People want a movie made by a true filmmaker to be overtaken by some soulless factory-made superhero trash flick

>people want a movie made by a true filmmaker to be overtaken by some soulless factory-made superhero trash flick
Cinema is dead.

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>not realizing Avatar is a Disney product


>ripping off dances with wolves

>20+ extended film universe culmination
>dances with smurfs

>true filmmaker
pick one

>having sides on this battle of "WHAT MOVIE JEW MAKES MORE MONEY !!!"


>story that has been told like 100 times
>ayo but this time it has aliens


Avatar literally only exists make money for his real passion.

>defending the Avatar 2, 3, 4, 5 assembly line as non factory-made

>people actually care about box office numbers

Endgame was a big dumb spectacle, Avatar was a big dumb spectacle, neither were actually good.

It wasn't a the time, dipshit. They get no money from the first one

They're made by an auteur, do you not understand the difference

But user, Avatar is soulless factory-made trash too. Not being about superheroes doesn't mean it suddenly has a reason to exist.

>makes alita
>"true filmmaker"
kill yourself alitafag

>whaa, whaa, cinema is dead
Yeah, superboogaymenz did remove all good movies from movie archives, lol.

>Films ends with a man and a woman in love dancing and delivers catharsis with no teaser for the next film or no post-credit scene
>Soulless according to Yea Forums autist
Kys, cunt.

Disney is trying to condition the masses into believing it made the movie. Look at its movie studio website and Avatar is pictured right there alongside Star Wars, etc. Completely ridiculous 2bh. We all know Based Jim and Fox made those movies, not "Gonna Play it Safe" Disney.

Marvel defense force on overtime today

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>Russos were exhausted by the end of filming IW and EG back to back
>Yea Forums morons complain they didn't care and were soulless
We all wished we worked as hard as them on something.

*common sense anons (a rarity on Yea Forums)

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Avatar is a Cameron product, he just didn't finance it himself. Cameron is well known to not let studio suits interfere and after Titanic and Avatar he pretty much enjoys absolute freedom and immunity. They get the privilege of giving him money so he can turn it into 10 times that amount.