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It's not burning anymore. It's still hot enough to instantly tan your bones if you stick your face anywhere near it, but it's not molten anymore.

the core stayed burning for several days. they didn't know it had melted into the basement. so when they tried to put it out by dumping boron and sand onto it they missed almost everything.

I think that's the best part. Is that they make it clear he fucking is well aware of how fucked it is and just sperging out anyway out of fear

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>the state

not great, not terrible

You should take a look at it

He was an absolute fucking sperg.

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lmao that fucking sitting posture

I just read a book last week that stated it was still semi-molten. but when i look it up online different sources say different things.

Gamma rays aren't infinitely powerful. They can keep moving forever, but their energy dissipates as they're absorbed by atoms. Some materials are very effective at absorbing radiation to the point that they can effectively halt the propagation of gamma rays. If I put up a lead shield between you and the burning core, there would be a "safe" (probably not really) region between you and the shield, but everything beyond the shield would be a hotspot, so to speak.

Or maybe there's a difference in what camera and characters see

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It's not a posture, he's borked like that

He's knowingly denying it because he knows he's the one who is fucked when they find out it has blown up.

When they found out it had blown he received 10 years in prison, served only five.

WTF? Why is this? Nuclear is still the best source of power generation. Coal plants on average kill way more then nuclear. Solar is ineffective. Wind mills only work if you got winds.

Fucking hippies ruining everything for us.

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Yes, but the fire itself would likely be white. The ionized air surrounds the light-emitting reaction, which may tint the fire blue, but I'm not sure.

how does such an autist get that kind of position tho

why is the bread like this?

I'm not sure, I'm just baking it out of a box user.

Have u ever met an engineer, let alone a nuclear one?

K19 The Widowmaker submarine radiation kino.

autistic nepotism

Fuck, I want Episode 2 already. What day does the show air on? Is it Sundays or Mondays?

Where do I download this?
Streaming isn't getting my peepe hard enough. I need to have it saved in my collection.
Thank you.

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>bit draftier than normal

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It was actually a disciplinary demotion after he fucked up a sub reactor.
It's why he was so anxious to get the test done, he had hoped it would look good on his record.


I'm sorry I don't go on Yea Forums that often.
Pirating is too much of a hassle in western Yurop, but I still don't want to pay money for HBO.

Fuck. Eurocuck here, so I'll have to watch it on tuesday after fucking work.

>when you see somebody who hasn't watched Chernobyl

>they don't even Pripyatpost

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>Pirating is too much of a hassle in western Yurop
Do you want me to download it for you, or something? Backrub, perhaps?

get it from MEGA you dummy

>Hickey's back


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>europoors too poor to even pirate
I had no idea it was so bad over there.

And he's going to fucking die.

only 3.6 inches deep
not great but not terrible, seen worse

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follow instructions on this page

>they even put the blue pillar going into the sky right above the reactor in
this shit is incredible

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Painfully I hope

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>Do you want me to download it for you, or something? Backrub, perhaps?
All of the major trackers block the IPs of my country.
I'm still searching, but can't find anything
>western europe
learn 2 read ploxx

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absolute nuclearlet here, can someone explain how does radiation penetrate into shit like steel doors and how does it effect someone like that guy that hold the door with his body?

Try some ruski websites, a slav friend in the UK manages to get his stuff from there.

>i said europe not europe
I feel for you honestly I do.

Physics question:

Shining visible light on most objects results in the light being reflected at a lower amplitude (right?). Do gamma ray photons get reflected too, or are they absorbed completely by a single atom?

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Matt Damon?

Different types of radiation penetrate different materials. The only sure way to stop all dangerous radiation is with lead. In Chernobyl there was a stupid amount of radiation released, so much that not even the measurement equipment could function properly, with that much radiation severe radiation burns are caused, hence why him and the firefighter who held a piece of graphite from the core of the reactor had pieces of their flesh missing.

>All of the major trackers block the IPs of my country.

> and how does it effect someone like that guy that hold the door with his body?
spent a year in hospital getting skin grafts and shit but he still alive meow

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>All of the major trackers block the IPs of my country.
Don't you mean the ISPs in your country block all the major trackers?

could be, I was jackin my bag to this irradiated slob.

>>i said europe not europe
>I feel for you honestly I do
>Try some ruski websites,
all I need is a mega or a zippyshare link. I don't think russians use those when they've got torrents.
my dong has tripled in size

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how many epidoses am I behind?

just torrented this shite

radiation smoll


Episode 1 just came out on monday.

You should evacua-


>spoonfeeding retard europoors

Radiation is a stream of various particles, smaller than atoms. It can pass through solid matter with different absorption rates depending on the type of radiation and how dense the matter is


>the pic

I know that what fucked him up was beta radiation, but no clue about the details. You have to come into direct contact with a radioactive surface to be affected by this, unlike gamma radiation, which can fuck you up from a distance.

I'm not sure what was going on with that door. It seemed to be able to absorb gamma radiation, but emit beta radiation? Help plz.

Least it was before I fucked everything up

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Sorry I haven't seen the show yet

>Blocks your path
pshh, nothing personel, """alpha"""
Should have specified which radiation is the hardcore one

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>this show is exempted from diversity requirement and is allowed to criticize communism

It's not a huge spoiler, don't worry

Alpha is pretty damn fat, being helium and all

not quite exempted.

>"The biggest and most artificial contrivance is the creation of a fictional character, a Belarusian scientist played by Emily Watson who takes a suspicious radiation reading in Minsk and magically, preposterously takes over the story. She’s everywhere at the same time, forcing herself onto the investigatory commission, sitting in on meetings with Gorbachev, raiding government archives, interviewing engineers in their hospital beds, single-handedly uncovering the secret history of the faulty reactor. (If Mazin wanted a prominent female character to leaven a story dominated by men, why did he leave out Maria Protsenko, the architect who designed Pripyat and supervised its evacuation?)"

I think Gamma rays pass through most material, that's why you can use a mirror to look past corners while avoiding nuclear radiation.

jesus fucking christ, I'll be on the roof

Loads of photos posted on/hr/ a few years back during the construction of the sarcophagus

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Visible light is closer to low frequency radio than gamma rays, they're in completely different leagues

Well it was fun while it lasted

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Gamma radiation does not pass through lead or concrete hence why nuclear reactors are built out of..... you guessed it - lead and concrete.

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Everything has a reflection/transmission curve of frequency/wavelength vs reflection/transmission. Even glass will block UV or ir and they are as close to visible as you can get.
Reflection of gamma is mad difficult because it passes through everything. Xrays telescopes use crazy angles and abuse physics for bouncing them around.

They had to give the guy with the cute face the most horrifying death possible. This is gonna be worse than the animals getting shot.

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Ah, exactly the answer I was looking for! Thanks comrade.

It's not so simple, absorption is a probability, the lead or concrete must be thick enough. At the atomic level there are huge gaps for radiation to pass, dense things the holes are smaller and you are just gambling on the radiation hitting the atoms not making it through the gaps.

How many bros died putting the old and new one together.

Why does he look so upset? he'll be fine.

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Ers tew mach raydiayshn, ill hef to goh araynd.

If you made it really thick and blasted it with gamma rays, would the composition of the lead change at all? Would it get hotter?

Yah I got that. Obviously I'd feel a lot safer behind a 3 ft thick concrete and lead wall as opposed to only 5 inches.

"They went through a narrow corridor towards the central hall, entered the reactor hall, and found it blocked with rubble and fragments; dangling fire hoses were pouring water into the remains of the reactor core, the firemen not there anymore. The Upper Biological Shield was slanted, jammed into the reactor shaft; a blue and red fire raged in the hole. The minute the two stood above the reactor was enough to darken their bodies with “nuclear tan” and give them a fatal radiation dose."

Burning graphite and corium lava give off a very bright red glow while ionized air gives a blue glow.

So you'd have a combination of both, as stated by the testimony above.

he snapped, but instead of denying the obvious like the sperging retard that is dyatlov he accepts it and shuts off

Behold my creation.

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Neutrons would turn the surface of the lead radioactive via neutron activation

gamma rays would simply ionize the surface if blasted in sufficient quantity, thus accelerating the oxidation of the lead, but that's all.

Has anybody listened to the podcast? Is it any good?

someone explain this meme to me
i know he's the ''what body'' dude, but thats where I get lost

>"It’s hard not to feel sorry for Protsenko, who in the space of 36 hours went from proudly planning Pripyat’s expansion to calculating how many buses would be needed to get its residents to safety. (Precisely 1,225, as it turned out.) Ever the dutiful technocrat, she rode the last one, zigzagging across the ghost city to pick up stragglers."

Why the hell would they leave this out? Imagine how ominous they could have made it

can someone pls explain why it was so important to empty the water that had gathered under the 4th reactor? i know it was massively important but dunno why

Please tell me, how an RMBK reactor core explodes?

>It's not white
Huh. Then I suppose it must not emit a lot of photons in the visible range; the photons are too high-energy to see.

>burning core elephants foot shit hits water
>massive steam explosion
>radiation everywhere

yeah but if you breath in/eat alpha emitting dust it also can't pass out of you

finally someone gets some water on the core

>we did a lot of research
>it's more relevant because of the election
>trump calling cnn fake news is just like chernobyl being covered up
I summed it up for you, it's really not worth it.

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Why does my internet die everytime i try to torrent it?
I torrent other things and it works fine?

what sort of fresh 1984 style hell are we living in?

Alex Jones was right all the long

Worth noting that all three divers who entered the radiation soup under the corium blob to open the drainage valves did not get poisoned. One of them died in 2005 of a heart attack, another was alive as of 2016, and the last one was decorated last year.

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>Neutrons would turn the surface of the lead radioactive via neutron activation
Oh shit, so that's where the beta decay is initiated. This is all making sense now.

Here is Proper Nuclear Kino: (((zoomers)))

)resident boomer(03-04-1961)(


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White light isn't simply "a lot of photons", it's a combination of many visible wavelength put together, burning graphite just happens to emit on the red part of the spectrum when burning, just like some elements emit blue, green or yellow light.

well nuclear part of the reactor itself did not explode.
First explosion was caused by overpressurised steam that blow reactors biological shield off and broke fuel assembly. Second, bigger explosion was either another steam explosion or possibly Hydrogen explosion.

Yeah, I was kinda in the process of figuring that out when I made that post.

There was no nuclear explosion? Jesus that must have been a lot of hydrogen.

If you see street map, you will watch a lot of cars in there. It is the ukrainian Disneyland

why do we keep ending up with competing generals?

Whose in charge here?!

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Are there any fags or shitskins In this show? Given its on HBO it can't be that good right?

Huh ? No beta decay is one type of nuclear decay.
A decaying nuclei can emit an alpha particle (helium nuclei), a beta particle (either a high energy electron or a high energy anti-electron called positron), or à gamma ray (high energy photon)
Some nuclei can emit one of those or a combination of them with probabilities of one type of decay happening more often than another.
Every isotope has its specific types of decay and probabilities of each happening, they also emit them with specific energies.

That shit is so complex that's why nuclear physics is one big branch of particle physics.

Now neutron activation just means that a stable nuclei can catch a free neutron and turn unstable, thus radioactive.

So far there has been exactly one colored person. He has zero lines.

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>HBO it can't be that good right
its safe, nothing exploded.

i dunno but the other one has a tripfag, SAD!

No radiation there comrade, just a typical slav.

>one colored person

No one knows what happened really and how many explosions there were (at least two according to local seismic data)

Some physicists recently argued that the biggest explosion was in fact a prompt critical event, literally a nuclear fizzle. This one could have been the biggest explosion measured at 21 tons of TNT by seismic data.

But adding extra neutrons to an atom would eventually force it to emit a beta particle, wouldn't it? As in: Neutron radiation hits surface => surface becomes unstable => surface emits beta particles. Isn't that what happened with the door to the reactor room? Or am I still not getting it.

A little something I've found in the imgur album.
One of the 1st of May parade trucks representing the company which built the plant.
Note that it says "Ghidroyelektromontaj".

The nuclear plant was built by a fucking hydropower company.

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Why are you so focused on beta decay ?
Catching a neutron would just turn the element into a radioactive isotope of the element it was before, the type of decay associated with it depends on what isotope it has become.


>Why are you so focused on beta decay ?
I guess mostly I've been focused on that big door and what the hell happened to it to fuck that chubby guy up so bad.

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Unless the soviets mastered some kind of alien techs, reactors are just big kettles. What's the problem ? Siemens used to build nuclear power plants in Germany despite mainly being an electronics company

which guy was he

Radiation burns, can happen with any kind of ionizing radiation.

The firefighter with huge eyes.

It makes me sad that we're no longer testing nukes. I want to see this shit from all angles in 8k and modern cameras.

You'd think with all the money Hollywood has they would be able to buy a nuke and detonate it for some shitty movie.

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do you know who else makes nuclear reactors?

That's stunning

I didn't recognize him until Yea Forums pointed it out. He looks like a slav here.

same here. hardly recognizable without the beard

Hopefully better than they made fucking Note 7

High MeV and GeV spectrum gamma can photo-fizz most high Z elements, lead included. depending on gamma emission spectrum, it could very well alter the composition of the lead plate - it will certainly do it to beryllium. I'm not in the mood to look up the fission energies for lead but I know it happens.

The bigger worry is typically neutrons. energetic neutrons will alter the composition of both the lead and the concrete. This leads to embrittlement and "Winger swelling" that can structurally compromise a poorly designed shield.

Also Toshiba

Skoda as well

But alpha particles wouldn't penetrate his clothes, and the door itself was designed to handle gamma rays, so that leaves...

Hmmm , this bread is ... suspiciously fresh.

I'm trying user.

Do the control rods have "Volkswagen" printed on them as well?

The door turned radioactive ? The radiations from the opened reactor room ? It's not just beta particles which would be stopped by the door too

if the chief engineer didn't know the status of the reactor why was he trying to get water to it?

he knew it was fuggged

but he was holding the door open and it was most likely damaged in the explosion which is why it had to be forced. iirc gamma flat out kills cells beta doesn't

Because that's better than nothing, especially in the case of a reactor

Alpha particles are ionized helium nuclei
Beta particles are electrons or positrons
Gamma are exceptionally short wavelength photons
Neutrons are neutral nucleons

In general -

1) if it looks like a very bad sunburn with blistering, it's high intensity beta
2) if your skin falls off, it's gamma
3) if you die of massive organ failure, it's a combo of gamma and neutrons

β+ emits secondary gamma photons upon annihilation with an electron in a "target" material. the resulting gamma are sub-MeV but will still fuck you up.

Air around intense radiation glows blue, but as for the core glow itself, it would depend on what radioactive substance they are using as the fissionable material. I believe it's uranium, so it would be yellow/green.

Does this show just bring out idiots like you or what? I don't understand how there are so many of you idiots that don't understand this character.

I was referring specifically to the wounds on his shoulder and thigh. I didn't consider that the door itself might emit gamma rays.

>β+ emits secondary gamma photons upon annihilation with an electron in a "target" material. the resulting gamma are sub-MeV but will still fuck you up.
I had no idea about this. Looks like I need to go study some reaction diagrams.

Graphite was burning with a red glow

Beta particles hitting the door could also emit x rays which would cause radiation burns too

yeah now that I think about it that guard is also totally fucked isn't he

Commie institutions are always several steps behind the times as a paradoxical result of their desire to be more modern than modern and to save dengi. DDR kept "Nazi-style" uniforms simply to avoid having to retool the factories. Railroads were the first big Bolshy tech symbol because at that time they were so; hydro plants and universal electrification were next. I think the Arms of the DPRK is actually a picture of a hydro plant.

No no, it's a Stalker reference.

The problem is biodiversity and the communist attitude toward life. A kettle made by Siemens (or for that matter Krupp) is not in the same ballpark as a kettle made by Stakhanov.

This is the Wiki pic for this sort of emission/capture. the two gamma are both at 511KeV if memory serves.

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There were blacks in the Soviet Union but it would pretty much be terrorists receiving bomb-maker training and the children of the Ethiopean ruling elite at Moscow State. Obviously, none are native. Russians use the term "black" to describe Caucasus Mountain ethnicities.

post KINO screencaps

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Aw hell yeah, Jack Lemmon and Wilfred Brimley in the accident that created the monster known as Diabeetus.

a hydro-power company is likely one of few companies that would operate a foundry large enough to make that sort of casting.

Not to mention that many of the other power and heat extraction parts of a plant are up their alley

makes sense desu

Radiation is very bizarre, you can be right next to it and be safe.

It is Hollywood Law that truly heroic and talented women who actually existed must be erased to make room for hastily thrown together garbage like the imposed female character here.


Reminder that the reason that everyone is in denial is because they were all genuinely told that RBMK reactors were impossible to go critical. The operators actually did the right thing and the core SHOULD have shut down but there was a known design flaw that the operators were not made aware of because muh gommunism. Fuck commies and fuck chernobyl for ruining nuclear power forever.

i understand the character i was asking what the point of getting water to the core was even if the reactor itself was fine.

Graphite wasn't the fuel though.

When does the next episode air? Please say it's not late Sunday night. It's like HBO is begging early morning wage slaves to pirate

>tfw did a cheeky visit couple months before they put the sarcophagus over it.
I got to see it in all its glory.

the reactor was a bad design but the retard saying everything was fine purposely told the operators to deactivate all safety measures and control rods and run the experiment outside the acceptable parameters.

>i understand the character
>now let me ask this question which shows I clearly don't understand the character
Is this just bait? There's no way you're actually this stupid.

What's great about RBMKs is that they didn't require any specific industrial tools to be built, from the reactor core to the cooling loops, the turbines and the control systems. That's why they were so cheap. The VVER, the soviet pressurized reactor, required precise manufacturing and high pressure elements, which made them much more expensive despite being extremely safe in comparison.

being colorblind sucks.

think its used as a radiation insulator

Every Monday.

It's just green on the sides and orange in the middle.

Nuclear fuel doesn't burn like coal or gas and doesn't emit light if you haven't understood yet. Graphite does though, and that's where the color came from.

Nuclear core is hot, that's the point.
If it gets too hot it melts, thats a meltdown, that's bad.
Rmbk reactor typically needs around 1000 corrections per hour to be stable, there are lots of physics trying to fuck you and melt the core.
The control room was fucked, they tried to scram the reactor, that is fully insert all control rods to stop the reaction but the display said they were not fully inserted, in reality there were blown all to fuck.
So they cant shut it down or control it by fiddling the control rods, the next best thing to stop meltdown is to just cool it as much as possible until they get control rods inserted manually.
So pump in water to keep it cool, if it gets too hot it melts down into the earth (like it did anyway which is really bad)

are you a fucking illiterate retard?
let me spell it out for you since you were dropped on the head as a child.
forgot about the faggot nuclear man.
if the the reactor was perfectly normal what would more water to it accomplish?

If he can't see the colors then he can't understand what you mean by green and orange

so what was this? why would some fireman stop and pick up some rubble? was it glowing?

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thanks. you understand english unlike the other fucking idiot.


It sure as SHIT wasn't graphite comrade

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quick question. was it necessary for those guys to turn the valves? or did they just essentially die for nothing?

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The water is how you control everything. The water cools the core and that process releases steam which turns electricity-generating machinery. Moving the right amount of water to the right place would normally fix problems or operate the plant.

Yeah but it still shouldn't have blown, even under the given parameters. When the control rods went back in it should have shut it down. They weren't told about the spiking cause by the control rods.

Cool down the core.
A nuclear reactor still emits residual heat even when shutdown due to the natural decay of U-235 and the accumulated fission byproducts

graphite looks quite characteristic

If the reactor was normal what would more cooling accomplish? Well I'd imagine it would cool it of course that's why faggot nuclear man wanted to put more coolant on it. See, thinking can be done if you put a little effort into it.

They died for nothing. If the reactor core was still intact they would be manually providing it more water if the electric system went down, but they were just opening valves that would pump into a ditch.

What was the blue column after the explosion?

He said it, cherenkov effect, he was right on this one

It's the red I can't really see in that picture, just looks like a normal forest picture

What's the closest one can get to the elephants foot now without damaging their health, how was the sarcophagus constructed

Can I get a gif of Dyatlov projectile vomiting?

ionizing radiation making the atmosphere glow... and by that I mean a WTFOMGBBQ number of Roentgens

basically a dirt bomb level sub-critical event

im wondering if any animals/plants/fungi/bacterium have adapted to have anti radiation genes

only happens in liquids, to the infirmary with you
I don't really get it, but I think the reactor core being open the radioactive particles fire through the air straight up and make that glow.

>purposely told the operators to deactivate all safety measures
The reactor was running for a day or so? With the automatic protection turned off before the test started. It was within test parameters to disable automatic safety systems, I dont know why but it wouldn't have prevented an accident probably because scram was what fucked them. Except it was running below power well prior which fucked the core up so maybe safety system would tell them get to fuck? Not sure.

Everything I have seen says it was pointless because the core was btfo. Is it possible that some water helped cool the reaction at some stage because of their effort? Fuck only knows, but the reasoning behind the decision to do it was absolutely flawed.

I doubt the door was designed to stop gamma from an exposed core ( perhaps a few fuel rods or so) after it exploded and blew the building to fuck, integrity was definitely compromised.

*throws up
best I can do is a color distorted pic

Attached: tfw too much feed water.jpg (2084x1444, 318K)

No it can happen in any medium son + Dyatlov himself said it

Is she dead?

just watched the first episode. pretty boring. why a huge following on Yea Forums?

Bless you user


Attached: user report.png (900x676, 410K)

Correct, it's the Sup'ung/Shuifeng Dam

Attached: 800px-Emblem_of_North_Korea.svg.png (800x936, 355K)

t. zoomer

Thread is full of shills, get out while you can or start shit posting to show these shills we will never roll over for these trumptards.

he's delusional

which type? i can try and edit the photo for you

>mfw dayshift

Attached: 1548394606662.jpg (1224x1505, 234K)


I assume the glass is made of acrylic since it creates a lichtenberg figure

I really must commend their research.
Even the mannerism of gossiping babushkas is accurate to a T.

Attached: babushki.jpg (891x489, 102K)

>It's all so tiresome.

Beta radiation is particles. So ya, touching the door that is coated in beta radiated particles (dust/ash) straight from the reactor would fuck you up big time.

any one have a picture of the blue glow in the show?

I dont recall ever seeing it

why aren't their any black people in this series?

He literally lost it at this scene.

Attached: Nope, no graphite here.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

>The exposed firefighters and plant workers swelled up, their skin turning the eerie purple of radiation burn. Later it would turn black and peel away.
Yer, in the later episodes

>Beta radiation is particles.
Technically, all radiation is particles.

Technically you like getting fucked in the ass

i'm also a lil colourblind and this picture is kinda hard to distinguish the colours in, but i know what colours are

Photons can behave as particles yet they technically aren't.
Xrays, gamma rays and UVs are pure energy

>New bread soon anons

Attached: 1537969358439.jpg (412x232, 18K)

so what was his plan? why did he act like a fucking retard?

either denial or the soviets might kill his family if he doesnt follow orders

That's the face someone makes when they know they've lost an argument, but are nonetheless on a path to salvage some dignity by bullshitting really hard.

>Photons can behave as particles yet they technically aren't.
Lol what? No offense, but bruh, go back to Wikipedia.
>Pure energy
Okay now you're pissing me off a little.

Why do brainlets find Dyatlov so confusing?

>tfw Russia for the last 100 years

chernobyl is really about blindly following authority no matter what
>constantly repeat how the soviet designed reactor could never blow up no matter what actually transpired
>cuck goes on roof to look into core even though he knows it will kill him
>other guy sees graphite outside through the broken windows but he still denies that the cuck saw graphite
>old soviet guy literally says that nothing wrong can happen because communism (literally points to statue of Lenin) will protect them
>fireman tells his wife nothing is to worry because that was what they were told and they believe no matter what (she saw it blow up at the start)
>fireman's wife's friends tell her nothing is wrong and scold her for worrying when they are told nothing is wrong
>even though they know the geiger counter is maxed out at 3.6 roentgens they still report that the radiation is 3.6 and dont test to see if it is higher as they blindly follow the authority of the geiger

it seemed like he was completely disconnected from everything the entire time, surely simply being afraid of the soviets wasn't the only reason, did he think he could come out on top? or was it just pure autism?

the dude survived till 1995. id say he came out on top out of pure selfishness

Yes photons are pure energy they're called energy quantums for a reason, they don't have mass

New bread

I know its early but last one I'm doing for the night.

yeah just searched him up, is backstory is quite fucked up, he was also found guilty of "criminal mismanagement of potentially explosive enterprises" so i guess he did have a reason to act suspicous, also worte a book that basically blamed everything but himself for the disaster

shouldn't it technically be bread 20 or something though? Or are we do Russian Bureaucrat numbering?

Attached: tfw they didn't see graphite on the ground.png (2786x1436, 3.99M)

Because it's not normal or natural for people from many different places to be thoroughly mixed in every setting. Black people are in Africa, less civilized parts of the Americas, and the Caribbean. That's where black people are. Black people aren't in Belarus (at this time, there were hardly any in Europe), and they certainly weren't running nuclear power plants. That's why there's no black people: because there weren't any.

>pure energy
There's no such thing as "pure" energy, "quantums" is not a word, and your insinuation that photons are somehow not particles demonstrates you have no clue what you're talking about.

best book for educating yourself about Chernobyl

That is what communism is all about, denying reality

Why did the main guy blame Dyatlov? How is it his fault the KGB refused to allow them to know a critical flaw about RBMK reactors?

> "quantums" is not a word
>proceed to claim I don't know shit while comparing elementary particles to things like alpha particles

Jesus fuck those Wikipedia scientists are out

Dyatlov was doing some careless, prideful shit the night of the accident. Wait till the last episode.

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RBMK has a positive void coeficient.When colant is removed or replaced with steam the neutron capture drops and more moderated neurtons are in the core driving the power up exponentially.Nuke cores work on delayed neutron controll but the chernobyl one went into exponential curve and reached power output hundreds of times that of design rated output.Graphite is a moderator in rbmkthey nearly killed the reactor with xenon buildup and the power rampup was caused partially by delay in burnup of xenon and stupid sensor array in the core

It's QUANTA, retard. I'm done with this. Stay ignorant if that's what you want.

Yes the plural is quanta, it doesn't change that photons can be called pure energy even if it's debatable

Being a grammar nazi doesn't show your knowledge, you perfectly understood what I meant but chose to attack me on that mistake. Keep reading Wikipedia

>die for nothing

That's a mighty unfair way to treat the heroic efforts of some of the people involved in the desister. There were also people who dug a tunnel towards the reactor to cool it down, absorbed an enormous amount of radiation and by the time they finished the job, the reactor was already stabilized via other means.

However, that's not the point. The point is that at the time you had to try everything, and they did.

I have never heard them referred to that way. Do we call them pure energy, but not any other particle? Are all bosons pure energy? Are all massive particles pure energy? I've only heard this terminology in fiction.

this cracked me up

This thread obviously isn't here to go in depth about particle physics otherwise there would be way more to say about radioactivity and reactor physics. Calling them pure energy is ok to teach beginners, it's not like they're going to learn about spin and momentum tomorrow morning.

I disagree and find the term highly misleading, but okay.

Misleading if you know why it's not true, but for people that want to learn quick knowledge it's called filling the gaps until they want to learn more about it.

>it's called filling the gaps
It's called being wrong and trying to save face. Go to school.

We usually represent an atom as a big nuclei with blue balls spinning around it when this representation is highly misleading too. I've had many people strugguling in quantum physics simply because they were given false visual representations. I don't see how calling photons would be worse than that desu

>blue pillar
you mean literal death ray that rivals shitty anime tropes.
made my pp diamond.
like imagine if that happened today and we were able to see the beam from space frying satellites and space stations like shin godzilla.

Attached: 1538943258620.jpg (680x379, 42K)

That's called popular science you elitist cunt, did you wake up yesterday morning ?

Isn't school simplifying science to a point where most complex things you learn are borderline bullshit ? As someone said stop being elitist

none since they were not delusional about the danger. but the new one has a built in super crane to disassemble the old concrete sarcophagus since it was poorly built and showing signs of wear that would cause a collapse.

Attached: aw shit.gif (499x374, 475K)

It's unnecessary and potentially misleading because "pure energy" doesn't have a set definition, and there's already a term for the energy carried by a photon: electromagnetic radiant energy. It's a mouthful, but being precise and accurate with the basics is worth the extra syllables.

Yeah, something they won't understand without further explanation, would be better to tell them nothing at this point.

"Within minutes after the steam explosion that caused the Chernobyl accident at 01:23 local time, a number of employees at the power station went outside to get a clearer view of the extent of the damage. One such survivor, Alexander Yuvchenko, recounts that once he stopped outside and looked up towards the reactor hall he saw a "very beautiful" LASER-like beam of light bluish light, caused by the ionization of air, that appeared to flood up into infinity."

Attached: Cyclotron_with_glowing_beam.jpg (640x436, 64K)

>would be better to tell them nothing at this point
If you're starting with "photons aren't particles" and "photons are pure energy", yes, I 100% agree.

What do you think he's aiming at?

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