I know you are all loaded, but please show me your memes.
Best meme so far attached.
I know you are all loaded, but please show me your memes.
Best meme so far attached.
Other urls found in this thread:
Let’s hope the next episode doesn’t go full sjw as the leaks predict. No wonder the guy at the beginning hangs himself. He knows what’s coming for the audience and feels shame.
Why was he so delusional in the first place?
And also the other two with him, are they retarded?
he hung himself because he knew autists like you would be having a fit over accents
Lol stay mad at objective truth anglo. Optimal presentation is Ukrainian with subs, then comes accents, then native accents. Your bong actors are on the third tier. Aka bad actors.
next episode is probably about sand
You're delusional.
I hate sand. It’s course, rough, irritating. And it gets everywhere.
>over accents
Any time. Any goddamn fucking time when it comes to portraying a different language in English they choose Britisj actors. Which, in fantasy settings like LotR or GoT is understandable, but in Hunt for Red October? Star Wars? Chernobyl? British accents. Why. Why.
Maybe Ukraine should make their own Chernobyl series then. On second thought, they shouldn't, because Ukrainians can't into television or film.
This. The only reason they don't is American's fear of payless effort.
>takes his trip off again to samefag
we already caught you doing this before, why continue?
Maybe you should make shows about your own history. Oh wait you don’t have one.
why the fuck did ONE SINGLE EPISODE lead to a plebbit invasion with their galactic-tier cringe roleplay and memes?
I never take off my trip stay mad.
A dub would have been preferrable. My quibble is not "americans portraying ukraine" so much as "british accents in ukraine". Mel Gibson agrees with me.
>muh own history
cringe slav tripfag is a cringe slav tripfag. Soviets made this everyone's history considering how shit they were at containing the spread of radiation.
More than one person can have an opinion different to yours.
Actually you did it in a thread last night.
>A dub would have been preferrable
Stay upset bong. Go back to Afghanistan or Mongolia where you come from with the rest of your AustroHun losers.
Imagine typing this.
not even a bong lmao
Nope didn’t do it there either. You just got butthurt at a schizo user.
Where can I watch this show? Haven't heard about it anywhere but here.
Elaborate please
>radiation spread as far as Eastern Canada
casus belli for television production
Good. Stay that way.
Did you go to the infirmary like I asked?
>could be a chernobyl thread
>nope instead it's about MEEEE
What a woman.
You weren’t talking to me so no.
But I was talking to you. Posting a phone screenshot doesn't help you either, only strengthens what I'm saying.
Pathetic really. Quite sad. Delusional even.
>he makes it about the trips
Lol what an orbiter. I’m flattered though ;)
Delusional indeed my butthurt anglo. Anyway back on topic. To answer this anons question: Apparently there have been leaks that there will be a fictional Belarusian woman introduced to the story who uncovers all sorts of secrets and confronts top administration and is an overall sjw insert. I hope it’s not true.
The topic is you're retarded for even suggesting Ukrainians could make something as well-done as HBO, and your argument for it is because Chernobyl has nothing to do with anyone who isn't a former Soviet nation (factually wrong) and somehow Germanics aren't European despite literally being European.
UPA tv series when?
Never said any of that. If you endeavour to make a good historical show, use authentic language or accents. Otherwise you’re a bad actor and director. Look at Mel Gibson’s movies as that other user suggested. Totally much better because of the realism it brings.
tripfags are THE biggest losers
I can only hope it's not horrible and obnoxious. Actually just finished The Terror and my heart sank when the ladies showed up but they were a minimal presence, luckily. There's quotas to fill after all!
>this will never be me
Stellan is Swedish and Curly Hair is Irish. Neither use British accents.
They already got their quotas in Pripyat so yea let’s hope. But I have a feeling both the nurse and the wife are going to start playing bigger and bigger roles unfortunately.
>I hope it’s not true.
She was in a trailer, more time on screen than Legolas
How can Russians speaking English IN RUSSIA be in any way authentic?
>being butthurt about posts from other thread
Lmao. It’s still true though. And doesn’t change the objective truth to what I’m saying about authenticity in your show.
You’re right it isn’t truly authentic. It’s only just MORE authentic than no accents. The true authenticity would’ve been Ukrainian with English subtitles.
>Never said any of that.
>It's still true though.
Right so the series should be Ukrainian made and completely shit as a consequence of that just to satiate the poor slavtripfag who is bothered by it.
>The true authenticity would’ve been Ukrainian with English subtitles.
Nobody spoke Ukrainian there, maybe some janitors like that dude on the bridge and people from the villages nearby.
are you guys retarded? the characters are supposed to be speaking russian to one another, why would they have fucking accents? do you not understand what abstraction is, the actors speaking english doesnt mean the characters are, you get that right? how fucking autistic is this tripfag?
Maybe you’re confused because you’re bringing up posts from other threads while I’m talking about what I’m saying here you retard.
You’re not even reading the posts dumbass. Accents are less preferable to the real thing.
Then maybe you should have said "I didn't say that within the last couple of minutes" which still wouldn't be an acceptable response because you're still speaking the same retarded shit as in the last thread.
I don’t have to clarify anything for your butthurt orbiter ass. Stay mad.
Clarify? No shit you don't need to clarify anything, you're quite clear in your retardation.
Good one anglo. The soul of wit is truly still strong in the UK.
Purpose of a nuclear reactor:
>1. Use explosions to make steam
>2. Use steam to rotate heavy thing
>3. ????
>4. Use electrical power to charge your phone
The mysteries never cease.
supahotfire more like supahotfaggot
>Use explosions to make steam
That's RMBKs, not all nuclear reactors.
it would be more authentic if they had the actual liquidators playing characters, are these anglos stupid or something? the purpose of making tv is to be as authentic as possible, not to be entertaining
Don’t have a meltdown.
Ukrainian accent sounds how cat piss smells
no one would watch it
Chernobyl is in Ukraine
Get out of here SHITTER
Ukraine is a mythical country
>what is the Russification policy of the Soviet Union
What should I eat and drink while watching the next episode of radiationkino, bros?
Pfft, whatever. I'm an armchair physicist, not an armchair geographer.
everyone in the plant would have been mostly Russians speaking Russian
Bread, Sausage, a plate of salt and onions, and vodka.
I honest to god would prefer a dub with english subs, but i don't mind too much as long as the series is good
vodka and feedwater
See. This is the objective truth. And I’m sorry I keep being racist against anglos. I’m not really racist but I have to sometimes speak directly to the main target demo here.
make your own Chernobyl series
>it's a tripfag shits up half the thread episode
no, it's a NATO puppet state
it's not even in NATO
that's why it's a NATO puppet state, just like Georgia
>see a comfy Kinobyl thread
>some tripfaggot is ruining it
Why are trips still allowed
Don't have a sudden and profound sense of awareness
He doesn't have any friends, where else is he going to get his attention?
>these are good posts according to user
My favourite part of being a tripfag.
There's no difference between anonymous shitposters and named shitposters. They're both shitposters who ruin things. I would argue that anonymous shitposters are actually worse because you can't filter them to ignore them. You're forced to manually hide their posts or suffer their mental illness.
Tripfags are objectively the best and most handsome posters.
My favourite thing about you being a tripfag is that all your posts are on record, like admitting you have no friends and are a pathetic weebshit.
Good. I’m proud of my record. Love being anti anglo and anti west. Fuck your culture lmao.
Honestly faggots like you giving tripcucks attention are worse, I have them all filtered and wouldn't even know if not for you
You're one dumb faggot.
t. Ukrainian
You've outed yourself
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
oh wow, looks fantastic
27/90 posts
almost a third of all posts from that faggot
Add another 15-20 for samefagging.
No wonder nobody cares about the Ukrainian film industry, they're too embarrassed to share it with the world.
And the rest are anons complaining about me. Just imagine if you didn’t. What would this thread look like? I leave the choice to you, anons. For I am but a man of the people. I want what YOU want.
It's all under control, comrade.
It has to be.
You've outed yourself
I’ve outed your anus lol
oh no....
needs even more red face
*throws up
>102 replies
>26 posters
He's already been caught le ebin trolling
Just filter him
>humoring the tripfag nigger
What in the fuck is wrong with Yea Forums?
>Show about nuclear radiation attracts autists
Who would've guessed?
Yeah I mean come on guys. What the efff like ughhh this is so not ok!
more like
>60 replies
>25 posters
Oh like you're doing now?
Based fighter user. Stir shit up bro that’s the spirit!
looks like a complete work of fiction
I am but a simple shitposter
what did she mean by this?
Simple yet deadly.
comrades, you need to understand that a RBMK-type reactor cannot possibly explode
because even when it does, its actually doesn't
Radioactive Reading Rainbow:
>Paper on the theory that the initial explosion at Chernobyl was a nuclear explosion:
>Paper on Therac-25 radiation incidents in 85/86 (around the same time as Chernobyl):
>Obligatory 9/11 connections:
Glorious post comrade, now let us cut all communication off to the city and call in the day shift
>2001 Manhattan thermo-nuclear catastrophe
really makes me think delusional thoughts
дa, comrade. The people need to know that they can trust the state with their lives, no matter how short.
>going full sjw with a character that shits on the communists
It’s not good, but not terrible
good comrade, getting the day shift to do some work will take their minds off things
Some things are bigger than politics.
Good kino is hard to find come by the days. Got to appreciate when it comes around. Maybe you should fuck off to a capeshit thread champ.
Says the one who thinks HBO's Chernobyl is propaganda.
Everything on TV is propaganda.
Quantify that belief.
why didn't he just refuse to go look directly into satans anus?
No, I asked you to quantify that.
Documentary from Ukrainian TV studio:
Soviet Russia. A culture of fear and denial.
3.6 muttgens
I have never been so furious at a character before
Any good meme ideas?
A re-enactment of the entire episode done in STALKER’s XRay engine.
Someone post goatse with the exposed core. My idea but I lack the shop skills.
I do not know how it did comrade I am not stupid, but it did.
You have 10 seconds to explain why you are not currently flooding the core.
No reason comrade please do not report me
a better version
Go check it from the roof, you'll see you're wrong
There are not leaks, you are mistaken.
What was all the shit dripping from the ceiling? Was the radiation causing the building materials to melt?
the core isn't there
I hope so.
Obviously the feedwater.
Should it be Dyatlov and roof man or someone else?
10 years in the infirmary for you.
Dude what would radioactivity feel like on MDMA lmao?
why is this a meme on Yea Forums all of a sudden?
Are you stupid? Must be delusional send him to the infirmary.
Dyatlov, roofman and fomin with a horrible green filter
It’s water leaking from broken pumps and basins. They make that scene so ominous because that water is now radioactive as shit and they’re being showered with it. That’s why the guy with the massive sunburn smoking a cigarette is saying ITS OVER.
Take him to the infirmary.
imagine an ayahuasca trip in chernobyl
Because a) it actually happened; b) it really was as insane as depicted.
What is feedwater anyway?
these fox niggas in chernobyl can make SANDWICHES. where THE FUCK they learn how to do that shit? these niggas too smart
They are surpassing us as the dominant species. We need to cover the populace in radiation to grow stronger than them.
how about this
black bread
Smoked sausage
no the interview thing
"bread" and sausages.
They all went red cus they were so embarrassed lol what a bunch of goofs
fun fact
red face roof dude got stabbed in the eye by Jaime in s1 of GOT
Lol sorry world ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Whens the next episode out comrades?
learn to filter
that's jory? and here i was wondering why he looks familiar. he got thinner
The pumps are gone comrade
yep its him
>tfw Moscow keeps sending faulty equipment
I just want a functioning dosimeter comrades
the new sacrophagus is so unaesthetic compared to the brutal look of the original
the feedwater, they finally turned it on and the core is now cooling thank lenin, really came close there
Would you give her the iodine?
I would if I had any
Absolute madness narrated with a laconic voice, 10/10
I'd give her my iodine, nomsayin?
>Everything is on fire
>There's a huge pillar of blue light shooting upwards into the sky
>"Eh, core is probably fine"
what was that light tho
based and kek'd
Ionized particles.
Cherenkov effect
completely normal phenomenom even under minimal radiation
Why'd they go straight up?
Perfectly normal at low levels of radiation comrade
>mfw they look right into the blue lava
shouldn't they have died really quickly?
>Pripyat... home...
I will point out to the comrade that, while indeed Cherenkov effect is an absolutely normal part of reactor functionality, having it a) appear directly above what should be 450 tons of reactor vessel shielding; b) powerful enough to double as an anti-aircraft searchlight IS NOT.
I’ve seen worse
Please. My wife's son is here now do you think I would keep him in Pripyat if it wasn't safe?
he's being delusional
get him in the iffy ermy
You're right. It must be the feed water.
no, it doesnt melt your body in an instant like in raiders of the lost ark but you get your shit roasted up and slowly succumb to radiation sickness.
the guys lasted anywhere from a few weeks to one month (some maybe longer) before they died.
if you were to look into it for 5-10 minutes then you might die quicker, i guess
The radiation went straight up because the hole in the roof was on the top of the reactor. It was essentially a lampshade that went all the way to the ground.
full soundtrack when
One guy kept spamming threads to promote his youtube channel. These awful edits are either that same guy, or it's just redditors. Redditors are fucking sheep who will repeat whatever they see, no matter how garbage it is, especially on here, where they think they're part of some secret insider meme club. Case in point, that abhorrent "boomer" meme that was spammed on literally every board for months, which redditors now repeat unironically, because they think it's the new le funny xD Yea Forums meme. Another prime example is the ENDLESS shitty pepe/wojak edits. They aren’t funny, not even in the slightest, but it’s the new funny meme, so they post it anyway. I think it’s their attempt to fit in when it’s so painfully obvious they don’t belong here. The thought process must be, “people keep calling me a redditor. I know, if I put a Yea Forums meme next to my post, I’ll fit in better! Now I get to call them redditors if they don’t agree with me!” The problem is, their idea of a “Yea Forums meme” is whatever they see on the front page of r/Yea Forums. It’s fucking shocking.
If you're ever confused as to why something painfully unfunny is suddenly popular, the answer is probably redditors. This board is infested with them, so it's especially prevalent here.
getting stabbed in the eye by jaime lannister
if the radiation dose was high enough, could you literally melt?
you do, just not on the spot, it happens in the coming weeks
Behold my creation.
Of course, haven't you played Red Alert 2?
hypothetically speaking, if the human body is 70% water and the rest are solids and semisolids then something like a gamma ray burst not only would melt you but also instantly vaporize you
cool :)
>threads boil down to tripfag tantrums
Seems more like it’s anons, Mr. Deceiver.
Video about finding and isolating a mm-sized fragment of the fuel core in the Chernobyl exclusion zone
Ionized air particles that should have been a gigantic "there's a big fucking problem with the reactor" flag.
Wanna tell me a bit about yourself?
>If all that energy from GRB 080916C could be captured and converted into usable electricity at 100% efficiency, it would produce enough electricity to supply the entire planet earth with 13.5 octillion years of power (according to electricity consumption of 2008).
that's a lot of time
>mfw reading about that lake the Russians were just dumping nuclear material into
And plasma...ize, right?
He knew he was dead anyway
in the next episode I serve the Soviet Union and it's the equivalent of a chest x-ray
Why not? You clearly like the attention. Just tell me a bit about yourself, what does your name mean for example?
>Karachay is the most polluted (open-air) place on Earth from a radiological point of view.[2] The lake accumulated some 4.44 exabecquerels (EBq) of radioactivity over less than one square mile of water,[3] including 3.6 EBq of caesium-137 and 0.74 EBq of strontium-90.[4] For comparison, the Chernobyl disaster released 0.085 EBq of caesium-137, a much smaller amount and over thousands of square miles. (The total Chernobyl release is estimated between 5 to 12 EBq of radioactivity
why the FUCK would we need Iodine?
Go to the infirmary
> iodine cures radiation
lel. woman
god i want to fuck her over the feedwater tank
how are you not banned yet holy shit
Anybody know how many episodes there will be in total?
Why won't you tell me about yourself?
three of them surveyed the core for about a minute, died 2 weeks later
Because I’ve done nothing wrong lol. Some anons like you have been banned before for being so obsessed and spamming though.
Ignore that faggot
fucking christ
5. And if you tell me that isn't enough, I won't believe you.
IIRC women were not allowed on the disaster site. The general idea went that, if worst came to pass, they could just chop your balls off, but in the case of a woman, they'd have to hack her open and cut out a good bit of internals.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Nuclear Engineering Department, and I've been involved in numerous emgerncy tank explosions, and I have over 3.6 confirmed roentgen. I’m the top engineer in the entire Soviet Union. You are nothing to me but just another Khodemchuk. I will send you to the infirmary with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with telling me the core exploded? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting Fomin and Bryukhanov so you better be prepared to go stand on the roof maggot . The roof that wipes out the not great but not horrible thing you call your life. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can infirm you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my dosimeter. Not only am I extensively trained in lowering fuel rods, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Glorious Soviet Nuclear Program and I will use it to its full extent to get water into the reactor core. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have not gone into shock. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, but I’ve seen worse. I will shit feedwater all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking delusional, comrade.
what disaster, im saying i want to take this hysterical woman to the intact feedtank and have sex with her while the core cools
not great but not terrible
Mislink? Otherwise I don't know what that means
what does it taste like
he got stabbed in the eye in GOT
Christ is this fucking loser still here?
someone make a gif out of it please
>Rotation of the heavy thing pushed magnet through a could inducing an electric current
They still teach this to 11 year olds in science class right?
He's delusional, get him to the infirmary
Started watching this lads, what's the black smoking material that Dyatlov is walking past while he walks through the broken glass? I know that's pieces of the core or something but, is it iron or what?
Not exactly, no.
It certainly isn't graphite Comrade
graphite moderators
not graphite
Thanks. That's the things that slow a nuclear reaction right? The tubes they lower or whatever?
Why can't you just look it up ffs.
Why do you have to be a faggot. He’s just asking a question in a fucking thread discussing the show
Settle down zoomer
3.6 - not great, not terrible
He's asking that people describe a nuclear reactor to him. That's something you look up yourself unless you're a woman.
dont be rude
basically yes: quora.com
I was sexually abused when I was young, sorry
slows down neutrons so they can be used for fission
I know i'm going to seem genuinely ignorant with this but I can't tell.
Is this guy actually fucking stupid, or is he trying to make out like nothing is wrong, so he won't get the blame and the commies won't execute him?
nothing, you're just imagining things
the moderator material is used to slow down fast moving neutrons for a more efficient fission chain reaction
Thank you. Can't believe this guy is looking at that stuff and still denying that they are fucked. I guess it would be pretty hard to accept that you are probably dead :/
Shock, fear, denial....yeah once he walked out of the control room and saw the debris I think he knew but didn’t want the blame to fall on him
its a mix of shock and denial and possible sensory overload from his (legitimately very likely) autism irl
>pleasse gib me answers
>thanks :/
Women should be banned from this site.
What the other anons said isn't true:
neutron moderators = slow down fast moving neutrons for more effective fission chain reactions
control rods = slow down the process of fission chain reactions
You can even tell with how the episode starts where the other comrades are asking him what happened and he’s completely dazed out and not responding
*also* his son died of leukemia as a result of his previous nuclear job so its understandable that he had his breakdown, doesn't excuse his actions however.
Sorry I don’t listen to fuckin loser tripfags lmao
Not in the post I was referring to. Faggot
yes, he pretty much went insane the moment he saw the bricks.
not insane as in smearing the walls with his own shit while screaming like hes on fire but more the 'complete denial at all costs, while holding onto the best case scenario despite irrefutable evidence insane'
*dabs on you*
Comrade Dyatlov pls respond
I find it hilarious that someone so pathetic is obsessed with being "anti anglo and anti west." You are literally having the exact opposite of the effect you are trying to achieve, you absolute autist. Imagine spending hours and hours arguing with people online to fill the void in your life. I can find solace in the fact that you will literally never be happy or successful in your life, you pathetic fucking freak.
You tripfags are a pathetic bunch.
Thank you. So the graphite is probably neutron moderators, as the control rods seem to be made of boron and silver and stuff.
I'm going to do lots of reading, just, felt like I needed that to make it through understanding roughly what is going on.
Tripfagging is a mental illness, why do you think so many of them end up killing themselves?
He’s some fat loser who’s never touched a pussy in his life. The jokes been on him from the start
delicious Sneedwater
You’re only mad because I’m right. All I did was state an opinion and defend it.
Now, I have spoken directly to Deputy Secretary Janny.
Janny spoke to Deputy Chief Moderator, Moderator to Central Committee member Admin, and Admin to General Secretary Hiroshimoot.
Because the Central Committee has the greatest respect for the work of the Kinobyl Executive Committee, they have asked me to brief you on matters as they stand, so...
First, the tripfag... is well under control. And second, because the efforts of the Kinobyl shitposting industry are considered key state secrets, it is important that we ensure that this incident has no adverse consequences...
Whatever you say you delusional retard. Enjoy being institutionalized when you finally crack.
he genuinely doesn't think its possible for the core to explode, the full workings of the reactor were a state secret
its always the same when a new unprecedented disaster hits, imagine a world where anyone can just walk into the cockpit of a plane and start making demands, what where they thinking
I’m not stuck here with you. You’re stuck here with me.
yes, the control rods will leach neutrons without emitting any in return. another problem with the Chernobyl control rods was that they were tipped with graphite, so for a few seconds as the control rods drop, there would be an increase of temperature inside the reactor. shitty design.
Sick reference, autist. The difference is I can leave this thread, while you are stuck here obsessing over every single reply.
I’m sure.
take a look at the archives, he stops posting only for sleep. mummy probably cooks his meals for him too for maximum shitposting time
You know what makes it even more sad? In the other thread which stopped because of this freak he was posting over five hours ago. That means he has literally sat here for five hours constantly begging for attention from anonymous people online.
Why would they tip them in graphite? Easier to manufacturer or something?
Lol look at these scrubs. Can’t even max their posting habits. Git gud.
Why do people find it so hard to believe that people in the USSR wouldn't try kidding themselves for as long as possible that something hasn't gone terribly wrong in an experiment they were overseeing?
I don't think that's the reason, but I'm not entirely sure.
he's been shitting up Alita threads too
Why was there liquid leaking in the control room on the desk? Did he piss himself or is that the roof leaking? Or something else?
Lol I don’t even remember this
I can kind of understand him, i think it is a kind of personality flaw or something but when it comes to anonymous internet discussion, i just really enjoy ruining things. Like forcing a meme and seeing the fruits of your labors when a thread is ruined is fun. In 2017, on gif and wsg ylyls i started and successfully forced the skidaddle skidoodle shit for a long time, waiting for the threads to hit image limit and immediately posting the same webms in the top and some people got mad. It was great
So i think i get why he does it, even if it amounts to nothing in the end.
He and Chubby got sprayed by a firehose.
stop making competing generals
1. You start with a Magnet that can spin with South and North poles
2. Fixed Magnets around outside of spinny one with N & S poles also. Thesefixed magnets are attached to electric grid.
3. At rest, Magnets on spinner align with opposite poles around outside cos opposites attract
4. High pressure hot steam pushes spinner magnet round. When N on spinner aligns with N (and S with S) on fixed outer magnets the repelling force between the 2 same poles converts to an electric current and shoots into the electric grid giving you power
5.Step 4 happens around 50 times per second in UK power stations giving a Hertz value of 50.
ah okay
I think you should go up on the roof and take a look, OP. You're delusional. I've seen it before.
Also, the dude that played Maester Luwin was killing it as the KGB Vampire. I hope he's back.
That poor bastard should have just balked and took the bullet.
Not great, but not terrible.
>t. boomer
He did a fantastic job in this. I could feel his fear.
>ya blew that core, dinncha steyvun?
He was the only one who was being pro-active and was the first to twig what had happened and they gave him a death sentence. Poor fella
>3.6 EBq of caesium
Not great, but not terrible.