This is Hugh Jackman
He is the best actor alive today and has never been in a movie that he didn't make better simply by being in it
Say something nice about him
This is Hugh Jackman
He is the best actor alive today and has never been in a movie that he didn't make better simply by being in it
Say something nice about him
>has never been in a movie that he didn't make better simply by being in it
Imagine Kate and Leopold where any other actor played Leopold.
That's a worse movie and you can't deny that
This is Hugh Jackman
He is an evil hollywood scumbag that attends satanic rituals.
He’s a creepy pedo and not as good looking or talented as Jake Gyllenhaal, Bradley Cooper, Ryan Reynolds.
He's a huge actman
Michael Fassbender would've made that movie watchable. Enough with your mancrush.
he raped boys with Bryan Singer
I was quite clear about saying something nice, not mean and false.
The fuck you mean retard? I posted photographic evidence. He probably raped the boy in the pic.
Not the user you replied to but I need to see this pic.
>Meg Ryan feelgood romcom before she took the bogpill
It's no Sleepless in Seattle but it's watchable. Time Travel plot is a bit eh.
boy a cute. A CUTE.
>and has never been in a movie that he didn't make better simply by being in it
There's a few actors like that. For me, Tom Hardy and Jude Law springs to mind.
>before she took the bogpill
She looks pretty bog to me
I wanna sex that sexy sexy dog.
That dog died a while ago, user.
I get the feeling Nicolas Hoult would experiment with the gayness.
Nicolas Hoult has done some truly degenerate things to establish his career
How else do you think he got the role in the X-Men films?
He was letting producers bum him way back in the skins days
He deserved better than that skank.
he stars in my favorite movie, the fountain and even though i hate faggots youre OK in my book mr j. at least you have the common decency to stay in the closet